Late Items
General Meeting
Wednesday 27 November 2013
Roma Administration Centre
Date: 27 November 2013
Mayor: Councillor R S Loughnan
Deputy Mayor: Councillor W S Wason
Councillors: Councillor J L Chambers
Councillor R J Denton
Councillor P J Flynn
Councillor W M Newman
Councillor C J O’Neil
Councillor M L Price
Councillor D J Schefe
Chief Executive Officer: Ms Julie Reitano
Senior Management: Mr Michael Parker (Acting Director Infrastructure Services)
Mr Rob Hayward (Director Development, Facilities & Environmental Services)
Officers: Ms Jane Frith (Coordinator Corporate Communications)
Please find attached agenda for the General Meeting to be held at the Roma Administration Centre on November 27, 2013 at 9.00am.
Julie Reitano
Chief Executive Officer
Maranoa Regional Council
General Meeting - 27 November 2013
Item Subject
L Late Items
L.1 Roma CBD Advisory Committee Recommendation ................................. 2
Prepared by: Cameron O'Neil, Councillor
Attachment 1: Committee Recommendation Listing.................................... 5
Attachment 2: Alternate Crossing Design - Arthur Street Roma................ 7
Attachment 3: Alternate Crossing Design - Hawthorne Street................... 8
Attachment 4: New Crossing Design - Wyndham Street............................ 9
Attachment 5: Alternate Crossing Design - Wyndham Street.................. 10
Attachment 6: Streetscape Images & Bottle Tree Sculpture Designs..... 11
L.2 Local Government Boundary Anomalies................................................... 18
Prepared by: Tanya Mansfield, Manager - Facilities
Attachment 1: Maps - Local Government Boundary Anomolies.............. 21
Attachment 2: Map Showing General Locality of Lots.............................. 24
L.3 Endorsement of Elected Member Attendance at Conferences/Events 25
Prepared by: Kelly Rogers, Coordinator - Elected Members & Community Engagement
L.4 Application for subsidy towards fencing costs which will allow the removal of three grids..................................................................................................................... 27
Prepared by: Michael Parker, Director - Infrastructure Services (Acting)
Attachment 1: Letter from Bungil Shire Council to Mr Rodney Payne Re: Lincensed Grids - Mt Abundance Road Dated 11 September 2006 29
Attachment 2: Letter from Bungil Shire Council to Mr Rodney Payne Re: Grids on Mt Abundance Road Dated 3 June 2005.......................... 32
Attachment 3: Letter from Rodney Payne Re: Application for subsidy towards fencing costs which will allow removal of three grids on Mt Abundance Road Dated 26 November 2013.................... 35
Attachment 4: Map of Area Re: Applicaton of Fencing Costs Mr Rodney Payne Mt Abundance Road................................................................... 37
L.5 Seal Extension - Badgery Street, Roma...................................................... 38
Prepared by: Michael Parker, Director - Infrastructure Services (Acting)
Attachment 1: Letter from Ann Prow 8 Mullavey Street, Roma Re: Consideration of Extension to Approved Road Works - Badgery Street, Roma Dated 26 November 2013..................................................... 40
Attachment 2: Map of Area - Badgery Street, Roma.................................. 41
Councillor Report
Meeting: General 27 November 2013 |
Date: 22 November 2013 |
Item Number: L.1 |
File Number: D13/57607 |
SUBJECT HEADING: Roma CBD Advisory Committee Recommendation
Classification: Open Access
Author & Councillor’s Title: Cr Cameron O'Neil
That Council:
1. Consider the proposed alternate crossing design for implementation in the Roma CBD, as opposed to the recommended mid-street crossing design contained in the ‘Roma Placemaking Plan’;
2. Consider approval for each of the remaining recommendations contained in the attaching table, for input into detailed design for re-development of the Roma CBD;
3. Formally thank members for their contribution on the committee;
4. Through the CEO, commence detailed design and project planning for redevelopment of the Roma CBD.
In December 2011 Council adopted the Maranoa Placemaking Strategy, following extensive community engagement to develop Placemaking plans for communities in the Maranoa region.
As part of the ‘Roma Placemaking Plan’ a number of mid-street crossing treatments were recommended for the Roma CBD, as was the possibility of introducing regulated parking to expand, in part, the availability of car parks in the Roma CBD.
Council approved the formulation of the committee to gain a greater understanding of a number concerns expressed by the community regarding parking spaces that would be reduced as a result of proceeding with the proposed mid-street crossings.
It also provided Council an opportunity to facilitate further community engagement prior to implementation of the Roma Placemaking Plan.
The committee objectives were to:
· Provide a forum for open discussion to problem solve and provide recommendations in approaching redevelopment of the Roma CBD.
· To have respect for roles, views and the due process of meeting to discuss the future of the Roma CBD.
· Provide recommendations for amendments to existing plans for the Roma CBD indicated in Maranoa Placemaking Strategy Roma, for Council’s consideration.
· Contribute to communication and implementation of the final redevelopment plans for the Roma CBD, once formally endorsed by Council.
· Facilitate communication between Council, business groups and community members
The committee recommendations were put forward for initial review at the Council Workshop on 12 November, 2013. Those recommendations are now put forward formally for Council consideration.
As Chair of the committee, I believe the committee has successfully worked together to provide a list of recommendations that considers the needs of business owners/operators and shoppers in the Roma CBD. Furthermore that the committee has met the objectives as described, ahead of time, and provided a number of solid recommendations that are attached for Council’s consideration.
One key element of the proposed recommendations is the suggestion of an alternate crossing design, as opposed to the mid street crossings (as recommended in the ‘Roma Placemaking Plan’). These suggestions are attached to the report, and it is requested Council give due consideration to the committee recommendation in considering final approval for crossing treatments.
I would like to point out that the committee often contributed ideas that extended beyond the boundary of the CBD and the objectives of the committee. At some point in the future Council may like to consider the introduction, or support the formulation of a community committee that could provide further input into assisting Council to set future priorities for the beautification and improvement of Roma town.
I also would like to acknowledge that during the term of the committee, members proposed the implementation of Regulated Parking in the Roma CBD and the introduction of a 40km/hr speed limit for motorists. On the strength of these recommendations, both were subsequently approved by Council at the General Meeting on 24 July 2013.
Further work will now need to be undertaken to commence detailed design and planning for redevelopment of the Roma CBD, to allow for Council to give consideration to prioritization of works before commencement.
Attached to the report are images that support the creation of a town ‘vibe’ or town identity, as intimated by members.
Roma CBD Advisory Committee members
MRC Councillors
MRC Manager – Infrastructure Planning & Design
Policy Implications:
Financial Resource Implications:
A capital budget of $300,000 for 2013/14 has been allocated for implementation of Roma CBD redevelopment.
Supporting Documentation:
1View |
Committee Recommendation Listing |
d13/57559 |
2View |
Alternate Crossing Design - Arthur Street Roma |
d13/57635 |
3View |
Alternate Crossing Design - Hawthorne Street |
d13/57636 |
4View |
New Crossing Design - Wyndham Street |
d13/57651 |
5View |
Alternate Crossing Design - Wyndham Street |
d13/57652 |
6View |
Streetscape Images & Bottle Tree Sculpture Designs |
d13/57676 |
Committee Recommendation Listing |
Roma CBD Advisory Committee Recommendations
‘Wish List’ Item |
Technical Comment |
Further Comments |
Sub Committee Recommendation |
Vote In/Out |
1 |
Where possible, utilise bottle trees to enhance Roma’s connection with the native tree |
No change to Memorial Avenue, other than to replace trees that die. Continue Bottle Tree plantation where possible rather than alternate natives. |
Include |
In |
2 |
Consider additional parking for caravans or long vehicles |
· Each additional extended length parking bay will replace a minimum of two standard length parking bays (Parallel). · The QAS Carpark does not have sufficient width to allow turning of long vehicles. · Maybe designate streets adjacent to Woolworths? (6) |
More in current car park and Wyndham & Arthur Streets (northern side of McDowall) Extend the parks (10 – 15 recommended) |
Include |
In |
3 |
Utilise timber to finish off streetscape to make it more visually pleasing. |
· Consider finish to timber and associated maintenance costs |
Similar to Bassett Park, of timber construction. Placed on key intersections around landscaping, or stand alone. Artistically part of story telling for Roma’s history. |
In |
4 |
Alternate CBD Crossing Design |
Alternate design developed |
Design to be included as part of submission to Council. |
Include |
In |
5 |
Include community gathering points, both scattered and a larger combined area |
· Consider requirements for separation from vehicular traffic (fumes, noise, safety, etc) |
Covered to a degree in Placemaking Plan. Street intersections identified as small gathering points. Larger point in the Arts Precinct. Activity based so as to not increase loitering & vandalism. Examples, kids play area, water space, markets, alfresco, art. |
Include |
In |
6 |
Paint old style buildings on McDowall Street to enhance visual appeal |
Low priority; monitor what Toowoomba Regional Council progresses. Later phase of project. |
Include |
In |
7 |
Incorporate drinking bubblers at key locations |
· Non- slip surface surrounding · Water main available both sides of McDowall St |
Incorporate at meeting points and designed from an artistic perspective to complement theme. |
Include |
In |
8 |
Bottle tree sculptures on location throughout the CBD. |
Metal construction; include other designs in addition to bottle trees. Tender to local artists. |
Include |
In |
9 |
Pedestrian crossing on Wyndham Street |
· Possible, requires consideration of location · May result in loss of car parks |
Refer to design as provided by Kym Downey. Audit of number of available taxi bays to be undertaken (with a view to reducing the number of taxi bays on Wyndham Street) |
Include |
In |
10 |
CBD entry signage |
For location on Bowen & Quintin Streets |
Include |
In |
11 |
Disabled Parking |
Specific location to be determined |
The provision of disabled parking to be located in the vicinity of the Chemist on McDowall Street |
Include |
In |
Streetscape Images & Bottle Tree Sculpture Designs |
Samples of designs from around the world
Officer Report
Meeting: General 27 November 2013 |
Date: 20 November 2013 |
Item Number: L.2 |
File Number: D13/56620 |
Subject Heading: Local Government Boundary Anomalies
Classification: Open Access
Name of Applicant:
Author & Officer’s Title: Tanya Mansfield, Manager - Facilities
Executive Summary: The Department of Natural Resources and Mines has written to Council identifying an anomaly pertaining to the Maranoa Regional Council local government boundary adjacent to the Banana Shire, Western Downs Regional Council and Balonne Shire Council local government boundary.
This report seeks a recommendation from Council to make an application to the Minister for Local Government to refer the matter to the Local Government Change Commissioner (Electoral Commission of Queensland) to change the anomalies.
That Council: (1) Receive and note the report titled “Local Government Boundary Anomalies”; and (2) Apply to the Minister for Local Government for a referral of the matter to the Local Government Change Commissioner (Electoral Commission of Queensland) to assess the proposed boundary change which affects Lot 4 on SP204532, Lot 9 on AB244, Lot 9 on SP236780, Lot 22 on SP248280, Lot 70 on WV631, Lot 368 on FTY535, Lots 5 and 6 on SP215322, in accordance with the Local Government Act 2009. |
Body of Report:
This report presents information in relation to local government boundary anomalies as identified by the Department of Natural Resources and Mines.
The anomalies occur where the Council boundary bisects property lots, effectively dividing the parcel of land between two different Council areas. As a consequence these properties are sometimes split into two different localities which cause further confusion for landowners, Council and essential services.
The anomalies identified along the Maranoa Regional Council boundary adjacent to the Banana Shire and Western Downs Regional Council’s are delineated on the attached maps:-
(a) CHQ024459/845 – Lot 4 on SP204532 and Lot 9 on AB244 – Maranoa Regional Council (Locality of Pony Hills) and Banana Shire Council (Locality of Baroondah).
(b) CHQ024459/848 – Lot 9 on SP236780, Lot 22 on SP248280, Lot 70 on WV631 and Lot 368 on FTY535 – Maranoa Regional Council (Localities of Wallumbilla North and Yuleba North) and Western Downs Regional Council (Localities of Bundi and Clifford).
The anomalies identified along the Maranoa Regional Council boundary adjacent to Balonne Shire Council is delineated on the attached map:-
(a) CHQ024459/660 – Lots 5 and 6 on SP215322 – Maranoa Regional Council (Localities of Wellesley and Wycombe) and Balonne Shire Council (Locality of St George).
The Department of Natural Resources and Mines has also corresponded with the Banana Shire Council, Western Downs Regional Council and Balonne Shire Council on the anomalies.
This report seeks Council’s approval for an application to the Minister for Local Government for referral to the Change Commissioner for a determination on a local government boundary amendment.
Consultation (internal/external):
Max Barrie, Director Program Implementation and Review – Department of Local Government
Kym Downey, Manager, Infrastructure Planning & Design
+Josephine Horsfall, Coordinator Legal and Property
Dana Harrison, Coordinator Rates
No community engagement was undertaken in relation to the proposed boundary realignment.
Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):
There are no strategic or operational risks identified.
Policy Implications:
In accordance with the Local Government Act 2009, the Minister for Local Government is responsible for formalizing local government boundaries within Queensland.
In accordance with the Place Names Act 1994, the Minister for Natural Resources and Mines is responsible for formalizing the suburb/locality boundaries within Queensland.
This process has been undertaken as per relevant legislative requirements. There are no policy implications in relation to this matter.
Financial Resource Implications:
The preparation of this report has been undertaken in accordance with allocated funds within the Facilities Budget.
Council’s Rates Team has advised the following valuation and rating figures for the affected lots:-
Lot and Plan |
Valuation |
Annual Rates Payable |
Lot 5 on SP215322 is rated with Lot 10 on EG 30 |
$225,000 |
$1,544.18 |
Lot 6 on SP215322 |
$90,000 |
$676.44 |
Lot 4 on SP 204532 and Lot 9 on AB 244 |
$750,000 |
$5,147.28 |
Lot 9 on SP 236780 |
$44,500 |
$649.92 |
Lot 22 on SP 248280 and Lot 50 WV 1511 |
$920,000 |
$6,313.98 |
Lot 70 on WV 631, Lot 81 WV 1504, Lot 71 WV 1546 and Lot 69 on WV 618. |
$270,000 |
$1,853.02 |
Lot 368 on FTY 535 |
Combabula State Forest |
Link to Corporate Plan:
Corporate Plan 2009-2013 — 8.2.3(a) To implement Council’s governance policies and procedures in an evolving organisational environment whilst ensuring legislative relevance, consistency and fairness in application.
Supporting Documentation:
1View |
Maps - Local Government Boundary Anomolies |
D13/56643 |
2View |
Map Showing General Locality of Lots |
D13/56917 |
Report authorised by:
Robert Hayward, Director - Development, Facilities & Environmental Services
Officer Report
Meeting: General 27 November 2013 |
Date: 25 November 2013 |
Item Number: L.3 |
File Number: D13/58005 |
Subject Heading: Endorsement of Elected Member Attendance at Conferences/Events
Classification: Open Access
Name of Applicant: N/a
Location: Toowoomba
Author & Officer’s Title: Kelly Rogers, Coordinator - Elected Members & Community Engagement
Executive Summary: The report seeks formalisation of Elected Member attendance at conferences and meetings as part of advocacy activities and/or enhancing strategy and policy development for Maranoa Regional Council.
That Council endorse the attendance of Cr. Joy Denton at the Wellcamp Airport Open Day on 24 November 2013 in Toowoomba.
Body of Report:
Cr. Denton attended the Wellcamp Airport Open Day in Toowoomba on 24 November 2013.
The open day was hosted by Wagners to give the community a first-hand look at progress of the new airport. The Wellcamp Airport is Australia’s first privately funded Greenfield public airport since Tullamarine, Vitoria, which was built over 47 years ago.
The multi-million dollar investment will not only benefit the Toowoomba community but all of South West Queensland. In time it is envisaged that airlines will service connections to locations such as Sydney, Melbourne, Cairns, Adelaide, Mackay, Roma & Emerald.
As Portfolio Chair – Airports, Cr. Denton attended the opening on Council’s behalf to show support and interest in this initiative on behalf of the Region.
All Councillors were invited to this event, and Cr. Denton as portfolio Chair for Airports attended the opening on Council’s behalf to show support and interest in this initiative that one day will benefit the region and the south western corner of Queensland.
Consultation (internal/external):
MRC Councillors
Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):
The Act requires that Councillors’ attendance at conferences and deputations be permitted by the local government. Unauthorised Councillor Attendance at conferences could compromise insurance entitlements should circumstances arise that lead to the submission of an insurance claim.
Policy Implications:
Councillor Expense & Provision of Facilities Policy.
Financial Resource Implications:
Estimated Costs
Event Attendance: Free of charge
Accommodation & Meals: Estimated at $250
Travel: Cr. Denton travelled travel by car in a Council fully maintained vehicle.
Total Estimated cost: $250
Link to Corporate Plan:
Corporate Plan 2009-2013 — 8.1.1(b) To structure Council’s governance functions in a manner so as to allow effective and efficient utilisation of elected members time and resources to the benefit of the constituents which Council serves.
Supporting Documentation:
Report authorised by:
Officer Report
Meeting: General 27 November 2013 |
Date: 26 November 2013 |
Item Number: L.4 |
File Number: D13/58312 |
Subject Heading: Application for subsidy towards fencing costs which will allow the removal of three grids
Classification: Open Access
Name of Applicant: Mr. Rodney Payne
Location: Mt Abundance Road
Author & Officer’s Title: Michael Parker, Director - Infrastructure Services (Acting)
Executive Summary: Council has received a letter requesting consideration of payment of financial assistance towards the cost of fencing two remaining unfenced sections of the road running through “Utopia” (Lot 13 WV 1701), and that Council remove the three grids and associated gate structures and place on “Utopia”.
The applicant has previously (2005 & 2006) received advice from Bungil Shire that financial assistance was available.
That Council consider whether it will honour the advice provided by Bungil Shire or create a subsidy scheme as an incentive for fencing that allows removal of grids.
Body of Report:
Copies of previous advices by Bungil Shire Council are provided as background.
Consultation (internal/external):
Councillor Scott Wason
Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):
Policy Implications:
Council has not adopted a Grids & Gates Policy as yet but it has been workshopped and a subsidy is not in the draft Policy.
Financial Resource Implications:
The value of any contribution (if any) and the cost of removal of the grids.
Link to Corporate Plan:
Corporate Plan 2009-2013 —
8.5.1(a) To provide professional and technical engineering advice and support
for Council in an effective and timely
Supporting Documentation:
1View |
Letter from Bungil Shire Council to Mr Rodney Payne Re: Lincensed Grids - Mt Abundance Road Dated 11 September 2006 |
D13/58314 |
2View |
Letter from Bungil Shire Council to Mr Rodney Payne Re: Grids on Mt Abundance Road Dated 3 June 2005 |
D13/58316 |
3View |
Letter from Rodney Payne Re: Application for subsidy towards fencing costs which will allow removal of three grids on Mt Abundance Road Dated 26 November 2013 |
D13/58321 |
4View |
Map of Area Re: Applicaton of Fencing Costs Mr Rodney Payne Mt Abundance Road |
D13/58322 |
Report authorised by:
Letter from Bungil Shire Council to Mr Rodney Payne Re: Lincensed Grids - Mt Abundance Road Dated 11 September 2006 |
Letter from Bungil Shire Council to Mr Rodney Payne Re: Grids on Mt Abundance Road Dated 3 June 2005 |
Letter from Rodney Payne Re: Application for subsidy towards fencing costs which will allow removal of three grids on Mt Abundance Road Dated 26 November 2013 |
Officer Report
Meeting: General 27 November 2013 |
Date: 26 November 2013 |
Item Number: L.5 |
File Number: D13/58334 |
Subject Heading: Seal Extension - Badgery Street, Roma
Classification: Open Access
Name of Applicant: Ms. Ann Prow
Location: Badgery Street, Roma
Author & Officer’s Title: Michael Parker, Director - Infrastructure Services (Acting)
Executive Summary: Council has received a request to extend bitumen seal works, currently being carried out by Council, by 40 metres, to provide an all weather access to a residence situated in Badgery St, Roma.
That Council approve the bitumen seal extension on the Capital works in progress job in Badgery St, Roma, to provide a sealed access to the residence at 8 Mullavey Street, which only has access to Badgery Street, at an estimated cost of $4000 with funding to be drawn from the existing Capital works budget.
Body of Report:
Council currently has a day labour Capital works job in progress; providing a seal to the first residence in Badgery Street, and extension of the seal in Nuss Street to allow a seal connection.
Ms. Prow lives 40 metres from the proposed limit of the current works, and only has access to Badgery Street from her residence.
Whilst all of the equipment is on site, it provides economics of scale to extend the seal by 40m to provide an improved access to the residence.
Consultation (internal/external):
Ms. Ann Prow
Shirish Satdev, Technical Officer
Julian McEwan, Manager (Roads & Drainage North)
Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):
Policy Implications:
Financial Resource Implications:
Estimated cost of $4000 in addition to existing Capital project .
Link to Corporate Plan:
Corporate Plan 2009-2013 —
8.5.1(a) To provide professional and technical engineering advice and support
for Council in an effective and timely
Supporting Documentation:
1View |
Letter from Ann Prow 8 Mullavey Street, Roma Re: Consideration of Extension to Approved Road Works - Badgery Street, Roma Dated 26 November 2013 |
D13/58336 |
2View |
Map of Area - Badgery Street, Roma |
D13/58337 |
Report authorised by:
Letter from Ann Prow 8 Mullavey Street, Roma Re: Consideration of Extension to Approved Road Works - Badgery Street, Roma Dated 26 November 2013 |