Description: Maranoa Logo Process


Business Paper


General Meeting


Wednesday 27 August 2014


Roma Administration Centre




Date: 22 August 2014



Mayor:                                                   Councillor R S Loughnan


Deputy Mayor:                                        Councillor W S Wason

Councillors:                                            Councillor J L Chambers

                                                              Councillor R J Denton

                                                              Councillor P J Flynn

                                                              Councillor W M Newman

                                                              Councillor C J O’Neil

                                                              Councillor M L Price

                                                              Councillor D J Schefe


Chief Executive Officer:                          Ms Julie Reitano


Senior Management:                               Mr Cameron Castles (Director Infrastructure Services)

                                                              Mr Rob Hayward (Director Development, Facilities & Environmental Services)

                                                              Ms Sharon Frank (Director Corporate, Community & Commercial Services)


Officers:                                                 Ms Jane Frith (Coordinator Corporate Communications)


Please find attached agenda for the General Meeting to be held at the Roma Administration Centre on August 27, 2014 at 9.00am.

Julie Reitano

Chief Executive Officer


Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  27 August 2014


Item       Subject


1            Welcome


2            Present/Apologies


3            Confirmation of Minutes

              General  13 August 2014.................................................................................................. 8


4            Business arising from Minutes


5            On the Table  


6            Presentations/Petitions and Deputations


7            Consideration of notices of business


8            Consideration of notices of motion  


9            Reception of notices of motion for next meeting




10          Office of the CEO

10.1      2015 Annual Show (Public) Holidays.......................................................... 54

Prepared by:      Donald  Wells, Manager - Human Resources

Attachment :      Attorney-General and Minister for Justice - Requests for Special Holidays for 2015 - 03/07/2014............................................ 56


11          Corporate, Community & Commercial Services

11.1      Council Initiated Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes......................... 58

Prepared by:      Kelly Rogers, Coordinator - Elected Members & Community Engagement

Attachment 1:    Confirmed Minutes - Airport Advisory Committee - 02.07.14      60

Attachment 2:    Roma Saleyards Advisory Committee Meeting - Confirmed Minutes - 26/06/14................................................................................. 65

Attachment 3:    Wild Dog Advisory Committee Meeting - 12/05/14........... 70

Attachment 4:    Confirmed Minutes - Bassett Park Advisory Committee Meeting - 11/06/14................................................................................... 77

11.2      Delegation to Council Powers to the Position of Chief Executive Officer: Local Law No. 4 (Local Government Controlled Areas, Facilities and Roads) 2011 82

Prepared by:      Christina Tincknell, Coordinator - Corporate, Community & Commercial Services

Attachment :      Instrument of Delegation under Local Law No.4 (Compliance Notice - Requiring owner of land adjoining road to fence land)     85

11.3      Funding Submission to Round Four of the Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Programme......................................................................................................... 88

Prepared by:      Christina Tincknell, Coordinator - Corporate, Community & Commercial Services

11.4      Delegation of Council Powers to the Position of Chief Executive Officer: Local Law No.1 (Administration) 2011............................................................................. 91

Prepared by:      Christina Tincknell, Coordinator - Corporate, Community & Commercial Services

Attachment :      Instrument of Delegation to the Chief Executive Officer under Local Law No.1 (Administration) 2011.......................................... 93


12          Infrastructure Services

12.1      Temporary Ground Handling Office Space............................................... 99

Prepared by:      Ben Jones, Manager - Airports (Roma, Injune, Surat & Mitchell)


13          Development, Facilities & Environmental Services

13.1      Office for Liquor Gaming Regulation Gaming Machine Submission for Council Comment.......................................................................................................... 101

Prepared by:      Vincent(Vince) Stephens, Specialist - Environmental Health & Waste

Attachment :      Department of Justice & Gaming Regulation................. 104

13.2      Office for Liquor Gaming Regulation Gaming Machine Submission for Council Comment.......................................................................................................... 162

Prepared by:      Vincent(Vince) Stephens, Specialist - Environmental Health & Waste

Attachment :      Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation - Injune Hotel 164

13.3      Development Application for a Material Change of Use - "Extractive Industry" and Environmentally Relevant Activity (ERA) 16 - Extractive and Screening Activities (100,000-1,000,000 tonne per annum) File: 2013/18763........................ 214

Prepared by:      Christopher Tickner, Town Planner

Attachment 1:    Body of Report...................................................................... 227

Attachment 2:    Development Plans............................................................. 243

Attachment 3:    Department of State Development, Infrastructure & Planning - Concurrence Agency Response...................................... 245

Attachment 4:    Environmental Authority Permit........................................ 251

13.4      Membership Murray Darling Association Inc. 2014/15.......................... 263

Prepared by:      Sandra Crosby, Manager - Environmental Health, Compliance & Waste

Attachment :      Invoice Murray Darling Association.................................. 265

13.5      Development Application - Material Change of Use - "Extractive Industry" (up to 100,000 tonne per annum) File: 2014/18848............................................ 266

Prepared by:      Christopher Tickner, Town Planner

Tammie Davidson, Support Officer - Planning & Building Development Support

                         Attachment 1:       Body of Report...................................................................... 280

Attachment 2:    Development Plans............................................................. 294

Attachment 3:    Department of State Development, Infrastructure & Planning - Concurrence Agency Response...................................... 359

                            Attachment 4:   Department of Environment and Heritage Protection –

                                                   Environmental Authority Permit.............................................. 363

13.6      Use of Council Owned Land........................................................................ 367

Prepared by:      Josephine Horsfall, Coordinator - Property & Legal

Attachment :      Map - Proposed lease area A - Lot 3 on SP230317....... 369

13.7      Material Change of Use - "Accommodation Units" (Expansion of Aged Care Facility - Additional 20 rooms) File: 2014/18907...................................................... 370

Prepared by:      Christopher Tickner, Town Planner

Attachment 1:    Body of Report...................................................................... 379

Attachment 2:    Development Plans............................................................. 392

Attachment 3:    Adopted Infrastructure Charges Notice........................... 400

13.8      Funding Agreement for Roma Sewerage Augmentation Project between Santos GLNG and Maranoa Regional Council...................................................... 403

Prepared by:      Susan (Sue) Sands, (Acting) Coordinator - Local Development & Council Events

13.9      Funding Agreement for Royalties for Regions Road Projects........... 405

Prepared by:      Susan (Sue) Sands, (Acting) Coordinator - Local Development & Council Events

13.10    Permission to Occupy - Gallas Fox Park.................................................. 407

Prepared by:      Tanya Mansfield, Manager - Facilities

Attachment :      Roma Rugby Union Club - Email Request..................... 409


Status Reports


14          Office of the CEO


15          Corporate, Community & Commercial Services


16          Corporate Services


17          Infrastructure Services


18          Commercial Business


19          Building, Facilities & Environmental Services


Next General Meeting



Confidential Items


In accordance with the provisions of section 275 of the Local Government Regulation 2012, a local government may resolve to close a meeting to the public to discuss confidential items that it’s Councillors or members consider it necessary to close the meeting.



C           Confidential Items

C.1        Applications for payment arrangements

              Classification:      Closed Access

Local Government  Regulation 2012 Section 275(d) rating concessions.

C.2        Supply Meat - Feral Animal Coordinated Baiting Campaign

              Classification:      Closed Access

Local Government  Regulation 2012 Section 275(e) contracts proposed to be made by it.

C.3        3 month extention of Trial Composting Operation at Roma Landfill

              Classification:      Closed Access

Local Government  Regulation 2012 Section 275(e) contracts proposed to be made by it.


              Classification:      Closed Access

Local Government  Regulation 2012 Section 275(e) contracts proposed to be made by it.

C.5        Roma Saleyards Truck Stop - Project Management

              Classification:      Closed Access

Local Government  Regulation 2012 Section 275(h) other business for which a public discussion would be likely to prejudice the interests of the local government or someone else, or enable a person to gain a financial advantage.

C.6        Roma Flood Mitigation Project - Ostwald Bros Contract Variation - 13/24

              Classification:      Closed Access

Local Government  Regulation 2012 Section 275(e) contracts proposed to be made by it.

C.7        Funding Agreement for Roma Saleyards Washdown Project between Santos GLNG and Maranoa Regional Council

              Classification:      Closed Access

Local Government  Regulation 2012 Section 275(e) contracts proposed to be made by it.

C.8        Monthly Business Unit Report – Airport

              Classification:      Closed Access

Local Government  Regulation 2012 Section 275(h) other business for which a public discussion would be likely to prejudice the interests of the local government or someone else, or enable a person to gain a financial advantage.

C.9        Construction of Toilet Amenities

              Classification:      Closed Access

Local Government  Regulation 2012 Section 275(e) contracts proposed to be made by it.

C.10      Panel of Providers - Design & Construct Services

              Classification:      Closed Access

Local Government  Regulation 2012 Section 275(h) other business for which a public discussion would be likely to prejudice the interests of the local government or someone else, or enable a person to gain a financial advantage.

C.11      Roma Saleyards - Monthly Business Unit Financial Report - June 2014

              Classification:      Closed Access

Local Government  Regulation 2012 Section 275(h) other business for which a public discussion would be likely to prejudice the interests of the local government or someone else, or enable a person to gain a financial advantage.

C.12      Update on Roma Pool

              Classification:      Closed Access

Local Government  Regulation 2012 Section 275(h) other business for which a public discussion would be likely to prejudice the interests of the local government or someone else, or enable a person to gain a financial advantage.

C.13      Minor Amendments to Organisational Structure

              Classification:      Closed Access

Local Government  Regulation 2012 Section 275(a) the appointment, dismissal or discipline of employees.

C.14      Update on Marra Marra Road

              Classification:      Closed Access

Local Government  Regulation 2012 Section 275(h) other business for which a public discussion would be likely to prejudice the interests of the local government or someone else, or enable a person to gain a financial advantage.

C.15      Roma Airport Expansion Project Origin APLNG Funding Agreement

              Classification:      Closed Access

Local Government  Regulation 2012 Section 275(e) contracts proposed to be made by it.

C.16      Queensland Treasury Corporation
Quarry Business Review - Post Advisory Analysis

              Classification:      Closed Access

Local Government  Regulation 2012 Section 275(e) contracts proposed to be made by it.


Councillor Business


20          Councillor Business

22.1      Wild Dog Advisory Committee Recommendations............................... 410

Prepared by:      Jan Chambers, Councillor

Attachment 1:    Unconfirmed Minutes - Wild Dog Advisory Committee - 18/08/14     414

Attachment 2:    Draft Proposal - Drought Assistance Funding Project.. 420

22.2      Airport Advisory Committee Recommendations................................... 424

Prepared by:      Joy Denton, Councillor

Attachment :      Unconfirmed Minutes - Airport Advisory Committee - 06/08/14  426




Minutes of the General Meeting of maranoa Regional Council held at Roma Administration Centre on 13 August 2014 commencing at 9.00am




Mayor Cr R S Loughnan chaired the meeting with Deputy Mayor Cr W S Wason, Cr J L Chambers, Cr R J Denton, Cr P J Flynn, Cr W M Newman, Cr C J O’Neil, Cr M L Price, Cr D J Schefe, Chief Executive Officer – Julie Reitano, Coordinator Corporate Communications – Jane Frith, and Kelly Rogers Minutes Officer in attendance.



Director Infrastructure Services – Cameron Castles, Director Corporate, Community & Commercial Services – Sharon Frank, Manager Community Services – Julie Neil, Manager Airports (Roma, Injune, Surat & Mitchell) – Ben Jones, Manager Facilities – Tanya Mansfield, Manager Economic and Community Development – Ed Sims,  (Acting) Coordinator Local Development & Events – Susan Sands, Manager Planning and Building Development – Danielle Pearn, Coordinator Planning – David Fermer, Town Planner – Christopher Tickner, Specialist Community Care Transition – Melissa Wathen, Specialist Business Development – Ryan Gittins, and Local Development Officer Roma – Janet Hogarth.




There were no guests in attendance at the meeting.




The Mayor welcomed all present and declared the meeting open at 9.09am.




There were no apologies for the meeting.


Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution No. GM/08.2014/01

Moved Cr Chambers                                                      Seconded Cr O'Neil  

That the minutes of the General Meeting (13-23.07.14) held on 23 July 2014, and the minutes of the Special Budget Meeting (1-23.07.14) held on 23 July 2014 be confirmed.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Business Arising FROM MiNUTES


There was no business arising from the minutes.


On the Table


There were no items for discussion on the table.


Presentations/Petitions and Deputations


There were no presentations/petitions or deputations at the meeting.


Consideration of notices of business


There were no notices of business for consideration.


Consideration of notices of motion


There were no notices of motion for consideration.

Reception of notices of motion for next meeting


No notices of motion were received for the next meeting.




Office of the CEO


Item Number:                                    10.1

File Number: D14/56898

Subject Heading:                         Fourth Quarter Review - Corporate, Community & Commercial Services

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Julie Reitano, Chief Executive Officer

Sharon Frank, Director - Corporate, Community & Commercial Services

Executive Summary: 

A sub-set of the Fourth Quarter Review was presented for those areas relating to Corporate, Community & Commercial Services.


Resolution No. GM/08.2014/02

Moved Cr Denton                                                          Seconded Cr Wason  

That Council:


  1. Note the summary of highlights and issues for Corporate, Community and Commercial Services for the Fourth Quarter as presented by the Director.


2.    Note the Chief Executive Officer’s advice that a copy of the full fourth quarter Work Program report would be provided to Council at an upcoming workshop for perusal.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Responsible Officer

Director - Corporate, Community & Commercial Services



Item Number:                                    10.2

File Number: D14/57142

Subject Heading:                         Fourth Quarter Review – InfrastructurE Services

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Julie Reitano, Chief Executive Officer

Cameron Castles, Director – Infrastructure Services


Executive Summary: 

A sub-set of the Fourth Quarter Review was presented for those areas relating to Infrastructure Services.



Resolution No. GM/08.2014/03

Moved Cr Price                                                             Seconded Cr Schefe  


That Council:


  1. Note the summary of highlights and issues for Infrastructure Services for the Fourth Quarter as presented by the Director.



2.    Note the Chief Executive Officer’s advice that a copy of the full fourth quarter Work Program report would be provided to Council at an upcoming workshop for perusal.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Responsible Officer

Director – Infrastructure Services


Item Number:                                    10.3

File Number: D14/57148

Subject Heading:                         Fourth Quarter Review - Development, Facilities & Environmental Services

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Julie Reitano, Chief Executive Officer

                                                         Robert Hayward, Director – Development, Facilities & Environmental Services


Executive Summary: 

A sub-set of the Fourth Quarter Review was presented for those areas relating to Development, Facilities & Environmental Services.


Resolution No. GM/08.2014/04

Moved Cr Chambers                                                      Seconded Cr Newman  

That Council:


  1. Note the summary of highlights and issues for Development, Facilities and Environmental Services for the Fourth Quarter as presented by the Director.


2.    Note the Chief Executive Officer’s advice that a copy of the full fourth quarter Work Program report would be provided to Council at an upcoming workshop for perusal.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Responsible Officer

Director – Development, Facilities & Environmental Services



Item Number:                                    10.4

File Number: D14/57178

Subject Heading:                         Fourth Quarter Review - Office of the Chief executive officer (CEO)

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Julie Reitano, Chief Executive Officer

Executive Summary: 

A sub-set of the Fourth Quarter Review was presented for those areas relating to the Office of the CEO, together with some whole-of-organisation highlights.


Resolution No. GM/08.2014/05

Moved Cr O'Neil                                                            Seconded Cr Flynn  

That Council:


  1. Note the summary of highlights for the Office of the CEO for the Fourth Quarter.


  1. Note the Organisational Highlights.


3.    Note the Chief Executive Officer’s advice that a copy of the full fourth quarter Work Program report would be provided to Council at an upcoming workshop for perusal.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Responsible Officer

Chief Executive Officer



Corporate, Community & Commercial Services


Item Number:                                    11.1

File Number: D14/53312

Subject Heading:                         Repeal of previously identified delegable powers under the Health (Drugs and Poisons) Regulation 1996

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Christina Tincknell, Coordinator - Corporate, Community & Commercial Services

Executive Summary: 

This report sought Council's approval to repeal previously delegated powers to the Chief Executive Officer, under the Health (Drugs and Poisons) Regulation 1996. 


Resolution No. GM/08.2014/06

Moved Cr Newman                                                        Seconded Cr Chambers  


That Council repeal all powers previously delegated to the Chief Executive Officer pertaining to the Health (Drugs and Poisons) Regulation 1996, noting that the delegated power had been previously endorsed by Council at the General Meeting 26 October 2012 (Resolution No. GM.334.12).


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Responsible Officer

Coordinator - Corporate, Community & Commercial Services



Item Number:                                    11.2

File Number: D14/54164

Subject Heading:                         Community Care - Transition Process for Community Aged Care Services

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Melissa Wathen, Specialist - Community Care Transition

Executive Summary: 

The Australian Government is pursuing a reform agenda that will reshape the Aged Care system and the way providers deliver Community and Aged Care services. On 11 June 2014 (GM/06.2014/21), Council endorsed the transition out of Community and Aged Care service delivery and resolved to initiate the transition plan to another provider.

Maranoa Regional Council has undertaken extensive consultation and investigations of their Community and Aged Care Programs with both Federal (Department of Social Services) and State (Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services) delegates, as to the appropriate process for transition. New information from the Federal delegates regarding their funded service types requires Council consideration and decision. The information contained in the report provided guidance for Council’s consideration regarding the transition process.



Council deferred discussion on the item until the reporting officer was available to answer questions relating to the report.




That the matter lay on the table for further discussion at a later point during the meeting.




Item Number:                                    11.3

File Number: D14/56931

Subject Heading:                         Consideration of Elected Member Attendance at Conferences

Location:                                          Toowoomba,  Dalby and Mount Isa

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Kelly Rogers, Coordinator - Elected Members & Community Engagement

Executive Summary: 

This report sought formalisation of Elected Member attendance at an upcoming conference as part of advocacy activities and/or enhancing strategy and policy development for Maranoa Regional Council.


Resolution No. GM/08.2014/07

Moved Cr O'Neil                                                            Seconded Cr Flynn  


That Council approve the attendance of representing Councillors at the following  upcoming conferences:


  • The Mayor, Cr O’Neil, Cr Price and Cr Denton at the Ag in the Asian Century: National Export and Innovation Conference on 1 – 2 October 2014 in Toowoomba;


  • Cr Newman at the sixth Darling Downs South West Planners Forum on 19 – 20 August 2014 in Dalby; and


  • Cr Price at the Western Regional Roads Forum on 28 August 2014 in Mount Isa.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Responsible Officer

Coordinator - Elected Members & Community Engagement




Item Number:                                    11.4

File Number: D14/57062

Subject Heading:                         South West Queensland Local Government Association

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Kelly Rogers, Coordinator - Elected Members & Community Engagement

Executive Summary: 

Council received an invoice from South West Queensland Local Government Association (SWQLGA) seeking payment of membership fees for the 2014/15 financial year.







Resolution No. GM/08.2014/08

Moved Cr Price                                                             Seconded Cr O'Neil  

That Council:


  1. Renew its membership annually with South West Queensland Local Government Association (SWQLGA) for the remainder of this term of Council, by way of payment of the applicable annual membership fee. 


  1. Update the Community Engagement Framework to include reference to Council’s membership.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Responsible Officer

Coordinator - Elected Members & Community Engagement


Infrastructure Services


Item Number:                                    12.1

File Number: D14/54397

Subject Heading:                         Loading Zone - Arthur St, Roma

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Kylie Fleischfresser, Specialist - Infrastructure Planning

Executive Summary: 

Council received a request for a dedicated parking bay/loading zone outside the Health Plus Chemist on Arthur Street, Roma.



It was also requested that Council consider three (3) options for signage design as provided in the officer’s report.


Resolution No. GM/08.2014/09

Moved Cr Newman                                                        Seconded Cr O'Neil  


That a parking space near the Health Plus Chemist be allocated as a loading zone, and be signed accordingly.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      5/4


Responsible Officer

Specialist - Infrastructure Planning



Council commenced discussion on signage design, with a draft motion put forward as recorded below.  No vote was taken on the motion at that time, and the matter was laid on the table for further consideration at a later point during the meeting.


Moved Cr O'Neil                                                            Seconded Cr Wason

That Council proceed with signage design Option 3 (R5-Q05).


NO VOTE TAKEN                                                                                                         





Item Number:                                    11.2

File Number: D14/54164

Subject Heading:                         Community Care - Transition Process for Community Aged Care Services

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Melissa Wathen, Specialist - Community Care Transition

Executive Summary: 

The Australian Government is pursuing a reform agenda that will reshape the Aged Care system and the way providers deliver Community and Aged Care services. On 11 June 2014 (GM/06.2014/21), Council endorsed the transition out of Community and Aged Care service delivery and resolved to initiate the transition plan to another provider.

Maranoa Regional Council has undertaken extensive consultation and investigations of their Community and Aged Care Programs with both Federal (Department of Social Services) and State (Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services) delegates, as to the appropriate process for transition. New information from the Federal delegates regarding their funded service types requires Council consideration and decision. The information contained in the report provided guidance for Council’s consideration regarding the transition process.


Resolution No. GM/08.2014/10

Moved Cr Newman                                                        Seconded Cr Denton 



  1. Council continue to provide all Community and Aged Care Services until 30 June 2015.


  1. Council not tender or negotiate for Community and Aged Care Services to commence 1 July 2015.


  1. The Chief Executive Officer formally advise and notify in writing the Federal and State Departments of items 1 and 2.


  1. The Chief Executive Officer liaise with the Federal Department regarding the Application to Transfer Aged Care Places (18 Home Care Packages)  other than Provisionally Allocated Places to another provider, and that officers provide Council with a recommendation with options regarding the potential Service Provider, as per the Aged Care Act.


  1. The Chief Executive Officer notify in writing the clients, carers and nominated representatives currently receiving Home and Community Care Services (HACC) (Over 65’s/Under 65’s) and National Respite for Carers Program (NRCP) of items 1 and 2.


  1. The Chief Executive Officer notify in writing the clients, carers and nominated representatives currently receiving Home Care Packages (HCP) of items 1 and 4.


  1. The Chief Executive Officer notify, in writing, key stakeholders of items 1, 2 and 4.


  1. The Chief Executive Officer prepare the required Transition and Exit Plans and documentation, as recommended by the Federal and State Departments with regards to items 1 and 2.


  1. Council’s Community and Aged Care Services continue to accept clients who are assessed as eligible for services and ensure these clients/carers/nominated representatives are fully aware of items 1 and 4 prior to accepting services.



  1. Council approve for the Maranoa Regional Council Community Care transport services to participate in the Maranoa Mobility Demonstration Project (MMDP) until 30 June 2015, noting confirmation received from the Chief Executive Officer of Translink that there will be no additional cost to Council as it is a funded demonstration program.


  1. Councillor Denton, Council’s Coordinator – Community Care and Specialist – Community Care Transition be Council’s nominated representatives on the MMDP Steering Committee.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Responsible Officer

Specialist - Community Care Transition



Cr Flynn declared a ‘Conflict of Interest’ in the following Items – 12.2, 12.3, 12.4 and 12.5 due to his personal business operations out of the Roma Airport, and left the Chamber at 9.45am, taking no further part in discussions on the matter.


Item Number:                                    12.2

File Number: D14/56763

Subject Heading:                         Airport Fees & Charges - Annual Landing & Parking Fees

Location:                                          Roma

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Ben Jones, Manager - Airports (Roma, Injune, Surat & Mitchell)

Executive Summary: 

It was proposed that the current Annual Landing and Parking fee schedule be amended to provide clearer instructions to customers on the eligibility of Annual Landing and Parking fees, and the 20% resident discount.  The proposed amendments include the Annual Landing and Parking fees to apply to aircraft less than 5,700kg, and the 20% discount requiring proof of the applicant’s residency in the Maranoa Regional Council area. 


Resolution No. GM/08.2014/11

Moved Cr Denton                                                          Seconded Cr O'Neil  

That Council:


  1. Amend the current fees and charges for Annual Landing and Parking fees to be applied to aircraft less than 5,700kg.


  1. Remove the existing frequent user discount of 20%, and apply the 20% discount to Annual Landing and Parking Fees to aircraft less than 5,700kg,  for proven Maranoa Regional Council area residents only.



CARRIED                                                                                                                      8/0


Responsible Officer

Manager - Airports (Roma, Injune, Surat & Mitchell)




Item Number:                                    12.3

File Number: D14/56829

Subject Heading:                         Origin Water Bombing Operations at Injune Airport

Location:                                          Injune

Applicant:                                         Origin Energy

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Ben Jones, Manager - Airports (Roma, Injune, Surat  & Mitchell)

Executive Summary: 

Origin wishes to secure the Injune Airport for use as a staging area for their contracted water bomber operations for the upcoming bush fire season.


The aircraft used will exceed the 5,700kg limit of the Injune Aerodrome, however, their weight of      7,000kg will be for taxi and take off only. This represents a very low risk of damage to the runway, as the majority of damage generally occurs on landing. The aircraft will be approximately 2,800kg when landing, well below the 5,700kg limit.



Resolution No. GM/08.2014/12

Moved Cr Newman                                                        Seconded Cr Denton  


That Council grant a pavement concession for Origin’s water bombing operations at the Injune Airport of up to 7,000kg, for taxi and take off only.



CARRIED                                                                                                                      8/0


Responsible Officer

Manager - Airports (Roma, Injune, Surat & Mitchell)




Item Number:                                    12.4

File Number: D14/56919

Subject Heading:                         General Aviation Apron Extension

Location:                                          Roma

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Ben Jones, Manager - Airports (Roma, Injune, Surat & Mitchell)

Executive Summary: 

Due to an increase in aircraft traffic at Roma Airport,  the General Aviation apron is often at capacity. An option to increase the available parking space is to extend the existing General Aviation apron to the west, resulting in an additional seven (7) light aircraft parking bays.


Resolution No. GM/08.2014/13

Moved Cr Denton                                                          Seconded Cr Wason  


That Council approve up to $28,000 (excluding GST), to undertake a detailed engineering design to extend the General Aviation apron, with funding to be made available via a transfer of funds from the airport reserve.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      8/0


Responsible Officer

Manager - Airports (Roma, Injune, Surat & Mitchell)/Specialist – Strategic Finance




Item Number:                                    12.5

File Number: D14/57020

Subject Heading:                         Proposed WiFi installation at Roma Airport

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Ben Jones, Manager - Airports (Roma, Injune, Surat & Mitchell)

Executive Summary: 

Due to high peak periods,  mobile phone coverage is at capacity, providing a low level of service at the Roma Airport. This has resulted in patrons of the airport experiencing difficulty in receiving or making mobile phone calls.


It was proposed that the installation of WiFi at the Roma Airport be investigated.



Resolution No. GM/08.2014/14

Moved Cr O'Neil                                                            Seconded Cr Chambers  

That Council approves the cost of $4,964.79 (including GST) for Telstra to attend the site and conduct a survey to produce a costed proposed solution for a WiFi installation at Roma Airport, with funding to be made available via a transfer of funds  from the airport reserve.



CARRIED                                                                                                                      8/0


Responsible Officer

Manager - Airports (Roma, Injune, Surat & Mitchell)/Specialist – Strategic Finance


At cessation of discussion and debate on the above four (4) items, Cr Flynn entered the Chamber at 9.54am.


Development, Facilities & Environmental Services


Item Number:                                    13.1

File Number: D14/49527

Subject Heading:                         Local Government Boundary Anomalies

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Tanya Mansfield, Manager - Facilities

Executive Summary: 

At the request of the Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Council has been considering a number of anomalies pertaining to the Maranoa Regional Council local government boundary adjacent to the Banana Shire, Western Downs Regional Council and Balonne Shire Council local government boundary.


This ongoing matter has been considered at General Council meetings held on 11 December 2013 and 22 January 2014.  The Department of Local Government, Community Recovery and Resilience has however requested further information and deliberation by Council before the Department will make a decision on amending Council boundaries.




Council deferred discussion on the item until the reporting officer was available to answer questions pertaining to the report.



That the matter lay on the table for further discussion at a later point during the meeting.




Item Number:                                    13.2

File Number: D14/51372

Subject Heading:                         Commercial Tenancy Agreement

Location:                                          41-45 Hutton Street Injune

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Josephine Horsfall, Coordinator - Property & Legal

Executive Summary: 

In July 2013, Council entered into a Commercial Tenancy Agreement with Queensland Blue Light Association Injune, Injune Youth Group and the Injune Swimming Club which allowed the groups’ use of the premises at 41-45 Hutton Street Injune. Blue Care Injune has also shared the use of the premises under a Licence Agreement with Council. Both the Commercial Tenancy Agreement and Licence Agreement expired on 1 July 2014.



Council deferred discussion on the item until the reporting officer was available to answer questions pertaining to the report.



That the matter lay on the table for further discussion at a later point during the meeting.




Item Number:                                    13.3

File Number: D14/54418

Subject Heading:                         Post Event Report

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Janet Hogarth, Local Development Officer - Roma

Executive Summary: 

A post event report was presented on the 2014 Maranoa Region June/July School Holiday Program, which incorporated a range of events and activities across the region.



Council congratulated staff on delivery of the program, having received positive comments from the community.


Resolution No. GM/08.2014/15

Moved Cr Denton                                                          Seconded Cr Flynn  


That Council receive and note the Officer’s Report as presented.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Responsible Officer

Local Development Officer - Roma




Item Number:                                    13.4

File Number: D14/54440

Subject Heading:                         Application to waive fees for Tourism and Events Queensland Photo Shoot

Location:                                          Roma and Surat

Applicant:                                         Megan Swords

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Megan Swords, Coordinator – Tourism

Executive Summary: 

On 28 July 2014, Tourism and Events Queensland (TEQ), in partnership with Southern Queensland Country Tourism (SQCT) commissioned Big Boy Film Services Pty Ltd to undertake a film shoot in Roma, Surat and St George.

All images will remain the property of TEQ and SQCT, but will be made available for use by Council through TEQ’s online Image Library. 


As part of the planning for the photo shoot, Council required the organisers to complete an ‘Application to Undertake Regulated Activity on Local Government Controlled Area or Road Reserve,’ and to pay an application fee of $270.40.


As the images from the shoot will be used to promote tourism in the Maranoa, and will also be available for Council use, TEQ and SQCT have requested that Council consider waiving the application fee.



Resolution No. GM/08.2014/16

Moved Cr Denton                                                          Seconded Cr Wason  


That Council waive the application fee of $270.40 for Big Boy Film Services Pty Ltd to undertake regulated activity on Local Government Controlled area or Road, for the purpose of their photo shoot on 28 July 2014.



CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Responsible Officer

Coordinator – Tourism



Item Number:                                    13.5

File Number: D14/54498

Subject Heading:                         Department of Human Services - Surat Agency Contract 2014-15

Location:                                          Surat Cobb and Co Changing Station - Library

Applicant:                                         Jacqueline Burns

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Jacqueline  Burns, Coordinator - Libraries, Arts & Culture

Executive Summary: 

The Department of Human Services has invited Council to continue to provide Agent Services (Centrelink) in Surat for the period commencing 1 July 2014 and ending on the 30 June 2015.



Resolution No. GM/08.2014/17

Moved Cr Newman                                                        Seconded Cr Flynn  


That Council endorse the continuation for the provision of services in Surat as an agent for the Department of Human Services.



CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Responsible Officer

Coordinator - Libraries, Arts & Culture



Item Number:                                    13.6

File Number: D14/55029

Subject Heading:                         Allocation of Reserve - Neil Turner Weir

Location:                                          Mitchell

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Tanya Mansfield, Manager - Facilities

Executive Summary: 

During the recent review of camping options in the region, it was identified that the land known as Lot 3 on DL366, on which the park and toilet block are located at the Neil Turner Weir in Mitchell,  and across the road where sand has in the past been stockpiled, is gazetted as Unallocated State Land.  It was recommended that Council apply to the Department of Natural Resources and Mines to have the land gazetted as a Reserve for Park and Recreation Purposes with Council nominated as the trustee.



Council deferred discussion on the item until the reporting officer was available to answer questions pertaining to the report.



That the matter lay on the table for further discussion at a later point during the meeting.




Item Number:                                    13.7

File Number: D14/55030

Subject Heading:                         Amendment of Reserve - Muckadilla Parkland

Location:                                          Muckadilla

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Tanya Mansfield, Manager - Facilities

Executive Summary: 

During the recent review of camping options in the region, it was identified that the land known as Lots 13 - 16 on M3832, behind the Muckadilla Hall, toilets and park is gazetted as a Reserve for Park Purposes.  The Muckadilla community currently promote the area for camping, however camping is not an allowable use of a park reserve.


It was recommended that Council apply to the Department of Natural Resources and Mines to have the land gazetted as a Reserve for Park and Recreation Purposes with Council continuing to act as the trustee of the reserve. 



Council deferred discussion on the item until the reporting officer was available to answer questions pertaining to the report.



That the matter lay on the table for further discussion at a later point during the meeting.



Subject Heading:        suspension of standing orders

Council adjourned the meeting for a brief recess at 10.04am.


Subject Heading:        resumption of standing orders

Council resumed the meeting at 10.15am  with deputy Mayor taking the chair in the Mayor’s absence.


Item Number:                                    13.1

File Number: D14/49527

Subject Heading:                         Local Government Boundary Anomalies

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Tanya Mansfield, Manager - Facilities

Executive Summary: 

At the request of the Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Council has been considering a number of anomalies pertaining to the Maranoa Regional Council local government boundary adjacent to the Banana Shire, Western Downs Regional Council and Balonne Shire Council local government boundary.


This ongoing matter has been considered at General Council meetings held on 11 December 2013 and 22 January 2014.  The Department of Local Government, Community Recovery and Resilience has however requested further information and deliberation by Council before the Department will make a decision on amending Council boundaries. This matter had been left on the table earlier during the meeting pending arrival of the reporting officer.


Resolution No. GM/08.2014/18

Moved Cr O'Neil                                                            Seconded Cr Newman  

That Council:


  1. Advise Banana Shire, Western Downs Regional Council and Balonne Shire Council that Council has completed an assessment of the boundary anomalies as notified by the Department Natural Resources and Mines and considered in its assessment access roads to the property, the location of the majority of the area of the lot and feedback from affected property owners.


  1. Advise Banana Shire, Western Downs Regional Council and Balonne Shire Council that it is Council’s position that the local government boundary should be moved to locate Lot 5 on SP215322 and Lot 6 on SP215322 entirely in Balonne Shire Council and Lot 4 on SP 204532, Lot 9 on AB 244, Lot 9 on SP 236780, Lot 22 on SP 248280, Lot 70 on WV 631 and Lot 368 on FTY 535 entirely within the Maranoa Regional Council Local Government Area.


  1. Apply to the Minister for Local Government for a referral of the matter to the Local Government Change Commissioner (Electoral Commission of Queensland) providing details of Council’s assessment and recommendations.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      8/0


Responsible Officer

Manager – Facilities



Item Number:                                    13.2

File Number: D14/51372

Subject Heading:                         Commercial Tenancy Agreement

Location:                                          41-45 Hutton Street Injune

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Josephine Horsfall, Coordinator - Property & Legal

Executive Summary: 

In July 2013, Council entered into a Commercial Tenancy Agreement with Queensland Blue Light Association Injune, Injune Youth Group and the Injune Swimming Club which allowed the groups’ use of the premises at 41-45 Hutton Street Injune. Blue Care Injune has also shared the use of the premises under a Licence Agreement with Council. Both the Commercial Tenancy Agreement and Licence Agreement expired on 1 July 2014.  This matter had been left on the table earlier during the meeting pending arrival of the reporting officer.


Resolution No. GM/08.2014/19

Moved Cr Denton                                                          Seconded Cr Chambers  

That Council:


  1. Extend the current Commercial Tenancy Agreement between Queensland Blue Light Association, Injune Youth Group, Injune Swimming Club and the Licence Agreement with Blue Care Injune until Council completes the review of Injune facilities.


  1. Advise the groups that Council retains the right to terminate the agreement at any time with the provision of one month’s notice to vacate.


  1. Continue to pay all outgoings subject to the groups’ continuing a cooperative, shared use arrangement with other community organisations.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      8/0


Responsible Officer

Coordinator - Property & Legal



Item Number:                                    13.6

File Number: D14/55029

Subject Heading:                         Allocation of Reserve - Neil Turner Weir

Location:                                          Mitchell

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Tanya Mansfield, Manager - Facilities

Executive Summary: 

During the recent review of camping options in the region, it was identified that the land known as Lot 3 on DL366, on which the park and toilet block are located at the Neil Turner Weir in Mitchell,  and across the road where sand has in the past been stockpiled, is gazetted as Unallocated State Land.  It was recommended that Council apply to the Department of Natural Resources and Mines to have the land gazetted as a Reserve for Park and Recreation Purposes with Council nominated as the trustee.  This matter had been left on the table earlier during the meeting pending arrival of the reporting officer.


Resolution No. GM/08.2014/20

Moved Cr Schefe                                                           Seconded Cr Newman  

That Council apply to the Department of Natural Resources and Mines to gazette Lot 3 on DL366 being Unallocated State Land as a Reserve for Park Purposes with Council as the nominated trustee.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      8/0


Responsible Officer

Manager - Facilities



Item Number:                                    13.7

File Number: D14/55030

Subject Heading:                         Amendment of Reserve - Muckadilla Parkland

Location:                                          Muckadilla

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Tanya Mansfield, Manager - Facilities

Executive Summary: 

During the recent review of camping options in the region, it was identified that the land known as Lots 13 - 16 on M3832, behind the Muckadilla Hall, toilets and park is gazetted as a Reserve for Park Purposes.  The Muckadilla community currently promote the area for camping, however camping is not an allowable use of a park reserve.


It was recommended that Council apply to the Department of Natural Resources and Mines to have the land gazetted as a Reserve for Park and Recreation Purposes with Council continuing to act as the trustee of the reserve.  This matter had been left on the table earlier during the meeting pending arrival of the reporting officer.


Resolution No. GM/08.2014/21

Moved Cr Denton                                                          Seconded Cr O'Neil  


Apply to the Department of Natural Resources and Mines to change the purpose of  Lots 13 – 16 on M3832 behind the Muckadilla Hall, public toilets and park from a Reserve for Park Purposes to a Reserve for Park and Recreation Purposes.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      8/0


Responsible Officer

Manager - Facilities


Item Number:                                    13.6

File Number: D14/55029

Subject Heading:                         Allocation of Reserve - Neil Turner Weir

Location:                                          Mitchell

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Tanya Mansfield, Manager - Facilities

Executive Summary: 

New information was received in relation to this item.  Council considered the information to hand, determining that an amendment to the initial resolution be considered.



The ‘Mover’ and ‘Seconder’ of the motion indicated that they were in favour of an amendment to the original motion (GM/08.2014/20),following the receipt of new information becoming available.  The amendment was that the land should be gazetted as a Reserve for Park Purposes, instead of a Reserve for Park and Recreation Purposes as originally moved.  This amendment has been made to the recorded resolution.


Cr Wason declared a conflict of interest in the following two items due to him owning the parcel of land on which Mt Saltbush Quarry is sited, the operation of which sees him entitled to payment of Royalties (funds) for material extracted from the site, and called for nomination of a replacement Chair for discussion and debate on the items.


Resolution No. GM/08.2014/22

Moved Cr Chambers                                                      Seconded Cr Denton


That Cr Newman be nominated Chair for the purpose of discussion and debate of items 13.8 and 13.9.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      7/0



Cr Wason left the Chamber at 10.21am taking no further part in discussion or debate on items 13.8 an 13.9.  At that time Cr Newman took the Chair.


Item Number:                                    13.8

File Number: D14/55921

Subject Heading:                         Application for Material Change of Use - "Extractive Industry" up to 500,000 tonnes p.a. and Environmentally Relevant Activities 16(2)(b) and 16(3)(b) - Extractive and Screening Activities. File: 2014/18864

Location:                                          41476 Warrego Highway, Jackson QLD 4426 (Lot 12 on SP218512)

Applicant:                                         David and Susan Bassingthwaighte C/- Ausrocks Pty Ltd

Author and Officer’s Title:                 David Fermer, Coordinator - Planning

Executive Summary: 

The application seeks approval for a Material Change of Use – “Extractive Industry” to 500,000 tonnes per annum  and Environmentally Relevant Activities 16(2)(b) and 16(3)(b) – Extractive and Screening Activities, on land at 41476 Warrego Highway, Jackson QLD 4426 (described as Lot 12 on SP218512).


The application is subject to Impact Assessment against the relevant provisions of the Bendemere Shire Planning Scheme 2006.  Public notification was carried out between 9 April 2014 and 6 May 2014, and no submissions were received.


The application is generally consistent with the provisions of the Bendemere Shire Planning Scheme 2006 including the Desired Environmental Outcomes and Rural Zone Code.


Resolution No. GM/08.2014/23

Moved Cr Chambers                                                      Seconded Cr Schefe  


That Council approve the application for Material Change of Use - “Extractive Industry” to 500,000 tonnes per annum  and Environmentally Relevant Activities 16(2)(b) and 16(3)(b) – Extractive and Screening Activities, on land at 41476 Warrego Highway, Jackson QLD 4426 (described as Lot 12 on SP218512), subject to the following conditions:




(i)       Refer to for the Capricorn Municipal Development Guidelines (CMDG).


(ii)      The relevant planning scheme for this Development Approval is the Bendemere Shire Planning Scheme 2006. All references to the ‘Planning Scheme’ and ‘Planning Scheme Schedules’ within these conditions refer to the above Planning Scheme.



(iii)     The related Environmental Authority(s) as included in the Environmental Protection Act 1994 must have been given and remain current while the use continues. All references to the ‘Environmental Authority’ within these conditions refer to the Environmental Authority for this approved use.


The related Environmental Authorities are:

a)    2(b) extracting, other than by dredging in a year, more than 100,000t but no more than 1,000,000t; and

b)    3(b) screening, in a year, more than 100,000t but no more than 1,000,000t.


(iv)     All Aboriginal Cultural Heritage in Queensland is protected under the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 and penalty provisions apply for any unauthorised harm.  Under the legislation a person carrying out an activity must take all reasonable and practicable measures to ensure the activity does not harm Aboriginal Cultural Heritage.  This applies whether or not such places are recorded in an official register and whether or not they are located in, on or under private land.  The developer is responsible for implementing reasonable and practical measures to ensure the Cultural Heritage Duty of Care Guidelines are met and for obtaining any clearances required from the responsible entity.


(v)      The Environmental Protection Act 1994 states that a person must not carry out any activity that causes, or is likely to cause, environmental harm unless the person takes all reasonable and practicable measures to prevent or minimise the harm.  Environmental harm includes environmental nuisance.  In this regard, persons and entities involved in the operation of the approved development are to adhere to their ‘general environmental duty’ to minimise the risk of causing environmental harm to adjoining premises.


(vi)     Building construction is to accord with the Building Code of Australia, Queensland Development Code and State Planning Guidelines for building in bushfire prone areas.


Construction standards for a Medium Bushfire Hazard area will apply.




1.       The approved development is a Material Change of Use - "Extractive Industry” and related Environmentally Relevant Activities 16(2)(b) and 16(3)(b) – Extractive and Screening Activities, as shown on the approved plans.

a)    The approved extraction tonnage is capped at 500,000 tonnes per annum.

b)    This approval is current for 5 years commencing from the date of approval. The life of this approval is restricted as neither Council nor the extractive industry operator can be sure of the longer term impacts on the Council road system from the development. The conditions requiring road impact contributions are based on a timeframe of 5 years.


2.       The period of the currency of this approval may be extended to 20 years by an infrastructure agreement which allows the Council, the extractive industry operator and the approval holder to establish longer term protocols and arrangements which address the possible variations to the impacts on Council’s road infrastructure over an extended period.




3.       All conditions relating to the establishment of the approved development must be fulfilled prior to any approved use commencing, unless otherwise noted within these conditions.



4.       Prior to commencement of use, the applicant shall contact Council to arrange a development compliance inspection.        


Approved Plans and Documents


5.       Maintain the approved development, in accordance with the following approved plans, subject to and as modified by any conditions of this approval:


Drawing SP_s2001

Jackson Quarry Site Layout Plan.

Prepared by Ausrocks Consulting Mining Engineers      dated 17/01/2014


Drawing SP_s2002

Jackson Quarry Site Layout Plan.

Prepared by Ausrocks Consulting Mining Engineers      dated 17/01/2014


Drawing EP_s2001

Jackson Quarry Extraction Area 1 Plan.

Prepared by Ausrocks Consulting Mining Engineers      dated 17/01/2014


Drawing EP_s2002

Jackson Quarry Exraction Area 1 Plan.

Prepared by Ausrocks Consulting Mining Engineers      dated 17/01/2014


Drawing EP_s2003

Jackson Quarry Extraction Area 2 Plan.

Prepared by Ausrocks Consulting Mining Engineers      dated 17/01/2014


Drawing EP_s2004

Jackson Quarry Extraction Area 2 Plan.

Prepared by Ausrocks Consulting Mining Engineers      dated 17/01/2014


Drawing EP_s2005

Jackson Quarry Extraction Area 3 Plan.

Prepared by Ausrocks Consulting Mining Engineers      dated 17/01/2014


Drawing EP_s2006

Jackson Quarry Area 3 Plan.

Prepared by Ausrocks Consulting Mining Engineers      dated 17/01/2014


Drawing SP_s2005

Jackson Quarry Office and Amenities Layout Plan.

Prepared by Ausrocks Consulting Mining Engineers      dated 17/01/2014


Drawing SP_s2006

Jackson Quarry Office and Amenities Layout Plan.

Prepared by Ausrocks Consulting Mining Engineers      dated 17/01/2014


Drawing NP_s2001

Jackson Quarry Neighbour Plan.

Prepared by Ausrocks Consulting Mining Engineers      dated 28/03/2014


6x3m Site Office _Jackson Quarry

Prepared by Ausrocks Consulting Mining Engineers     


Document – Site Based Management Plan

Prepared by Ausrocks Consulting Mining Engineers      dated 01/2014


Documents – Capricorn Municipal Development Guidelines

While all of the Capricorn Municipal Development Guidelines apply to the approval the following guidelines have direct application:


D1 Geometric Road Design                                             dated 03/2012

D2 Pavement Design                                                       dated 03/2012

D5 Stormwater Drainage Design                         dated 03/2012

D6 Site Regrading                                                           dated 03/2012

D7 Erosion Control and Stormwater Management           dated 03/2012


6.       All works must comply with:


a)    the development approval conditions;

b)    any relevant provisions in the Planning Scheme;

c)    Council’s standard designs for such work where such designs exist;

d)    the Capricorn Municipal Development Guidelines;

e)    any relevant Australian Standard that applies to that type of work; and

f)     any alternative specifications that Council has agreed to in writing and which the developer must ensure do not conflict with any requirements imposed by any applicable laws and standards.


Environmental Authorities


7.       This approval relies on the relevant approved Environmental Authority (and its related documents) applicable to the site to identify and state the all the requirements for this approval related to Environmentally Relevant Activities for the site (where those Environmentally Relevant Activities are not expressly devolved to the Council).


8.       This approval relies on the entity responsible for approving and managing the Environmental Authority to meet its responsibilities. The Council will not take any responsibility for the management of environmental impacts covered by the Environmental Authority unless and until that entity (or its legal successors) is unable to act.


9.       The standards and approval of civil works and services and aspects of environmental management not covered by the Environmental Authority are the responsibility of the Council, but subject to the environmental impact management requirements that may be imposed by the Environmental Authority (or any approval that effectively replaces that Environmental Authority).


10.     Where there is a conflict between the conditions and standards set by an Environmental Authority for the site and the conditions and standards set by the Development Permit, those set in the Environmental Authority shall prevail in those matters covered by the Environmental Authority.


Operating Hours


11.     Hours of operation are 6:00am to 6:00pm Monday to Saturday.  No work is permitted on Sundays or public holidays. Hours of operation include the transporting of material from the site.


12.     The quarry operator may apply to Council to vary the hours of operation for a particular project where the extended operating hours are necessary in the opinion of the Council having considered the requirements and community benefits of the particular project and the duration of the additional impacts upon the local community.


13.     Any Council approval of the varied hours will be restricted to the duration of the project, and may be rescinded by the Council on seven days notice if the extended hours of operation are considered to be causing undue nuisance or disruption to other persons.







14.     Any advertising signage is subject to a further development approval unless compliant with the self-assessable development provisions of the planning scheme.


15.     Effluent storage and removal must not have an adverse effect on the surrounding areas and must not cause nuisance to neighbouring properties.


16.     Waste containers shall be maintained in a clean and tidy state at all times while the use continues, and shall be emptied, and the waste removed from the site on a regular basis.


Avoiding Nuisance


17.     The approved development and the premises are to be maintained in a clean and tidy condition and not to pose any health and safety risks to the community.


18.     Extraction areas, access and site roadways and surrounds shall be kept in an orderly fashion and free of rubbish.


19.     No nuisance is to be caused to adjoining properties and their occupiers by the way of smoke, dust, rubbish, contaminant, stormwater discharge or siltation at any time, including non-working hours.


20.     Lighting of the site, including any temporary or security lighting, shall be such that the lighting intensity does not exceed:


8.0 lux at a distance of 1.5 metres from the site at any property boundary.




21.     All earthworks for the development shall be undertaken in accordance with Capricorn Municipal Development Guidelines D6 ‘Site Regrading’ Design Guidelines.


Erosion Control


22.     Erosion and Sediment Control is to be managed in accordance with:

a)    Site Based Management Plan (Jackson Quarry) Section 14.10 Stormwater Management and Erosion and Sediment Control Plan; and


b)    Capricorn Municipal Development Guidelines D7 ‘Erosion Control and Stormwater Management’.


23.     Where it is necessary for a road and/or drainage system to be reinstated or cleaned up as a result of erosion and/or sedimentation from the site, such works must be undertaken at the developer’s expense.  Such works shall be undertaken immediately, where it is a potential hazard to pedestrians and/or passing traffic.


Provision of Services


24.     At all times during the operation on site effluent is to be disposed of in accordance with Queensland Plumbing and Wastewater Code 2013 and AS1547.2012 (On-site domestic wastewater management).  A development permit for plumbing and drainage works shall be sought from Council for any onsite sewerage system provided to the development.


25.     The site must be provided with an on-site water supply with sufficient capacity to meet all operational needs, including watering to minimise dust nuisance and also a potable water supply sufficient to meet the needs of staff and visitors to the site.


26.     Any supply of potable water to the site, and disposal of effluent from the site is to be performed by a suitably licenced contractor.


Stormwater and Drainage


27.     Stormwater is to be managed in accordance with:


a)    Site Based Management Plan (Jackson Quarry) Section 14.10 Stormwater Management and Erosion and Sediment Control Plan; and

b)    Capricorn Municipal Development Guidelines D5 ‘Stormwater Drainage Design’.


28.     Discharge of stormwater runoff from the development shall drain freely in all cases, and no nuisance of ponding is to be created within the vicinity of the development.


29.     There shall be no increases in any silt loads or contaminants in any overland flow from the site being developed, or into creeks or roadways, either during the development process or after the development has been completed.


Access, Car parking and Manoeuvring


Note that the Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning have attached conditions to this approval concerning access to the State Controlled Road Network.


30.     The landowner shall be responsible for construction and maintenance of vehicle crossovers from the road carriageway to the property boundary and for obtaining any approvals that may be required, and for complying with the applicable designs and standards.


31.     All weather vehicle access shall be provided for traffic movement within the development site.


32.     Unsealed internal roads are to be watered upon receipt of any complaint regarding dust nuisance caused by vehicle movements within the site.


Environmental Management


33.     All activities while the use continues are to be managed in accordance with:

a)   The relevant Environmental Authority issued by the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection, or any subsequent Environmental Authority that is issued for the approved use;

b)   the Site Based Management Plan, (Jackson Quarry) prepared by Ausrocks Consulting Mining Engineers; and

c)   all relevant sections of the Capricorn Municipal Development Guidelines.


34.     Remediation of the site is to occur in consultation with the landowner, and is to be managed in accordance with:


a)       the relevant Environmental Authority issued by the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection, or any subsequent Environmental Authority that is issued for the approved use; and

b)       the Rehabilitation Plan, Section 14.17 of the Site Based Management Plan, (Jackson Quarry) prepared by Ausrocks Consulting Mining Engineers.






35.     If the environmental approval issued by a State agency (Department of Environment and Heritage Protection or its successor) to undertake this use on this site ceases to have effect and is not replaced by an appropriate approval, code or law to manage the use and the rehabilitation of the site, then the conditions, requirements and obligations of the original environmental approval given for this use on this site shall become conditions of this approval. References in the original environmental approval to the State agency will then be construed as references to the Council to the greatest extent possible. The standards referenced by the most recent environmental approval will be the applicable standards.


36.     Weeds and pests are to be monitored and controlled in accordance with Section 14.14 of the Site Based Management Plan prepared by Ausrocks Consulting Mining Engineers.


Fees, Infrastructure Charges and Impact Contributions


37.     A local roads additional impacts charge will be paid to Maranoa Regional Council in accordance with the Local Roads Additional Impacts Charges Schedule A, attached to and forming part of these conditions.  This condition and the conditions in Local Roads Additional Impacts Charges Schedule A are based on division 2 of chapter 8, more specifically sections 650 and 651 and linked sections, of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009.


38.     All matters contained within this development approval may be covered by infrastructure agreements or deeds of agreement between the relevant parties for each matter. 


39.     All fees, rates, interest and other charges levied on the property, shall be paid in accordance with the rate at the time of payment.


Complete and Maintain


40.     Complete and maintain the approved development as follows: (i) in accordance with development approval documents and (ii) strictly in accordance with those parts of the approved development which have been specified in detail by the Council or Referral Agency unless the Council or Referral Agency agrees in writing that those parts will be adequately complied with by amended specifications.


41.     Complete and maintain all operational, building and plumbing and drainage work associated with this development approval, including work required by any of the development approval conditions.


Repair Damaged Infrastructure


42.     The developer is responsible for locating and protecting any Council and public utility services, infrastructure and assets that may be impacted on during construction of the development.  Any damage to existing infrastructure (road pavement, existing underground assets, signs or other) that is attributable to the progress of works on the site or vehicles associated with the development of the site shall be immediately rectified in accordance with the asset owners’ requirements and specifications and to the satisfaction of the asset owners’ representative(s).


43.     Council is to be indemnified against any claims arising from works carried out by the applicant on Council’s property.


No Cost to Council


44.     The developer is responsible for meeting all costs associated with the approved development unless there is specific agreement by other parties, including the Council, to meeting those costs.


45.     All rates and charges of any description and all arrears of such rates and charges, together with interest outstanding thereon, on the land, due to the Council, shall be paid to the Council prior to any approved use commencing.


Latest versions


46.     Where another condition refers to a specific published standard, manual or guideline, including specifications, drawings, provisions and criteria within those documents, that condition shall be deemed as referring to the latest versions of those publications that are publicly available at the time the first operational works or compliance approval is lodged with the assessment manager or approval agency for those types of works to be performed or approved, unless a regulation or law requires otherwise.


Application Documentation


47.     It is the developer’s responsibility to ensure all entities associated with this Development Approval have a legible copy of the Decision Notice and the Approved Plans and Approved Documents bearing ‘Council Approval’.


Electricity Easement   


48.     Development is carried out generally in accordance with the plans and reports provided as part of the application.


49.     All easement conditions remain relevant and applicable to the burdened parcels.


50.     The proposed haulage road is to be constructed as close to the edge of the easement as practicable (ie. as far away from the centre line of the easement).


51.     The proposed haulage road is to stay to one side of the easement (rather than cut across and back) as practicable (to limit vehicle movements under the lines).


52.     A high strength guard barrier is constructed at a minimum distance of 15m from the base of any high voltage tower in the vicinity of the haulage route. Design of the barrier is to be approved by Ergon Energy before construction to determine suitability and any special earthing requirements. All costs associated with the construction of the barrier will be at the expense of the applicant.


53.     Signage is to be installed (both directions) where the proposed haulage route passes under the lines, alerting drivers to the presence of the powerline and towers to reduce risk of damage or contact.


54.     Access to the easement and access along the easement must be available to Ergon Energy personnel and equipment at all times.  Where fencing prohibits access to and along the easement area, gates must be supplied and installed at the developer/owner's expense.


55.     Should changes to any Ergon Energy infrastructure be proposed or required as part of the development, those changes are made with Ergon Energy's consent and at the developer/owner's expense (unless otherwise agreed to by Ergon Energy).


Charges Schedule A - Local Roads Additional Impacts


56.     These conditions are required because the development will impact on the local roads when materials associated with the operation of the extractive industry are carried along those local roads. The local roads additional impacts charge covers all roads in the Maranoa Regional Council Area where heavy vehicles of the type used in this activity/use are permitted to travel. The tonnage of extracted material leaving the extractive industry is deemed to be a proportional measure of the total traffic to and from the site.


57.     A local roads additional impacts charge of $0.50 per tonne will be paid to Maranoa Regional Council for all extracted material transported from the site. This is the local roads additional impacts charge for the 2013-2014 financial year. Until such time as (1) the level of approved use is changed or (2) Council has amended charges as a result of a review requested by the extractive industry operator, the local roads additional impacts charges amount will be increased or decreased annually by a percentage equivalent to the 3-year moving average annual percentage increase in the PPI index (as defined in the Sustainable Planning Act 2009) for the period of 3 years ending at the start of the financial year.


58.     The payment of the local roads additional impacts charge must be made by the extractive industry operator within 14 days of the end of each 3 month period, with the periods starting with the commencement of the use/activity. The extractive industry operator must calculate the payment and provide details of the calculation. If no payment is made within the set time, the Council may demand payment based on the maximum approved annual production capacity of the activity/use divided by 4.  The maximum approved annual production capacity of the extractive industry will be deemed to be the maximum capacity of the extractive industry listed in the approvals for the site. If the extractive industry operator does not pay the local roads additional impacts charge for two consecutive periods, the Council can require the holder of the development approval to pay the local roads additional impacts charge to the Council.


59.     The holder of the development approval or the extractive industry operator may ask for the local roads additional impacts charge to be reviewed once in every three year period after the approval for the activity/use is given. The review will take account of the rates and methodology applying to similar operators in the Council Area and the facts and circumstances applying to this approved activity/use.


60.     Despite the payment of a local roads additional impacts charge, the Council may stop the extractive industry operator from using particular roads. The reasons may include Council concerns about the level of damage being caused or may be caused to those particular local roads by the addition to total road use of heavy vehicles associated with the extractive industry.


61.     Council or its representatives is entitled to inspect, copy and audit any records which may help to prove the actual use of the road network by the extractive industry operator or the approval holder(s) for the purposes of assessing the local roads additional impacts charge. The extractive industry operator and the approval holder(s) have agreed by the acceptance of this condition that the Council has their agreement and permission to access those records wherever held and that their agreement and permission cannot be revoked.


62.     The extractive industry operator or the approval holder(s) may undertake roadworks in lieu of paying a local roads additional impacts charge. The roadworks must be of the same value as the local roads additional impacts charge. The value of roadworks will be determined by Council or by an independent RPEQ standard engineer agreed to by the Council. The roadworks must be roadworks included the Council current roadworks program and within a 50 kilometre radius of the extractive industry site on roads that may be used by the operator.  The carrying out of roadworks must comply with CMDG guidelines and other requirements which normally apply to works carried out on Council roads by contractors, including warranties for the works performed. The onus is on the entity intending to perform the roadworks to gain all necessary approvals for the roadworks. The roadworks must be completed within 3 months after the local roads additional impacts charge was due to be paid or within a period agreed in writing with the Council.







63.     The charges or roadworks or other relevant matters can be included within an infrastructure agreement or deed of agreement with the Council, the extractive industry operator and any other relevant parties by consent of the parties. The extractive industry operator, the approval holder and the Council may vary the charges and other factors by mutual consent where circumstances warrant such variations and the community interest is protected.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      7/0


Responsible Officer

Coordinator - Planning



Item Number:                                    13.9

File Number: D14/56040

Subject Heading:                         Material Change of Use - "Extractive Industry" (up to 500,000 tonnes/annum) & Environmentally Relevant Activity 16 (Extractive and Sceening Activity) File: 2014/18926

Location:                                          184 Crossroads Road, Yuleba North QLD 4427 (Lots 6 & 7 on Plan WV409)

Applicant:                                         S & M Phelps C/- StruXi Design

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Christopher Tickner, Town Planner

Executive Summary:  

The application sought approval for a Material Change of Use – “Extractive Industry” and related Environmentally Relevant Activities 16 (2) (b) and 16(3)(b) – Extractive and Screening Activities, on land at 184 Crossroads Road, Yuleba North QLD 4427 (described as Lots 6 and 7 on Plan WV409).


The application is subject to Impact Assessment against the relevant provisions of the Bendemere Shire Planning Scheme 2006. Public notification was carried out between 2 May 2014 and 26 May 2014 with no submissions received during this period.


The application is generally consistent with the provisions of the Bendemere Planning Scheme 2006 including the Desired Environmental Outcomes and Rural Zone code.


Resolution No. GM/08.2014/24

Moved Cr Price                                                             Seconded Cr Flynn  


That Council approve the application for Material Change of Use- “ Extractive Industry” and related environmentally Relevant Activities (16(2)(b) and 16(3)(b) – Extractive and Screening Activities, on land at 184 Crossroads Road, Yuleba North QLD 4427 (described as Lots 6 and 7 on Plan WV409),  subject to the following conditions:




(i)         Refer to for the Capricorn Municipal Development Guidelines (CMDG).


(ii)        The relevant planning scheme for this Development Approval is the Bendemere Shire Planning Scheme 2006. All references to the ‘Planning Scheme’ and ‘Planning Scheme schedules’ within these conditions refer to the above Planning Scheme.


(iii)       The related Environmental Authority(s) as included in the Environmental Protection Act 1994 must have been given and remain current while the use continues. All references to the ‘Environmental Authority’ within these conditions refer to the environmental Authority for this approved use.



            The related Environmental Authorities are:


                        a)          2(b) extracting, other than by dredging in a year, more than 100,000t               but no more than 1,000,000t; and

            b)         3(b) screening, in a year, more than 100,000t but no more than                                    1,000,000t.


(iv)       All Aboriginal Cultural Heritage in Queensland is protected under the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 and penalty provisions apply for any unauthorized harm.  Under the legislation a person carrying out an activity must take all reasonable and practicable measures to ensure the activity does not harm Aboriginal Cultural Heritage.  This applies whether or not such places are            recorded in an official register and whether or not they are located in, on or under private land.  The developer is responsible for implementing reasonable and practical measures to ensure the Cultural Heritage Duty of Care Guidelines are met and for obtaining any clearances required from the responsible entity.


(v)        The Environmental Protection Act 1994 states that a person must not carry out any     activity that causes, or is likely to cause, environmental harm unless the person takes all reasonable and practicable measures to prevent or minimise the           harm.   Environmental harm includes environmental nuisance.  In this regard, persons and entities involved in the operation of the approved development are to adhere to their ‘general environmental duty’ to minimise the risk of causing environmental harm to adjoining premises.


(vi)       Building construction is to accord with the Building Code of Australia, Queensland Development Code and State Planning Guidelines for building in bushfire prone areas.


            Construction standards for a Medium Bushfire Hazard area will apply




1.         The approved development is a Material Change of Use - "Extractive Industry” and     related Environmentally Relevant Activities 16(2)(b) and 16(3)(b) – Extractive and           Screening Activities, as shown on the approved plans.


            a)         The approved extraction tonnage is capped at 500,000 tonnes per annum.

            b)         This approval is current for 5 years commencing from the date of                                           approval. The life of this approval is restricted as neither Council nor                             the extractive industry operator can be sure of the longer term impacts on the                         Council road system from the development. The conditions             requiring road                          impact contributions are based on a timeframe of 5 years.


2.            The period of the currency of this approval may be extended to 20 years by an infrastructure agreement which allows the Council, the extractive industry operator and the approval holder to establish longer term protocols and arrangements which address the possible variations to the impacts on Council’s road infrastructure over an extended period.         




3.            All conditions relating to the establishment of the approved development must be fulfilled prior to any approved use commencing, unless otherwise noted within these conditions.


4.            Prior to commencement of use, the applicant shall contact Council to arrange a development compliance inspection.



Approved Plans and Documents


5.            Maintain the approved development, in accordance with the following approved plans, subject to and as modified by any conditions of this     approval:


Drawing 1430.13804 003 Revision D

Site Plan.

Prepared by StruXi Design Pty Ltd, dated 05/03/14.


Drawing  1430.13804 002 Revision C

Locality Plan.

Prepared by StruXi Design Pty Ltd, dated 05/03/14.


Drawing 430.13804 401 Revision A

Office Elevations.

Prepared by StruXi Design Pty Ltd, dated 15/07/13.


Drawing 1430.13804 101 Revision B

Office Floor Plan.

Prepared by StruXi Design Pty Ltd,      dated 05/03/14.

Drawing -

Gravel Pit Rehabilitation - Concept Plan.

Drawing -

Basin and Sediment Management Details.

(amended by Council in red)


Drawing -

Appendix 7 Location of Sensitive Receptors.

(amended by Council in red)


Document – Site Based Management Plan

Lots 6 & 7 WV409, Crossroads Road, Yuleba North

Prepared by Peter Swan (Struxi design)                                  


Documents – Capricorn Municipal Development Guidelines while all of the Capricorn Municipal Development Guidelines apply to the approval the following guidelines have direct application:


            D1 Geometric Road Design dated 03/2012

            D2 Pavement Design dated 03/2012

            D5 Stormwater Drainage Design dated 03/2012

            D6 Site Regrading dated 03/2012

            D7 Erosion Control and Stormwater Management dated 03/2012


6.         All works must comply with:


                        a)         the development approval conditions;            

                        b)         any relevant provisions in the Planning Scheme;

                        c)         Council’s standard designs for such work where such designs exist;

                        d)         the Capricorn Municipal Development Guidelines;

                        e)         any relevant Australian Standard that applies to that type of    work; and

                        f)          any alternative specifications that Council has agreed to in writing and                                   which the developer must ensure do not conflict with any                                                       requirements imposed by any applicable laws and standards.







Environmental Authorities


7.         This approval relies on the relevant approved Environmental Authority (and its related documents) applicable to the site to identify and state the all the requirements for this approval related to Environmentally Relevant Activities for the site (where those Environmentally Relevant Activities are not expressly devolved to the Council).


8.         This approval relies on the entity responsible for approving and managing the           Environmental Authority to meet its responsibilities. The Council will not take any responsibility for the management of environmental impacts covered by the Environmental Authority unless and until that entity (or its legal successors) is            unable to act.


9.         The standards and approval of civil works and services and aspects of           environmental management not covered by the Environmental Authority are the responsibility of the Council, but subject to the environmental impact management requirements that may be imposed by the Environmental Authority (or any approval that effectively replaces that Environmental Authority).


10.       Where there is a conflict between the conditions and standards set by an        Environmental Authority for the site and the conditions and standards set by the Development Permit, those set in the Environmental Authority shall prevail in those matters covered by the Environmental Authority.


Operating Hours


11.       Hours of operation are 6:00am to 6:00pm Monday to Saturday.  No work is permitted on Sundays or public holidays. Hours of operation include the transporting of material from the site.


12.       The quarry operator may apply to Council to vary the hours of operation for a particular project where the extended operating hours are necessary in the             opinion of the Council having considered the requirements and community benefits of the particular project and the duration of the additional impacts upon the local community.


13.       Any Council approval of the varied hours will be restricted to the duration of the project, and may be rescinded by the Council on seven days notice if the extended hours of operation are considered to be causing undue nuisance or disruption to other persons.




14.       Any advertising signage is subject to a further development approval unless compliant with the self-assessable development provisions of the planning scheme.


15.       Effluent storage and removal must not have an adverse effect on the surrounding areas and must not cause nuisance to neighbouring properties.


16.       Waste containers shall be maintained in a clean and tidy state at all times while the    use continues, and shall be emptied, and the waste removed from the site on a regular basis.

Avoiding Nuisance


17.       The approved development and the premises are to be maintained in a clean and tidy condition and not to pose any health and safety risks to the community.


18.       Extraction areas, access and site roadways and surrounds shall be kept in an orderly fashion and free of rubbish.



19.       No nuisance is to be caused to adjoining properties and their occupiers by the way of smoke, dust, rubbish, contaminant, stormwater discharge or siltation at any              time, including non-working hours.


20.       Lighting of the site, including any temporary or security lighting, shall be such that the lighting intensity does not exceed:


            8.0 lux at a distance of 1.5 metres from the site at any property boundary.




21.       All earthworks for the development shall be undertaken in accordance with Capricorn            Municipal Development Guidelines D6 ‘Site Regrading’ Design Guidelines.


Erosion Control


22.        Erosion and Sediment Control is to be managed in accordance with:


            a) Site Based Management Plan (Lots 6 & 7 WV409, Crossroads Road, Yuleba             North),Section 4.3 Stormwater Management and Erosion and Sediment Control Plan;      and

            b) Capricorn Municipal Development Guidelines D7 ‘Erosion Control and       Stormwater Management’.


23.       Where it is necessary for a road and/or drainage system to be reinstated or cleaned up as a result of erosion and/or sedimentation from the site, such works must be          undertaken at the developer’s expense. Such works shall be undertaken immediately, where it is a potential hazard to pedestrians and/or passing traffic.


Provision of Services


24.       At all times during the operation on site effluent is to be disposed of in accordance with Queensland Plumbing and Wastewater Code 2013 and        AS1547.2012 (On-site domestic wastewater management). A development permit for plumbing and drainage works shall be sought from Council for any onsite sewerage system provided to the development.


25.       The site must be provided with an on-site water supply with sufficient capacity to       meet all operational needs, including watering to minimise dust nuisance and also a potable water supply sufficient to meet the needs of staff and visitors to the site.


26.       Any supply of potable water to the site, and disposal of effluent from the site is to be             performed by a suitably licenced contractor.



Stormwater and Drainage


27.        Stormwater is to be managed in accordance with:


a)           Site Based Management Plan (Lots 6 & 7 WV409, Crossroads Road, Yuleba    North), Section 4.3 Stormwater Management and Erosion and Sediment         Control Plan; and


b)          Capricorn Municipal Development Guidelines D5 ‘Stormwater                                     Drainage Design’.


28.       Discharge of stormwater runoff from the development shall drain freely in all cases, and no nuisance of ponding is to be created within the vicinity of the development.




29.       There shall be no increases in any silt loads or contaminants in any overland flow from the site being developed, or into creeks or roadways, either during the development process or after the development has been completed.


Access, Car parking and Manoeuvring


            Note that the Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning have       attached conditions to this approval concerning Access to the State-controlled          road network.


30.       The landowner shall be responsible for construction and maintenance of vehicle crossovers from the road carriageway to the property boundary and for obtaining any approvals that may be required, and for complying with the applicable designs and standards.


31.       The access intersection between the development and Crossroads Road is to be upgraded in accordance with DTMR Standard Drawing D04-221 Standard Access (Minor) Radius 30m. This will include a 2 coat bitumen seal and associated drainage to the Wild Dog Barrier Fence gate.


32.       All-weather vehicle access shall be provided for traffic movement within the development site.


33.       Unsealed internal roads are to be watered upon receipt of any complaint regarding dust nuisance caused by vehicle movements within the site.


34.       All vehicle accesses intersecting the Wild Dog Barrier Fence are to be constructed in accordance with regulations and standards required by the authority for the Land Protection (Pest and Stock Route Management) Act 2002.




35.       Crossroads Road is to be upgraded from the end of the bitumen on Horse Creek        Road extending in an easterly direction to the entrance of the site to the following standards:


            (a)        formation width: 8.0 metres;

            (b)        pavement width: 7.0 metres;

            (c)        seal width: 7.0 metres;


            (d)        pavement design:        

                        CMDG Table D2.08.1 ‘Rural & Rural Residential’ >100 vpd;


            (e)        rural design criteria: Table D1.21.03 ‘Rural Road Elements for                                                 Maranoa Regional Council, 100  - 140 VPD Rural Collector – Minor’;


                        and otherwise generally in accordance with Capricorn Municipal Development                       Guidelines D1 ‘Geometric Road Design.’


Environmental Management


            Note that the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection have attached conditions to this approval concerning Buffer Zones.


36.       All activities while the use continues are to be managed in accordance with:


                        a)         the relevant Environmental Authority issued by the Department of                                           Environment and Heritage Protection, DEHP’s conditions of   approval                                   (attached), or any subsequent Environmental Authority that is issued                             for the approved use;


                        b)         the Site Based Management Plan, (Lots 6 & 7 WV409,                                                  Crossroads Road, Yuleba North) prepared by Peter Swan (Struxi                                             design); and


                        c)         all relevant sections of the Capricorn Municipal Development                                      Guidelines.


37.        Remediation of the site is to occur in consultation with the landowner, and is to be    managed in accordance with:


                        a)         the relevant Environmental Authority issued by the Department of                                           Environment and Heritage Protection, DEHP’s conditions of approval                                     (attached), or any subsequent Environmental Authority that is issued                             for the approved use; and


                        b)         the Rehabilitation Plan, Section 4.4 of the Site Based Management                                          Plan, (Lots 6 & 7 WV409, Crossroads Road,     Yuleba North) prepared                                    by Peter Swan (Struxi design).


38.       If the environmental approval issued by a State agency (Department of Environment and Heritage Protection or its successor) to undertake this use on this site ceases to have effect and is not replaced by an appropriate approval, code or         law to manage the use and the rehabilitation of the site, then the conditions, requirements and obligations of the original environmental approval given for this use on this site shall become conditions of this approval. References in the original environmental approval to the State agency will then be construed as references to the Council to the greatest extent possible. The standards referenced by the most     recent environmental approval will be the applicable standards.


39.       Weeds and pests are to be monitored and controlled in accordance with Section 4.2.4 of the Site Based Management Plan prepared by Struxi Design.


40.       The operator is to develop and implement appropriate bushfire mitigation plans for the development site prior to the commencement of use.


Fees, Infrastructure Charges and Impact Contributions


41.       A local roads additional impacts charge will be paid to Maranoa Regional Council in accordance with the Local Roads Additional Impacts Charges Schedule A, attached to and forming part of these conditions. This condition and the conditions in Local Roads Additional Impacts Charges Schedule A are based on division 2 of chapter 8, more specifically sections 650 and 651 and linked sections, of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009.


42.       All matters contained within this development approval may be covered by infrastructure agreements or deeds of agreement between the relevant parties for each matter. 


43.       All fees, rates, interest and other charges levied on the property, shall be paid in accordance with the rate at the time of payment.


Complete and Maintain


44.       Complete and maintain the approved development as follows: (i) in accordance with development approval documents and (ii) strictly in accordance with those parts of   the approved development which have been specified in detail by the Council or Referral Agency unless the Council or Referral Agency agrees in writing that those parts will be adequately complied with by amended specifications.



45.       Complete and maintain all operational, building and plumbing and drainage work associated with this development approval, including work required by any of the development approval conditions.


Repair Damaged Infrastructure


46.       The developer is responsible for locating and protecting any Council and public utility services, infrastructure and assets that may be impacted on during construction of the development.  Any damage to existing infrastructure (road pavement, existing underground assets, signs or other) that is attributable to the progress of works on the site or vehicles associated with the development of the site shall be immediately rectified in accordance with the asset owners’ requirements and specifications and to the satisfaction of the asset owners’ representative(s).


47.       Council is to be indemnified against any claims arising from works carried out by the applicant on Council’s property.


No Cost to Council


48.       The developer is responsible for meeting all costs associated with the approved development unless there is specific agreement by other parties, including the Council, to meeting those costs.


49.       All rates and charges of any description and all arrears of such rates and charges, together with interest outstanding thereon, on the land, due to the Council, shall be paid to the Council prior to any approved use commencing.


Latest versions


50.       Where another condition refers to a specific published standard, manual or guideline, including specifications, drawings, provisions and criteria within those documents, that condition shall be deemed as referring to the latest versions of those publications that are publicly available at the time the first operational works or compliance approval is lodged with the assessment manager or approval agency for those types of works to be performed or approved, unless a regulation or law requires otherwise.


Application Documentation


51.       It is the developer’s responsibility to ensure all entities associated with this Development Approval have a legible copy of the Decision Notice and the Approved Plans and Approved Documents bearing ‘Council Approval’.


Charges Schedule A - Local Roads Additional Impacts


52.       These conditions are required because the development will impact on the local roads then materials associated with the operation of the extractive industry are carried along those local roads. The local roads additional impacts charge covers all roads in the Maranoa Regional Council Area where heavy vehicles of the type used in this activity/use are permitted to travel. The tonnage of extracted material leaving the extractive industry is deemed to be a proportional measure of the total traffic to and from the site.


53.       A local roads additional impacts charge of $0.50 per tonne will be paid to Maranoa Regional Council for all extracted material transported from the site. This is the local roads additional impacts charge for the 2013-2014 financial year. Until such time as (1) the level of approved use is changed or (2) Council has amended charges as a result of a review requested by the extractive industry operator, the local roads additional impacts charges amount will be increased or decreased annually by a percentage equivalent to the 3-year moving average annual percentage increase in the PPI index (as defined in the Sustainable Planning Act 2009) for the period of 3 years ending at the start of the financial year.


54.       The payment of the local roads additional impacts charge must be made by the extractive industry operator within 14 days of the end of each 3 month period, with the periods starting with the commencement of the use/activity. The extractive industry operator must calculate the payment and provide details of the calculation. If no payment is made within the set time, the Council may demand payment based on the maximum approved annual production capacity of the activity/use divided by 4.  The maximum approved annual production capacity of the extractive industry will be deemed to be the maximum capacity of the extractive industry listed in the approvals for the site. If the extractive industry   operator does not pay the local roads additional impacts charge for two consecutive periods, the Council can require the holder of the development approval to pay the local roads additional impacts charge to the Council.


55.       The holder of the development approval or the extractive industry operator may ask for the local roads additional impacts charge to be reviewed once in every three year period after the approval for the activity/use is given. The review will take account of the rates and methodology applying to similar operators in the Council Area and the facts and circumstances applying to this approved activity/use.


56.       Despite the payment of a local roads additional impacts charge, the Council may stop the extractive industry operator from using particular roads. The reasons may include Council concerns about the level of damage being caused or may be caused to those particular local roads by the addition to total road use of heavy vehicles associated with the extractive industry.


57.       Council or its representatives is entitled to inspect, copy and audit any records which may help to prove the actual use of the road network by the extractive industry operator or the approval holder(s) for the purposes of assessing the local roads additional impacts charge. The extractive industry operator and the            approval older(s) have agreed by the acceptance of this condition that the Council has their agreement and permission to access those records wherever held and that their agreement and permission cannot be revoked.


58.       The extractive industry operator or the approval holder(s) may undertake roadworks in lieu of paying a local roads additional impacts charge. The roadworks must be of the same value as the local roads additional impacts charge. The value of roadworks will be determined by Council or by an independent RPEQ standard engineer agreed to by the Council. The roadworks must be roadworks included the Council current roadworks program and within a 50 kilometre radius of the extractive industry site on roads that may be used by the operator.  The carrying out of roadworks must comply with CMDG guidelines and other requirements which normally apply to works carried out on Council roads by contractors, including warranties for the works performed. The onus is on the entity intending to perform the roadworks to gain all necessary approvals for the roadworks. The roadworks must be completed within 3 months after the local roads additional impacts charge was due to be paid or within a period agreed in writing with the Council.


59.       The charges or roadworks or other relevant matters can be included within an infrastructure agreement or deed of agreement with the Council, the extractive industry operator and any other relevant parties by consent of the parties. The extractive industry operator, the approval holder and the Council may vary the charges and other factors by mutual consent where circumstances warrant such variations and the community interest is protected.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      7/0


Responsible Officer

Town Planner


At cessation of discussion on the abovementioned two items, Cr Wason entered the Chamber at 10.39am, assuming the Chair.


The Mayor entered the Chamber at 10.42am.


Item Number:                                    13.10

File Number: D14/56506

Subject Heading:                         Maranoa Economic Snapshot & Report – July 2014

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Ryan Gittins, Specialist - Business Development

Executive Summary: 

On an annual basis, AEC Group Ltd has been engaged to update the Maranoa Economic Profile to reflect the most up-to-date economic statistics.


The latest editions of the economic snapshot and full report were completed in early July 2014. Council’s approval of these documents was sought prior to their dissemination via the Council and Invest Maranoa websites.


Resolution No. GM/08.2014/25

Moved Cr O'Neil                                                            Seconded Cr Newman  


That Council endorse the July 2014 editions of the Maranoa Economic Profile and Maranoa Economic Snapshot (as attached to the Officer’s report), prior to their dissemination via the Council and Invest Maranoa websites.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Responsible Officer

Specialist - Business Development


The Mayor assumed the Chair at 10.43am.


Item Number:                                    13.11

File Number: D14/56712

Subject Heading:                         Retrospective Approval to Submit Funding Applications under the Queensland Anzac Centenary Program, Round Two

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Susan (Sue) Sands, (Acting) Coordinator – Local Development & Council Events

Executive Summary: 

Council is eligible to submit funding applications under the Queensland Government’s Anzac Centenary Grants program.  Council has submitted three separate applications to restore and enhance the cenotaphs at Roma, Mitchell and Injune by the due date of 12 August 2014.


Resolution No. GM/08.2014/26

Moved Cr Denton                                                          Seconded Cr Chambers  

That Council provide retrospective approval to submit funding applications under the Queensland Government’s Anzac Centenary Grants program for the cenotaphs at Roma, Injune and Mitchell, which were previously discussed at the Council workshop on 6 August 2014.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Responsible Officer

(Acting) Coordinator - Local Development & Council Events

Item Number:                                    13.12

File Number: D14/56826

Subject Heading:                         Sub-Agreement for Mitchell Master Drainage Study and yuleba service centre, and deed of variation for roma flood mitigation levee construction

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Susan (Sue) Sands, (Acting) Coordinator – Local Development & Council Events

Executive Summary: 

Maranoa Regional Council has received advice that the application for the Mitchell Master Drainage Study, submitted under the State Government’s 2014/15 Natural Disaster Resilience Program, has been successful.  Council is now required to enter into a sub-agreement with the State Government to receive the funding, and provide confirmation that the remainder of the project costs will be met.


Maranoa Regional Council has also received advice that the application for the Yuleba Service Centre, submitted under the State Government’s 2014/15 Local Government Grants and Subsidies Program, has been successful.  Council is now required to enter into a sub-agreement with the State Government to receive the funding, and provide confirmation that the remainder of the project costs will be met. 


Finally, it was requested that Council authorise the Chief Executive Officer to sign a Deed of Variation to extend the project date for completion of the Roma Flood Mitigation Levee Construction Projects (Stage 1 Levee) until 31 December 2014.



A draft motion was put forward as follows, however, no vote was taken on the draft motion at that time, and the matter was left on the table for further discussion following morning tea.


Moved Cr Chambers                                                      Seconded Cr Price  

That Council:


  1. Authorise the Chief Executive Officer to sign the sub-agreement with the Department of Local Government, Community Recovery and Resilience for the Mitchell Master Drainage Study project, and the sub-agreement.


  1. Confirm that the remainder of the project costs (40%) will be met from the 2014/15 budget.


  1. Authorise the Chief Executive Officer to sign the sub-agreement for the creation of a one stop shop Service Centre under the Community – Local Government Grants and Subsidies Program – Infrastructure Subsidies 2014/15. 


  1. Confirm that $180,000 has been allocated towards the estimated cost of the project ($300,000) in Council’s 2014/15 budget, and Council has now received confirmation of funding for 40% of the project cost ($120,000)


  1. Authorise the Chief Executive Officer to sign the Deed of Variation to the Funding Agreement for the Roma Flood Mitigation Levee Construction Project (Stage 1 Levee), extending the project completion date to 31 December 2014.


NO VOTE TAKEN                                                                                                         


Subject Heading:        suspension of standing orders

Council adjourned the meeting for morning tea at 10.50am.


Subject Heading:        resumption of standing orders

Council resumed the meeting at 11.25am


Item Number:                                    13.12

File Number: D14/56826

Subject Heading:                         Sub-Agreement for Mitchell Master Drainage Study

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Susan (Sue) Sands, (Acting) Coordinator – Local Development & Council Events

Executive Summary: 

Maranoa Regional Council has received advice that the application for the Mitchell Master Drainage Study, submitted under the State Government’s 2014/15 Natural Disaster Resilience Program, has been successful.  Council is now required to enter into a sub-agreement with the State Government to receive the funding, and provide confirmation that the remainder of the project costs will be met.


Maranoa Regional Council has also received advice that the application for the Yuleba Service Centre, submitted under the State Government’s 2014/15 Local Government Grants and Subsidies Program, has been successful.  Council is now required to enter into a sub-agreement with the State Government to receive the funding, and provide confirmation that the remainder of the project costs will be met. 


Finally, it was requested that Council authorise the CEO  to sign a Deed of Variation to extend the project date for completion of the Roma Flood Mitigation Levee Construction Projects (Stage 1 Levee) until 31 December 2014.



This item had been laid on the table earlier during the meeting. Council resumed discussion and debate on the draft motion.


Resolution No. GM/08.2014/27

Moved Cr Chambers                                                      Seconded Cr Price  

That Council:


  1. Authorise the Chief Executive Officer to sign the sub-agreement with the Department of Local Government, Community Recovery and Resilience for the Mitchell Master Drainage Study project, and the sub-agreement.


  1. Confirm that the remainder of the project costs (40%) will be met from the 2014/15 budget.


  1. Authorise the Chief Executive Officer to sign the sub-agreement for the creation of a one stop shop Service Centre under the Community – Local Government Grants and Subsidies Program – Infrastructure Subsidies 2014/15. 


  1. Confirm that $180,000 has been allocated towards the estimated cost of the project ($300,000) in Council’s 2014/15 budget, and Council has now received confirmation of funding for 40% of the project cost ($120,000)


  1. Authorise the Chief Executive Officer to sign the Deed of Variation to the Funding Agreement for the Roma Flood Mitigation Levee Construction Project (Stage 1 Levee), extending the project completion date to 31 December 2014.



CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Responsible Officer

(Acting) Coordinator - Local Development & Council Events/Chief Executive Officer




At this point, the Manager Community Services, Julie Neil, attended the meeting to provide additional clarification for Item 11.2.  With the endorsement of the Mover and Seconder, and with the approval of the Council, the resolution was amended so that point 5 include recommendation (2) in addition to (1).





In accord with the provisions of section 275 of the Local Government Regulation 2012, Council resolved to close the meeting to discuss items it has deemed to be of a confidential nature and specifically pertaining to the following sections:-

          (e)      contracts proposed to be made by it;

          (f)      starting or defending legal proceedings involving the local government;

          (h)      other business for which a public discussion would be likely to prejudice the interests of the local government or someone else, or enable a person to gain a financial advantage;

          (d)      rating concessions;

          (a)      the appointment, dismissal or discipline of employees;


Resolution No. GM/08.2014/28

Moved Cr Price                                                             Seconded Cr Flynn


That Council close the meeting to the public at 11.30am.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0



Cr Newman declared a perceived ‘Conflict of Interest’  in Item C.2 “Draft Surat Grain Centre Lease” due to her family business currently working in partnership with a representative of Surat Grain, and left the Chamber at 11.31am.


At cessation of discussion on Item C.2 “Draft Surat Grain Centre Lease” Cr Newman entered the Chamber at 11.37am.


Cr Flynn declared a ‘Conflict of Interest’ Item C.6 “Jetgo Request for Fee Waiver at the Roma Airport” due to his personal business operations out of the Roma Airport, and left the Chamber at 11.44am, taking no further part in discussions on the matter.


At cessation of discussion on Item C.6 “Jetgo Request for Fee Waiver at the Roma Airport” Cr Flynn  entered the Chamber at 11.50am.


Subject Heading:        suspension of standing orders

Council adjourned the meeting for lunch at 12.50am.


Subject Heading:        resumption of standing orders

Council resumed the meeting at 1.42pm


The Mayor did not return to the meeting following lunch,  and the Deputy Mayor assumed the Chair in his absence.


The Mayor entered the Chamber and assumed the Chair at 1.52pm.


Cr Denton left the Chamber at 1.56pm.

Cr Denton entered the Chamber at 1.57pm.


The Mayor left the Chamber at 2.13pm with the Deputy Mayor assuming the Chair in his absence.


Cr Flynn declared a ‘Conflict of Interest’ Item C.8 “Roma Airport Expansion” due to his personal business operations out of the Roma Airport, and left the Chamber at 2.16pm, taking no further part in discussions on the matter.


The Mayor entered the Chambers at 2.17pm, and assumed the Chair.


The Mayor left the Chamber at 2.20pm

The Mayor entered the Chamber at 2.21pm.


Resolution No. GM/08.2014/29

Moved Cr O'Neil                                                            Seconded Cr Schefe

That Council open the meeting to the public at 2.22pm.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      8/0



At cessation of discussion on Item C.8 “Roma Airport Expansion” Cr Flynn entered the Chamber at 2.23pm.


Item Number:                                    C.1

File Number: D14/50685

Subject Heading:                         Variation to Rates Business Agreement

Applicant:                                         Civica Pty Ltd

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Dale Waldron, Manager - Administration & Information Services

Executive Summary: 

It was requested that Council give consideration to approving a variation of the five year Rates Business Agreement to spread the training component of training Council Staff over the remaining three years instead of only the final year of the Agreement.


Resolution No. GM/08.2014/30

Moved Cr Schefe                                                           Seconded Cr Chambers  

That Council authorise the Chief Executive Officer to sign the variation of the Rates Business Agreement, so that the training component is spread over the remaining three years of the Agreement.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Responsible Officer

Manager - Administration & Information Services


Cr Newman declared a perceived ‘Conflict of Interest’  in the following item, due to her family business currently being contracted to the named group corporations under Surat Grain, and left the Chambers at 2.26pm.


Item Number:                                    C.2

File Number: D14/49896

Subject Heading:                         Draft Surat Grain Centre Lease

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Tanya Mansfield, Manager - Facilities

Executive Summary: 

Council, and its predecessor Warroo Shire Council, has for a number of years (at least as early as 2004) been in negotiations with “Surat Grain”, being a group of corporations Sumlake Pty Ltd, Dapco Grain Pty Ltd, Formosa Grain Pty Ltd, Brynog Grain Pty Ltd and Oakbell Pty Ltd.  The purpose of these negotiations was to develop a lease or leases over the land in Surat which is currently being used by the companies as a bulk grain handling depot.


At its General Meeting held on 23 April 2014, Council considered and agreed to a draft lease.  However, subsequent to this decision, Surat Grain solicitors have requested changes to Clause 24 of the draft lease relating to any future sale of the land during the term of the lease.  Council is asked to consider the requested changes.


Resolution No. GM/08.2014/31

Moved Cr Wason                                                           Seconded Cr Flynn  

That Council:


  1. Amend Clause 24 of the draft lease between Council and Sumlake Pty Ltd, Dapco Grain Pty Ltd, Formosa Grain Pty Ltd, Brynog Grain Pty Ltd and Oakbell Pty Ltd as per the draft clause presented to the Council meeting to reflect sound contracting principle obligations under the Local Government Regulation.


  1. Authorise the Chief Executive Officer to sign the Deed of Surrender, effective from the date the new lease is exercised.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      8/0


Responsible Officer

Manager - Facilities


At cessation of discussion and debate on the abovementioned item, Cr Newman entered at 2.27pm.


Item Number:                                    C.3

File Number: D14/51374

Subject Heading:                         Deed of transfer of CNF* and SRC* funded housing from Economic Development Queensland to Maranoa Regional Council

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Edward Sims, Manager - Economic & Community Development

Executive Summary: 

Council is in receipt of a Deed of Transfer from the Minister for Economic Development Queensland (MEDQ) that relates to Clearview Rise Estate Lots 406, 407 and 441. 


The Deed of Transfer details the conditions of sale, which are consistent with Council’s objectives for affordable housing for its key workers.   This report sought Council’s resolution to sign the Deed of Transfer.

(*CNF = Competitive Neutrality Fund;  SRC = Sustainable Resource Communities program)


Resolution No. GM/08.2014/32

Moved Cr Price                                                             Seconded Cr Chambers  

That Council:


  1. Authorise the Chief Executive Officer to sign the Deed of Transfer  from the Minister responsible for Economic Development Queensland that relates to Clearview Rise Estate Lots 406, 407 and 441.


  1. Authorise payment of the GST amounts on the transaction which is in accordance with its budget.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Responsible Officer

Manager - Economic & Community Development


Item Number:                                    C.4

File Number: D14/55709

Subject Heading:                         Management agreement - Denise Spencer Pool

Location:                                          Roma

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Tanya Mansfield, Manager - Facilities

Executive Summary: 

Council was asked to consider matters relating to the Denise Spencer Pool in Roma.


Resolution No. GM/08.2014/33

Moved Cr O'Neil                                                            Seconded Cr Denton  


That Council:


  1. Authorise the Chief Executive Officer to write to the Manager in accordance with the Management Agreement between Council and the Manager dated 1 September  pertaining to Clause 12 of the Agreement - specifically 12.1.3 and 12.4.1.


  1. Close the Denise Spencer Pool from close of business on 13 August 2014, until such time that Council is satisfied that the Manager’s public liability insurance is in order for the facility, as required under the Management Agreement.


  1. Authorise the Chief Executive Officer to undertake any additional steps to facilitate these actions in consultation with Councillors.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Responsible Officer

Chief Executive Officer



Item Number:                                    C.5

File Number: D14/56601

Subject Heading:                         Regional Arts Development Fund Applications from Round 1, 2014/15 Financial Year

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Susan (Sue) Sands, (Acting) Coordinator – Local Development & Council Events

Executive Summary: 

The Maranoa Regional Council Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) Committee assessed funding applications for arts and cultural projects and activities submitted under Round 1 for the 2014/15 financial year, and provided recommendations to be ratified by Council.




Resolution No. GM/08.2014/34

Moved Cr Newman                                                        Seconded Cr Denton  


That Council endorse the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) Committee’s grant assessment recommendations to approve the following projects:



Project Description

Approved Contribution

Total Project Cost

Roma & District Eisteddfod Committee

Bring a qualified music specialist to the region for skills development

$3,159 (conditional)  upon receipt of specified requirements)


Surat & District Development Association

Hire of a professional photographer to record 90th anniversary of the Cobb & Co Coach Ride



Roma Cluster Working Party: Small Town Culture Project                       

Employment of singer/songwriter to work with students



Injune State School P & C  

5 day pottery class for children in Injune district



The Silversmiths Roma Group

Secure a tutor to conduct sustainable jewellery workshop        



Kylie Douglas

Attendance at a writing workshop in Blackall





CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Responsible Officer

(Acting) Coordinator - Local Development & Council Events


Cr Flynn declared a ‘Conflict of Interest’ in the following two items due to his personal business operations out of the Roma Airport, and left the Chamber at 2.33pm, taking no further part in discussion or debate on the matter.




Item Number:                                    C.6

File Number: D14/57061

Subject Heading:                         Jetgo request for fee waiver at the Roma Airport

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Ben Jones, Manager - Airports (Roma, Injune, Surat & Mitchell)

Executive Summary: 

It was requested that Council consider the applicant’s request  for waiver of applicable fees.



Resolution No. GM/08.2014/35

Moved Cr O'Neil                                                            Seconded Cr Denton  

That Council:


  1. Not approve the requested fee waiver.


  1. Authorise the Chief Executive Officer to explore with Jetgo the option of reserving a number of their proposed (L) class fares for Maranoa Region residents, highlighting that Council has committed significant investment to cater for services such as this, noting the commencement of  installation of the Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) System and also investigation into the extension of the stop way by 150 metres.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      8/0


Responsible Officer

Manager - Airports (Roma, Injune, Surat & Mitchell)


Item Number:                                    C.8

File Number: D14/57239

Subject Heading:                         Roma Airport Expansion

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Bianca Kocsis, Project Manager

Executive Summary:  

Detailed within this report were the key recommendations to Council for the progression of the Roma Airport expansion works.


Resolution No. GM/08.2014/36

Moved Cr Denton                                                          Seconded Cr O'Neil  


That Council:


  1. Progress activities for the construction of Car Park 3 of the current airport car park design.


  1. Approve the exclusion of car park 2A and 2B of the current car park design drawing C.


  1. Progress with planning activities to construct the southern bus interchange as per the current Roma Airport design.


  1. Progress the Lark Landscape car park design “Deluxe” option to detailed design.


  1. Proceed with Highland Infrastructure Group (HIG) for site supervisor activities relating to the construction of the new scope for the Roma Airport car park.


  1. Progress planning activities for additional departure lounge space that is fully equipped with the appropriate services for conversion to an airline lounge if Council wish to explore this option at a later date.


  1. Approve the BCS Group preferred option for the checked baggage system to be included in the current terminal design and subsequent terminal construction.


  1. Approve the provision of five (5) check in counters in the current terminal design and subsequent construction and the provision of services to install an express airline check in kiosk at a later date.


  1. Progress planning activities to include a shade structure to the west of the checked baggage area.


  1. Progress planning activities to include a back of house toilet into the terminal design for tender and subsequent construction (replication on southern wall of the additional terminal space).



  1. Proceed with extension of the current Highland Infrastructure Group (HIG) consultancy for site super/engineering support through the tender and construction phase of the airport terminal.


  1. Proceed with the addition, to the terminal scope of works, of power requirements for signage/LED TV adverting.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      8/0


Responsible Officer

Chief Executive Officer


At cessation of discussion on the two abovementioned item, Cr Flynn entered the Chamber at 2.42pm.


Item Number:                                    C.7

File Number: D14/57233

Subject Heading:                         Update on Organisational Restructure Financial Services

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Julie Reitano, Chief Executive Officer

Executive Summary: 

The report provided an update on the actions taken with respect to Council’s resolution of 23 July 2014.


Resolution No. GM/08.2014/37

Moved Cr Chambers                                                      Seconded Cr Price  

That Council:


  1. Note the information presented.


  1. Revisit the transfer of Quality, Safety & Environment to the Office of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and instead endorse the establishment of three working groups led by the CEO (to be included in the Organisational Structure) as follows:

-          Procurement

-          Financial Sustainability   (e.g. Asset Management & Long Term Financial Forecasts)

-          Integrated Management System (Quality, Safety & Environment)


  1. Endorse for further consultation a change in title for the Infrastructure Planning and Design Department to the Department of Asset and Service Planning.


  1. Confirm the transfer of the work units to the new Departments, effective from 13 August 2014:

-          Procurement to Resource Coordination

-          Asset Valuations to Infrastructure Planning & Design (retitled)

-          Accounts Payable (Creditors) and Accounts Receivable (Debtors) to Administration and Information Services


  1. Approve for the Strategic Finance unit to report to the Director Corporate, Community & Commercial Services, with the following team members:

-          Accounting Services (Specialist – Accounting Services, 1 x Accountant, 1 x Finance Officer)

-          Specialist – Strategic Finance

-          Specialist – Finance Systems Support


  1. Include one Finance Officer in the Administration and Information Services Department.



  1. Authorise the Chief Executive Officer to undertake preliminary investigations to identify a suitable candidate for the role of a Project Manager.


  1. Approve the change in work unit title to Creditors (previously Accounts Payable).


  1. Approve the inclusion of the officer who currently undertakes Private Works within the Debtors work unit.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Responsible Officer

Chief Executive Officer



Item Number:                                    C.9

File Number: D14/56438

Subject Heading:                         Minor Amendments to Organisational Structure

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Erin Tompkins, Associate to the CEO & Mayor

Executive Summary: 

The report sought Council’s approval for a number of minor amendments to the organisational structure.


Resolution No. GM/08.2014/38

Moved Cr Chambers                                                      Seconded Cr Price  

That Council:


  1. Extend the terms of the Manager Facilities and Manager Environmental Health, Compliance and Waste until 30 September 2014, to allow for new contracts to be drafted.


  1. Provide in principle support for a new permanent full time position of Coordinator – Yuleba Services Centre, with a further report on funding to be provided to Council prior to progressing the matter.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Responsible Officer

Associate to the CEO & Mayor



Item Number:                                    12.1

File Number: D14/54397

Subject Heading:                         Loading Zone - Arthur St, Roma

Author and Officer’s Title:                 Kylie Fleischfresser, Specialist - Infrastructure Planning

Executive Summary: 

Council has received a request for a dedicated parking bay/loading zone outside the Health Plus Chemist on Arthur Street, Roma. Earlier during the meeting, Council had deferred the aspect of sign design.



It was also requested that Council consider three (3) options for signage design as provided in the officer’s report. A draft motion was put forward earlier during the meeting as recorded below.  Council voted on the draft motion.




Resolution No. GM/08.2014/39

Moved Cr O'Neil                                                            Seconded Cr Wason


That Council proceed with signage design Option 3 (R5-Q05).


MOTION LOST                                                                                                               3/6



Resolution No. GM/08.2014/40

Moved Cr Flynn                                                             Seconded Cr Newman


That Council proceed with signage design Option 1 (R5-23)


CARRIED                                                                                                                      8/1


Responsible Officer

Specialist – Infrastructure Planning





There being no further business, the Mayor thanked Council for their attendance and declared the meeting closed at 2.49pm.



These Minutes are to be confirmed at the next General Meeting of Council to be held on 27 August 2014, at Roma Administration Centre.





...............……….................                                                      ..................................

Mayor.                                                                          Date.




Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  27 August 2014

Officer Report

Meeting: General  27 August 2014

Date: 21 August 2014

Item Number: 10.1

File Number: D14/60947


Subject Heading:                     2015 Annual Show (Public) Holidays

Classification:                                   Open Access  

Name of Applicant:                          N/a

Location:                                            N/a

Author & Officer’s Title:                 Donald  Wells, Manager - Human Resources


Executive Summary: 

The Honourable Jarrod Bleijie MP, Attorney-General and Minister for Justice as Minister (the Minister), with responsibility for the administration of the Holidays Act 1983 (the Act), has asked if Maranoa Regional Council is seeking for the Minister to appoint a day to be a special holiday within a specified such district as per section 4(1) of the Act.


Holidays of this nature are usually appointed in respect of an annual agricultural, horticultural or industrial show and are deemed as a Public Holiday.



Officer’s Recommendation:  

That Council approve the making of written application, by the Chief Executive Officer, to the Honourable Jarrod Bleijie MP, Attorney-General and Minister for Justice for Friday, 8 May 2015 as a Special Holiday for the Roma Agricultural Show and Tuesday, 12 May 2015 as a Special Holiday for the Mitchell Agricultural Show.



Body of Report:

The Honourable Jarrod Bleijie MP, Attorney-General and Minister for Justice as Minister (the Minister), with responsibility for the administration of the Holidays Act 1983 (the Act), has asked, in writing, if Maranoa Regional Council is seeking for the Minister to appoint a day to be a special holiday within a specified such district as per section 4(1) of the Act.


Holidays of this nature are usually appointed in respect of an annual agricultural, horticultural or industrial show and are deemed as a Public Holiday. As per section 4(2) of the Act, a holiday is appointed pursuant to a notice signed by the Chief Executive Officer, from the Local Government for the area in which the district is situated, being received by the Minister.


The Queensland Chamber of Agricultural Societies Inc. (QCAS) has published Agricultural Show Dates for 2015 on their website at

The 2015 Roma Agricultural Show is scheduled for May on Thursday 7, Friday 8 and Saturday 9, with the 2015 Mitchell Agricultural Show also scheduled for May on Monday 11 and Tuesday 12.


Traditionally Peoples Day, a public (show) holiday, for the Roma Agricultural Show occurs on the Friday, with People’s Day, a public (show) holiday, for the Mitchell Agricultural Show occurring on the Tuesday. Given the above information, if granted, the Roma Show Holiday would be Friday, 8 May 2015 and the Mitchell Show Holiday would be Tuesday, 12 May 2015.


The Roma Show Holiday would cover businesses operating and persons residing or working in the area from the Eastern boundary of Maranoa Regional Council authority area, including the towns of Jackson, Yuleba, Wallumbilla, Roma, Hodgson and Muckadilla to the Northern boundary of the Maranoa Regional Council authority area, including the town of Injune and the area known as Bymount. South of Roma to the Southern boundary of the Maranoa Regional Council authority area including the township of Surat and the area East and South of Surat Township.


The Mitchell Show Holiday would cover businesses operating and persons residing or working West of Amby to the Western boundary of the Council authority area including the towns of Mitchell and Mungallala. South of Amby to the Southern boundary of the Council authority area including the area known as Dunkeld and North of Amby to the Northern boundary of the Council authority area.

Consultation (internal/external):


Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):

Application for a Special Holiday must be made in accordance with section 4 of the Holidays Act 1983.

Policy Implications:


Financial Resource Implications:



Link to Corporate Plan:

Corporate Plan 2009-2013 8.1.2(a) To provide and develop contemporary and professional human resource practices and functions in an environment that promotes Equal Employment Opportunity principles and recognises all employees in a fair and respectful manner.

Supporting Documentation:


Attorney-General and Minister for Justice - Requests for Special Holidays for 2015 - 03/07/2014



Report authorised by:

Julie Reitano, Chief Executive Officer

Attachment 1

Attorney-General and Minister for Justice - Requests for Special Holidays for 2015 - 03/07/2014



Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  27 August 2014

Officer Report

Meeting: General  27 August 2014

Date: 5 August 2014

Item Number: 11.1

File Number: D14/56312


Subject Heading:                     Council Initiated Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes

Classification:                                   Open Access  

Name of Applicant:                          N/a

Location:                                            N/a

Author & Officer’s Title:                 Kelly Rogers, Coordinator - Elected Members & Community Engagement



Executive Summary: 

As part of Council’s Draft Community Engagement Strategy, Council has initiated a number of Advisory Committees to seek community and stakeholder input on key projects and businesses of Council.  Feedback, or the outcomes of these forums, assists Council to identify priorities, inform decisions and develop future strategies and policies.


This report provides a copy of the confirmed meeting minutes of the advisory committees that held meetings during the months of May 2014 – July 2014.  



Officer’s Recommendation:  

That Council receive and note the confirmed minutes of the following Advisory Committee Meetings:


·    Roma Saleyards Advisory Committee Meeting – 26/06/14

·    Airport Advisory Committee Meeting – 2/07/14

·    Wild Dog Advisory Committee Meeting – 12/05/14

·    Bassett Park Advisory Committee Meeting – 11/06/14



Body of Report:

Council initiated advisory committee meeting minutes are circulated to Councilors on a monthly basis to ensure Council is aware of committee items discussed.


The most recent confirmed minutes of each of the committees that have convened during the months of May 2014 – July 2014 are attached, these being:


·    Airport Advisory Committee Meeting – 2/07/14

·    Roma Saleyards Advisory Committee Meeting - 26/06/14

·    Wild Dog Advisory Committee Meeting – 12/05/14

·    Bassett Park Advisory Committee Meeting – 11/06/14


Specific recommendations requiring Council’s consideration will continue to be put forward by the Chair, or attending Councillor representative on an ‘as needs’ basis.


Consultation (internal/external):

MRC Councillors  & Committee Chairs

Designated Committee Minute Officers

Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):

The formation of Council initiated committees is a positive forum in which to engage the community and key stakeholders on Council projects and business areas.

Policy Implications:

MRC Draft Community Engagement Framework

Financial Resource Implications:

Operational resourcing costs


Link to Corporate Plan:

Corporate Plan 2009-2013 8.1.1(a) To undertake all governance functions and activities in a professional manner promoting corporate ethics and integrity and informed decision making practices so as foster an operating environment advocating fairness, equity and consistency.

Supporting Documentation:


Confirmed Minutes - Airport Advisory Committee - 02.07.14



Roma Saleyards Advisory Committee Meeting - Confirmed Minutes - 26/06/14



Wild Dog Advisory Committee Meeting - 12/05/14



Confirmed Minutes - Bassett Park Advisory Committee Meeting - 11/06/14



Report authorised by:

Dale Waldron, Manager - Administration & Information Services

Sharon Frank, Director - Corporate, Community & Commercial Services

Attachment 1

Confirmed Minutes - Airport Advisory Committee - 02.07.14



Meeting:                                 Airports Advisory Committee Meeting

Date:                                       Wednesday 2nd July, 2014

Chair:                                     Cr. Joy Denton                       

Attendees:                             Cr. Joy Denton, Ben Jones MRC – Manager Airports (Roma, Injune & Surat), Barry McCabe – Roma Aero Club, Meryl Brumpton – Flying Surgical and Flying Obstetric Service,  Richard Benham  – Commerce Roma, Lyn Kajewski – Roma Tourism Association Inc, Peter Flynn – Maranoa Travel Centre, Greg Shaw, Cr. Cameron O’Neil, Cr. David Schefe, Ian Rollinson,  Vicki Beitz, Bryce Duke – Care Flight Group QLD, Adrian Harding – Europcar, Shane Brumby – MI Helicopters, Keith Chandler, Anthony Partridge – TransLink, Anthony McDonald – Hertz Roma, Scott Rodgers – Air BP, Jon Hamer - Qantas


Apologies:                             Mr Greg Shaw, Mr Robert Lethbridge, Mr Jon Hamer, Keith Chandler, Cr Cameron O’Neill


Minutes:                                 Julie Latcham


Meeting Opened:                                                                                                                       6.10pm

Meeting Closed:                   7.05pm


Next Meeting Details

Date:                       6th August 2014                    

Time:                      6pm

Location:               Councillor’s Retreat            

Discussion Notes:



Cr. Denton & Cr Schefe welcomed all present and declared the meeting open at 6.10pm.


Item 1                     Apologies

The following apologies were noted at the commencement of the meeting;

Cr. Cameron O’Neil

Mr Greg Shaw

Mr Keith Chandler

Mr Robert Lethbridge

Mr Jon Hamer


Resolution:           That the Airport Advisory Committee Meeting minutes of the 4th June 2014 be confirmed.

Moved:   Barry McCabe                       

Seconded:  Lyn Kajewski   

Carried 9/0



Item 2                     Confirmation of Minutes and Business Arising














Action by



Item 2

Confirmation of Minutes and Business Arising

Installation of VASI lights at Roma Airport

Ben Jones


Provide an update on the sale of the council drink vending machine to the Roma Aero Club.

Ben Jones



Item 4

Airport Redevelopment

Written update on redevelopment provided to Committee

Ben Jones


Item 5

FIDS Screens

Update to be sent to Cr Denton upon completion

Ben Jones


Item 5

Tourism Information

IT Dept to be contacted to  ascertain what format is required for streaming of tourism info

Ben Jones



 Item 5

ERSA Update

Confirmation of wording and entry into the  ERSA manual  to include the prohibition of refuelling during  Careflight Helicopter operations - Operational

Ben Jones


























Item 5


Taxi Service

Request Tony Partridge attend the next Airport Advisory Committee Meeting to provide information on alterations to Taxi Metering & Service Agreements


Ben Jones



Airport Terminal


Resolution: The Committee recommends that Council investigates the installation of an outdoor gas heating system - urgently

Cr Denton/Kelly Rogers


Airport Terminal

Resolution: The Committee recommends that Council investigates the installation of a temporary shelter at the front of the Airport Terminal

Cr Denton/Kelly Rogers


GA Apron

Resolution: The Committee recommends that Council investigates the extension to the existing General Aviation Apron using a gravel hard stand area including tie down facilities.

Cr Denton/Kelly Rogers


Taxi Service Roma Airport

Resolution: The Committee recommends that Council consider implanting a service level agreement be set between Council & Main Roads for the provision of a taxi service at the Roma Airport

Cr Denton/Kelly Rogers




Mr Ben Jones updated the committee on VASI lighting system – while there has been a hold up in the supplier of the lighting system receiving  their components to enable them to construct their system, the majority of these have now been received. The bobcat operator & electrician have been engaged to commence work next week for the electrical installation, with the PAPI being delivered at this stage in the first week in August.


Sale of Vending machine – invoice received by Roma Aero Club – coordinating a time to transfer the physical machine and complete training to Aero Club representatives.


FIDS – Ben has given Wayne Bryant (QLink Agent Manager) the Operations Manual. There is the ability for the supplier to connect remotely if there are further questions.


Tourism – JPEG format required – each TV is different so testing needs to be done to check which format suits what TV.


Item 3

Update from Project Manager on Airport Expansion

Bianca Kocsis - Project Manager (Report Attached)

The Project is 2 phase – Car Park & Terminal


Currently finalising some initial challenges, however, it is intended that a further report be presented to Council  with respect to  the car park phase of the project in the near future.


Terminal – focus is on ensuring all items are completed correctly and delivering a quality product

Items for review include           -       Enlarging departure lounge

-       Baggage handling facility

-       Bus Interchange

The car park expansion will be constructed by Maranoa Regional Council, with the terminal component of the project tendered.




Item 4

Additional Airline Route


Ben Jones spoke about a potential 3rd route being considered by an Airline which would be open to the public and fly direct to Sydney.

They aim to provide competitive pricing and a flight 1 hour in duration.


Item 5

General Business


The committee discussed passengers queuing outside the Airport Terminal, and put forward the following  recommendations for Council’s consideration.



The Committee recommends that Council consider installing a temporary shelter at the front of the Roma  Airport Terminal.

Moved – Vikki Beitz

Seconded – Adrian Harding

Carried 9/0




The Committee recommends that Council investigate the installation of an outdoor gas heating system – urgently.

Moved: Barry McCabe

Seconded:  Lyn Kajewski

Carried   9/0
















General discussion was held over the high demand for check-in counters during peak times.

Peter Flynn requested  that 2 counters be available for Qantaslink usage.


Discussion was held over the demand for GA (General Aviation) parking at the Roma Airport.

At times there are no available spaces for these aircraft to park or tie down.

The ability to extend the apron to the west was discussed with possible options for more parking areas.



The Committee recommends that Council investigate an extension to the existing general aviation apron using a gravel hard stand area including tie down facilities at the Roma Airport.


Moved Barry McCabe

Seconded Vikki Beitz

Carried 9/0                                                       (Ben to provide data with the report with this)           











Mr Ben Jones spoke about refuelling operations and helicopter operations.  A recommendation has been made by Greg Shaw that a note be added to the ERSA – “When the Careflight helicopter is out on the pad and the light is flashing – any aircraft that need refuelling contact them via CTAF.” General discussion took place in relation to the safety & procedures during refuelling when Emergency Aircraft are in the vicinity and noting a new procedure in the ERSA.

Mr Ben Jones reported on changes to taxi metering in general, plus the option for potential service level agreements to be sought between Council & /Main Roads.

A general discussion was held on taxi services to the Airport at present and in the future.


ACTION - Operational

That an ERSA entry be added that Roma Airport prohibits refuelling during Careflight Helicopter operations unless permitted by Careflight (wording to be assessed)

Operational Decision


Moved Bryce Duke

Seconded Barry McCabe

Carried 9/0



The Committee recommends that Council consider implementing a service level agreement is set between Council and main roads for the provision of a taxi service at the Roma Airport.

Moved Barry McCabe

Seconded Adrian Harding

Carried : 9/0


















ACTION - Operational

Mr Ben Jones to contact Tony Partridge in relation to his attendance at the next Airport Advisory Committee Meeting to speak on this matter.










Item 6                     Next Meeting Date & Close

The Committee scheduled the next meeting for 6th August, 2014 commencing 6pm, to be held at the Council Chambers.


 The meeting was closed at




...............................................                                                                                         .............................................

Chair                                                                                                                                               Date




Notes for next meeting:

Apology for next meeting – Vikki Beitz



Attachment 2

Roma Saleyards Advisory Committee Meeting - Confirmed Minutes - 26/06/14


Attachment 3

Wild Dog Advisory Committee Meeting - 12/05/14


Meeting:                                 Wild Dog Advisory Committee Meeting


Date:                                       Monday 12 May 2014


Chair:                                     Cr. Jan Chambers  


Attendees:                             Cr. Jan Chambers, John Hartley, Michael Stanford, Peter Maunder, Ian Tutt, Kay Crosby (MRC), Damian Bougoure (MRC), Kymlee Seiler (MRC), Maree Winter (MRC), Dan Sutton.



Apologies:                             Don Noon, Kym Handley, Merv Phillips, Bill Crook-King, Bruce Hartnell, Vince Packer, Kent Morris, John Cuskelly, Gareth Graham.


Minutes:                                 Kelly Rogers


Meeting Opened:                                                                                                                      10:00am

Meeting Closed:                   12:54pm


Next Meeting Details


Date:                       18 August 2014                      

Time:                      10.00am 

Location:               TBC        

Meeting Actions




Action by


Item 3

Terms of Reference

That the TOR be updated as adopted by members.

Kelly Rogers


Item 4

Update from Wild Dog Officer

John Cuskelly be advised that a written request must be submitted concerning the use of the Wild Dog Advisory Committee Terms of Reference as a basis for use by DAFF.

Damien Bougoure


Item 5



Baiting Program

Copy of previous baiting campaign update to be circulated with minutes.

Kym Lee Seiler/Kelly Rogers


Members requested that baiting stations be clearly indicated on future maps and the map of the recent baiting be included in the BTB.

Kym Lee Seiler

Mid June 2014

Peter Maunder to contact members in the Yuleba & Noonga areas to improve campaign take up in that area and report back at the next meeting.

John  Hartley


Report be presented to Council for formal consideration recommending that Council negotiate arrangements & funding for border baiting locations (Murweh, Balonne, & Western Downs).

Cr. Jan Chambers/Kelly Rogers


Surat Program timings be adjusted as agreed for the next campaign.

Damien Bougoure

End July 2014

Report be presented to Council for formal consideration that future campaign notification be undertaken via phone and email, rather than mail out to landholders.

Cr. Jan Chambers/Kelly Rogers


Baiting campaign education be undertaken on a monthly basis for distribution in the Bottle Tree Bulletin.

Damien Bougoure

From July 2014 Edition

Meat order template be amended to clarify volume allowance of baits/factory baits, with meat tenders called annually on current sized baits. Copy to be circulated with minutes

Damien Bougoure/Kelly Rogers


Cr. Chambers to confirm for members next aerial baiting campaign date.(South Mungallala)

Cr. Jan Chambers


Item 9

Bonus Payments for Scalps

Breakdown of scalps collected to date to be circulated with the minutes.

Kym Lee Seiler/Kelly Rogers


Report be presented for formal consideration in allocating incentive payments for increments of 50 scalps presented.

Cr. Jan Chambers/Kelly Rogers


John Hartley be included as an authorised signatory for receiving scalps.

Kay Crosby


Item 10

Predator Days

Further discussion with Jon Cuskelly to occur after the Mitchell Predator Day.

Damien Bougoure

End June 2014

Additional contacts

Ian Tutt to obtain email contacts in the Begonia locality and provide to Damian Bougoure in preparation for November baiting campaign.

Ian Tutt


Wild Dog Barrier Fence Maintenance

Damian Bougoure & Dan Sutton to discuss process for collection of photo’s identifying maintenance requirements for the dingo fence.

Damian Bougoure/Dan Sutton


Acceptable Scalps

Authorised Officer refresher training to be undertaken and acceptable scalp guidelines to be issued in the BTB.

Damian Bougoure

July Edition 2014


Discussion Notes:



Cr. Chambers welcomed all present and declared the meeting open at 10.05am.


Item 1                     Apologies

The following apologies were noted at the commencement of the meeting;

·      Kym Handley, Don Noon, Vince Noon, Kent Morris, John Cuskelly, Melissa Nobbs


Item 2                     Confirmation of Minutes and Business Arising

Resolution:           WD/01.2014/01

Moved:                   John Hartley

Seconded:             Dan Sutton

That the Wild Dog Advisory Committee Meeting minutes of 25 November 2013 be confirmed.                                            















Chair, Cr. Chambers congratulated Dan Sutton for his efforts in presentation of the highest number of scalps, being recognised at the Golden Dogger Awards as part of the 2014 Australia Day Celebrations.  Damien Bougoure provided an update on the participation of Company owned landholders in their participation in the baiting program. 


Item 3                     Review Terms of Reference

Councillor Chambers discussed the past goals of the committee and their implementation into the draft Terms of Reference, confirming that all Advisory Committees of Council are required to adopt a ‘Terms of Reference.’



Resolution:           WD/01.2014/02

Moved:                   John Hartley

Seconded:             Michael Stanford

That the Draft Terms of Reference be adopted inclusive of the following amendments:

Quorum minimum to be 6;


·      Point 4 to state - Increase awareness on the impacts that wild dogs have on each community and the flow on economic implications

·      Point 8 to state -  Facilitate communication and co-operation between Council, groups and individuals


Advisory Group Structure & Format

Include the location of Surat


Advisory Group Members

Point 6 to state – Actively promote the Council’s Co-ordinated baiting program





Quorum be changed to a minimum of 6 members.

















Item 4                     Update from Wild Dog Officer

Damien Bougoure advised that John Cuskelly of DAFF had verbally requested permission to use of the Wild Dog Advisory Committee Terms of Reference as a basis for use by DAFF.  The group agreed that a formal letter of request be submitted for further consideration.


Item 5                     Baiting Program, Changes & Future Program

Kym Lee provided a verbal update of the previous baiting campaign undertaken.  A copy of the report will be circulated to members as part of distribution of the Unconfirmed Meeting Minutes.


Members requested that baiting stations be included on the map presented to clearly identify these locations for upcoming baiting campaigns.   Discussed was the importance of identifying areas where limited baiting is currently being undertaken with a view to improve take up.  Also discussed were the opportunities in working with neighbouring local government areas to improve take up in the border areas.

Resolution:           WD/01.2014/03

Moved:                   Dan Sutton

Seconded:             Peter Maunder

The committee recommends Council write to neighbouring local government areas of Murweh, Balonne & Western Downs advising that Maranoa Regional Council would be open to negotiate arrangements and funding for Baiting Program locations close to the border of these governing areas.                                           


















It was suggested that timings of the Surat area baiting locations be amended in preparation for the next campaign.  Members were in agreement with this approach. 


Members discussed the area in the vicinity of Yuleba & Noonga having a lower take up rate for the baiting program.  It was agreed that Peter Maunder contact landholders in that vicinity to encourage take up and report back to the next meeting.  It was suggested that Council Officer’s ringing landholders confirming arrangements for the last baiting campaign was successful in influencing an increased take up of the campaign.  Members also confirmed that current baiting locations were appropriate for the next campaign.


Members discussed the merit in focusing on phone and email contact in notifying future baiting campaigns, as a alternate to initiating a ‘mail out,’  It was also requested that these dates be notified in the monthly Bottle Tree Bulletin publication (BTB), as well as education of the program undertaken on a monthly basis.


It was suggested that the meat order form issued by Council be adjusted to provide clarity around the volume allowance, being 40kg or 48kg for factory baits, with alternate meat supply to be investigated in the next tender process.  The group agreed that tenders/quotes continue to be called for on an annual basis, and that the bait size was adequate. 


Limited feedback was received from the community concerning the results of the previous campaign.  Next campaign  3 – 14 November 2014, with Chair – Cr. Chambers to confirm future aerial baiting dates (South Mungallala).

Resolution:           WD/01.2014/04

Moved:                   Michael Stanford

Seconded:             Peter Maunder

The committee recommends that Council notify the upcoming baiting campaign dates and arrangements via telephone and email, rather than by a mail out to landholders, and that additional communications be placed in the Bottle Tree Bulletin.              
















Item 6                     Dogwatch Committee update

Cr. Chambers advised that at the most recent Dogwatch Committee Meeting, members agreed that Agforce model of accreditation for 10/80 baiting was approved.  Nomination through a Wild Dog Advisory Group was agreed as an appropriate method of recruiting accredited members, as the landholder would need to be covered by a governing body for insurance purposes.  Council currently has 4 accredited staff, with an additional member of staff to be accredited in the near future.  Cr. Chambers also advised that the aerial baiting campaign was still being refined with a view to achieving a coordinated approach for the state.  The group meet on a monthly basis.


Item 8                     Budget for Wild Dog Management

Kay Crosby provided an update on Council’s outlay of funds for this financial year in the purchase of meat, staff wages and Council’s Precept payment.  Due to the increased number of scalps presented this financial year, the proposed budget to be put forward for the 2014/15 financial year will be increased from $75,000 for purchase of scalps to $100,000 for the 2014/15 financial year.  This will be considered and endorsed by Council at the budget meeting scheduled in June 2014.


Item 9                     Bonus payments for presented Scalps

A break down of the 1804 scalps collected to date will be circulated to members as part of the minutes for review below, with presented scalps to date increased on previous year totals at the same point in time.

The Scalp numbers for this financial year to date are as follows;


Ø Males: 795

Ø Females: 573

Ø Pups: 436

Ø Total: 1804



Members discussed the potential increase ‘one off’ payment for individual presenting increments of 50 or more scalps to encourage further culling of wild dog across the region, agreeing the following.

Resolution:           WD/01.2014/05

Moved:                   Ian Tutt

Seconded:             Michael Stanford

The committee recommends that Council offer a ‘one off’ incentive payment of $500 for individuals that present 50, scalps, and  a further payment of $500 for each 50 increment thereafter. (This bonus would be paid in increments of 50 scalps presented – i.e. for 50 scalps presented an incentive payment of $500 would apply, for 100 scalps presented another payment of $500 would apply).


















Item 10                   General Business


Predator Days

Chair, Cr. Chambers advised members that a Predator Day would be held in Mitchell on 20 June 2014, and that members were invited to attend the event to highlight the importance of Wild Dog Control in the Region.  Council has agreed to donate a dog trap as a lucky door prize for the event.  There is also a Predator Day being held at Begonia on 15 May 2014, again members were invited to attend. 


The Predator days previously planned for Noonga, Muckadilla & Mungallala have been on hold.  Members agreed that post the Mitchell Predator Day being held, Council provide locations and comment on potential dates for these locations to John Cuskelly for event organisation.


Baiting Program Updates from representatives

All members advised that baiting programs in each of the locations were well received.  Ian Tutt agreed to obtain additional email contacts in his locality to encourage participation.

Cr. Chambers advised that she was in the process of seeking funds for the Mungallala Creek Catchment Group to install cluster fencing in the Mungallala locality.


Wild Dog Barrier Fence Maintenance

In order to better monitor the integrity and maintenance requirements of the Wild Dog Barrier Fence, it was agreed that Damien Bougoure would discuss with Dan Sutton the obtaining of photographic evidence for further reporting to the Wild Dog Barrier Fence.


2015 Program Dates

All present agreed that the campaigns for 2015 be 14 – 28 April and 5 – 19 November.


Acceptable Scalps

Kay Crosby provided an update on the signatories currently authorised in the Maranoa Regional Council Area for accepting scalps.

It was agreed that the Depot Store Person in each locality be an authorised officer, in addition to current persons, and the addition of Wild Dog Advisory Committee Member - John Hartley.  A refresher of the collection guidelines will be issued to all authorised parties.


The group agreed that an acceptable scalp presented must be dried and include behind the ears, backbone and complete tail.  This is to be issued as part of the education forums in the BTB, with a diagrammatic image to be provided.


Item 11                   Next Meeting Date & Close

The Committee scheduled the next meeting for Monday18 August 2014 commencing 10am, with location to be confirmed.

The meeting was closed at 12:54pm.     




...............................................                                                                                         .............................................

Chair                                                                                                                                               Date

Attachment 4

Confirmed Minutes - Bassett Park Advisory Committee Meeting - 11/06/14



Meeting:                     Bassett Park Master Planning Advisory Committee Meeting

Date:                           11 June 2014

Chair:                         Cr. Peter Flynn          

Attendees:                 Cr. Peter Flynn, Fiona Vincent, Lloyd Waldron, Nick Myers, , David Jensen,  Kevin Pope, Carla Cosgrove, John Mulcahy, James McAuley, Tina Hamilton, Jim Schefe, Fay Robertson, Paul Robertson, Scott Alston, Joy Byrnes, Alanah Ladbrook, Malcolm Stewart.


Apologies                  Cr. Cameron O’Neil, Cr David Schefe, Robert Hayward, Jackie Erikson, Ranald Ferrier, Yolande Thomas, Loretta Thomas, Bill and Kellie McLean, Amy McNamara, Owen Lingard, Neil McLauchlan.


Minutes:                     Fiona Vincent


Meeting Opened:      5:55 pm

Meeting Closed:        7:05 pm


Next Meeting Details


Date:                           August 2014

Time:                          5.30 pm          

Location:                    Bassett Park Members Bar







Outstanding Meeting Actions






Action by







Prioritisation of Bassett Park Master Plan Implementation

Proposed main bar upgrade – consideration to be given to ergonomics for workers and workable flow for patrons Tanya

Staging of Equestrian Complex – what comes first (if applicable to your group)

Tanya Mansfield


Items for consideration in a User Agreement between your group and Council

Tanya Mansfield


Facility lighting upgrade and upgrade of the P.A. system (including portability) be escalated to a “high” priority project.  Report to Council.

Rob Hayward/Fiona Vincent



General Business

Attending Camp draft members requested a weather proof cover be installed around the bar area.

Tanya Mansfield


It was requested that access during events be considered through the distribution of a calendar of events & that this be issued 1 month in advance to trainers.  It was suggested that track work be completed by 7.00am on event days.

Fiona Vincent/Tanya Mansfield


It was requested that top dressing be supplied in the Rodeo Arena.

Rob Hayward


that the replacement of blown bulbs be completed to restore lighting capability.

Tanya Mansfield


Cr. Flynn recommended that the male toilets next to the viewing area be upgraded/painted.

Rob Hayward


Cr. O’Neil requested the northern end of the Wool Pavilion be painted and a check done with respect to the presence of any asbestos sheeting that is damaged and requires removal.    

Cr. O’Neil requested the signage on the sheep yard be restored/painted.

Tanya Mansfield


4 directional entrance signs off Northern Road to installed, under construction currently.

Lloyd Waldron

September 2014









Communication between Horse Trainers & Council

All trainers to be notified on the 20th of each month of scheduled events inside the track.

Fiona Vincent




Kevin to determine whether Roma Show Society could afford to contribute the stalls, following discussion at the next Show meeting and confirmation of profit drawn from the Roma Show.


Kevin Pope

August 2014



PA System

John Mulcahy advised the Roma Campdraft Association are willing to contribute as it is costing the group $3000/year to hire a system. Fiona to look at funding opportunities. All groups are to get their PA requirements to Fiona with areas of Bassett Park that they require a system to be heard in, and then a quote to be obtained from a commercial PA provider.

Tanya Mansfield


Painting of Toilet

Lloyd to discuss repairs and painting of the toilets on the deck near the members bar with John and Damien on their return to work at Bassett Park.

Tanya Mansfield




Proposed Feasibility Study – Equestrian Complex

Draft Feasibility Study to be presented to Council for consideration, and then to Committee Members for further comment.

Fiona Vincent


Council make contact with Tamworth and Caboolture to determine their process in securing funding for construction of an equestrian centre.

Fiona Vincent



PA System

Following adoption of the budget, this topic will be bought to the group for further discussion to progress this aspect. Next Meeting Topic

Fiona Vincent

August 2014


RADF Application – Art work on besser block wall

Topic to be bought forward at next committee meeting to discuss the process of artist selection and design elements. 


Fiona Vincent

August 2014


General Business

Lloyd Waldron advised that there is currently no auxiliary power back up in the instance of an outage at Bassett Park, and requested this be further investigated to mitigate potential interruptions.

Tanya Mansfield


Council approach the appropriate party for removal of the refrigerated shipping container on southern side of K D Wormell Bar, then request from Roma Campdraft placing a window or similar to view activities.

Tanya Mansfield











Discussion Notes:


Item 2               Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution Number BP.05.14


Moved                          Kevin Pope                                                       Seconded  John Mulcahy


That the minutes of the Bassett Park Advisory Committee Meeting held on 15 April 2014 be confirmed as presented.





Item 3               Proposed Feasibility Study – Equestrian Complex


Scott Alston presented a slideshow of findings to date, after his visit to Queensland equestrian complexes located at Caboolture, Gatton, Dalby, Mt Isa, Cloncurry, Capella and Charters Towers. The group discussed the size of the arena, with Scott Alston explaining to members that the length of the building is not a key influence on cost, rather additional width to accommodate the roof span required.


Cr. Flynn explained the process moving forward, with Council next to receive a draft report from Scott Allston for consideration.  This report will then be bought to Advisory Group for further review and comment.  External funding will need to be sourced to progress construction, as Council does not have funds to cover the cost to construct the complex.   James McAuley, the Camp draft representative, advised that the shed/cover could be added last from their perspective.


Paul Robertson suggested Council make contact with Tamworth and Caboolture to determine their process in securing funding for construction of an equestrian centre.


Item 4               Bar Upgrade Plans


An update on the proposed upgrade was provided to attendees, those present advised that from their respective group’s had no immediate need for use of the main bar, as they currently use other facilities.  Key users, Turf Club representatives were unable to attend the meeting to further comment.   Additional elements for the upgrade include:


·      Installation of a security grill to lock the space;

·      The provision of a larger space between the bar and cold-rooms;

·      Installation of a sink;

·      The provision of an area to hold ice containers on busy days for large events requiring more than cold-rooms for cooling.


All items have been conveyed to Manager Facilities for inclusion in Council feedback to obtain quotes for the upgrade.


Item 5               Tie Up Stalls


An update on the ‘Tie Up Stalls’ (action item from meeting of 15/04/14).  A  Profit and Loss assessment has not yet been completed. 

Alanah Ladbrook enquired about the current positioning of the stalls, (directly opposite the present stalls). This area is used extensively for camping by horse owners at the Roma Show, so that owners have close access horses to monitor health and security requirements.


Item 6               PA system


Peter Flynn advised that funds had been proposed for the installation of a ‘whole of site’ PA system in the 2014/15 budget.  The budget will be adopted by Council at a Special Meeting on 23/07/14.  Following adoption of the budget, this topic will be bought to the group for further discussion to progress this aspect.


Item 7               RADF application – Artwork on besser block wall


Fiona suggested that the project be held over for submission under a future round of RADF funding to allow for further consultation with residents, those attending agreed with this approach, as the artwork will be highly visible to many residents and visitors.  It was also suggested  that some level of Councillor and community consultation would enhance the outcome.  This item will again be bought forward to the next meeting to further discuss the process of artist selection and design elements.


Item 8               General Business


·      Kevin Pope from Roma Show Society acknowledged that the association is very appreciative of Council assistance to stable horses for the Roma Show, and would like to reiterate that stable availability for the Roma Show is key to the success of ring and ridden events. 

·      Alanah Ladbrook advised that the communication between Council and the Show Society has improved significantly. 

·      Lloyd Waldron advised that there is currently no auxiliary power back up in the instance of an outage at Bassett Park, and requested this be further investigated to mitigate potential interruptions.



Next meeting:  Cr. Flynn advised that he would discus setting of the next meeting date with Chair, Cr. O’Neil.

Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  27 August 2014

Officer Report

Meeting: General  27 August 2014

Date: 21 August 2014

Item Number: 11.2

File Number: D14/60999


Subject Heading:                     Delegation to Council Powers to the Position of Chief Executive Officer: Local Law No. 4 (Local Government Controlled Areas, Facilities and Roads) 2011

Classification:                                   Open Access  

Name of Applicant:                          N/a

Location:                                            N/a

Author & Officer’s Title:                 Christina Tincknell, Coordinator - Corporate, Community & Commercial Services


Executive Summary: 

This report seeks Council's approval of a delegation under Local Law No.4 (Local Government Controlled Areas, Facilities and Roads) 2011 to the Chief Executive Officer.



Officer’s Recommendation: 

Under Section 257 of the Local Government Act 2009, Council resolves to:

a)   Delegate the exercise of powers contained in Schedule 1 of the Instrument of Delegation attached to this resolution, to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). These powers must be exercised subject to any limitations contained in Schedule 2 of the attached Instrument of Delegation.

b)   Repeal all prior resolutions delegating the same powers.



Body of Report:

Council is vested with the power to make a range of decisions and various actions under legislation and other statutory instruments. Council derives those powers from State law, such as the Local Government Act 2009 (“LGA 2009”); and the Sustainable Planning Act 2009, and under its local laws and planning scheme.


Section 257 of the LGA 2009 allows Council, by resolution, to delegate its powers under State and other laws, to one or more individuals or standing committees, including to the CEO.


The delegation of a Council’s powers does not involve Council parting with or surrendering those powers. Council continues to retain all powers which are the subject of delegation. A delegation involves the “sharing” of power, so that both Council and the CEO can exercise the same power.



Other important legal principles which apply to the delegation proposal set out in this report are:

a)   Council at all times retains the power to revoke the delegation. Accordingly Council retains ultimate control.

b)   Council, as the delegator, still has responsibility to ensure that the relevant power is properly exercised. Council will therefore continue to supervise and oversee the exercise of its powers.

c)   A delegation of power by Council may be subject to any lawful conditions which Council wishes to impose. The imposition of conditions enables Council to impose checks and balances on its delegations. However, as with any vesting of power, the delegated power cannot be unduly fettered.

d)   The delegate must exercise a delegated power fairly and impartially, without being influenced by or being subject to the discretion of other individuals.

e)   A local government must not delegate a power that an Act states must be exercised by resolution.


Conditions / Limitations

Council is entitled to impose certain conditions and limitations on the delegation of its powers.  These can be either specific or broad.  To ensure that there is some limitation upon the exercise of Council’s powers, the following specific condition on the delegation of Council’s power is recommended:

1.   The powers under section 9 can only be sub-delegated when Council has authorised the Chief Executive Officer (by resolution) to allocate resources to matters dealt with under section 9 of Local Law No. 4 (Local Government Controlled Areas, Facilities and Roads) 2011 for a particular road.

Consultation (internal/external):

Sharon Frank, Director – Corporate, Community & Commercial Services

King & Company Solicitors

Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):

The delegation of local government powers is important and necessary for the effective operation of Council.

Policy Implications:

This report has been provided in compliance with section 257(1) of the LGA 2009, which allows for the local government, by resolution, to delegate a power under the LGA 2009 or another Act to the CEO.

Financial Resource Implications:

Delegation update service is funded in the current budget.


Link to Corporate Plan:

Corporate Plan 2009-2013 8.2.3(a) To implement Council’s governance policies and procedures in an evolving organisational environment whilst ensuring legislative relevance, consistency and fairness in application.

Supporting Documentation:


Instrument of Delegation under Local Law No.4 (Compliance Notice - Requiring owner of land adjoining road to fence land)



Report authorised by:

Sharon Frank, Director - Corporate, Community & Commercial Services

Attachment 1

Instrument of Delegation under Local Law No.4 (Compliance Notice - Requiring owner of land adjoining road to fence land)




Maranoa Regional Council Local Law No. 4 (Local Government Controlled Areas, Facilities and Roads) 2011





Under Section 257 of the Local Government Act 2009, MARANOA REGIONAL COUNCIL, resolves to delegate the exercise of powers contained in Schedule 1 for the Maranoa Regional Council Local Law No. 4 (Local Government Controlled Areas, Facilities and Roads) 2011, to the Chief Executive Officer.

These powers must be exercised subject to the limitations and conditions contained in Schedule 2.

All prior resolutions delegating these powers to the Chief Executive Officer are repealed.


Attachment 1

Instrument of Delegation under Local Law No.4 (Compliance Notice - Requiring owner of land adjoining road to fence land)


Maranoa Regional Council Local Law No. 4 (Local Government Controlled Areas, Facilities and Roads) 2011 ("LL4")





Part 3 -            Matters Affecting Roads

Entity power given to

Section of LL4


Local government


Power to form the opinion that it is necessary for land adjoining a road to be fenced to prevent the risk of:

(a)      animals escaping from the land onto the road; or

(b)      interference with the safe movement of traffic of the safe use of the road.

Local government


Power to give a compliance notice to an owner:

(a)      if the land is not currently fenced – requiring the owner to fence the land or;

(b)      if a current fence on the land is in disrepair – requiring the owner to repair or replace the fence.



Attachment 1

Instrument of Delegation under Local Law No.4 (Compliance Notice - Requiring owner of land adjoining road to fence land)



Limitations and Conditions to the Exercise of Power


1.   The powers under section 9 can only be sub-delegated when Council has authorised the Chief Executive Officer (by resolution) to allocate resources to matters dealt with under section 9 of Local Law No. 4 (Local Government Controlled Areas, Facilities and Roads) 2011 for a particular road.

Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  27 August 2014

Officer Report

Meeting: General  27 August 2014

Date: 21 August 2014

Item Number: 11.3

File Number: D14/61008


Subject Heading:                     Funding Submission to Round Four of the Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Programme

Classification:                                   Open Access  

Name of Applicant:                         


Author & Officer’s Title:                 Christina Tincknell, Coordinator - Corporate, Community & Commercial Services


Executive Summary: 

This report seeks Council’s approval to submit a funding application to the Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Programme (Round Four) to secure funds to construct a Non-Livestock Hard Stand Parking Area at the Roma Saleyards Precinct.



Officer’s Recommendation:  

That Council

1.   approve the submission of the funding application to the Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Programme (Round Four) for a Non Livestock Hard Stand Parking Area at a total cost of $514,682.50; and

2.   allocate $257,341.25 from reserves to the fund the project (50% Council contribution).



Body of Report:

With reference to resolution no GM/06.2014/35 officers have further investigated

1.   the location for potential positioning of a non-livestock hard stand parking area at the Roma Saleyards Precinct; and

2.   investigated the associated cost of works; and

3.   sourced a funding opportunity for the project.

The Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Programme (HVSPP) is an Australian Government initiative to improve productivity and safety outcomes of heavy vehicle operations across Australia, through funding infrastructure projects.

The Australian Government has committed $200 million in new funding over 5 years from 2014-15.

The specific HVSPP objectives are to:

·    Increase productivity of heavy vehicles by enhancing the capacity of existing roads and improving connections to freight networks; and

·    Improve the safety environment for heavy vehicles.

State, Territory and Local Governments are eligible to apply. The programme will contribute a maximum of 50% of the total project cost. Projects will be selected as part of a competitive, merit based process.

Payments to all successful projects (including Councils) will be made through National Partnership Agreements to state/territory governments.

Round Four was launched in July with proposals accepted until the close of business 28 August, 2014.

Eligible projects include:

·    upgrades to existing road infrastructure;

·    upgraded and new de-coupling areas;

·    technology enhancements;

·    developing new rest areas and upgrades to existing rest areas; and

·    demonstration projects.

The proposal for a Non Livestock Hard Stand Parking Area at the Roma Saleyards Precinct was considered to be an eligible project.

Total Project Cost is $514,682.50 – HVSPP will fund up to 50% - $257,341.25

The completed funding application, design (including site plan) and detailed costings will be provided under separate cover.

Consultation (internal/external):

Maxim Hooper, Design Engineer

Amy Rickleman, Communications Officer

Australian Government Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development

Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):


Policy Implications:

Financial Resource Implications:

$257,341.25 from reserves to the fund project (50% contribution)


Link to Corporate Plan:

Corporate Plan 2009-2013 8.4.1(b) To facilitate the provision of support initiatives for existing businesses and industry in the interest of maintaining and developing the regional economy.

Supporting Documentation:


Report authorised by:

Sharon Frank, Director - Corporate, Community & Commercial Services

Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  27 August 2014

Officer Report

Meeting: General  27 August 2014

Date: 21 August 2014

Item Number: 11.4

File Number: D14/61249


Subject Heading:                     Delegation of Council Powers to the Position of Chief Executive Officer: Local Law No.1 (Administration) 2011

Classification:                                   Open Access  

Name of Applicant:                          N/a

Location:                                            N/a

Author & Officer’s Title:                 Christina Tincknell, Coordinator - Corporate, Community & Commercial Services


Executive Summary: 

This report seeks Council’s approval for delegation of powers under Local Law No.1 (Administration) 2011, to the Chief Executive Officer.



Officer’s Recommendation:  

Under Section 257 of the Local Government Act 2009, Council resolves to:

a)   Delegate the exercise of powers contained in Schedule 1 of the Instrument of Delegation attached to this resolution, to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). These powers must be exercised subject to any limitations contained in Schedule 2 of the attached Instrument of Delegation.

b)   Repeal all prior resolutions delegating the same powers.  



Body of Report:

Council is vested with the power to make a range of decisions and various actions under legislation and other statutory instruments. Council derives those powers from State law, such as the Local Government Act 2009 (“LGA 2009”); and the Sustainable Planning Act 2009, and under its local laws and planning scheme.


Section 257 of the LGA 2009 allows Council, by resolution, to delegate its powers under State and other laws, to one or more individuals or standing committees, including to the CEO.


The delegation of a Council’s powers does not involve Council parting with or surrendering those powers. Council continues to retain all powers which are the subject of delegation. A delegation involves the “sharing” of power, so that both Council and the CEO can exercise the same power.



Other important legal principles which apply to the delegation proposal set out in this report are:

a)   Council at all times retains the power to revoke the delegation. Accordingly Council retains ultimate control.

b)   Council, as the delegator, still has responsibility to ensure that the relevant power is properly exercised. Council will therefore continue to supervise and oversee the exercise of its powers.

c)   A delegation of power by Council may be subject to any lawful conditions which Council wishes to impose. The imposition of conditions enables Council to impose checks and balances on its delegations. However, as with any vesting of power, the delegated power cannot be unduly fettered.

d)   The delegate must exercise a delegated power fairly and impartially, without being influenced by or being subject to the discretion of other individuals.

e)   A local government must not delegate a power that an Act states must be exercised by resolution.


Conditions / Limitations

Council is entitled to impose certain conditions and limitations on the delegation of its powers.  These can be either specific or broad. 

Consultation (internal/external):

Sharon Frank, Director – Corporate, Community & Commercial Services

Sandra Crosby, Manager – Environmental Health, Compliance & Waste

MacDonnells Law

Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):

The delegation of local government powers is important and necessary for the effective operation of Council.

Policy Implications:

This report has been provided in compliance with section 257(1) of the LGA 2009, which allows for the local government, by resolution, to delegate a power under the LGA 2009 or another Act to the CEO.

Financial Resource Implications:

Delegation update service is funded in the current budget.


Link to Corporate Plan:

Corporate Plan 2009-2013 8.2.3(a) To implement Council’s governance policies and procedures in an evolving organisational environment whilst ensuring legislative relevance, consistency and fairness in application.

Supporting Documentation:


Instrument of Delegation to the Chief Executive Officer under Local Law No.1 (Administration) 2011



Report authorised by:

Sharon Frank, Director - Corporate, Community & Commercial Services

Attachment 1

Instrument of Delegation to the Chief Executive Officer under Local Law No.1 (Administration) 2011




Maranoa Regional Council Local Law No. 1 (Administration) 2011





Under Section 257 of the Local Government Act 2009, MARANOA REGIONAL COUNCIL, resolves to delegate the exercise of all powers in the Maranoa Regional Council Local Law No. 1 (Administration) 2011, including those powers contained in Schedule 1, to the Chief Executive Officer.

These powers must be exercised subject to the limitations and conditions contained in Schedule 2.

All prior resolutions delegating these powers to the Chief Executive Officer are repealed.


Attachment 1

Instrument of Delegation to the Chief Executive Officer under Local Law No.1 (Administration) 2011


Maranoa Regional Council  Local Law No. 1 (Administration) 2011("LL1")




Part  2 -           Approvals for Prescribed Activities

Entity power given to

Section of LL1


Local government


Power to approve a form of application for a prescribed activity.

Local government


Power to, by written notice, request the applicant to provide further reasonable information or clarification of information, documents or materials included in the application.

Local government


In the specified circumstances, power to give the applicant written notice stating that:

(i)       under this section the application lapses; and

(ii)      the applicant may make a new application.

Local government


Power to extend the period for the applicant to provide further information.

Local government


Power to be satisfied of the prescribed matters.

Local government


Power to, by written notice to the applicant:

(a)      grant the approval unconditionally;

(b)      grant the approval subject to conditions determined in accordance with section 10; or

(c)      refuse to grant the approval.

Local government


In the specified circumstances, power to give the applicant an information notice.

Local government


Subject to section 10(2), power to grant an approval on conditions considered appropriate.

Local government


Power to give the approval holder reasonable written notice that the approval is one of a class of approvals that are not intended to be renewed or extended.

Local government


Power to, by written notice, request the applicant to provide further reasonable information or clarification of information, documents or materials included in the application.

Local government


Power to, by written notice to the applicant:

(a)      grant the application;

(b)      grant the application and amend the conditions of the approval; or

(c)      refuse the application.

Local government


In the specified circumstances, power to give the applicant an information notice.

Local government


Power to approve a form for an application for transfer of approval.

Local government


Power to, by written notice, request the applicant to provide further reasonable information or clarification of information, documents or materials in the application.

Local government


Power to be satisfied about the matters mentioned in section 19(1).

Local government


Power to, by written notice to the approval holder and the proposed transferee:

(a)      grant the application to transfer the approval; or

(b)      refuse the application to transfer the approval.

Local government


Power to amend the existing conditions of the approval.

Local government


In the specified circumstances, power to give the approval holder and the proposed transferee an information notice.

Local government


Power to consider and decide whether to grant or refuse the application.

Local government


Power to, within 14 days of the decision, give the approval holder written notice of the amended conditions and the day they take effect.

Local government


If conditions are not amended, power to give the approval holder an information notice.

Local government


Power to consider there is a ground under section 17 to amend, suspend or cancel an approval (the proposed action).

Local government


In the specified circumstances, power to give the approval holder a written notice (the show cause notice) stating:

(a)      the proposed action; and

(b)      the grounds for the proposed action; and

(c)      an outline of the facts and circumstances that are the basis of the grounds; and

(d)      if the proposed action is suspension of the approval, the proposed suspension period; and

(e)      that the approval holder may make written submissions, within a stated reasonable time of at least 21 days after the notice if given, why the proposed action should not be taken.

Local government


Power to decide that a ground no longer exists to amend, suspend or cancel the approval, and to give written notice to the approval holder about the decision.

Local government


In the specified circumstances, power to consider there is still a ground to take the proposed action, and to:

(a)      if the proposed action was to amend the approval – amend the approval;

(b)      if the proposed action was to suspend the approval – suspend the approval for no longer than the period stated in the notice;

(c)      if the proposed action was to cancel the approval – amend the approval, suspend it for a period or cancel it.

Local government


In the specified circumstances, power to give the approval holder an information notice.

Local government


Power to immediately suspend an approval where it is believed that the continuation of the prescribed activity by the approval holder poses:

(a)      an urgent and serious threat to public health or safety; or

(b)      an urgent and serious risk of harm, property damage or loss of amenity.

Local government


Power to give a notice to the approval holder about the decision to immediately suspend the approval, together with a show cause notice about the proposed action under section 18.

Local government


Power to cancel the suspension of an approval.



Part  4 -           Review of Decisions

Entity power given to

Section of MLL1


Local government


Power to, at any time, extend the time for making a review application.

Local government


Power to review an original decision and make a decision (the review decision) to:

(a)      confirm the original decision; or

(b)      amend the original decision; or

(c)      substitute another decision for the original decision.

Local government


Power to give the applicant a review notice of the decision (the review notice).



Part  7 - Miscellaneous

Entity power given to

Section of MLL1


Local government


Power to waive or partially remit a fee.

Chief executive officer (CEO)


Power to direct how a perishable impounded item be immediately disposed of.



Power to be satisfied that the applicant is the owner of the impounded.



Power to direct how an impounded item with no commercial value or a value that does not cover the costs of sale of the item is to be disposed of.



Power to direct how an impounded item which has been offered for sale under section 37(5)(b) but has not been sold within a reasonable period is to be disposed of.





Attachment 1

Instrument of Delegation to the Chief Executive Officer under Local Law No.1 (Administration) 2011



Limitations and Conditions to the Exercise of Power







Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  27 August 2014

Officer Report

Meeting: General  27 August 2014

Date: 21 August 2014

Item Number: 12.1

File Number: D14/61028


Subject Heading:                     Temporary Ground Handling Office Space

Classification:                                   Open Access  

Name of Applicant:                         

Location:                                            Roma Airport

Author & Officer’s Title:                 Ben Jones, Manager - Airports (Roma, Injune, Surat & Mitchell)


Executive Summary: 

Provision of a temporary office space for ground handling at Roma Airport. This will allow a space for a new ground handling company to store their equipment. The building will only be provided until the terminal expansion is at a stage that additional office space is available, this is estimated to be in March 2015.



Officer’s Recommendation:  

1.   That Council approve the installation of a temporary office space at the Roma Airport for use by an additional ground handling company.


2.   Funds to be sourced via an internal transfer from Airport reserves.



Body of Report:

Recently there has been an additional Aviation Ground Handling company providing services at the Roma Airport. To date they have been sharing the MRC Administration office at the Roma Airport as there has not been an office space for them to be based.


There is an area on the northern side of the Administration Building that is a suitable site for the office.


By utilizing a rented transportable building this allows for either short or long term use. This also allows the ability for the building to be removed when it is no longer required. Once the terminal expansion is complete additional office space will be provided and the temporary building will be removed. It is estimated that the office space will be completed in March 2015 requiring the building for a period of 7 months.


The building can be rented for an estimated 7 months at $65/week for a total of $1820 plus GST. Additional cost of $800 plus GST for the electrical installation along with $1500 for cartage to site and $750 plus GST for installation of footings. The total cost with be $4870 plus GST. Cleaning will be the reasonability of the ground handling company with no cost to council.


Consultation (internal/external):



Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):


Policy Implications:


Financial Resource Implications:

Funds to be sourced via an internal transfer from Airport reserves.


The transportable building will cost $1820 plus GST.

The electrical installation to the building is $800 plus GST.

The cartage to site is $1500 plus GST

The cost for Installation of footings is $750 plus GST


Total cost for 7 months is $4870 plus GST


Link to Corporate Plan:

Corporate Plan 2009-2013 8.5.1(a) To provide professional and technical engineering advice and support for Council in an effective and timely

Supporting Documentation:


Report authorised by:

Cameron Castles, Director - Infrastructure Services  

Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  27 August 2014

Officer Report

Meeting: General  27 August 2014

Date: 13 August 2014

Item Number: 13.1

File Number: D14/58734


Subject Heading:                     Office for Liquor Gaming Regulation Gaming Machine Submission for Council Comment

Classification:                                   Open Access  

Name of Applicant:                          CDST Hotel Management Pty Ltd

Location:                                            Club Hotel

42 McDowall Street, Roma

Author & Officer’s Title:                 Vincent(Vince) Stephens, Specialist - Environmental Health & Waste


Executive Summary: 


The Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR) has invited Maranoa Regional Council to comment on an application lodged by CDST Hotel Management Pty Ltd, The Club Hotel Roma, to increase the number of current gaming machines of 20 to 45; an increase of 25 machines.



Officer’s Recommendation: 


It is suggested that Council consider providing a comment to OLGR objecting to the application from CDST Hotel Management Pty Ltd for the increase of gaming machines from 20 to 45 on the basis that the region is already in financial stress due to drought and the approval of additional gaming machines in a hotel with extended gaming hours could detract from a sense of community, increase financial hardship and place greater pressure on financial and community help agencies already overwhelmed with requests for assistance from residents in ‘hardship’.



Body of Report:


The OLGR considers in accordance with Section 55A of the Gaming Machine Act 1991 this application is one of significant community impact, which requires investigation by OLGR.  As the application is within Council’s local government area, the Agency has invited Council to provide comment with respect to the application.  


When the Commissioner decides the outcome of the application, any comment submitted by Council will be considered.  Higher weighting is generally given to comments that Council considers or expects that: -


·    The grant of the application would contribute to, or detract from, a sense of community in the relevant locality;


·    The grant of the application may have for persons frequenting places of public worship, child care centres, schools, gambling help service providers and financial assistance counselling services;


·    The grant of the application might have have on the amenity or character of the locality to which it relates; and


·    The number of objections lodged, provided they are specific to gaming and the particular application.


Lesser weight is given to the following: -


·    Comments based on a general objection to gaming rather than specific to the application and relevant premises;


·    Comments based on competition grounds unless the competition is relevant in some way to problem gambling;


·    Comments that lack factual support; and


·    Comments lodged by those not likely to be affected by the application because their residence or business in located outside the locality of the premises for which the approval is sought.


The numbers of gaming machines currently approved in Roma are: -


Name of Premises

Gaming Hours

No. of Machines

Club Hotel Motel Roma


10:00am – 1:30am   Mon – Thurs

10:00am – 2:30am   Fri – Sat

10:00am – 12:30am   Sun



Irish McGann’s

10:00am – 12:30am


Commonwealth Hotel

10:00am – 12:30am


The White Bull Tavern

10:00am – 12:30am


Roma Bowls Club

10:00am – 12:30am


Royal Hotel

10:00am – 12:30am






A community impact statement has been completed by the applicant.  The summation of this statement indicate that the proposal will result in a gaming machine rate of 259 machines per 10 000 people, compared to the Queensland Balance Regional Benchmark average of 125 machines per 10 000 people

Roma is the principal service centre for South West Queensland, providing the administrative and commercial functions for the region’s rural and mining industries.  The region is in drought and businesses are experiencing financial hardship, placing enormous pressure on organisations offering financial and counselling services in this Region.


The increase of gaming machines, particularly at a premise that already has extended gaming hours of operation, could contribute to an increase in financial hardship and further stretch financial and gambling help providers.

Consultation (internal/external):

Sandra Crosby, Manager - Environmental Health, Compliance & Waste

Robert Hayward, Director – Development, Facilities & Environmental Services

Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):

Direct to Council – nil

Indirect to Council and or business within the Region – more than likely

Policy Implications:

Council currently do not have a policy providing direction for such applications

Financial Resource Implications:



Link to Corporate Plan:

Corporate Plan 2009-2013 8.3.3(a) To undertake Council’s regulatory function in relation to the administration of Environmental Health legislation and associated regulations in a consistent and responsible manner in the interests of maintaining community standards and wellbeing.

Supporting Documentation:


Department of Justice & Gaming Regulation



Report authorised by:

Sandra Crosby, Manager - Environmental Health, Compliance & Waste

Robert Hayward, Director - Development, Facilities & Environmental Services

Attachment 1

Department of Justice & Gaming Regulation


Attachment 1

Department of Justice & Gaming Regulation


Attachment 1

Department of Justice & Gaming Regulation


Attachment 1

Department of Justice & Gaming Regulation


Attachment 1

Department of Justice & Gaming Regulation


Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  27 August 2014

Officer Report

Meeting: General  27 August 2014

Date: 13 August 2014

Item Number: 13.2

File Number: D14/58771


Subject Heading:                     Office for Liquor Gaming Regulation Gaming Machine Submission for Council Comment

Classification:                                   Open Access  

Name of Applicant:                          Scrub & Tonk Pty Ltd

Location:                                            Injune Hotel, Station Street, Injune

Author & Officer’s Title:                 Vincent(Vince) Stephens, Specialist - Environmental Health & Waste


Executive Summary: 


The Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR) has invited Maranoa Regional Council to comment on an application lodged by Scrub & Tonk Pty Ltd, Injune Hotel, to install 5 gaming machines.



Officer’s Recommendation:  


It is recommended that Council provide no objection to OLGR in response to the application from Scrub & Tonk Pty Ltd for 5 gaming machines to be installed at the Injune Hotel.



Body of Report:


In accordance with Section 55A of the Gaming Machine Act 1991, OLGR  considers this application is of significant community impact, which requires investigation by OLGR.  As the application is in the Maranoa Regional Council local government area, Council has been invited to provide comment with respect to the application.


When the Commissioner decides the outcome of the application, any comment submitted by Council will be considered.


The current number of gaming machines in Injune is nil.  The Summation of the community impact statement has not identified any immediate issues, however has highlighted that the demographic data strongly supports the view that the Local Community Area is a relatively affluent area with very few social problems.

Consultation (internal/external):

Sandra Crosby, Manager – Environmental Health, Compliance & Waste

Robert Hayward, Director – Development, Facilities and Environmental Services

Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):


Policy Implications:


Financial Resource Implications:




Link to Corporate Plan:

Corporate Plan 2009-2013 8.3.3(a) To undertake Council’s regulatory function in relation to the administration of Environmental Health legislation and associated regulations in a consistent and responsible manner in the interests of maintaining community standards and wellbeing.

Supporting Documentation:


Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation - Injune Hotel



Report authorised by:

Sandra Crosby, Manager - Environmental Health, Compliance & Waste

Robert Hayward, Director - Development, Facilities & Environmental Services

Attachment 1

Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation - Injune Hotel


Attachment 1

Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation - Injune Hotel


Attachment 1

Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation - Injune Hotel


Attachment 1

Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation - Injune Hotel


Attachment 1

Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation - Injune Hotel


Attachment 1

Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation - Injune Hotel


Attachment 1

Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation - Injune Hotel


Attachment 1

Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation - Injune Hotel


Attachment 1

Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation - Injune Hotel


Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  27 August 2014

Officer Report

Meeting: General  27 August 2014

Date: 15 August 2014

Item Number: 13.3

File Number: D14/59579


Subject Heading:                     Development Application for a Material Change of Use - "Extractive Industry" and Environmentally Relevant Activity (ERA) 16 - Extractive and Screening Activities (100,000-1,000,000 tonne per annum) File: 2013/18763

Classification:                                   Open Access  

Name of Applicant:                          Maranoa Regional Council C/- Cottrell Cameron & Steen

Location:                                            3387-3401 Carnarvon Highway, Eumamurrin QLD 4455 (Lot 1 and Lot 2 on SP200044 and Lot 8 on WV828)

Author & Officer’s Title:                 Christopher Tickner, Town Planner


Executive Summary:  The application seeks approval for a Material Change of Use for “Extractive Industry” up to 1,000,000 tonnes per annum and Environmentally Relevant Activities 16(2) (b) and 16(3)(b) - Extractive and Screening Activities, on land at 3387-3401 Carnarvon Highway, Eumamurrin, QLD 4455 (described as Lot 1 on SP200044, Lot 2 on SP200044 and Lot 8 on WV828).


The application is subject to Impact Assessment against the relevant provisions of the Bungil Shire Planning Scheme 2006. Public Notification was carried out between November 22, 2013 and December 17, 2013, and no submissions were received.


The application is generally consistent with the provisions of the Bungil Planning Scheme 2006 including the Desired Environmental Outcomes and Rural Zone Code.



Officer’s Recommendation:   The development application for a Material Change of Use - "Extractive Industry" to 700,000 tonnes per annum and Environmentally Relevant Activity (ERA) 16(2) (b) and 16(3)(b) - Extractive and Screening Activities on land at 3387-3401 Carnarvon Highway, Eumamurrin, QLD 4455 (described as Lot 1 on SP200044, Lot 2 on SP200044 and Lot 8 on WV828) be approved subject to conditions.




(i)      Refer to for the Capricorn Municipal Development Guidelines (CMDG).


(ii)     The relevant planning scheme for this Development Approval is the Bungil Shire Planning Scheme 2006. All references to the ‘Planning Scheme’ and ‘Planning Scheme Schedules’ within these conditions refer to the above Planning Scheme.


(iii)    The related Environmental Authority(s) as included in the Environmental Protection Act 1994 must have been given and remain current while the use continues. All references to the ‘Environmental Authority’ within these conditions refer to the Environmental Authority for this approved use.


The related Environmental Authorities are:


a)  2(b) extracting, other than by dredging in a year, more than 100,000t but no more than 1,000,000t; and


b) 3(b) screening, in a year, more than 100,000t but no more than 1,000,000t.


(iv)    All Aboriginal Cultural Heritage in Queensland is protected under the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 and penalty provisions apply for any unauthorised harm.  Under the legislation a person carrying out an activity must take all reasonable and practicable measures to ensure the activity does not harm Aboriginal Cultural Heritage.  This applies whether or not such places are recorded in an official register and whether or not they are located in, on or under private land.  The developer is responsible for implementing reasonable and practical measures to ensure the Cultural Heritage Duty of Care Guidelines are met and for obtaining any clearances required from the responsible entity.


(v)     The Environmental Protection Act 1994 states that a person must not carry out any activity that causes, or is likely to cause, environmental harm unless the person takes all reasonable and practicable measures to prevent or minimise the harm.  Environmental harm includes environmental nuisance.  In this regard, persons and entities involved in the operation of the approved development are to adhere to their ‘general environmental duty’ to minimise the risk of causing environmental harm to adjoining premises.


(vi)    Building construction is to accord with the Building Code of Australia, Queensland Development Code and State Planning Guidelines for building in bushfire prone areas.




1.   The approved development is a Material Change of Use - "Extractive Industry” and related Environmentally Relevant Activities 16(2)(b) and 16(3)(b) – Extractive and Screening Activities, as shown on the approved plans.


a) The approved extraction tonnage is capped at 700,000 tonnes per annum.

b) This approval is current for 5 years commencing from the date of approval. The life of this approval is restricted as neither Council nor the extractive industry operator can be sure of the longer term impacts on the Council road system from the development. The conditions requiring road impact contributions are based on a timeframe of 5 years.


2.   The period of the currency of this approval may be extended to 20 years by an infrastructure agreement which allows the Council, the extractive industry operator and the approval holder to establish longer term protocols and arrangements which address the possible variations to the impacts on Council’s road infrastructure over an extended period.




3.   All conditions relating to the establishment of the approved development must be fulfilled prior to any approved use commencing, unless otherwise noted within these conditions.


4.   Prior to commencement of use, the applicant shall contact Council to arrange a development compliance inspection.      


Approved Plans and Documents


5.   Maintain the approved development, in accordance with the following approved plans, subject to and as modified by any conditions of this approval


Drawing No. 70002-2-DA107

Roma Quarry – Site Layout Plan

Prepared by Cottrell Cameron & Steen Surveys            dated 24/07/2013


Drawing No. 51384-1

Target Locations & Infrastructure Details

Prepared by Murray & Associates Pty Ltd                       dated 14/11/2012    


Documents – Capricorn Municipal Development Guidelines


While all of the Capricorn Municipal Development Guidelines apply to the approval the following guidelines have direct application:


D1 Geometric Road Design                                               dated 03/2012

D2 Pavement Design                                                          dated 03/2012

D5 Stormwater Drainage Design                                      dated 03/2012

D6 Site Regrading                                                               dated 03/2012

D7 Erosion Control and Stormwater Management        dated 03/2012          


6.   All works must comply with:


a) the development approval conditions;

b) any relevant provisions in the Planning Scheme;

c) Council’s standard designs for such work where such designs exist;

d) the Capricorn Municipal Development Guidelines;

e) any relevant Australian Standard that applies to that type of work; and

f) any alternative specifications that Council has agreed to in writing and which the developer must ensure do not conflict with any requirements imposed by any applicable laws and standards.


Environmental Authorities


7.               This approval relies on the relevant approved Environmental Authority (and         its related documents) applicable to the site to identify and state the all the requirements for this approval related to Environmentally Relevant Activities for the site (where those Environmentally Relevant Activities are not expressly devolved to the Council).


8.    This approval relies on the entity responsible for approving and managing          the Environmental Authority to meet its responsibilities. The Council will not    take any responsibility for the management of environmental impacts covered by the Environmental Authority unless and until that entity (or its   legal successors) is unable to act.


9.    The standards and approval of civil works and services and aspects of environmental management not covered by the Environmental Authority are the responsibility of the Council, but subject to the environmental impact management requirements that may be imposed by the Environmental Authority (or any approval that effectively replaces that Environmental Authority).


10. Where there is a conflict between the conditions and standards set by an Environmental Authority for the site and the conditions and standards set by the Development Permit, those set in the Environmental Authority shall prevail in those matters covered by the Environmental Authority.


Operating Hours


11.  Hours of operation are 6:00am to 6:00pm Monday to Saturday.  No work is permitted on Sundays or public holidays. Hours of operation include the transporting of material from the site.


12.  The quarry operator may apply to Council to vary the hours of operation for a particular project where the extended operating hours are necessary in the opinion of the Council having considered the requirements and community benefits of the particular project and the duration of the additional impacts upon the local community.


13.  Any Council approval of the varied hours will be restricted to the duration of the project, and may be rescinded by the Council on seven days notice if the extended hours of operation are considered to be causing undue nuisance or disruption to other persons.




14.  Any advertising signage is subject to a further development approval unless compliant with the self-assessable development provisions of the planning scheme.


15.  Effluent storage and removal must not have an adverse effect on the surrounding areas and must not cause nuisance to neighbouring properties.


16.  Waste containers shall be maintained in a clean and tidy state at all times while the use continues, and shall be emptied, and the waste removed from the site on a regular basis.


Avoiding Nuisance


17.  The approved development and the premises are to be maintained in a clean and tidy condition and not to pose any health and safety risks to the community.


18.  Extraction areas, access and site roadways and surrounds shall be kept in an orderly fashion and free of rubbish.


19.  No nuisance is to be caused to adjoining properties and their occupiers by the way of smoke, dust, rubbish, contaminant, stormwater discharge or siltation at any time, including non-working hours.


20.  Lighting of the site, including any temporary or security lighting, shall be such that the lighting intensity does not exceed:


       8.0 lux at a distance of 1.5 metres from the site at any property boundary.




21.  All earthworks for the development shall be undertaken in accordance with Capricorn Municipal Development Guidelines D6 ‘Site Regrading’ Design Guidelines.


Erosion Control


22.  Erosion and Sediment Control is to be managed in accordance with:

a)      Site Based Management Plan (Roma Quarry); and

b)      Capricorn Municipal Development Guidelines D7 ‘Erosion Control and      Stormwater Management’.


23.  Where it is necessary for a road and/or drainage system to be reinstated or cleaned up as a result of erosion and/or sedimentation from the site, such works must be undertaken at the developer’s expense.  Such works shall be undertaken immediately, where it is a potential hazard to pedestrians and/or passing traffic.


Provision of Services


24.  At all times during the operation on site effluent is to be disposed of in accordance with Queensland Plumbing and Wastewater Code 2013 and AS1547.2012 (On-site domestic wastewater management).  A development permit for plumbing and drainage works shall be sought from Council for any onsite sewerage system provided to the development.


25.  The site must be provided with an on-site water supply with sufficient capacity to meet all operational needs, including watering to minimise dust nuisance and also a potable water supply sufficient to meet the needs of staff and visitors to the site.


26.  Any supply of potable water to the site, and disposal of effluent from the site is to be performed by a suitably licenced contractor.


Stormwater and Drainage


27.  Stormwater is to be managed in accordance with:


a)      Site Based Management Plan (Roma Quarry); and


b)      Capricorn Municipal Development Guidelines D5 ‘Stormwater          Drainage Design’.


28.  Discharge of stormwater runoff from the development shall drain freely in all cases, and no nuisance of ponding is to be created within the vicinity of the development.


29.  There shall be no increases in any silt loads or contaminants in any overland flow from the site being developed, or into creeks or roadways, either during the development process or after the development has been completed


Access, Car parking and Manoeuvring


       Note that the Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning have attached conditions to this approval concerning access to the State Controlled Road Network.


30.  The landowner shall be responsible for construction and maintenance of vehicle crossovers from the road carriageway to the property boundary and for obtaining any approvals that may be required, and for complying with the applicable designs and standards.


31All weather vehicle access shall be provided for traffic movement within the      development site.


32. Unsealed internal roads are to be watered upon receipt of any complaint regarding dust nuisance caused by vehicle movements within the site.


Environmental Management


33All activities while the use continues are to be managed in accordance with:


a)      The relevant Environmental Authority issued by the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection, or any subsequent Environmental Authority that is issued for the approved use;


b)      the Site Based Management Plan, (Roma Quarry) prepared by Maranoa Regional Council; and


c)      all relevant sections of the Capricorn Municipal Development.


34   Remediation of the site is to occur in consultation with the landowner, and is to be managed in accordance with:


a)      the relevant Environmental Authority issued by the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection, DEHP’s conditions of approval (attached), or any subsequent Environmental Authority that is issued for the approved use; and


b)      the Rehabilitation Plan outlined in Table 2, Environmental Issues and Control Measures in the  Site Based Management Plan (Roma Quarry), prepared by Maranoa Regional Council.


35.  If the environmental approval issued by a State agency (Department of Environment and Heritage Protection or its successor) to undertake this use on this site ceases to have effect and is not replaced by an appropriate approval, code or law to manage the use and the rehabilitation of the site, then the conditions, requirements and obligations of the original environmental approval given for this use on this site shall become conditions of this approval. References in the original environmental approval to the State agency will then be construed as references to the Council to the greatest extent possible. The standards referenced by the most recent environmental approval will be the applicable standards.


36. Weeds and pests are to be monitored and controlled in accordance with Section 14.14 of the Site Based Management Plan (Roma Quarry).


Fees, Infrastructure Charges and Impact Contributions


36.  A local roads additional impacts charge will be paid to Maranoa Regional Council in accordance with the Local Roads Additional Impacts Charges Schedule A, attached to and forming part of these conditions. This condition and the conditions in Local Roads Additional Impacts Charges Schedule A are based on division 2 of chapter 8, more specifically sections 650 and 651 and linked sections, of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009.


37.  All matters contained within this development approval may be covered by infrastructure agreements or deeds of agreement between the relevant parties for each matter. 


38.  All fees, rates, interest and other charges levied on the property, shall be paid in accordance with the rate at the time of payment.


Complete and Maintain


39.  Complete and maintain the approved development as follows: (i) in accordance with development approval documents and (ii) strictly in accordance with those parts of the approved development which have been specified in detail by the Council or Referral Agency unless the Council or Referral Agency agrees in writing that those parts will be adequately complied with by amended specifications.


40.  Complete and maintain all operational, building and plumbing and drainage work associated with this development approval, including work required by any of the development approval conditions.


Repair Damaged Infrastructure


41.  The developer is responsible for locating and protecting any Council and public utility services, infrastructure and assets that may be impacted on during construction of the development.  Any damage to existing infrastructure (road pavement, existing underground assets, signs or other) that is attributable to the progress of works on the site or vehicles associated with the development of the site shall be immediately rectified in accordance with the asset owners’ requirements and specifications and to the satisfaction of the asset owners’ representative(s).


42.  Council is to be indemnified against any claims arising from works carried out by the applicant on Council’s property.



No Cost to Council


43.  The developer is responsible for meeting all costs associated with the approved development unless there is specific agreement by other parties, including the Council, to meeting those costs.


44.  All rates and charges of any description and all arrears of such rates and charges, together with interest outstanding thereon, on the land, due to the Council, shall be paid to the Council prior to any approved use commencing.


Latest versions


45.  Where another condition refers to a specific published standard, manual or guideline, including specifications, drawings, provisions and criteria within those documents, that condition shall be deemed as referring to the latest versions of those publications that are publicly available at the time the first operational works or compliance approval is lodged with the assessment manager or approval agency for those types of works to be performed or approved, unless a regulation or law requires otherwise.


Application Documentation


46.  It is the developer’s responsibility to ensure all entities associated with this Development Approval have a legible copy of the Decision Notice and the Approved Plans and Approved Documents bearing ‘Council Approval’.


Charges Schedule A - Local Roads Additional Impacts


47.  These conditions are required because the development will impact on the local roads when materials associated with the operation of the extractive industry are carried along those local roads. The local roads additional impacts charge covers all roads in the Maranoa Regional Council Area where heavy vehicles of the type used in this activity/use are permitted to travel. The tonnage of extracted material leaving the extractive industry is deemed to be a proportional measure of the total traffic to and from the site.


48.  A local roads additional impacts charge of $0.50 per tonne will be paid to Maranoa Regional Council for all extracted material transported from the site. This is the local roads additional impacts charge for the 2013-2014 financial year. Until such time as (1) the methodology is amended or (2) the level of approved use is changed or (3) Council has amended charges as a result of a review requested by the extractive industry operator, the local roads additional impacts charges amount will be increased or decreased annually by a percentage equivalent to the 3-year moving average annual percentage increase in the PPI index for the period of 3 years ending at the start of the financial year.


49.  The payment of the local roads additional impacts charge must be made by the extractive industry operator within 14 days of the end of each 3 month period, with the periods starting with the commencement of the use/activity.


The extractive industry operator must calculate the payment and provide details of the calculation. If no payment is made within the set time, the Council may demand payment based on the maximum approved annual production capacity of the activity/use divided by 4.  The maximum approved annual production capacity of the extractive industry will be deemed to be the maximum capacity of the extractive industry listed in the approvals for the site. If the extractive industry operator does not pay the local roads additional impacts charge for two consecutive periods, the Council can require the holder of the development approval to pay the local roads additional impacts charge to the Council.


50.  The holder of the development approval or the extractive industry operator may ask for the local roads additional impacts charge to be reviewed once in every three year period after the approval for the activity/use was given. The review will take account of the rates and methodology applying to similar operators in the Council Area and the facts and circumstances applying to this approved activity/use.


51.  The Council may review and amend the methodology for calculating the local roads additional impacts charge but any changes resulting from amendments to the methodology will not take effect for a minimum of 2 years from the date of adoption by Council unless the extractive industry operator request earlier changes to the charges.


52.  Despite the payment of a local roads additional impacts charge, the Council may stop the extractive industry operator from using particular roads. The reasons may include Council concerns about the level of damage being caused or may be caused to those particular local roads by the addition to total road use of heavy vehicles associated with the extractive industry.


53.  Council or its representatives is entitled to inspect, copy and audit any records which may help to prove the actual use of the road network by the extractive industry operator or the approval holder(s) for the purposes of assessing the local roads additional impacts charge. The extractive industry operator and the approval holder(s) have agreed by the acceptance of this condition that the Council has their agreement and permission to access those records wherever held and that their agreement and permission cannot be revoked.


54.  The extractive industry operator or the approval holder(s) may undertake roadworks in lieu of paying a local roads additional impacts charge. The roadworks must be of the same value as the local roads additional impacts charge. The value of roadworks will be determined by Council or by an independent RPEQ standard engineer agreed to by the Council. The roadworks must be roadworks included the Council current roadworks program and within a 50 kilometre radius of the extractive industry site on roads that may be used by the operator.  The carrying out of roadworks must comply with CMDG guidelines and other requirements which normally apply to works carried out on Council roads by contractors, including warranties for the works performed. The onus is on the entity intending to perform the roadworks to gain all necessary approvals for the roadworks. The roadworks must be completed within 3 months after the local roads additional impacts charge was due to be paid or within a period agreed in writing with the Council.


55.  The charges or roadworks or other relevant matters can be included within an infrastructure agreement or deed of agreement with the Council, the extractive industry operator and any other relevant parties by consent of the parties. The extractive industry operator, the approval holder and the Council may vary the charges and other factors by mutual consent where circumstances warrant such variations and the community interest is protected.


Body of Report:  Refer to Attachment 1.

Consultation (internal/external):


-     State Assessment & Referral Agency/DSDIP (Concurrence agency)

-     Warren Oxnam, Specialist Compliance (Internal)

-     Ruth Golden, Specialist Development Engineer (Internal)

-     Danielle Pearn, Manager Planning and Building Development (Internal)

-     Public notification was undertaken in accordance with the requirements of SPA.

Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):

The applicant has appeal rights under SPA against any decision of Council.

Policy Implications:

The application generally accords with the policy position of the Bungil Shire Planning Scheme.

5 Year Operating Period

The recommended approval is for a period of 5 years commencing from the date of approval. The condition explains that the life of this approval is restricted as neither Council nor the extractive industry operator can be sure of changes to hauling practices and haul routes in the longer term and so the corresponding  longer term impacts on the Council road system from the development. The conditions within this recommended approval that require road impact contributions are based on a timeframe of 5 years.

A second condition states that the period of the currency of this approval may be extended to 20 years by the forming of an infrastructure agreement which allows the Council, the extractive industry operator and the approval holder to establish longer term protocols and arrangements which address the possible variations to the impacts on Council’s road infrastructure over an extended period. It is not practical to spell out the details of the methodology, protocols and arrangements in the development approval. The use of a voluntary infrastructure agreement also gives the developer scope to target the methodology, protocols and arrangements of the agreement, and so fit in with the particular operational environment of the project.

Please note that the potential extension of the currency period for the approval is only related to managing the impacts on local roads, and no other matters. All of the other matters can be addressed by the recommended conditions with a high level of certainty. It is projections of road impacts beyond a 5 year period that are very difficult to determine because of the range of influencing factors.

If a mutually satisfactory set of methodology, protocols and arrangements can be embedded in the infrastructure agreement, then the risks to the Council and the developer over the longer term are more manageable, even if they are not clearly predictable.

Without the voluntary infrastructure agreement, the recommended conditions and the approval currency period of 5 years establish an acceptable level of risk for both parties. If the approval were to be open-ended, the burden and unpredictability of the risks gradually increase for both the Council and the developer over time.

Environmental Management

With the emphasis placed by the Queensland Government on the separation of responsibilities, the approval of development applications by the Council now should include conditions that make it clear that that the responsibility for managing the environmental impacts of a non-devolved environmentally relevant activity for a quarry rests with the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection DEHP).  DEHP issues an environmental authority for the environmentally relevant activity and if they consider it necessary, can also include concurrence agency conditions in the development approval.

The recommended Council conditions now state that the approval relies on the environmental authority for the site to provide the basis for managing environmental impacts. The conditions also state that the approval also relies on the entity approving and managing the environmental authority to meet its responsibilities.  To make this point very clear, the conditions state that the Council will not take any responsibility for the management of environmental impacts unless the entity responsible for the environmental authority is unable to act.

It also means that the standards and approval of civil works and services that are the responsibility of the Council should be compatible with the environmental impact management requirements that may be imposed by the environmental authority.

As a reserve power, the recommended Council conditions contain a “sleeper” clause.  This clause is inserted just in case the environmental authority or the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection ceases to exist during the life of the quarry. This “sleeper” clause states that if the environmental approval issued by a State agency ceases to have effect and is not replaced by an appropriate approval, code or law, then the conditions of the original environmental approval given for this use on this site become conditions of this approval. References in the original environmental approval to the State agency will then be construed as references to the Council to the greatest extent possible.

By taking this approach, the holder of the approval can clearly see who is responsible for the oversight of site environmental management. It also helps restrict “jurisdiction shopping”. The other result is that it makes it clear that the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection is the entity responsible for environmental management.

Financial Resource Implications:

Local Road Impacts

The proposed development approval conditions include provisions for a Network Access Charge which takes account of the proportional impact of the development on the local government road system. The Network Access Charge (NAC) has been initially set at $0.50 per tonne for all extracted material leaving the site. The NAC allows for the use of all parts of the local government road system open to vehicles of the weight and type used in the extractive industry operations.

The information and requirements for the payment of the NAC are contained in the Charges Schedule - Local Roads Additional Impacts which is attached to the approval and forms part of the conditions.

The conditions which set up the NAC have been modified from earlier versions to comply with the recent State Government amendments to the infrastructure charges provisions of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009.

Link to Corporate Plan:

Corporate Plan 2009-2013 — 8.3.1(a) Regulate and control development in a consistent and responsible manner that enhances the lifestyle of our community whilst promoting sustainable development.







Link to Corporate Plan:

Corporate Plan 2009-2013 8.3.1(a) Regulate and control development in a consistent and responsible manner that enhances the lifestyle of our community whilst promoting sustainable development.

Supporting Documentation:


Body of Report



Development Plans



Department of State Development, Infrastructure & Planning - Concurrence Agency Response



Environmental Authority Permit



Report authorised by:

Danielle Pearn, Manager - Planning & Building Development

Attachment 1

Body of Report



Background Information


Proposed Land Use


The application seeks to establish a Material Change of Use for "Extractive Industry” (extracting between 100,000 – 1,000,000 tonnes of gravel per annum) on land at Carnarvon Highway, Eumamurrin (properly described as Lots 1 and 2 on SP 200044 and Lot 8 on WV828).


Details of Proposed Development


The application proposes an expansion of an existing quarry (currently extracting a maximum of 100,000 tonnes of gravel per annum) to provide for an annual production of between 600,000 and 1,000,000 tonnes of hard rock quarry material.  On-site operations will include drilling and blasting, crushing, screening, stockpiling and distribution.


Under the Environmental Protection Act 1994, the application constitutes an ‘Environmentally Relevant Activity’ (ERA).  An increase annual production from 100,000t to 1,000, 000t will require an  ERA under the Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009. An environmental approval is therefore to be considered in combination with this application. 


The application has been considered by the Department of Transport and Main Roads (DTMR), as the subject land gains access directly from the Carnarvon Highway.  DTMR have forwarded conditions to be imposed as part of any development approval. These conditions limit the extraction capacity of the quarry to 700,000 tonne per year.


The quarry operation is contained primarily on Lot 1 on SP200044 and Lot 8 on WV828 with Lot 2 on SP200044 only required for stockpiling purposes during peak production periods.  Of the total 136ha site area, the quarry operation will occupy a total of 26.84ha. There are no new buildings proposed as part of the application, with existing quarry infrastructure considered adequate to service the operation.


Drilling and blasting will be used to extract the material. Blasting is carried out 1-2 times a month and occurs between 9:00am and 5:00pm only on weekdays.  The material is then crushed, screened and stockpiled on site. Vehicles to be used on site include;


·    2 x 30 tonne excavators

·    1 x mobile impact crusher

·    4 x front end loaders

·    2 x mobile cone crushers

·    1 x mobile jaw crusher

·    3 x mobile screening units

·    2 x 45 tonne articulated dump trucks


Existing buildings on site include:


·    Machinery Workshop

·    Admin Office and Amenities


Electricity and telecommunications are provided to the site and have the capacity to support the expanded operation. Currently, water is supplied from the dams contained on site, or is transported to the site by trucks. An application for an on-site bore has been submitted to the Department of Natural Resources and Mines (DNRM), and if approved, will provide  an additional water source  for the operation. If the bore application is not approved, the current water supplies will continue. 


The quarry employees 9 Council workers and between 2 and 15 contractors (depending on output).  Regular operating hours are 6:30am to 5:00pm, Monday to Thursday, 6:30am to 3:30pm Fridays, and some overtime work on Saturdays when required. 


Figure 1 – Zoning Map/Site Locality                                              (Source: Bungil Planning Scheme)              








Figure 2 – Aerial Map                                                                                        (Source: Google Earth)


Characteristics of the Site


The site is located adjacent to the Carnarvon Highway, Eumamurrin, approximately 35km north of Roma and approximately 56km south of Injune. Site access is provided via a bitumen single-vehicle access from the Carnarvon Highway.    The site is zoned Rural. Reticulated water and sewerage are not available.


Lot 2 on SP200044 contains two dwellings, located approximately 250m and 500m west and south of the quarry respectively.  The Gubberamunda State Forest is located directly north of the site. A dwelling is located 1.9km east of the site.


Transport and Haulage


Site access will be provided via an existing bitumen single access from the Carnarvon Highway. All-weather gravel access/haul roads are established internally within the site.


Quarry material will be transported by way of AB Triple, Road Train, Semi-Trailer and Body and Truck (Tandem Axle). On average, 60 vehicle movements in and out of the property  per day are expected, however vehicle movements can reach 130 per day during peak production. It is expected that 40% of total production will travel  north on the  Carnarvon Highway to various sites between the quarry and Rollestone. Approximately 60% of total production will travel south on the Carnarvon Highway, of which; 25% will be to various sites along the highway between the quarry and the intersection of Roma-Taroom Road; 20% between the intersection of Roma-Taroom Road and 34km from Roma; 30% in and around Roma; and 25% beyond Roma.


The application has been referred to Department of Transport and Main Roads (via the State Assessment and Referral Agency). DTMR have attached several conditions to be imposed as part of any development approval,   including that site access must be upgraded to DTMR  Basic Left Turn and Basic Right Turn standards, and that extraction rates not exceed 700,000 tonnes per annum.


Infrastructure Connections


The development site does not have reticulated water or sewerage networks available.  As a result, effluent disposal will be by way of an on site effluent disposal system.   Appropriate conditions of approval have been included within the schedule of conditions to ensure that a suitable potable water supply and amenities are available on site.


Definition of Use & Assessment Status


The Bungil Shire Planning Scheme defines the proposed use as:


"Extractive Industry" means any premises used for the winning or treatment on the land or on adjacent land, or gravel, rock, sand, soil, stone, or other similar materials. The term does not include the removal of materials authorised by Section 106(1) of the Local Government Act 1993, or mining within the meaning of the Mineral Resources Act 1989. Transport Infrastructure Act – extraction of material from roadway. 


The Environmental Protection Regulation defines the proposed activity as;


“Environmentally Relevant Activity 16 – Extractive and Screening Activities”, threshold:

-     2(b) extracting, other than by dredging, in a year, more than 100,000t but no more than 1,000,000t; and

-     3(b) screening, in a year, more than 100,000t but no more than 1,000,000t.


The application is subject to Impact Assessment, and so requires assessment against the Desired Environmental Outcomes and the Rural Zone Code of the Planning Scheme:


Public Notification


As the development application is impact assessable, public notification is required in accordance with Section 297 of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009. The application was publically notified between 22 November, 2013 and 17 December, 2013.


No properly made submissions were received during this period.


Desired Environmental Outcomes

The Desired Environmental Outcomes (DEOs) are based on ecological sustainability established by the Integrated Planning Act 1997, and are the basis for the measures of the Planning Scheme.  Compliance is outlined below:




(a) Environment


(i)   The areas of high scenic amenity, remnant vegetation, wetlands, fauna habitats and wildlife corridors and regionally significant open space in the Shire are protected.


The site does not contain any areas of high scenic amenity, remnant vegetation, wetlands, fauna habitats and wildlife corridors or regionally significant open space. The development will operate in accordance with the Site Based Management Plan, which incorporates control measures for potential environmental impacts. 


(ii)   Places, areas or sites identified as being susceptible to land degradation, including contamination, erosion, salinity and landslip, are protected and further degradation is minimised.


The Site Based Management Plan incorporates measures for preventing land degradation. Land degradation will be avoided through the implementation of the Site Based Management Plan as well as through appropriate conditions of development approval.


(iii)  Ecological sustainability is achieved by maintaining and improving biodiversity, water and air quality.


The Site Based Management Plan addresses ecological sustainability through the identification of potential environmental impacts and appropriate control measures. Ecological sustainability will be ensured through the implementation of Site Based Management Plan as well as appropriate conditions of development approval.


(iv) Places of historical and indigenous cultural heritage and social significance are protected, maintained and enhanced.


The site is not identified as being in, or in close proximity to, a place of historical, cultural or social significance.


(b) Economic


(i)   Good Quality Agricultural Land is protected as a major economic resource for the region.


The site is not mapped as containing Good Quality Agricultural Land.


(ii)  Key Resource Areas, extractive resources, petroleum, gas and mineral resources are protected as a major economic resource for the region.


This application is for extractive industry, suitably located in the Rural Zone.


(iii) Industry, business and employment opportunities are improved and appropriately located to service the community and region, and encourage economic activity within the local area.


The proposed development is for an extractive industry, providing material for civil construction, generally contributing to the economic growth of the region. It is estimated that the operation will employ between 11-24 people.


(iv) Rural business opportunities are improved to protect and value-add to the existing rural based economy.


The proposed development brings diversity to the existing rural based economy and contributes to resource industry requirements at a local level. The development will generally improve local business opportunities and contribute to the existing rural based economy.


(c)  Community Well-Being & Lifestyle


(i)   A convenient access to roads and services is achieved through well located land uses and the efficient use and timely provision of infrastructure such as water, sewerage and roads walkways and cycling facilities.


The proposed development will gain vehicle access via the Carnarvon Highway. Direct access to the Carnarvon Highway offers effective transportation of the extracted materials while keeping heavy vehicle haulage on local roads to a minimum.


The development places minimal demand on water and sewage infrastructure. The site does not require reticulated water supply or sewerage, as these services are provided on site.  Matters relating to the provision of other infrastructure needs can be appropriately addressed by way of conditions of development approval.


(ii)  Rural residential and urban residential development occurs in distinct localities that provide a sense of community, amenity, services, and a safe, affordable living environment, whilst maintaining the rural amenity.


The proposed development is for an extractive industry, appropriately located in the Rural zone. Haulage from the site will occur directly along the Carnarvon Highway. Appropriate separation distances from sensitive receptors are provided. The closest sensitive receptors, two dwellings located to the east and south of the quarry operation are under the same ownership as the quarry itself. 


(iii)  Infrastructure networks such as road, rail, water cycle and electricity are protected from encroachment by sensitive land uses which may adversely affect or limit the normal operation of that infrastructure.


The proposed development is not considered to be a sensitive land use and will not adversely impact on the current or future operations of established infrastructure networks.  


(iv)  The roles and identity of Injune as the main business and community centre of the shire is consolidated.


The proposed development will not compromise Injune as the main business and community centre.





(v)   The adverse effects from natural and other hazards, including bushfires are minimised.


The site is not mapped as containing Bushfire Hazard or any  natural and other hazards.


(vi)  The range of housing types, services and facilities meets the needs of the community and other uses.


The proposal is for a quarry in the Rural Zone will not affect the range of housing types in any town.


Overall Outcomes for Rural Zone Code

The Rural Zone Code identifies overall outcomes providing direction about relevant assessment issues.  The overall outcomes for the Rural Zone Code are the purpose of the code.  The code seeks to ensure that development within the Rural Zone:


(a)  reflects the economic potential of the rural area


The proposed development utilizes a natural resource to develop the economic potential and contribute to the growth of the resource industry within the Maranoa Region. The quarry reflects the economic potential of the rural area.


(b)  is appropriately located within the Rural Zone and existing and future rural activities are not prejudiced by inappropriate development


Extractive Industry is most appropriately located in the Rural Zone. Future rural activities will not be jeopardized due to the small size of operations, the appropriate separate distances from adjoining land uses and the environmental control measures proposed.


(c)   maintains the environment, including soil, air and water, compatible with healthy natural systems and ensures public health and safety


The proposed development is for an extractive industry in a Rural Zone. The quarry is located a suitable distance from adjoining land uses and is appropriately buffered from sensitive receptors. Matters relating to the environmental integrity are addressed in the Site Based Management Plan and can be further addressed through conditions of development approval. 


(d)  protects Good Quality Agricultural (GQAL) from fragmentation, alienation or encroachment of incompatible land uses in accordance with State Planning Policy 1/92 – “Development and Conservation of Agricultural Land”


The site is not mapped as containing Good Quality Agricultural Land.


(e)  is located, designed and operated in a manner that protects and enhances the predominant rural scale, intensity, form and character


The proposed development will be undertaken within a defined area of land comprising 26.84 hectares contained within a larger 136 hectare site.  The development achieves adequate separation from sensitive land uses and buildings and excavation activities associated with the use will be appropriately setback and buffered from site boundaries. 


(f)    maintains the rural amenity


Operations will be limited to a defined area within the site and appropriately  separated from residences on adjoining properties. 


(g)  does not prejudice or impact adversely on other uses including those within other Zones


The proposed development will not significantly prejudice the establishment of other uses within the locality, including those within other zones.


(h)  has an appropriately designed access to the road network and traffic generated by the development does not impact adversely on the local road network


Access is provided from the Carnarvon Highway, and  is required to be  upgraded to accommodate the increased usage.   Impacts on the local road network are to be mitigated (in part) by the conditions requiring a Network Access Charge against tonnage hauled from the site.


(i)    protects areas and sites of conservation importance, including cultural and high landscape values


The site is not identified as containing any protected areas or sites of conservation value.


(j)    is undertaken in an orderly and logical sequence to achieve an efficient provision of infrastructure


The proposed development does not represent out-of-sequence development, and supports the efficient provision of infrastructure by the provision of civil construction materials.


(k)   is located and designed in ways that minimise the need for flood, bushfire and landslide mitigation and to protect people and premises from such natural events


The Site Based Management Plan outlines environmental control measures to protect against land degradation. Additionally, maters relating to land degradation and protection of people can be appropriately addressed by way of conditions of approval.


(l)    has water supply, stormwater disposal, sustainable effluent and waste disposal and power to appropriate standards adequate for the use



Services proposed to be provided to the site will be appropriate for the use. Water supply will be supplemented by truck delivery when required. The Site Based Management Plan address stormwater collection and usage standards.


(m) does not impact adversely on infrastructure


Impacts on infrastructure are to be appropriately addressed by way of conditions of development approval. Impacts on the local road network are mitigated by the application of charges for transportation of heavy materials within the region via the application of the Network Access Charge to the development.


The Code’s relevant Performance Criteria are shown below, in order to more easily permit structured and detailed consideration of relevant issues—


Rural Zone Code


Performance Criteria

Assessment responses

A.  A. For all the Rural Zone

1. Infrastructure

PC 1 Electricity

Premises are provided with a supply of electricity adequate for the activity.


Electricity supply is provided on-site to a level suitable for the use.



PC 2 Water Supply

Premises are provided with an adequate volume and supply of water for the activity.

Water for the use is supplied from dams on site, and is supplemented by trucked water when required.


An application for a bore has been submitted to DNRM and, if approved, will add to the current water supplies. 


PC 3 Effluent Disposal

To ensure that public health and environmental values are preserved, all premises provide for the treatment and disposal of effluent and other waste water.

The site is provided with an on-site effluent disposal system.


PC 4 Stormwater/Inter-Allotment Drainage

Stormwater is collected and discharged so as to:

(a) protect the stability of buildings or the use adjacent land;

(b) prevent the water-logging of nearby land; and

(c) protect and maintain environmental values.

Stormwater will be collected in a sedimentation basin on site to prevent contamination run-off into Bungil Creek


Matters relating to the collection and discharge of stormwater can be appropriately addressed by way of conditions  of development approval .



PC 5 Vehicle Access

Vehicle access is provided to a standard appropriate for the use.


An existing access road will be upgraded as per DTMR design guidelines and conditions of development. A network access charge will be applicable for the use of Council maintained roads.

PC 6 Parking and manoeuvring

Vehicle parking and service vehicle provision is adequate for the use whilst ensuring both safe and functional operation for motorists and pedestrians.

The proposed activity is located on a large rural allotment, with sufficient area for onsite vehicle parking and manoeuvring.


Matters relating to parking and manoeuvring can be appropriately addressed by way of conditions  of development approval


PC 7.1 Roads

All weather road access is provided between the premises and the existing road network.

All weather access to the site is provided directly via a SCR.




PC 7.2 Location

Development must be located where there is convenient access.



The site provides all weather vehicle access to the Carnarvon Highway.



PC 8.1 Highways

All Highways are maintained and enhanced as a link between major centres.


PC 8.2 State Controlled Roads

Development adjacent to State Controlled

Roads is located to ensure safe and efficient use of the highway and maintain the integrity of the highway as a commuter link


PC 8.3 Noise Sensitive Developments

Noise sensitive developments (residential, educational and community) must ensure that road traffic noise levels are appropriately managed to achieve acceptable levels of amenity.

There is an existing access to the Carnarvon Highway and it is proposed to use this access for the increase in haulage truck movements.



The Department of Transport and Main Roads have assessed the development application in relation to impacts on road infrastructure, and have imposed conditions, including access upgrades.





PC 9 Gas and Oil Pipelines

Buildings are located at an appropriate distance from pipelines to ensure community safety and operation of the use is not compromised.

N/A – The subject site is not located in close proximity to any gas or oil pipelines.  

PC 10 Refuse Tips and Effluent Treatment Plants

Buildings are located at an appropriate distance from refuse tips or effluent treatment plants to ensure community safety and operation of the use is not compromised.

N/A – The subject site is not located in close proximity to any Refuse Tips and Effluent Treatment Plants. 


PC 11.1 Rail Corridors

Development is at an appropriate distance from the rail corridor so as not to prejudice safety, speed or intended role of the existing and proposed rail corridors.


PC 11.2 Noise Attenuation

Development adjoining the rail corridor is protected from the impact of noise

N/A - The subject site is not located within close proximity to any rail corridor.


PC 12 Electricity Transmission Line

Easement – Vegetation

Transmission lines within an Electricity transmission line easement are protected from vegetation.


N/A-The subject site is not located within close proximity to any electricity transmission line easements.

PC 13 Electricity Transmission Line

Easement – Separation Distance

Habitable buildings and community orientated uses are located a minimum distance from lines to ensure community safety.

N/A-The subject site is not located within close proximity to any electricity transmission line easements.

2. Environment

PC 14 Watercourses

Development ensures the maintenance of riparian areas and water quality including protection from off-site transfer of sediment.

The quarry is setback 500m from the closest point of Bungil Creek. 



PC 15 Flooding

Premises are designed and located so as:

(a) not to be adversely impacted upon by


(b) to protect life and property; and

(c) not to have an undesirable impact of the extent and magnitude of flooding.

Matters relating to flooding and the protection of people and property can be appropriately  addressed through implementation of the SBMP and conditions of approval.

PC 16 Air Emissions

Air emissions from premises do not cause environmental harm or nuisance to adjoining properties or sensitive land uses.

Matters relating to air emissions will be addressed by implementation of the SBMP and compliance with the EA for activity. Water will be sourced from the onsite sediment pond and water trucks for dust suppression.

PC 17 Noise Emissions

Noise emissions from premises do not cause environmental harm or nuisance to adjoining properties or sensitive land uses.


Matters relating to noise emissions can be appropriately addressed by way of conditions of development approval.


The management of noise emissions forms part of the EA for the activity administered by DEHP.


PC 18 Water Quality

The standard of effluent and/or stormwater runoff from premises ensures the quality of surface water is suitable for:

(a) the biological integrity of aquatic ecosystems;

(b) recreational use;

(c) supply as drinking water after minimal treatment;

(d) agricultural use; or

(e) industrial use.

The maintenance of water quality forms part of the Environmental Authority issued by the DEHP.

PC 19 Excavation and Filling

Excavation and filling of land ensures:

(a) that both the amenity and safety of users of the site and adjacent land holdings; and

(b) soil erosion is kept to a minimum with remedial works.

Implementation of the Site Based Management Plan will ensure amenity, safety of users and minimum soil erosion.




PC 20 Construction Activities

Both erosion control and silt collection measures are undertaken so as to ensure protection of environmental values during construction.

Matters relating to construction activities are addressed in the conditions of development.

PC21 Seperation of Incompatible land uses

Separation distances are provided to ensure;

a)   The future viability of surrounding uses

b)   Infrastructure items are protected from incompatible development

c)   An appropriate standard of amenity and public safety; and

d)   Conflict arising from incompatible uses is minimized.



The Planning Scheme provides for a separation distance of 1,000m between extractive industry blasting and sensitive land uses.


The site contains two dwellings located approximately 250m and 500m from the quarry operation. The next closest sensitive land use is a dwelling located 1.9km to the south east.


The two closest dwellings are under the same ownership as the land which the quarry operates. Mitigation measures for impacts resulting from blasting are provided in the Site Based Management Plan and are further addressed by conditions of development approval.



PC22.1 Development in the Vicinity of airports:

Development in the Vicinity of airports:

a)   Does not adversely affect the operation of the airport;

b)   Is designed and located to achieve a suitable standard of amenity for the proposed activity; and

c)   Does not restrict future operational demands of the airport



The site is located an appropriate  distance from the nearest airport (Roma Airport) and will not prejudice the safety and operation of airport activities.

PC 22.2 Airport Protection

The development of premises does not cause an obstruction or other potential hazard to aircraft movement associated with the airport by way of:

-     the physical intrusion of buildings or other structures into the Obstacle Limitation Surfaces;

-     attracting birds and or bats to the area which could cause or contribute to bird strike hazard;

-     providing very bright lighting or lighting similar to aerodrome lighting, which can distract or confuse aircraft pilots;

-     interfering with navigation or communication facilities;

-     emissions that may effect pilot visibility or aircraft operations; or

-     transient intrusions into the airport’s operational space.


The site is located an appropriate  distance from the nearest airport (Roma Airport) and will not cause obstruction or hazard to aircraft movement or airport.

PC 23 Good Quality Agricultural Land

Good Quality Agricultural Land areas as identified on Map R2 - Good Quality Agricultural Land are conserved and managed for the longer term and protected from development that may lead to its alienation or diminished productivity.

The site is not mapped as containing Good Quality Agricultural Land.   

PC 24 Vegetation Retention

Development retains vegetation for the:

(a) protection of scenic quality;

(b) protection of general habitat;

(c) protection of soil quality; and

(d) establishment of open space corridors and networks

There is no proposal to clear vegetation as part of this application and the site is not identified as containing any significant vegetation.


Rehabilitation of the site will take place when quarrying is complete in accordance conditions of development approval.

PC 25 Protected Areas

Development is undertaken to ensure areas of significant biodiversity and habitat value are protected.

The machinery workshop, storage areas and administration building are located within the prescribed minimum setback of 100m from a protected area. While this is the case, these activities are existing and will not compromise the integrity of the protected area.



PC 26 Sloping Land

Development is undertaken to ensure:

(a) vulnerability to landslip erosion and land degradation is minimised; and

(b) safety of persons and property is not compromised

Implementation of the Site Based Management Plan will ensure landslip, erosion and land degradation is minimised and safety of persons and property is not compromised.

PC 27 Bushfire Hazard

Development maintains the safety of people and property by avoiding areas of High or Medium Bushfire hazard or mitigating the risk through:

(a) the siting of buildings ensuring setbacks from hazardous vegetation are maximised and elements least susceptible to fire are sited closest to the bushfire hazard; and

(b) the provision of firebreaks to ensure adequate setbacks between buildings, structures and hazardous vegetation

The site is not identified as being subject to bushfire hazard risk.



PC 28 Buildings of Significance

The architectural merit and precinct value of cultural heritage items listed in Schedule 10 is maintained.


N/A – The site is not located in proximity to any heritage items of architectural merit or precinct of value. 

PC 29 Cultural Heritage

The significance of known places of indigenous and/or cultural heritage value is retained.

The site is not identified as being in proximity to a place of historical, cultural or social significance.

PC 30 Character Buildings

Development adjacent to buildings identified as heritage or character buildings in Schedule 10 incorporates design features, materials and details that blend with the existing character

The site is not located in close proximity to any character buildings.

PC 31 Residential Outbuildings

Rural amenity is to be maintained

The use does not include any residential outbuildings.


PC32 Buffers

Adequate buffers are provided to protect rural residential uses from agricultural, transport and industrial activities whilst also ensuring the integrity and viability of such uses.



The subject site is not located in close proximity to rural residential areas.

B. Specific Land Uses

PC 33 – Catteries and Kennels

Not Applicable to the development application.

PC 34-37 – Commercial Premises

Not Applicable to the development application.

PC 38-42 – Community and Recreation

Not Applicable to the development application.

PC 43-45 – Dwelling House

Not Applicable to the development application.

PC 46-49 - Forestry

Not Applicable to the development application.

PC 50-52 – Home Based Business 

Not Applicable to the development application.

PC 53-56 – Host Home Accommodation 

Not Applicable to the development application.

PC 57 – 62 Industry (Low/Medium) 

Not Applicable – The proposed development is for Extractive Industry

PC 63Telecommunication Facility 

Not Applicable to the development application.

PC 64-67 – Temporary Workers Accommodation

Not Applicable to the development application.

PC68-PC71 Tourist Facility

Not Applicable to the development application.


Assessment Summary


Although the planning scheme requires Impact Assessment for the proposed use, it is considered that there is no significant conflict with the intent of the Bungil Shire Planning Scheme.  The development is appropriately located within the rural area, and any matters relating to environmental impacts, protection of amenity and infrastructure upgrading can be appropriately addressed by way of conditions of development approval, and through adherence to the conditions of the Environmental Authority issued by Department of Environment and Heritage Protection.

Attachment 2

Development Plans


Attachment 3

Department of State Development, Infrastructure & Planning - Concurrence Agency Response


Attachment 4

Environmental Authority Permit


Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  27 August 2014

Officer Report

Meeting: General  27 August 2014

Date: 15 August 2014

Item Number: 13.4

File Number: D14/59685


Subject Heading:                     Membership Murray Darling Association Inc. 2014/15

Classification:                                   Open Access  

Name of Applicant:                          Murray Darling Association


Author & Officer’s Title:                 Sandra Crosby, Manager - Environmental Health, Compliance & Waste


Executive Summary: 

Council has received an invoice to become a member of Murray Darling Association Inc. based in South Australia, and the organisation is also requesting Council nominate two delegates as contacts and to attend Region, State and National meetings, forums and conferences



Officer’s Recommendation:  

That Council write to the Murray Darling Association thanking them for the invitation to become a member, however at this time will not take up the offer.  The membership cost has not been allocated in this year budget.



Body of Report:

A membership invoice for Three thousand Two hundred and Fifty-nine dollars and Thirty-two cents ($3259.42) has been received by Council inviting membership to the Murray Darling Association Inc. for the 2014/15 financial year.


After consideration at the general meeting of Council on Wednesday 10 October 2013, Council did not renew its membership to this Association for the last financial year.


The Associations prime focus is to manage water in the Murray Darling Basin across the applicable States.  The Authority was established under the federal Water Act 2007  as an independent, expertise based statutory agency that has a basin wide focus.


The Association conducts numerous meetings throughout the year in the southern States, and implements applicable conferences, however has minimal exposure within the Maranoa Region.

Consultation (internal/external):

Rob Hayward

Cr. Jan Chambers


Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):


Policy Implications:


Financial Resource Implications:

No funding has been included to become a member for this financial year


Link to Corporate Plan:

Corporate Plan 2009-2013 8.3.4(a) To administer Council’s regulatory function in relation to our natural environment in the interests of protection
and responsible management that enhances the rural industry.

Supporting Documentation:


Invoice Murray Darling Association



Report authorised by:

Robert Hayward, Director - Development, Facilities & Environmental Services

Attachment 1

Invoice Murray Darling Association


Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  27 August 2014

Officer Report

Meeting: General  27 August 2014

Date: 18 August 2014

Item Number: 13.5

File Number: D14/60066


Subject Heading:                     Development Application - Material Change of Use - "Extractive Industry" (up to 100,000 tonne per annum) File: 2014/18848

Classification:                                   Open Access  

Name of Applicant:                          Southern Gravel C/- ADAMS + SPARKES

Location:                                            Pei Road, Jackson QLD 4426 (Lots 62, 63 & 64 on BWR411 & Lot 12 on BWR775)

Author & Officer’s Title:                 Christopher Tickner, Town Planner


Executive Summary: The application seeks approval for a Material Change of Use - "Extractive Industry” (up to 100,000 tonnes per annum) on land at Pei Road, Jackson QLD 4426 184  (Lots 61, 62, 63 on BWR411 & Lot 12 on BWR775)


The application is subject to Impact Assessment against the relevant provisions of Bendemere Shire Planning Scheme 2006. Public notification was carried out between 10 June 2014 and 1 July 2014 and no submissions were received.


The application is generally consistent with the provisions of the Bendemere Shire Planning Scheme 2006 including the Desired Environmental Outcomes and Rural Zone code.



Officer’s Recommendation:  The application for Material Change of Use - "Extractive Industry”, on land at Pei Road, Jackson QLD 4426 (Lots 61, 62, 63 on BWR411 & Lot 12 on BWR775), be approved subject to the following conditions: 




(i)      Refer to for the Capricorn Municipal Development Guidelines (CMDG).


(ii)     The relevant planning scheme for this Development Approval is the Bendemere Shire Planning Scheme 2006. All references to the ‘Planning Scheme’ and ‘Planning Scheme Schedules’ within these conditions refer to the above Planning Scheme.


(iii)    The related Environmental Authority(s) as included in the Environmental Protection Act 1994 must have been given and remain current while the use continues. All references to the ‘Environmental Authority’ within these conditions refer to the Environmental Authority for this approved use.


The related Environmental Authorities are:


a)         2(a) extracting, other than by dredging in a year, more than 5,000t but no more than 100,000t; and

b)         3(a) screening, in a year, more than 5,000t but no more than 100,000t.


(iv)    All Aboriginal Cultural Heritage in Queensland is protected under the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 and penalty provisions apply for any unauthorized harm.  Under the legislation a person carrying out an activity must take all reasonable and practicable measures to ensure the activity does not harm Aboriginal Cultural Heritage.  This applies whether or not such places are recorded in an official register and whether or not they are located in, on or under private land.  The developer is responsible for implementing reasonable and practical measures to ensure the Cultural Heritage Duty of Care Guidelines are met and for obtaining any clearances required from the responsible entity.


(v)     The Environmental Protection Act 1994 states that a person must not carry out any activity that causes, or is likely to cause, environmental harm unless the person takes all reasonable and practicable measures to prevent or minimise the harm.  Environmental harm includes environmental nuisance.  In this regard, persons and entities involved in the operation of the approved development are to adhere to their ‘general environmental duty’ to minimise the risk of causing environmental harm to adjoining premises.


(vi)    Building construction is to accord with the Building Code of Australia, Queensland Development Code and State Planning Guidelines for building in bushfire prone areas.




1)      The approved development is a Material Change of Use - "Extractive Industry” and related Environmentally Relevant Activities 16(2)(a) and 16(3)(a) – Extractive and Screening Activities, as shown on the approved plans.


a)   The approved extraction tonnage is capped at 100,000 tonnes per annum.


b)   This approval is current for 5 years commencing from the date of approval


2)      The period of the currency of this approval may be extended to 20 years by an infrastructure agreement which allows the Council, the extractive industry operator and the approval holder to address the possible variations to the impacts on Council’s road infrastructure over an extended period. 




3)      All conditions relating to the establishment of the approved development must be fulfilled prior to any approved use commencing, unless otherwise noted within these conditions.


4)      Prior to commencement of use, the applicant shall contact Council to arrange a development compliance inspection.        


Approved Plans and Documents


5)      Maintain the approved development, in accordance with the following approved plans, subject to and as modified by any conditions of this approval:


Drawing PO1 Rev A

Overall Concept Plan

Prepared by Barlow Shelley Consulting Engineers        dated 22/08/13


Drawing Plan 1

Locality Plan

Prepared by Karen Grey       dated 11/13


Document – Site Based Management Plan

Pei Road, Jackson Qld 4426                                       

Prepared by Karen Gray                                                 dated 11/13


Document - Traffic Engineer Report

Project: 13490 Prepared by RoadPro                             dated 05/14


Documents – Capricorn Municipal Development Guidelines

while all of the Capricorn Municipal Development Guidelines apply to the approval the following guidelines have direct application:


D1 Geometric Road Design                                                dated 03/2012

D2 Pavement Design                                                                       dated 03/2012

D5 Stormwater Drainage Design                                        dated 03/2012

D6 Site Regrading                                                                 dated 03/2012

D7 Erosion Control and Stormwater Management          dated 03/2012


6)         All works must comply with:


a)           the development approval conditions;

b)           any relevant provisions in the Planning Scheme;

c)           Council’s standard designs for such work where such designs exist;

d)           the Capricorn Municipal Development Guidelines;

e)           any relevant Australian Standard that applies to that type of work; and

f)            any alternative specifications that Council has agreed to in writing and which the developer must ensure do not conflict with any requirements imposed by any applicable laws and standards.


Environmental Authorities


7)        This approval relies on the Environmental Authority (and its related documents) applicable to the site to provide the basis for managing the environmental impacts of the Environmentally Relevant Activities for the site where those Environmentally Relevant Activities have not been devolved to the Council.


8)        This approval relies on the entity responsible for approving and managing the Environmental Authority to meet its responsibilities. The Council will not take any responsibility for the management of environmental impacts covered by the Environmental Authority unless and until that entity (or its legal successors) is unable to act.


9)                     The standards and approval of civil works and services and aspects of environmental management not covered by the Environmental Authority are the responsibility of the Council, but subject to the environmental impact management requirements that may be imposed by the Environmental Authority (or any approval that effectively replaces that Environmental Authority).


10)      Where there is a conflict between the conditions and standards set by an Environmental Authority for the site and the conditions and standards set by the Development Permit, those set in the Environmental Authority shall prevail in those matters covered by the Environmental Authority.


Operating Hours


11)      Hours of operation are 6:00am to 6:00pm Monday to Saturday.  No work is permitted on Sundays or public holidays. Hours of operation include the transporting of material from the site.


12)      The quarry operator may apply to Council to vary the hours of operation for a particular project where the extended operating hours are necessary in the opinion of the Council having considered the requirements and community benefits of the particular project and the duration of the additional impacts upon the local community.


13)      Any Council approval of the varied hours will be restricted to the duration of the project, and may be rescinded by the Council on seven days notice if the extended hours of operation are considered to be causing undue nuisance or disruption to other persons.




14)      Any advertising signage is subject to a further development approval unless compliant with the self-assessable development provisions of the planning scheme.


15)      Effluent storage and removal must not have an adverse effect on the surrounding areas and must not cause nuisance to neighbouring properties.


16)      Waste containers shall be maintained in a clean and tidy state at all times while the use continues, and shall be emptied, and the waste removed from the site on a regular basis.


Avoiding Nuisance


17)      The approved development and the premises are to be maintained in a clean and tidy condition and not to pose any health and safety risks to the community.


18)      Extraction areas, access and site roadways and surrounds shall be kept in an orderly fashion and free of rubbish.


19)      No nuisance is to be caused to adjoining properties and their occupiers by the way of smoke, dust, rubbish, contaminant, stormwater discharge or siltation at any time, including non-working hours.


20)      Lighting of the site, including any temporary or security lighting, shall be such that the lighting intensity does not exceed:


8.0 lux at a distance of 1.5 metres from the site at any property boundary.




21)      All earthworks for the development shall be undertaken in accordance with Capricorn Municipal Development Guidelines D6 ‘Site Regrading’ Design Guidelines.


Erosion Control


22)      Erosion and Sediment Control is to be managed in accordance with:


a)         Site Based Management Plan (Pei Road Jackson (Lots 62 to 64 on BWR411 and Lot 12 on BWR775 ), Section 3.3.3 Water Management  ; and

b)         Capricorn Municipal Development Guidelines D7 ‘Erosion Control and Stormwater Management’.


23)      Where it is necessary for a road and/or drainage system to be reinstated or cleaned up as a result of erosion and/or sedimentation from the site, such works must be undertaken at the developer’s expense.  Such works shall be undertaken immediately, where it is a potential hazard to pedestrians and/or passing traffic.


Provision of Services


24)      At all times during the operation on site effluent is to be disposed of in accordance with Queensland Plumbing and Wastewater Code 2013 and AS1547.2012 (On-site domestic wastewater management). A development permit for plumbing and drainage works shall be sought from Council for any onsite sewerage system provided to the development.


25)      The site must be provided with an on-site water supply with sufficient capacity to meet all operational needs, including watering to minimise dust nuisance and also a potable water supply sufficient to meet the needs of staff and visitors to the site.


26)      Any supply of potable water to the site, and disposal of effluent from the site is to be performed by a suitably licenced contractor.


Stormwater and Drainage


27)      Stormwater is to be managed in accordance with:


a)         Site Based Management Plan (Pei Road Jackson (Lots 62 to 64 on BWR411 and Lot 12 on BWR775 ), Section 3.3.3 Water Management  and;

b)         Capricorn Municipal Development Guidelines D5 ‘Stormwater Drainage Design’.


28)      Discharge of stormwater runoff from the development shall drain freely in all cases, and no nuisance of ponding will be created within the vicinity of the development.


29)      There shall be no increases in any silt loads or contaminants in any overland flow from the site being developed, or into creeks or roadways, either during

the development process or after the development has been completed.


Access, Car parking and Manoeuvring


Note that the Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning have attached conditions to this approval concerning Access to the State-controlled road network.


30)      The landowner shall be responsible for construction and maintenance of vehicle crossovers from the road carriageway to the property boundary and for obtaining any approvals that may be required, and for complying with the applicable designs and standards.


31)      All weather vehicle access shall be provided for traffic movement within the development site.


32)      Unsealed internal roads are to be watered upon receipt of any complaint regarding dust nuisance caused by vehicle movements within the site.


33)      The size of heavy vehicles associated with the proposed development shall not exceed Class 10-34t capacity “truck and dog.”




34)      Cemetery Road is to be upgraded to an all weather gravel road with a formation width of 8.0 metres and pavement width of 4.0m in accordance with CMDG Table D1.21.03 (10-39 VPD).


35)      A Give Way sign (R1-2B) is to be installed at the Cemetery Road – Pei Road   intersection at the gravel road approach on Cemetery Road to advise motorists of priority.


36)      The sealed section of Edward Street is to be widened to provide two (2) lanes of 3.5m lanes and two (2) 1m shoulders in accordance with CMDG Table D1.21.03 (40-99 VPD).


37)      A Give Way sign (R1-2B) and associated line markings are installed at the intersection of Pei Road and Edward Street in accordance with Part 2/2.5 of the MUTCD to advise motorist of priority.


38)      Anne Street between Edward Street and Railway Street is to be widened to provide two (2) lanes of 3,5m lanes and two (2) 1m shoulders in accordance with CMDG Table D1.21.03 (40-99 VPD).


An operational works application for roadworks is to be submitted and approved by Council before construction of these roads and associated drainage.


39)      Road Edge Guide Posts are to be installed at regular spacings along straight alignments on Pei Road with spacings reduced through horizontal and

vertical curves to ensure at least two pairs of guide posts are visible to approaching motorists at any time.


Environmental Management


Note that the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection have attached conditions to this approval concerning Buffer Zones.


40)      All activities while the use continues are to be managed in accordance with:


a)         the relevant Environmental Authority issued by the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection, DEHP’s conditions of approval (attached), or any subsequent Environmental Authority that is issued for the approved use;


a)         the Site Based Management Plan (Pei Road Jackson (Lots 62 to 64 on BWR411 and Lot 12 on BWR775 ) prepared by Karen Gray and;


b)         all relevant sections of the Capricorn Municipal Development Guidelines.


41)      Remediation of the site is to occur in consultation with the landowner, and is to be managed in accordance with:


a)         the relevant Environmental Authority issued by the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection, DEHP’s conditions of approval (attached), or any subsequent Environmental Authority that is issued for the approved use; and


b)         the Rehabilitation Plan, Section 4 of the Site Based Management Plan (Pei Road Jackson (Lots 62 to 64 on BWR411 and Lot 12 on BWR775 ) prepared by Karen Gray.


42)      If the environmental approval issued by a State agency (Department of Environment and Heritage Protection or its successor) to undertake this use on this site ceases to have effect and is not replaced by an appropriate approval, code or law to manage the use and the rehabilitation of the site, then the conditions, requirements and obligations of the original environmental approval given for this use on this site shall become conditions of this approval. References in the original environmental approval to the State agency will then be construed as references to the Council to the greatest extent possible. The standards referenced by the most recent environmental approval will be the applicable standards.


Fees, Infrastructure Charges and Impact Contributions


43)      A local roads additional impacts charge will be paid to Maranoa Regional Council in accordance with the Local Roads Additional Impacts Charges Schedule A, attached to and forming part of these conditions. This condition and the conditions in Local Roads Additional Impacts Charges Schedule A

are based on division 2 of chapter 8, more specifically sections 650 and 651 and linked sections, of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009.


44)      All matters contained within this development approval may be covered by infrastructure agreements or deeds of agreement between the relevant parties for each matter. 


45)      All fees, rates, interest and other charges levied on the property, shall be paid in accordance with the rate at the time of payment.


Complete and Maintain


46)      Complete and maintain the approved development as follows: (i) in accordance with development approval documents and (ii) strictly in accordance with those parts of the approved development which have been specified in detail by the Council or Referral Agency unless the Council or Referral Agency agrees in writing that those parts will be adequately complied with by amended specifications.


47)      Complete and maintain all operational, building and plumbing and drainage work associated with this development approval, including work required by any of the development approval conditions.


Repair Damaged Infrastructure


48)      The developer is responsible for locating and protecting any Council and public utility services, infrastructure and assets that may be impacted on during construction of the development.  Any damage to existing infrastructure (road pavement, existing underground assets, signs or other) that is attributable to the progress of works on the site or vehicles associated with the development of the site shall be immediately rectified in accordance with the asset owners’ requirements and specifications and to the satisfaction of the asset owners’ representative(s).


49)      Council is to be indemnified against any claims arising from works carried out by the applicant on Council’s property.


No Cost to Council


50)      The developer is responsible for meeting all costs associated with the approved development unless there is specific agreement by other parties, including the Council, to meeting those costs.


51)      All rates and charges of any description and all arrears of such rates and charges, together with interest outstanding thereon, on the land, due to the Council, shall be paid to the Council prior to any approved use commencing.


Latest versions


52)      Where another condition refers to a specific published standard, manual or

guideline, including specifications, drawings, provisions and criteria within those documents, that condition shall be deemed as referring to the latest versions of those publications that are publicly available at the time the first operational works or compliance approval is lodged with the assessment manager or approval agency for those types of works to be performed or approved, unless a regulation or law requires otherwise.


Application Documentation


53)      It is the developer’s responsibility to ensure all entities associated with this Development Approval have a legible copy of the Decision Notice and the Approved Plans and Approved Documents bearing ‘Council Approval’.


Charges Schedule A - Local Roads Additional Impacts


54)      These conditions are required because the development will impact on the local roads when materials associated with the operation of the extractive industry are carried along those local roads. The local roads additional impacts charge covers all roads in the Maranoa Regional Council Area where heavy vehicles of the type used in this activity/use are permitted to travel. The tonnage of extracted material leaving the extractive industry is deemed to be a proportional measure of the total traffic to and from the site.


55)      A local roads additional impacts charge of $0.50 per tonne will be paid to Maranoa Regional Council for all extracted material transported from the site. This is the local roads additional impacts charge for the 2013-2014 financial year. Until such time as (1) the methodology is amended or (2) the level of approved use is changed or (3) Council has amended charges as a result of a review requested by the extractive industry operator, the local roads additional impacts charges amount will be increased or decreased annually by a percentage equivalent to the 3-year moving average annual percentage increase in the PPI index for the period of 3 years ending at the start of the financial year.


56)      The payment of the local roads additional impacts charge must be made by the extractive industry operator within 14 days of the end of each 3 month period, with the periods starting with the commencement of the use/activity. The extractive industry operator must calculate the payment and provide details of the calculation. If no payment is made within the set time, the Council may demand payment based on the maximum approved annual production capacity of the activity/use divided by 4.  The maximum approved annual production capacity of the extractive industry will be deemed to be the maximum capacity of the extractive industry listed in the approvals for the site. If the extractive industry operator does not pay the local roads additional impacts charge for two consecutive periods, the Council can require the holder of the development approval to pay the local roads additional impacts charge to the Council.


57)      The holder of the development approval or the extractive industry operator may ask for the local roads additional impacts charge to be reviewed once in every three year period after the approval for the activity/use was given. The review will take account of the rates and methodology applying to similar operators in the Council Area and the facts and circumstances applying to this approved activity/use.


58)      The Council may review and amend the methodology for calculating the local roads additional impacts charge but any changes resulting from amendments to the methodology will not take effect for a minimum of 2 years from the date of adoption by Council unless the extractive industry operator request earlier changes to the charges.


59)      Despite the payment of a local roads additional impacts charge, the Council may stop the extractive industry operator from using particular roads. The reasons may include Council concerns about the level of damage being caused or may be caused to those particular local roads by the addition to total road use of heavy vehicles associated with the extractive industry.


60)      Council or its representatives is entitled to inspect, copy and audit any records which may help to prove the actual use of the road network by the extractive industry operator or the approval holder(s) for the purposes of assessing the local roads additional impacts charge. The extractive industry operator and the approval holder(s) have agreed by the acceptance of this condition that the Council has their agreement and permission to access those records wherever held and that their agreement and permission cannot be revoked.


61)      The extractive industry operator or the approval holder(s) may undertake roadworks in lieu of paying a local roads additional impacts charge. The roadworks must be of the same value as the local roads additional impacts charge. The value of roadworks will be determined by Council or by an independent RPEQ standard engineer agreed to by the Council. The roadworks must be roadworks included the Council current roadworks program and within a 50 kilometre radius of the extractive industry site on roads that may be used by the operator.  The carrying out of roadworks must comply with CMDG guidelines and other requirements which normally apply to works carried out on Council roads by contractors, including warranties for the works performed. The onus is on the entity intending to perform the roadworks to gain all necessary approvals for the roadworks. The roadworks must be completed within 3 months after the local roads additional impacts charge was due to be paid or within a period agreed in writing with the Council.


62)      The charges or roadworks or other relevant matters can be included within an infrastructure agreement or deed of agreement with the Council, the extractive industry operator and any other relevant parties by consent of the parties. The extractive industry operator, the approval holder and the Council may vary the charges and other factors by mutual consent where circumstances warrant such variations and the community interest is protected.



Body of Report:  Refer Attachment 1.

Consultation (internal/external):

-           State Assessment & Referral Agency/DSDIP (Concurrence agency)

-           Warren Oxnam, Specialist Compliance (Internal)

-           Ruth Golden, Specialist Development Engineer (Internal)

-           Danielle Pearn, Manager Planning & Building Development (Internal)

-           Public notification was undertaken in accordance with the requirements of SPA.

Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):

The applicant has appeal rights under SPA against any decision of Council.

Policy Implications:

The application generally accords with the policy position of the Bendemere Shire Planning Scheme.


5 Year Operating Period


The recommended approval is for a period of 5 years commencing from the date of approval. The condition explains that the life of this approval is restricted as neither Council nor the extractive industry operator can be sure of changes to hauling practices and haul routes in the longer term and so the corresponding  longer term impacts on the Council road system from the development. The conditions within this recommended approval that require road impact contributions are based on a timeframe of 5 years.


A second condition states that the period of the currency of this approval may be extended to 20 years by the forming of an infrastructure agreement which allows the Council, the extractive industry operator and the approval holder to establish longer term protocols and arrangements which address the possible variations to the impacts on Council’s road infrastructure over an extended period. It is not practical to spell out the details of the methodology, protocols and arrangements in the development approval. The use of a voluntary infrastructure agreement also gives the developer scope to target the methodology, protocols and arrangements of the agreement, and so  fit in with the particular operational environment of the project.


Please note that the potential extension of the currency period for the approval is only related to managing the impacts on local roads, and no other matters. All of the other matters can be addressed by the recommended conditions with a high level of certainty. It is projections of road impacts beyond a 5 year period that are very difficult to determine because of the range of influencing factors.


If a mutually satisfactory set of methodology, protocols and arrangements can be embedded in the infrastructure agreement, then the risks to the Council and the developer over the longer term are more manageable, even if they are not clearly predictable.


Without the voluntary infrastructure agreement, the recommended conditions and the approval currency period of 5 years establish an acceptable level of risk for both parties. If the approval were to be open-ended, the burden and unpredictability of the risks gradually increase for both the Council and the developer over time.


Environmental Management


With the emphasis placed by the Queensland Government on the separation of responsibilities, the approval of development applications by the Council now should include conditions that make it clear that that the responsibility for managing the environmental impacts of a non-devolved environmentally relevant activity for a quarry rests with the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection DEHP).  DEHP issues an environmental authority for the environmentally relevant activity and if they consider it necessary, can also include concurrence agency conditions in the development approval.


The recommended Council conditions now state that the approval relies on the environmental authority for the site to provide the basis for managing environmental impacts. The conditions also state that the approval also relies on the entity approving and managing the environmental authority to meet its responsibilities.  To make this point very clear, the conditions state that the Council will not take any responsibility for the management of environmental impacts unless the entity responsible for the environmental authority is unable to act.

It also means that the standards and approval of civil works and services that are the responsibility of the Council should be compatible with the environmental impact management requirements that may be imposed by the environmental authority.

As a reserve power, the recommended Council conditions contain a “sleeper” clause.  This clause is inserted just in case the environmental authority or the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection ceases to exist during the life of the quarry. This “sleeper” clause states that if the environmental approval issued by a State agency ceases to have effect and is not replaced by an appropriate approval, code or law, then the conditions of the original environmental approval given for this use on this site become conditions of this approval. References in the original environmental approval to the State agency will then be construed as references to the Council to the greatest extent possible.


By taking this approach, the holder of the approval can clearly see who is responsible for the oversight of site environmental management. It also helps restrict “jurisdiction shopping”. The other result is that it makes it clear that the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection is the entity responsible for environmental management.


Local Roads


The current geometry of the proposed haulage route from the site is not fit to cater for the additional traffic volumes and types associated with the quarry use.  Conditions of the development require substantial roadworks within the Jackson township to achieve a standard appropriate for the use and maintain the safety of road users.  Council officers sought to identify an alternative route to and from the site given the scope of works required for the scale of the activity, however the presence of only a single railway crossing allowing access to the Warrego Highway forces the use of local roads that are not of a standard adequate to cater for the activity.  The economic viability of the proposal will ultimately be a decision of the developer.

Financial Resource Implications:


Local Road Impacts


The proposed development approval conditions include provisions for a Network Access Charge which takes account of the proportional impact of the development on the local government road system. The Network Access Charge (NAC) has been initially set at $0.50 per tonne for all extracted material leaving the site. The NAC allows for the use of all parts of the local government road system open to vehicles of the weight and type used in the extractive industry operations.


The information and requirements for the payment of the NAC are contained in the Charges Schedule - Local Roads Additional Impacts which is attached to the approval and forms part of the conditions.


The conditions which set up the NAC have been modified from earlier versions to comply with the recent State Government amendments to the infrastructure charges provisions of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009.


Link to Corporate Plan:

Corporate Plan 2009-2013 8.3.1(a) Regulate and control development in a consistent and responsible manner that enhances the lifestyle of our community whilst promoting sustainable development.

Supporting Documentation:


Body of Report



Development Plans



Department of State Development, Infrastructure & Planning - Concurrence Agency Response



Department of Environment and Heritage Protection - Environmental Authority Permit



Report authorised by:

Danielle Pearn, Manager - Planning & Building Development

Attachment 1

Body of Report



Background Information


Proposed Land Use


The application seeks to establish a Material Change of Use for "Extractive Industry” to extract between 5,000 – 100,000 tonnes per annum  of hard rock quarry material at “Bon Accord”, Pei Road, Jackson (described as Lots 62, 63 and 64 on BWR775 and Lot 12 on BWR775).


Details of Proposed Development


The applicant (Southern Gravel) proposes to establish a quarry with an annual production of up to 100,000 tonnes.  On-site operations will include material extraction, crushing, screening, stockpiling and distribution. 


The proposed development constitutes an “Environmentally Relevant Activity’ under the Environmental Protection Act 1994, however the proposed maximum production of 100,000 tonnes per annum does not constitute a “concurrence ERA” under the Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009. An application for the relevant ERA will be assessed separately by the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection. 


The application has been considered by the Department of Transport and Main Roads (DTMR). The DTMR have forwarded conditions to be imposed as part of any development approval.


Strip mining will be the primary method of material extraction.  Minimal site infrastructure is proposed, with only minor maintenance activities undertaken on site. The development will consist of three extraction pits for gravel and two sand pits, mobile screening machinery, stockpiling areas, a weighbridge gravel access roads and a control basin.  


Electricity and telecommunications will be supplied to the site via Ergon’s electricity system. The proposed development will include a bore and ancillary water pipes, and will be required to provide sufficient water for the operation (the bore application forms part of a separate application).


When operating, it is expected that the development will employ approximately 5 people. Regular operating hours will be 6am to 6pm Monday to Saturday, with no work being carried out on Sundays. 








Figure 1 –Site Locality/Zoning                                 (Source: Adams and Sparkes planning report, Dec 13)





Figure 2 – Aerial Map                                                                                   (Source: Google Earth )


Characteristics of the Site


The subject site is located adjacent to Pei Road, Jackson, approximately 5 kilometres south of the Jackson Township.  Site access is provided on the north frontage of Pei Road. The site is zoned Rural. Reticulated water and sewerage are not available.


The site is mapped as containing Areas of Good Quality Agricultural Land under the Bendemere Shire Council Planning Scheme 2006.  The property is also mapped as containing a small portion of Remnant Vegetation along the western site boundary.  No vegetation clearing is proposed as part of the development.


The site contains an existing dwelling and associated outbuildings. These buildings will be retained and will continue to be used by the owner of the land. The surrounding land use is predominantly agricultural, with the adjoining land being made up of  large rural agricultural allotments used for cropping and associated  rural residences. There is an existing quarry located east of the subject site. Surrounding land uses include;


East; existing quarry, cropping land with dwelling (dwelling located approximately 880m from the subject site);


South; cropping land;


West; cropping land with dwelling (dwelling located approximately 1445m from the subject site);


North; cropping land and dwelling ( dwelling located approximately 1660m from the subject site).


Transport and Haulage


Site access will be gained directly from the existing access located on the north frontage of Pei Road. Internal access/haul roads will be of an all-weather gravel construction. 


The haulage route from the site will be;  north along Pei Road then past the cemetery turning left into Edward Street, then right toward the intersection with Warrego Highway. Haulage movements at the intersection of the Warrego Highway are expected to split 60% to the east towards Miles and 40% to the west towards Roma.


The application has been referred to Department of Transport and Main Roads (via the State Assessment and Referral Agency). DTMR have attached several conditions to be imposed as part of any development approval,   including that Railway Street be widened to provide two (2) 3.5m lanes and two (2) 1m shoulders across the railway level crossing and continuing to the Warrego Highway intersection. Existing faded Railway signage is to be replaced, and RX-9 crossing width markers are to be installed at the railway crossing, in line with the latest version of the DTMR Road Planning and Design Manual.


Infrastructure Connections


The development site does not have reticulated water or sewerage networks available.  As a result, appropriate conditions of approval have been included within the schedule of conditions to ensure that a suitable potable water supply and amenities are available on site.


Public Notification


As the development application is impact assessable, public notification is required in accordance with Section 297 of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009. The application was publically notified between 10 June 2014 and 1 July 2014.


No submissions were received during this period.


Definition of Use & Assessment Status


The Bendemere Shire Planning Scheme defines the proposed use as:


"Extractive Industry" means any premises used for the winning or treatment on the land or on adjacent land, or gravel, rock, sand, soil, stone, or other similar materials. The term does not include the removal of materials authorised by Section 32(13) of the Local Government Act 1993, or mining within the meaning of the Mineral Resources Act 1989.


The Environmental Regulation defines the proposed activity as:


“Environmentally Relevant Activity 16 – Extractive and Screening Activities”, threshold:

-     2(a) extracting, other than by dredging, in a year, more than 5,000t but no more then 100,000t; and

-     3(a) screening, in a year, more than 5,000t but no more than 100,000t.


The application is subject to Impact Assessment, and so requires assessment against the Desired Environmental Outcomes and the Rural Zone Code of the Planning Scheme:


Desired Environmental Outcomes

The Desired Environmental Outcomes (DEOs) are based on ecological sustainability established by the Integrated Planning Act 1997, and are the basis for the measures of the Planning Scheme.  Compliance is outlined below:


(a) Environment


(i)   The areas of high scenic amenity, remnant vegetation, wetlands, fauna habitats and wildlife corridors and regionally significant open space in the Shire are protected.


The proposed development will not have a negative impact on any areas of high scenic amenity, remnant vegetation, wetlands, fauna habitats and wildlife corridors or regionally significant open space. The Site Based Management Plan incorporates control measures to mitigate against possible environmental impacts.  


(ii)   Places, areas or sites identified as being susceptible to land degradation, including contamination, erosion, salinity and landslip, are protected and further degradation is minimised.


The site is not susceptible to land degradation as extraction will comply with the standards outlined in the quarry’s management plans as well as through appropriate conditions of development approval. 


(iii)  Ecological sustainability is achieved by maintaining and improving biodiversity, water and air quality.


Ecological sustainability will be achieved through the implementation of the Site Based Management Plan and through conditions of development approval.  


(iv) Places of historical and indigenous cultural heritage and social significance are protected, maintained and enhanced.


The site is not identified as being in proximity to a place of historical, cultural or social significance.


(b) Economic


(i)   Good Quality Agricultural Land is protected as a major economic resource for the region.


The site is mapped as containing GQAL. The operation will occur over only  portion of the property and will not jeopardise the balance of the land being used for agricultural purposes.


(ii)  Key Resource Areas, extractive resources, petroleum, gas and mineral resources are protected as a major economic resource for the region.


This application is for extractive industry, suitably located in the Rural Zone.


(iii) Industry, business and employment opportunities are improved and appropriately located to service the community and region, and encourage economic activity within the local area.


The proposed development is for an extractive industry, providing material for civil construction, generally contributing to the economic growth of the region. It is estimated that 5 employees will be required to operate the site.


(iv) Rural business opportunities are improved to protect and value-add to the existing rural based economy.


The proposed development brings diversity to the existing rural based economy and contributes to resource industry requirements at a local level. The development will generally improve local business opportunities and protect the existing rural based economy.


(c)  Community Well-Being & Lifestyle


(i)   A convenient access to roads and services is achieved through well located land uses and the efficient use and timely provision of infrastructure such as water, sewerage and roads walkways and cycling facilities.


The haulage route from the site will be to the north along Pei Road then past the cemetery turning left into Edward Street, through Jackson Township then right toward the intersection with Warrego Highway. Truck movements through the Jackson Township will be minimal and upgrades to Edward Street have been conditioned as part of development approval. Matters related to infrastructure provision can be addressed by way of conditions of development approval.


(ii)  Rural residential and urban residential development occurs in distinct localities that provide a sense of community, amenity, services, and a safe, affordable living environment, whilst maintaining the rural amenity of the shire. The role and identity of Yuleba and Wallumbilla townships as the main business and community centres of the shire is consolidated.


The proposed development is for an extractive industry, adequately separated from Jackson Township to preserve the living environment within the town. The operation is adequately buffered from surrounding land uses so as to not determinately impact the rural amenity of the area. Vehicle movements through the Town will be limited by the capacity of the quarry to a maximum of 10 trips per day. Conditions of approval will restrict the size of trucks associated with the operation.


The role and identity of Yuleba and Wallumbilla townships as the main business and community centres will not be compromised as a result of the development.


(iii)  Infrastructure networks such as road, rail, water cycle and electricity are protected from encroachment by sensitive land uses which may adversely affect or limit the normal operation of that infrastructure.


The proposed development is not considered to be a sensitive land use and will not adversely impact on the current or future operations of established infrastructure networks.  


(iv)  The adverse effects from natural and other hazards, including bushfires are minimised.


The development site ios not identified within a Bushfire Hazard area. Matters relating to bushfire management  and adverse effects from natural and other hazards are adequately addressed in the Site Based Management Plan and will further mitigated through the use of appropriate conditions of approval.


(v)   The range of housing types, services and facilities meets the needs of the community and other uses.


The proposal is for an Industrial use and will not affect the range of housing types in the town.


Overall Outcomes for Rural Zone Code

The Rural Zone Code identifies overall outcomes providing direction about relevant assessment issues.  The overall outcomes for the Rural Zone Code are the purpose of the code.  The code seeks to ensure that development within the Rural Zone:


(a)  reflects the economic potential of the rural area


The proposed development utilizes a natural resource to develop the economic potential and contribute to the growth of the resource industry within the Maranoa Region.


(b)  is appropriately located within the Rural Zone and existing and future rural activities are not prejudiced by inappropriate development


Extractive Industry is most appropriately located in the Rural Zone. Future rural activities will not be jeopardized due to the small size of operations on the large site.


(c)   maintains the environment, including soil, air and water, compatible with healthy natural systems and ensures public health and safety


The proposed development is for an extractive industry in a Rural Zone. Matters relating to environment impacts are addressed in the Site Based Management Plan and are further addressed through conditions of approval.  


(d)  protects Good Quality Agricultural (GQAL) from fragmentation, alienation or encroachment of incompatible land uses in accordance with State Planning Policy 1/92 – “Development and Conservation of Agricultural Land”


GQAL has been identified on the site. The balance of the property not used for the quarry will continue to be used for agricultural purposes. The site will be remediated when the quarry operations cease.


(e)  is located, designed and operated in a manner that protects and enhances the predominant rural scale, intensity, form and character


The development achieves adequate separation from sensitive land uses and buildings and excavation associated with the use will be appropriately setback from site boundaries ensuring the rural character and amenity is maintained. Furthermore, the Site Based Management Plan includes a Rehabilitation Management Plan and the land will be returned to its rural form once extraction is complete.   


(f)    maintains the rural amenity


Extractive industry is commonly located within rural areas.  Operations of the proposed use will be limited to a defined area within the site that is separated from residences on adjoining properties.  The development will not prevent the continuation of existing uses to on the remaining site area and will not affect the rural amenity.


(g)  does not prejudice or impact adversely on other uses including those within other Zones


The proposed development will not significantly prejudice the establishment of other uses within the locality, including those within other zones.


(h)  has an appropriately designed access to the road network and traffic generated by the development does not impact adversely on the local road network


The proposed access is existing and will be upgraded to accommodate the haul truck usage. Conditions of development approval will require upgrades to the haulage route to ensure that the development does not negatively impact the road network.


(i)    protects areas and sites of conservation importance, including cultural and high landscape values


There is no evidence on the site of any indigenous cultural heritage. Some remanent vegetation is contained on site but will not be cleared as a result of the development. The site will be rehabilitated once extraction is complete.


(j)    is undertaken in an orderly and logical sequence to achieve an efficient provision of infrastructure


The proposed development does not represent out-of-sequence development, and supports the efficient provision of infrastructure by the provision of civil construction materials


(k)   is located and designed in ways that minimise the need for flood, bushfire and landslide mitigation and to protect people and premises from such natural events


Matters relating to bushfire management are contained in the Site Based Management Plan and will be appropriately addressed through conditions of development approval. The quarry will be designed to minimise the need for flood and land slide mitigation and to protect people and premises from such natural events.


(l)    has water supply, stormwater disposal, sustainable effluent and waste disposal and power to appropriate standards adequate for the use


Services proposed to be provided to the site will be appropriate for the use. Water will be supplied by an on-site bore (bore application being considered as part of a separate application). Control measures outlined in the  Site Based Management Plan will address stormwater collection and usage standards.


(m) does not impact adversely on infrastructure


Impacts on infrastructure are to be appropriately addressed by way of conditions of development approval. Impacts on the local road network are mitigated by the application of charges for transportation of heavy materials within the region via the application of the network access charge to the development.



The Code’s relevant Performance Criteria are shown below, in order to more easily permit structured and detailed consideration of relevant issues—






Rural Zone Code


Performance Criteria

Assessment responses

A.  A. For all the Rural Zone

1. Infrastructure

PC 1 Electricity

Premises are provided with a supply of electricity adequate for the activity.


The development will be connected to reticulated electricity. 

PC 2 Water Supply

Premises are provided with an adequate volume and supply of water for the activity.

It is proposed that the development will have access to bore water (being considered as a spate application), which will provide adequate water for the activity.


Matters relating to water supply can be appropriately addressed in the conditions of development.

PC 3 Effluent Disposal

To ensure that public health and environmental values are preserved, all premises provide for the treatment and disposal of effluent and other waste water.

On site effluent disposal will be a condition of development approval.

PC 4 Stormwater/Inter-Allotment Drainage

Stormwater is collected and discharged so as to:

(a) protect the stability of buildings or the use adjacent land;

(b) prevent the water-logging of nearby land; and

(c) protect and maintain environmental values.

Stormwater will diverted from all disturbed areas into sediment basins located at each excavation site.


PC 5 Vehicle Access

Vehicle access is provided to a standard appropriate for the use.


Vehicle access will be via the existing  access from Pei Road. The existing access is unsealed but will be suitable for the number and type of vehicles entering the site. 

PC 6 Parking and manoeuvring

Vehicle parking and service vehicle provision is adequate for the use whilst ensuring both safe and functional operation for motorists and pedestrians.

The proposed activity is located on a large rural allotment, with sufficient area for onsite vehicle parking and manoeuvring.

PC 7 Roads

All weather road access is provided between the premises and the existing road network.

All-weather access roads will be provided on site.


PC 8.1 Highways

All Highways are maintained and enhanced as a link between major centres.


PC 8.2 State Controlled Roads

Development adjacent to State Controlled

Roads is located to ensure safe and efficient use of the highway and maintain the integrity of the highway as a commuter link


PC 8.3 Noise Sensitive Developments

Noise sensitive developments (residential, educational and community) must ensure that road traffic noise levels are appropriately managed to achieve acceptable levels of amenity.

No direct access is provided to a State Controlled Road.


The development is not a noise sensitive development.




PC 9 Gas and Oil Pipelines

Buildings are located at an appropriate distance from pipelines to ensure community safety and operation of the use is not compromised.

Buildings will not be located in close proximity to any gas or oil pipelines.  

PC 10 Refuse Tips and Effluent Treatment Plants

Buildings are located at an appropriate distance from refuse tips or effluent treatment plants to ensure community safety and operation of the use is not compromised.

The subject site is not located in close proximity to any Refuse Tips and Effluent Treatment Plants. 


PC 11.1 Rail Corridors

Development is at an appropriate distance from the rail corridor so as not to prejudice safety, speed or intended role of the existing and proposed rail corridors.


PC 11.2 Noise Attenuation

Development adjoining the rail corridor is protected from the impact of noise

The subject site is not located in close proximity to a rail corridor.


PC 12 Electricity Transmission Line

Easement – Vegetation

Transmission lines within an Electricity transmission line easement are protected from vegetation.


No development will occur within an electricity easement.



PC 13 Electricity Transmission Line

Easement – Separation Distance

Habitable buildings and community orientated uses are located a minimum distance from lines to ensure community safety.

There are no electricity easements over the subject site.


2. Environment

PC 14 Watercourses

Development ensures the maintenance of riparian areas and water quality including protection from off-site transfer of sediment.

The Site Based Management Plan  details how stormwater runoff will be controlled to ensure water quality guidelines are met.  Compliance with this will be enforced as a condition of approval.


A 10m setback of is provided between the operation and Little Tchanning Creek, the closest  watercourse on site. 


PC 15 Flooding

Premises are designed and located so as:

(a) not to be adversely impacted upon by


(b) to protect life and property; and

(c) not to have an undesirable impact of the extent and magnitude of flooding.

The development is designed so as to not have an negative impact of the extent and magnitude of flooding.



PC 16 Air Emissions

Air emissions from premises do not cause environmental harm or nuisance to adjoining properties or sensitive land uses.

Water will be stored on site to ensure that dust emissions are kept low.


Adequate setbacks are provided to mitigate nuisance to adjoining properties.    

PC 17 Noise Emissions

Noise emissions from premises do not cause environmental harm or nuisance to adjoining properties or sensitive land uses.


Matters relating to noise emissions can be appropriately addressed by way of the mitigation measures detailed in the Site Based Management Plan and by way of conditions of development.



PC 18 Water Quality

The standard of effluent and/or stormwater runoff from premises ensures the quality of surface water is suitable for:

(a) the biological integrity of aquatic ecosystems;

(b) recreational use;

(c) supply as drinking water after minimal treatment;

(d) agricultural use; or

(e) industrial use.

All surface water runoff from the quarry will be directed towards sediment control basins, which will be located outside of gullies and waterways.


Matters relating to stormwater runoff can be addressed by conditions of development approval.  



PC 19 Excavation and Filling

Excavation and filling of land ensures:

(a) that both the amenity and safety of users of the site and adjacent land holdings; and

(b) soil erosion is kept to a minimum with remedial works.

Implementation of the Site Based Management Plan will ensure amenity, safety of users and minimum soil erosion.


PC 20 Construction Activities

Both erosion control and silt collection measures are undertaken so as to ensure protection of environmental values during construction.

Matters relating to construction activities are addressed in the conditions of development.

PC 21 Good Quality Agricultural Land

Good Quality Agricultural Land areas as identified on Map R2 - Good Quality Agricultural Land are conserved and managed for the longer term and protected from development that may lead to its alienation or diminished productivity.

The quantity of good quality agricultural land in the Jackson area will not be significantly changed by the development.  

PC 22 Vegetation Retention

Development retains vegetation for the:

(a) protection of scenic quality;

(b) protection of general habitat;

(c) protection of soil quality; and

(d) establishment of open space corridors and networks

There is no proposal to clear vegetation as part of this application. Rehabilitation of disturbed areas on site will take place when quarrying is complete.

PC 23 Protected Areas

Development is undertaken to ensure areas of significant biodiversity and habitat value are protected.

There is no proposal to clear vegetation as part of this application.  Rehabilitation will take place when quarrying is complete. 

PC 24 Sloping Land

Development is undertaken to ensure:

(a) vulnerability to landslip erosion and land degradation is minimised; and

(b) safety of persons and property is not compromised

Development is not proposed on slopes that greater than 15%.  

PC 25 Bushfire Hazard

Development maintains the safety of people and property by avoiding areas of High or Medium Bushfire hazard or mitigating the risk through:

(a) the siting of buildings ensuring setbacks from hazardous vegetation are maximised and elements least susceptible to fire are sited closest to the bushfire hazard; and

(b) the provision of firebreaks to ensure adequate setbacks between buildings, structures and hazardous vegetation

The site is not mapped as being in a bushfire hazard area.



PC 26 Character Buildings

Development adjacent to buildings identified as heritage or character buildings in Schedule 10 incorporates design features, materials and details that blend with the existing character.

The site is not located in proximity to any character buildings.

PC 27 Cultural Heritage

The significance of known places of indigenous and/or cultural heritage value is retained.

The site is not identified as being in proximity to a place of historical, cultural or social significance.

B. Specific Land Uses

PC 28 – Catteries and Kennels

Not Applicable to the development application.

PC 29-32 – Commercial Premises

Not Applicable to the development application.

PC 33-37 – Community and Recreation

Not Applicable to the development application.

PC 38-41 – Dwelling House

Not Applicable to the development application.

PC 42-44 - Forestry

Not Applicable to the development application.

PC 46-48 – Home Based Business 

Not Applicable to the development application.

PC 49-52 – Host Home Accommodation 

Not Applicable to the development application.

PC 53-57 – Industry (Low/Medium) 

Not Applicable – The proposed development is for Extractive Industry

PC 58 – Telecommunication Facility 

Not Applicable to the development application.

PC 63-65 – Tourist Facility

Not Applicable to the development application.




No Submissions were made against this application.



Assessment Summary


Although the planning scheme requires Impact Assessment for the proposed use, there is no conflict with the intent of the Bendemere Shire Planning Scheme.  The development is appropriately located within the rural area, and any matters relating to environmental impacts, protection of amenity and infrastructure upgrading can be appropriately addressed by way of conditions of development and through the Environmentally Authority licensed by Department of Environment and Heritage Protection.

Attachment 2

Development Plans


Attachment 2

Development Plans


Attachment 3

Department of State Development, Infrastructure & Planning - Concurrence Agency Response


Attachment 4

Department of Environment and Heritage Protection - Environmental Authority Permit


Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  27 August 2014

Officer Report

Meeting: General  27 August 2014

Date: 18 August 2014

Item Number: 13.6

File Number: D14/60076


Subject Heading:                     Use of Council Owned Land

Classification:                                   Open Access  

Name of Applicant:                         

Location:                                            Roma

Author & Officer’s Title:                 Josephine Horsfall, Coordinator - Property & Legal


Executive Summary: 

Council has been approached by parties who are interested in securing a formal agreement with Council in regard to part of Lot 3 on SP230317 to graze stock. This land tenure is freehold and situated on Kimbler Road Roma.



Officer’s Recommendation:  

That Council call for expressions of interest from parties interested in grazing stock on part of land known as Lot 3 on SP230317


Body of Report:

Two parties have separately expressed interest in entering a formal agreement with Council in respect to the land that is part of Lot 3 on SP230317, Roma. The land tenure is freehold with a fenced section of approximately 3 acres. This section of land has been inspected by Councils Land Management staff who have confirmed that the land is fenced. No water is connected to the land so any party entering into an arrangement over the land will need to provide their own water facilities and water.

Consultation (internal/external):

Kay Crosby Manager, Environmental Health, Compliance & Waste

Tanya Mansfield, Manager Facilities

Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):

A formal arrangement will assist in managing Council’s risk.  The agreement will detail the responsibilities of both parties.

Policy Implications:

As there is interest in the land, the fairest way is to call for Expressions of Interest.

Financial Resource Implications:



Link to Corporate Plan:

Corporate Plan 2009-2013 8.2.3(a) To implement Council’s governance policies and procedures in an evolving organisational environment whilst ensuring legislative relevance, consistency and fairness in application.

Supporting Documentation:


Map - Proposed lease area A - Lot 3 on SP230317



Report authorised by:

Tanya Mansfield, Manager - Facilities

Robert Hayward, Director - Development, Facilities & Environmental Services

Attachment 1

Map - Proposed lease area A - Lot 3 on SP230317


Text Box: 3SP230317Text Box: A

                                                                                                       Proposed Lease Area A

Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  27 August 2014

Officer Report

Meeting: General  27 August 2014

Date: 19 August 2014

Item Number: 13.7

File Number: D14/60187


Subject Heading:                     Material Change of Use - "Accommodation Units" (Expansion of Aged Care Facility - Additional 20 rooms) File: 2014/18907

Classification:                                   Open Access  

Name of Applicant:                          N.G Sanders & Associates Pty Ltd

Location:                                            50-66 Bowen Street, Roma QLD 4455 (Lot 6 on SP222675)

Author & Officer’s Title:                 Christopher Tickner, Town Planner


Executive Summary: The applicant seeks approval for a Material Change of Use to establish Accommodation Units (20 aged care facility rooms) on land at 50-56 Bowen Street, Roma, described as Lot 6 on SP222875).


The application is subject to Impact Assessment against the relevant provisions of Roma Town Planning Scheme 2006.  No submissions were received during the public notification period (11th June, 2014 to 2nd July, 2014).


The proposed development is generally consistent with the provisions of the planning scheme, including the Desired Environmental Outcomes and the Urban Area Code.



Officer’s Recommendation: Council approve the application for a Material Change of Use to establish Accommodation Units (20 rooms) on land at 50-56 Bowen Street, Roma, described as Lot 6 on SP222875, subject to the following conditions:




i         Refer to for the Capricorn Municipal Development Guidelines (CMDG).


ii        The relevant planning scheme for this development is the Roma Town Council Planning Scheme 2006.  All references to the ‘Planning Scheme’ and ‘Planning Scheme Schedules’ within these conditions refer to the above Planning Scheme.


iii       Prior to the commencement of use, the applicant shall contact Council to arrange a development compliance inspection.







1.      The approved development is a Material Change of Use to establish Accommodation Units (20 aged care facility rooms) as shown on the approved plans.


2.      All conditions relating to the establishment of the approved development must be fulfilled prior to any approved use commencing, unless otherwise noted in these conditions.


Approved Plans and Documents


3.      Maintain the approved development - Material Change of Use - Accommodation Units (20 units) generally in accordance with the following approved plans, subject to and modified by any conditions of this approval:


Drawing No. 09062/DD 1.00/B

Site Plan – Overall Village

prepared by N.G Sanders and Associates Pty. Ltd                      dated 18/02/14


Drawing No. 09062/DD1.10/B

Site Plan

prepared by N.G Sanders and Associates Pty. Ltd                      dated 18/02/14


Drawing No. 09062/DD2.00/B

Lower Level- secure staff parking plan

prepared by N.G Sanders and Associates Pty. Ltd                      dated 18/02/14


Drawing No. 09062/DD 2.01/B

Construction- Stage 1 Lower Level,

Secure staff parking

prepared by N.G Sanders and Associates Pty. Ltd                      dated 18/02/14


Drawing No. 09062/DD2.10/B

Accommodation Plan

prepared by N.G Sanders and Associates Pty. Ltd                      dated 18/02/14


Drawing No. 09062/DD2.11/B

Construction Stage 1 Accommodation Plan

prepared by N.G Sanders and Associates Pty. Ltd                      dated 18/02/14


Drawing No. 09062/dd2.20/B

Roof Plan

prepared by N.G Sanders and Associates Pty. Ltd                      dated 18/02/14


Drawing No. 09062/DD3/B


prepared by N.G Sanders and Associates Pty. Ltd                      dated 18/02/14



Document D5

Capricorn Municipal Development Guidelines – Stormwater Drainage Design Guidelines                                                                              dated 03/2012


Document D7

Capricorn Municipal Development Guidelines – Erosion Control and Stormwater Management Design Guideline                   dated 03/2012


Document D11         

Capricorn Municipal Development Guidelines – Water Reticulation Design Guidelines                                                                  dated 10/2007


Document D12         

Capricorn Municipal Development Guidelines – Sewerage Reticulation Design Guideline                                                                         dated 10/2007


Complete and Maintain


4.      Complete and maintain the approved development as follows: (i) generally in accordance with development approval documents and (ii) strictly in accordance with those parts of the approved development which have been specified in detail by the Council or Referral Agency unless the Council or Referral Agency agrees in writing that those parts will be adequately complied with by amended specifications.


5.      Complete and maintain all operational, building and plumbing and drainage work associated with this development approval, including work required by any of the development approval conditions.


Landscaping and Fencing


6.      Site landscaping is to be provided in accordance with the approved plan, Drawing No 09062/DD1.10/B dated 21/02/2014.


7.      Landscaping is to be irrigated during an establishment period of two years, and ground covers should fully cover vegetated areas within one year of planting.


8.      Site landscaping must be planted prior to occupation of the accommodation units.


9.      Site landscaping must not interfere with electrical infrastructure nor restrict maintenance access to any onsite infrastructure, public utility or easement.




10.    At all times while the use continues, waste containers shall be maintained in a clean and tidy state and shall be emptied and the waste removed from the site on a regular basis.


11.    All bins shall be shielded from the view of travelling public and neighbours.


Avoiding Nuisance


12.    Any air conditioning, generator, refrigeration, pump, exhaust, fans, or other equipment must be acoustically screened to ensure noise levels do not exceed 5dB above the background noise level.


13.    Lighting of the site, including any security lighting, shall be such that the lighting intensity does not exceed 8.0 lux at a distance of 1.5 metres from the site at any property boundary.


14.    All lighting shall be directed or shielded so as to ensure that no glare directly affects nearby properties.


15.    The area and its surrounds shall be kept in an orderly fashion, free of rubbish and clear of weeds and long grasses.  The approved development and the premises are to be maintained in a clean and tidy condition and not to pose any health and safety risks to the community.


16.    Any damage to roads and infrastructure that is attributable to the progress of works on the site or vehicles associated with the development of the site must be repaired to Council’s satisfaction or the cost of repairs paid to Council.


17.    Whilst the approved works are in progress, no nuisance is to be caused to adjoining properties and occupiers by the way of noise, smoke, dust, rubbish, contaminant, stormwater discharge or siltation at any time, including non-working hours.


18.    Whilst the approved works are in progress, waste containers must remain on site and be maintained in a clean and tidy state and shall be emptied and the waste removed from the site on a regular basis.


19.    Unless otherwise approved in writing by the Council, approved hours of construction are restricted to Monday – Saturday 6.00 am to 6.00 pm – noise permitted.  Work or business which causes audible noise must not be conducted from or on the subject land outside the above times or on Sundays or Public Holidays.


Erosion Control


20.    The development will be subject to the ‘Filling and Excavation Code 5.2 of Part 5’. Earthworks are to be undertaken in accordance with Schedule 7: “Standards for Construction Activity” of Roma Town Council Planning Scheme 2006.


21.    All construction works on site to be undertaken in accordance with the Institute of Engineers (Australia) (IEAUST) Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Engineering Guidelines for Queensland Construction sites and the CMDG Design Guidelines – D7. 


22.    Measures shall be applied to prevent site vehicles tracking sediment and other pollutants onto adjoining roads during the course of the construction period and to prevent dust nuisance during construction


23.    If there is a possibility of erosion or silt or other materials being washed off the property being developed during the development process, the developer must document and implement a management plan that prevents this from occurring.


24.    Should it be necessary for the road and/or drainage system to be reinstated

    or cleaned up due to erosion and/or sedimentation from the site, then such works shall be undertaken at no cost to Council.


Provision of Services


25.    The development is to be connected to Council’s reticulated sewerage disposal system in accordance with the Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) publication WSA02-2002 Sewerage Code of Australia (version 2.3) and the CMDG Design Guideline - D12 ‘Sewerage Reticulation’, at no cost to Council.


26.    The development is to be connected to Council’s reticulated water supply system in accordance with the Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) publication WSA03-2002 Water Reticulation Code of Australia (version 2.3) and the CMDG Design Guideline – D11 ‘Water Reticulation’, at no cost to Council.


27.    The development must be connected to an electricity reticulation service in accordance with the relevant service provider’s requirements and specifications along with relevant building standards, requirements and specifications (as relevant).


28.    The development is to be connected to reticulated gas supply at no cost to Council.


29.    If the development is connected to a telecommunications service, then such works shall be undertaken in accordance with the relevant service provider’s requirements and specifications along with relevant building standards requirements and specifications (as relevant).


30.    Any conflicts associated with proposed and existing services shall be forwarded by the developer to the appropriate controlling authority for approval for any proposed changes.


31.    All services installation, including sewer, water, gas, electricity and telecommunications connections to the respective networks, must comply with (i) the development approval conditions, (ii) any relevant provisions in the planning scheme for the area, (iii) Council’s standard designs for such work where such designs exist  (iv) the CMDG where it applies (v) any relevant Australian Standard that applies to that type of work and (vi) any alternative specifications that Council has agreed to in writing and which the developer must ensure do not conflict with any requirements imposed by any applicable laws and standards.


32.    Services and infrastructure required in connection with the establishment of the approved development must be provided at no cost to Council.


Stormwater and Drainage


33.    Stormwater run-off from roof and impervious surface areas is to be collected internally and piped generally in accordance with the CMDG to the existing kerb in Major Street adjacent to the site in accordance with a lawful point of discharge.


34.    A detailed stormwater management plan for the site is to be submitted in form of an operational works application for approval prior to construction. Any increases in volume, concentration or velocity of stormwater from the property being developed must be mitigated before release to lawful points of discharge or to the other storage or dispersal arrangements which must all be agreed in writing by the Council.


35.    The stormwater disposal system must be designed to include appropriate pollution control devices or methods to ensure no contamination or silting of creeks or other waterways


36.    Stormwater must not be allowed to pond on the property being developed or upstream or downstream properties during the development process and after development has been completed unless the type and size of ponding has been agreed in writing by the Council or as a specific development approval condition.


37.    Post-development stormwater runoff flows (whose characteristics include volume, concentration and velocities) must be directed to the lawful point of discharge for the development site and there must be no increases in any silt loads or contaminants in any flow from the property being developed during the development process and after the development has been completed.


Access, Car parking and Manoeuvring


38.    Provide seven (7) car parking spaces in Stage 1 and two (2) car parking spaces in stage 2 creating a total of nine (9) car parking spaces on the site including one space designated for disabled persons, on the site in accordance with the approved plans. 


39.    Parking bay configurations (width and lengths) are to be in accordance with AS/NZS 2890.1:2004 Parking Facilities Part 1: Off-Street Car Parking.


40.    Vehicle access and manoeuvring areas are to comply with AS/NZS 2890.1:2004 Parking facilities Part 1: Off-street car parking.


41.    Vehicle manoeuvring areas must be provided on-site to allow vehicles to exit designated car parking spaces and exit the site in a forward direction.


42.    All car parking spaces and driveway areas are to be sealed with an approved impervious surface.  Surfacing shall consist of either; patterned, reinforced concrete, concrete pavers, segmental clay pavers, asphaltic hotmix or two coat (primerseal/seal) bitumen seal. 


43.    All vehicles access and related elements shall comply with (i) the development approval conditions (ii) Schedule 2 - ‘Standards for Road, Car parking, Access and Manoeuvring Areas (iii) Relevant Australian Standards (iv) the CMDG Guidelines (v) any alternative specifications that Council has agreed to in writing and which development must ensure do not conflict with any requirements imposed by any applicable laws and standards


44.    All civil and related work shall be designed and supervised by RPEQ Registered Professional Engineers of Queensland (RPEQ) who are competent in the construction of the works.


45.    During the course of constructing the works, the developer shall ensure that all works are carried out by appropriately qualified persons and the developer and the persons carrying out and supervising the work shall be responsible for all aspects of the works, including public and worker safety, and shall ensure adequate barricades, signage and other warning devices are in place at all times.


46.    If retaining walls are to be provided on site, they shall be designed by an RPEQ (Structural) Engineer and certification provided for both design and construction of walls. They must not impede, concentrate or pond stormwater.


Environmental Management


47.    The developer shall immediately clean up and satisfactorily remove any deposited construction material or silt runoff from the development site.


Fees and Infrastructure Charges


48.    An infrastructure contribution, in accordance with Maranoa Regional Council’s adopted Infrastructure Charges for the Roma Planning Scheme 2006, of $300,000.00 is payable to the Council. All infrastructure charges including those associated with Council's Water, Sewerage, Stormwater, Transport and Parks networks are now levied under the Sustainable Planning Act 2009, following its amendment by the Sustainable Planning (Housing Affordability and Infrastructure Charges Reform) Amendment Act 2011.  As required under Section 648F of the Sustainable Planning Act, a separate Adopted Infrastructure Charges Notice is attached.


Payment can be accepted based on the stage of development, equating to the following charges:


Stage 1: $165,000.00

Stage 2: $135,000.00


The balance of the charges is to be paid to Maranoa Regional Council prior to the commencement of each stage. The payments do not include the costs of connecting the development site to the infrastructure networks within the Roma Priority Infrastructure Area.


No cost to council


49.    The developer is responsible for meeting all costs associated with the approved development unless there is specific agreement by other parties, including the Council, to meeting those costs.


50.    All rates and charges of any description and all arrears of such rates and charges, together with interest outstanding thereon, on the land, due to Council, shall be paid to the Council prior to occupation of the units.


Latest versions


51.    Where another condition refers to a specific published standard, manual or guideline, including specifications, drawings, provisions and criteria within those documents, that condition shall be deemed as referring to the latest versions of those publications that are publicly available at the time the first operational works or compliance approval is lodged with the assessment manager or approval agency for those types of works to be performed or approved, unless a regulation or law requires otherwise.


Application Documentation


52.    It is the developer’s responsibility to ensure that all entities associated with this Development Approval have a legible copy of the Decision Notice and the Approved Plans and Approved Documents bearing ‘Council Approval’.



Body of Report: Refer to Attachment 1

Consultation (internal/external):

-           State Assessment & Referral Agency/DSDIP (Concurrence agency)

-           Warren Oxnam, Specialist Compliance (Internal)

-           Ruth Golden, Specialist Development Engineer (Internal)

-           Danielle Pearn, Manager Planning and Building Development (Internal)

-           Public notification was undertaken in accordance with the requirements of SPA.

Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):

The applicant has appeal rights under the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 against any decision of Council.

Policy Implications: The application generally accords with the policy position of the Roma Town Planning Scheme 2006.

Financial Resource Implications:

Any conditions imposed will be at the cost of the developer.


Link to Corporate Plan:

Corporate Plan 2009-2013 8.3.1(a) Regulate and control development in a consistent and responsible manner that enhances the lifestyle of our community whilst promoting sustainable development.

Supporting Documentation:


Body of Report



Development Plans



Adopted Infrastructure Charges Notice



Report authorised by:

Danielle Pearn, Manager - Planning & Building Development

Attachment 1

Body of Report


Background Information


Proposed Land Use


The application seeks a Development Permit for a Material Change of Use to extend the existing retirement village at 50-56 Bowen Street, Roma (described as Lot 6 and 7 on SP222875).


Details of Proposed Development


The application proposes to extend the existing Pinaroo Retirement Village to provide an additional 20 accommodation rooms.   At present, the facility consists of a 50-bed aged care facility and 9 Independent Living Units (ILU). The proposed extension relates to the 50-bed aged care portion of the facility.


The extension consists of an 8.5m high, two-storey, L-shaped building that would connect the north-eastern wing and south eastern-wing of the existing 50 bed aged care facility. The extension would contain 20 accommodation rooms, communal lounge and service rooms at ground floor level and parking, maintenance and staff facilities at basement level.  The proposed works would increase the Gross Floor Area (GFA) of the existing 3,366sqm facility by 953.5sqm, bringing the total GFA of the aged care facility to 4,967.5sqm. The increase in GFA would result in total site coverage of 36.3%.


It is expected that the extension would be constructed over 2 stages. The initial phase would include construction of 11 accommodation rooms, communal lounge, utility room, cleaners’ room, store room and egress stairs.  The second phase would include construction of the remaining 9 accommodation rooms.


Vehicle access to the site would be provided via the two existing crossovers from Bowen Street. Twenty-four (24) on-site parking spaces are currently provided for the aged care facility and an additional nine (9) parking spaces are proposed as part of the extension.


Figure 1                                                                                                                                  Site Locality (Google Earth)




Figure 2                                                                                                  Zoning Map (Source; Roma Planning Scheme)





Characteristics of the site


The subject site is located at the intersection of Bowen Street and Duke Street, approximately 750 metres from the Roma Central Business District (CBD). Site access is provided via two existing crossovers on Bowen Street. The site is zoned Residential, and is fully serviced by reticulated water, sewage and electricity.


The site contains a 50 bed aged care facility and 9 Independent Living Units (ILU), known collectively as the Pinaroo Retirement Village. Adjoining land uses include;


·    North: Independent Living Units;


·    East: Residential dwellings;


·    South: School Oval;


·    West: water reservoir site


Design and Use of the proposed extension


The proposed extension includes an additional twenty (20) rooms and two communal lounge areas. Each accommodation room is semi-self contained, providing a bed, small sitting area and ensuite. The rooms are designed and share the same general layout as the rooms contained within the existing facility.


The two communal lounges are located for easy access from all rooms. One lounge provides a large sitting area and walk out balcony, while the other serves as a connection between the proposed extensions and the existing facility.  The existing lawn and garden areas will be easily accessible and can be viewed from each of the proposed rooms and the communal lounges.


The overall design and construction materials used in the extension will reflect those used in the existing facility and will not encroach on minimum setbacks or exceed maximum building heights or site coverage.


Infrastructure Charges


Infrastructure Charges will be charged at a rate of $15,000 per room in line with Councils adopted Infrastructure Plan (Accommodation (long term) retirement facility). The total infrastructure charges will be $300,000 (20 rooms x $15,000 per room).


Definition of Accommodation Units


The Roma Town Council Planning Scheme defines Accommodation Units.


"Accommodation Units" means any premises comprising an intergraded development of dwelling units and/or rooming units. The term includes multiple dwelling units, retirement villages and apartment houses.


Public Notification


Public notification was carried out from June 6th, 2014 to July 3rd, 2014. No properly made submissions were received during this period.



Assessment against the Planning Scheme


The Desired Environmental Outcomes (DEOs) are based on ecological sustainability established by Sustainable Planning Act 2009, and are the basis for the measures of the planning scheme.  The DEOs are examined below:




a)   The areas of high scenic amenity, remnant vegetation, wetlands, fauna habitats and wildlife corridors and regionally significant open space in the town are protected.


The property is located within an established urban area and is not in close proximity to any environmentally significant area.  The proposed extension would not negatively impact any environmentally significant area. 


b)   Places, areas or sites identified as being susceptible to land degradation, including contamination, erosion, salinity or landslip, are protected and further degradation is minimised.


The site is not identified as being susceptible to land degradation, contamination, erosion, salinity and landslip.


c)   Ecological sustainability is achieved by maintaining and improving biodiversity, water and air quality.


The extension will not have a detrimental impact on biodiversity, water or air quality. Matters related to ecological sustainability can be addressed by way of conditions of development.


d)   Places of historical and indigenous cultural heritage and social significance are protected, maintained and enhanced.


The subject site is not located in close proximity to, or in a place of, historical, cultural or social significance. 




a)   Business and commercial development shall be located within the Commercial Zone to promote and strengthen the existing Central Business District.


The proposed extension does not involve business and commercial development that will have a negative impact on the Central Business District.


b)   The Central Business District (CBD) or inner core of the commercial Zone is intended to contain the more intensive commercial uses. Environmental facilities and tourist accommodation will also be favored within and adjacent to the CBD to provide central focus of activity and promote vitality after office hours.


The proposed extension is located in an established residential area. It will not detract from, or compromise, the CBD.


c)   Beautification and improved parking facilities will enhance the efficiency, attractions and vitality of the Town CBD


The proposed extension is located in an established residential area and will not compromise the beautification, efficiency, attractions and vitality of the Town CBD. 


d)   Tourism will be promoted with significant economic and social benefits to the town as a regional center with close association with the oil and gas industry and the proximity to the Carnarvon National Park.


The proposed extension is located in an established residential area and will not compromise the promotion of tourism.


e)   Industry, business and employment opportunities are improved and appropriately located to service the community and region, and encourage economic activity within the local area.


The proposed extension would increase the number of accommodation rooms in an existing, and well established, retirement village.  The retirement village is appropriately located to service the community and the region.


Community Well-Being & Lifestyle


a)   Convenient access to roads and services is achieved through well located land uses and the efficient use and timely provision of infrastructure such as water, sewerage and roads, walkways and cycling facilities.


The site is located in a well established residential neighborhood with convenient access to infrastructure including roads, walkways, water and sewage.


b)   Infrastructure networks such as road and rail, water cycle and electricity infrastructure are protected from encroachment by sensitive land uses which may adversely affect or limit the normal operation of that infrastructure.


The proposed extension provides adequate setbacks and will not encroach on, adversely affect or limit any infrastructure network. 


c)   Rural residential and urban residential development occurs in distinct localities that provide a sense of community, amenity, services, and a safe, affordable living environment, whilst maintaining the rural amenity of the Town Area.


The proposed extension continues a well established residential use in a well established residential neighbourhood. The proposal is consistent with the established character of the area and the provisions set out in the Planning Scheme for residential development.


d)   The adverse effects from natural and other hazards, including bushfires are maintained.


The subject site is located within the Urban Area and is not identified as being subject to natural or other hazards. 


e)   The range of housing types, services and facilities meets the needs of the community and other uses.


The proposed extension would increase the number and range and options of housing types (accommodation units) available in the Town to meet the needs of the community.


Overall Outcomes for Urban Area Code


The Urban Area Zone Code identifies overall outcomes providing direction about relevant assessment issues. 

1)   The overall outcomes are the purpose of the Urban Area  Code:

2)   The overall outcomes sought for the Urban Area are the following:


(a)  Roma is the focus for a range of business, industry, tourist, community and recreational activity in the local government area;


The proposal expands an existing residential use in an established residential neighbourhood. The proposal will not comprise the range of business, industry, tourist, community and recreational activity in Roma.


(b) Business and commercial development is located primarily in the CBD to provide central and accessible services to the local government area.


The proposal does not involve business and commercial development and will not compromise commercial development in the CBD.


(c)   The residential and heritage character and amenity of the Urban Area is retained.


Appropriate setbacks, lot coverage, and construction materials have been proposed to ensure residential amenity of the Urban Area is maintained.


(d)  Safe and convenient access for pedestrians and cyclists is maintained and enhances;


The proposed extension is set well back from the road and will not encroach or impede convenient access for pedestrians and cyclists.


(e)  Residential (including Rural Residential) development occurs where there is no adverse impact on Good Quality Agricultural Land.


The site is not located in, or in close proximity to, Good Quality Agricultural Land.


(f)    Residential development is buffered from the existing and proposed road and rail corridors to minimize any detrimental impact.


The proposed extension provides adequate setbacks to minimize any detrimental impacts to road and rail corridors.


(g)  Residential development accommodates a range of housing types and allotment sizes, and provides a safe and pleasant living environment, with adequate access to community services and is located in the residential preferred areas shown on the Urban Area Maps in the appendices;


The proposed extension expands an existing residential use in a residential neighborhood. It will increase the number and range of housing types available in the Town and provides for a safe and pleasant living environment for its residents without negatively impacting adjoining land uses. The site is located in close proximity to the CBD, and has adequate access to community services.


(h)  The expansion of residential development occurs in areas where it is most cost effective to supply physical infrastructure, such as water, sewerage, roads and electricity.


The subject site is well serviced by physical infrastructure, including water, sewerage, roads and electricity.


(i)    Efficient and equitable access to social infrastructure, such as schools, neighborhood shopping, community services, public transport services, and parks are provided in residential areas;


The proposal extends an established residential use in a residential neighbourhood. The site provides efficient and equitable access to social infrastructure, including shopping, community services and parks.


(j)    Industrial development is located in the Industrial Zone of the town (see maps in appendices)


The proposed extension does not constitute “industrial development”.


(k)   Impacts of industrial uses are required to be within acceptable limits and uses are undertaken in sustainable manner consistent with the amenity and character of the area concerned;


The proposed extension does not constitute “industrial development.”


(l)    Small scale business, community and emergency services are provided for the needs of the local community


The extension increase the number of accommodation rooms available to the community in direct response to the needs of the local community.


(m) All Areas other than Commercial Zone are protected from shopping center and other forms of commercial development.


The proposed extension is not considered “shopping center” or “commercial” development.


Urban Zone Code


The Code’s relevant Performance Criteria are shown below, in order to more easily permit structured and detailed consideration of relevant issues—


Relevant performance criteria -  the Town Code

Assessment responses

For all of the Rural Zone

1. Infrastructure

PC1 Electricity

Premises are provided with a supply of electricity adequate for the activity.

The proposed development is located in an established urban area with access to electrical infrastructure.

PC2 Water Supply

Premises are provided with an adequate volume and supply of water for the activity.

The premises are located in an established residential neighborhood with access to Councils reticulated water system.

PC3 Effluent disposal

To ensure that public health and environmental values are preserved, all premises provide for the treatment and disposal of effluent and other waste water.

The premises are located in an established residential neighbourhood with access to reticulated sewerage infrastructure.

PC4 Stormwater/Inter-allotment Drainage

Stormwater is collected and discharged so as to:

a)   protect the stability of buildings or the use of adjacent land;

b)   prevent the waterlogging of nearby land; and

c)   protect and maintain environmental values.

A condition of development approval is that a Stormwater Management Plan be submitted in the form of an operational works application for approval prior to any construction taking place.




PC5 Vehicle Access

Vehicle access is provided to a standard appropriate for the use.

The proposed development will utilize existing vehicle access that is considered appropriate for the use.

PC7 Parking and maneuvering

Vehicle parking and service vehicle provision is adequate for the use whilst ensuring both safe and functional operation for motorists and pedestrians.

A total of 33 vehicle parking spaces are proposed on site which meets the minimum requirements outlined in the  Planning Scheme

(required spaces  0.25 spaces x 70 beds = 18)


PC 8 Roads

All weather road access is provided between the premises and the existing road network.

The site will continue to utilize existing and established road access.


PC9 State Controlled Roads

State Controlled Roads are maintained and enhanced as a link between major centers.

The proposed extension will not have a negative impact on any State Controlled Roads.

PC10 Development Adjacent to State Controlled Roads

Development Adjacent to State Controlled Roads is located to ensure safe and efficient use of the highway and maintain the integrity of the highway as a commuter link.

The proposed extension is not adjacent to a State controlled road.

PC11 Noise Sensitive Development

Noise sensitive developments (residential, education and community) must ensure that road traffic noise levels are appropriately managed to achieve acceptable levels of amenity.

The proposed development is located within a residential area and is consistent with the existing long tem use of the site.  The development will not be adversely impacted by road traffic noise levels.

PC12 Development in the Vicinity of the Aerodrome


a)   does not adversely affect the operation of the aerodrome;

b)  is designed and located to achieve a suitable standard of amenity for the proposed activity; and

c)   does not restrict the future operational demands of the aerodrome.

Not applicable - The proposed extension is not in the vicinity of the Aerodrome.

PC 13 Development in the Vicinity of Aerodrome

The development of premises does not cause an obstruction or other potential hazard to aircraft movement associated with the aerodrome by way of;


a)   the physical intrusion of buildings or other structures into the Obstacle Limitation Surface;

b)   attracting birds or bats to the area which could cause or contribute to bid strike hazard;

c)   providing very bright lighting or lighting similar to aerodrome lighting which can distract of confuse pilots;

d)   interfering with navigation or communication facilities

e)   emissions that may affect pilot visibility or aircraft operations; or

f)    transient intrusions into the aerodromes operational space

Not applicable - The proposed extension is not in the vicinity of the Aerodrome.

PC14 Gas and Oil Pipelines

Buildings are located at an appropriate distance from pipelines to ensure community safety and operation of the use is not compromised. 

The location of all proposed buildings and structures is appropriately separated from gas and oil pipelines.

PC15 Refuse Tips and Effluent Treatment Plants

Premises are located at an appropriate distance from refuse tips and effluent treatment plants to ensure community safety and operation of the uses are not compromised.

Not applicable - The subject property is not located within close proximity to a refuse tip or effluent treatment plants.

PC16 Rail Corridors

Development is at an appropriate distance from the rail corridor so as not to prejudice safety, speed or intended role of the existing and proposed rail corridors.

Not applicable - The proposed extensions is not located within close proximity to a rail corridor.

PC17 Noise Attenuation

Development adjoining the rail corridor is protected from the impact of noise.

Not applicable - The subject property does not adjoin a rail corridor.

2. Environment


PC18 Watercourses

Development ensures the maintenance of riparian areas and water quality including protection from off-site transfer of sediment

Not applicable - The subject property is not located within close proximity of a  watercourse.

PC 19 Protected Areas

Development is undertaken to ensure areas of significant biodiversity and habitat value are protected.  

Not applicable – the site is not located within a protected area.

PC20 Flooding

Premises are designed and located so as;

(a) not to be adversely impacted on by flooding;

(b) to protect life and property; and

(c)  not to have an undesirable impact on the extent and magnitude of flooding. 

The subject site is located outside the 1 in 100 year flooding event.


PC21 Air Emissions

Air emissions from premises do not cause environmental harm or nuisance to adjoining properties or sensitive land uses.

The extension will not compromise air quality or cause environmental harm or nuisance to adjoining properties or sensitive land uses.

PC22 Noise Emissions

Noise emissions from premises do not cause environmental harm or nuisance to adjoining properties or sensitive land uses.

The increase in noise emissions as a result of the extension are considered insignificant.

PC 23 Water Quality

The standard of effluent and/or storm water runoff from premises ensures the quality of surface water is suitable for;

a)   the biological integrity of aquatic ecosystems;

b)   recreational use

c)   supply as drinking water after minimal treatment

d)   agricultural use; or industrial use; and

e)   Minimizes nuisance or harm adjoining land owners.

Matters relating to effluent and/or storm water runoff from premises can be addressed by way of conditions of development.

PC24 Excavation and Filling

Excavation and filling or land ensures;

a)   That both the amenity and safety of users of the site and adjacent land holdings; and

b)   Soil erosion is kept to a minimum with remedial works

Not applicable – the proposal does not involve excavation or filling.

PC25 Construction Activities

Both erosion control and silt collection measures are undertaken so as to ensure protection of environmental values during construction.


Matters relating to erosion and silt collection can be appropriately addressed by way of conditions of development approval.

PC26 Bushfire Hazard Area

Development maintains the safety of people and property by avoiding areas of High or Medium Bushfire hazard or mitigating the risk through:

a)   the siting of buildings ensuring setbacks from hazardous vegetation are maximized and elements least susceptible to fire are sited closest to the bushfire hazard; and

b)   the provision of firebreaks to ensure adequate setbacks between buildings structure and hazardous vegetation.

The subject property is not located within a Bushfire Hazard area.

PC27 Character Buildings

Development adjacent to buildings identified as heritage or character buildings incorporates design features, materials and details that blend with the existing character.

Not applicable - The property is not adjacent to buildings identified as being of heritage significance.

PC27 Cultural Heritage

The significance of known places of indigenous cultural heritage value are retained.

Not applicable – the site is not located in, or close to, an area of known cultural heritage value.

B. For the Residential Zone

a. Residential Development – Dwelling House, Dual occupancy and Accommodation Units

PC 29 Height

The height of residential buildings is compatible with and complementary to the character of the urban environment.

The extension does not exceed 8.5m in height in accordance with the planning scheme.

PC 30 Site Coverage and Setbacks

(a) Residential building design and siting maintains the character of the locality in terms of building bulk

(b) Residential buildings are located to ensure the local amenity and streetscape are protected and enhanced.

The proposed extension would increase site coverage to 36.3% which is less the maximum 40% prescribed in the Planning Scheme.


The proposed extension would not encroach on a 7m setback from the road frontage.

PC31 Residential amenity For Dual Occupancies and Accommodation Units

Occupancies and Accommodation Units; 

The location and design of dual occupancies provides for adequate privacy, sunlight, ventilation and open space.

Each accommodation unit has a window that overlooks a landscaped garden.


Open space is provided and easily accessible form each room. 

PC32 Landscaping For Dual Occupancies and Accommodation Units;

Landscaping on the site should be;

a)   Visually pleasing and create an attractive environment.

b)   Located to take account of the direction of the breezes and sun; and

c)   Located to give privacy and buffering from any potential incompatible uses.

d)   Located to avoid interference with electricity lines and infrastructure.

Adequate levels of landscaping are proposed and established on site. The extension is designed to take advantage of breezes and sun. Appropriate setbacks buffer habitable windows from adjoining land uses and provide for appropriate levels of privacy.





Assessment Summary


Although the proposed development requires impact assessment, the proposal does not conflict with the intent of the Residential Zone. The development is consistent with the scale and character of the residential development in the Town area and will contribute to the range of housing available within the community.




Attachment 2

Development Plans


Attachment 3

Adopted Infrastructure Charges Notice






Issued by Maranoa Regional Council in accordance with:


1.   Section 648F of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009

2.   State planning regulatory provision (adopted charges) 2012

3.   Maranoa Regional Council Resolution to adopt Infrastructure Charges for the Roma Planning Scheme under the State planning regulatory provision (adopted charges), 2012 – effective 26 September 2012

4.   Development Approval 2014/18907 for a Material Change of Use for Accommodation Units (20 Units) on land at 50-56 Bowen Street, Roma QLD 4455, described as Lot 6 on SP222875.


(a)        The amount of the charge:


$300,000.00 is payable as infrastructure charges.

Payment can be accepted based on the stage of development, equating to the following charges:

Stage 1: $165,000.00

Stage 2: $135,000.00


This is based on an adopted charge of $15,000.00 per room (Accommodation (long term) retirement facility).


(b)       The land to which the charge applies:


This charge is levied in respect of a Development Approval for a Material Change of Use for Accommodation Units (20 accommodation rooms) on land at 50-56 Bowen Street, Roma QLD 4455, described as Lot 6 on SP222675.


(c)        The person to whom the charge must be paid:


Chief Executive Officer,

Maranoa Regional Council


(d)        When the charge is payable:


Prior to commencing construction of each stage.


(e)       If the local government has, under its adopted infrastructure charges resolution, provided for the charge to increase, an additional amount, worked out in compliance with section 648D(10)(b) of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009, is payable on the day the charge is paid:


The Maranoa Regional Council Resolution to adopt Infrastructure Charges for the Roma Planning Scheme under the State planning regulatory provision (adopted charges) 2102 – effective 26 September 2012, provides for increases in charges to be made in accordance Section 7 of that Resolution. The increases are related to the Consumer Price Index (all Groups) for Brisbane.



When does an AICN lapse?


An AICN lapses if the corresponding development approval or compliance permit stops having effect.


Negotiated AICN


A person who receives an AICN may make a written representation (e.g. a letter, facsimile or email) about the AICN to the entity that gave the notice (i.e. local government or a water distributor retailer) (Chapter 8, Part 4 of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 (SPA)). If the entity agrees with any of the representations, the entity will issue a negotiated AICN which replaces the original notice.


SPA also provides for representations to be made about decision notices under Chapter 6, Part 8. Where a negotiated decision notice affects the amount of an adopted infrastructure charge, the local government may issue a new AICN to replace the original notice (section 364 of the SPA).


A representation about an AICN or a decision notice must be started during the period within which the person may make an appeal about the AICN or the decision notice.


Permissible change and an AICN


A permissible change is a minor change to a development approval that would not result in a substantially different development (section 367 of the SPA). An AICN, or negotiated AICN, cannot be issued as part of the process for a permissible change to a development approval. In this regard, a permissible change to a development approval should not result in a change that warrants a new AICN.


Making an appeal about an AICN


A person, who is given an AICN or negotiated AICN and is dissatisfied, may appeal to the Planning and Environment Court (Court) against the notice, under section 478 of the SPA. An appeal against an AICN or a negotiated AICN can only be about:


·     whether a charge in the notice is so unreasonable that no reasonable relevant local government, state infrastructure provider or coordinating agency could have imposed it; or

·     an error in the calculation of the charge.


A person has 20 business days to start an appeal against an AICN or negotiated AICN.


Another way to appeal against an AICN or negotiated AICN is the Building and Development Dispute Resolution Committee (Committee). The Committee provides an accessible, affordable and timely service for members of the public not satisfied with decisions made by local governments and private certifiers. Errors in the calculation of the charge can be appealed to the Committee, under section 535 of the SPA.


An appeal against an AICN or negotiated AICN, to either the Court or the Committees, is not an appeal against a development application, development approval, compliance assessment or compliance permit. As such, an appeal does not affect the period in which the corresponding development approval or compliance permit takes effect and lapses.




Extract from the Sustainable Planning Act 2009- Section 478


478    Appeals about particular charges for infrastructure


(1) This section applies to a person who has been given, and is dissatisfied with—

(a) an infrastructure charges notice, regulated infrastructure charges notice, adopted infrastructure charges notice or regulated State infrastructure charges notice; or

(b) a negotiated infrastructure charges notice, negotiated regulated infrastructure charges notice, negotiated adopted infrastructure charges notice or negotiated regulated State  infrastructure charges notice.

(2) The person may appeal to the court against the notice.

(3) An appeal against a notice mentioned in subsection (1) must be started within 20 business days after the day the notice is given to the person.

(4) An appeal under this section may only be about—

(a) whether a charge in the notice is so unreasonable that no reasonable relevant local government, State infrastructure provider or coordinating agency could have imposed it; or

(b) an error in the calculation of the charge.

(5) To remove any doubt, it is declared that an appeal under this section can not be about the methodology used to establish an adopted infrastructure charge or the charge in a relevant infrastructure charges schedule, regulated infrastructure charges schedule or regulated State infrastructure charges schedule.


To see details of other sections of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009, you can go to the legislation section of the Queensland Government website. The following internet link may assist:


Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  27 August 2014

Officer Report

Meeting: General  27 August 2014

Date: 20 August 2014

Item Number: 13.8

File Number: D14/60596


Subject Heading:                     Funding Agreement for Roma Sewerage Augmentation Project between Santos GLNG and Maranoa Regional Council

Classification:                                   Open Access  

Name of Applicant:                         


Author & Officer’s Title:                 Susan (Sue) Sands, (Acting) Coordinator - Local Development & Council Events


Executive Summary: 

The funding agreement between Santos GLNG and Council for the Roma Sewerage Augmentation Project has been sent to Council for signature.  The agreement is consistent with Council’s intent for the construction and operations of the project, and has been reviewed by relevant officers.   


Officer’s Recommendation:  

That Council authorises the Chief Executive Officer to sign the funding agreement between Santos GLNG and Council for the Roma Sewerage Augmentation Project.


Body of Report:

The Roma Sewerage Augmentation Project is a key component in Roma being able to service increasing population growth and development opportunities into the future.


Council has successfully applied for funding from Royalties for Regions (Round One), Santos GLNG and Origin (APLNG).


The funding contributions required for the project are:



Maranoa Regional Council


Royalties for Regions






Total Revenue


Santos will pay $1,000,000 within 30 business days of execution of the agreement.


It is recommended that Council authorise the CEO to sign the agreement.

Consultation (internal/external):

·    Troy Pettiford, Manager – Water, Gas and Sewerage

·    Julie Reitano, Chief Executive Officer

·    Peter Robbins, Principal Engineer, Wide Bay Water Corporation

·    John Phalen, Manager Social Performance, Santos GLNG

Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):

Failure to meet project milestones on time may delay the payment schedule.

Policy Implications:


Financial Resource Implications:


Maranoa Regional Council


Royalties for Regions






Total Revenue



Link to Corporate Plan:

Corporate Plan 2009-2013 8.3.2(a) To undertake Council’s regulatory function in relation to the administration of Building Certification Codes and legislation in a consistent and responsible manner in the interests of maintaining community standards and wellbeing.

Supporting Documentation:


Report authorised by:

Edward Sims, Manager - Economic & Community Development

Robert Hayward, Director - Development, Facilities & Environmental Services

Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  27 August 2014

Officer Report

Meeting: General  27 August 2014

Date: 20 August 2014

Item Number: 13.9

File Number: D14/60921


Subject Heading:                     Funding Agreement for Royalties for Regions Road Projects

Classification:                                   Open Access  

Name of Applicant:                         


Author & Officer’s Title:                 Susan (Sue) Sands, (Acting) Coordinator - Local Development & Council Events


Executive Summary: 

The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) has sent a funding agreement to Council for signature.  The agreement relates to Wallumbilla North Road, Fairview Road and Injune-Taroom Road, which have been funded under the Royalties for Regions program.


Officer’s Recommendation:  

That Council authorises the Chief Executive Officer to sign the funding agreement for the Royalties for Regions Road Projects:

a)   Wallumbilla North Road

b)   Fairview Road

c)   Injune-Taroom Road


Body of Report:

Council has received an agreement from Department of Transport and Main Roads relating to road projects funded under the Royalties for Regions program Round Two.   


This document is required by the Department of State Development; Infrastructure and Planning (Program Owner) and Department of Transport and Main Roads (delivery agent), as part of the program governance around delivery of the Royalties for the Regions (Roads) Program.


The agreement also makes reference to the Wallumbilla North Road (a Round One project), which at the time the Department funded under a different documentary arrangement.


Project description

Project location

Total funds for project

Fairview Road upgrade of 30.5km to 8m seal  including intersection with Carnarvon Hwy.

Intersection with Carnarvon Hwy and various sections of Fairview Road.  Completion – ‘off maintenance certificate issued by TMR by June 2015.

$27.9 Million of which $5.00 M Royalties for Regions

Injune – Taroom Road upgrade of 23.2km to 8m seal including culverts and intersection upgrade at Carnarvon Hwy.

From Chainage 0.00 at Carnarvon Highway and various section of Injune – Taroom Road. Completion – ‘off maintenance certificate issued by TMR by June 2015.

$23.2 Million of which $7.00 M Royalties for Regions

Wallumbilla North Road Bitumen Sealing

Chainage 31.20 to 36.50km North of Wallumbilla.  Completion – ‘off maintenance certificate issued by TMR by June 2016.

$5.635 Million of which $5.035 M Royalties for Regions



It is recommended that Council authorise the CEO to sign the agreement.

Consultation (internal/external):

·    Cindy Irwin, Specialist - Infrastructure Program Funding

·    Carmel Pascoe, Principal Advisor (Program Performance) , South West District,  Department of Transport and Main Roads

Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):

Failure to meet project milestones on time may delay the payment schedule.

Policy Implications:


Financial Resource Implications:



The road projects have been funded by contributions from Santos, R4R, Council and QGC.Link to Corporate Plan:

Corporate Plan 2009-2013 8.3.2(a) To undertake Council’s regulatory function in relation to the administration of Building Certification Codes and legislation in a consistent and responsible manner in the interests of maintaining community standards and wellbeing.

Supporting Documentation:


Report authorised by:

Edward Sims, Manager - Economic & Community Development

Robert Hayward, Director - Development, Facilities & Environmental Services

Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  27 August 2014

Officer Report

Meeting: General  27 August 2014

Date: 21 August 2014

Item Number: 13.10

File Number: D14/61090


Subject Heading:                     Permission to Occupy - Gallas Fox Park

Classification:                                   Open Access  

Name of Applicant:                          Roma Rugby Union Club


Author & Officer’s Title:                 Tanya Mansfield, Manager - Facilities


Executive Summary: 

Council has been approached by the Roma Rugby Union Club to enter into either a Lease Agreement or written Permission to Occupy in respect to Gallas Fox Park for a minimum of three years.  Evidence of tenancy arrangements is a requirement of the funding body the club is requesting funding from.



Officer’s Recommendation:  

That Council provide the Roma Rugby Union Club with correspondence stipulating:-

1.   The club has been granted the non-exclusive right to occupy the grounds at Gallas Fox Park Roma for the purpose of Rugby Union games and training for the period of three years.

2.   Approval for the proposed project being renovation of the playing surface at Gallas Fox Park and erection of fencing to improve safety with consideration to the grounds vicinity to the Warrego Highway.


Body of Report:

The Roma Rugby Union Club is considering renovating the playing surface at Gallas Fox Park and erecting fencing along the highway to prevent people running onto the Warrego Highway.  As part of the fencing they would also like to erect a larger net behind the goal posts to prevent the ball landing on the highway and the need for ball boys to retrieve it.


The Rugby Club has also advised that Round 3 of the “Get Playing – Funding to improve facilities” is currently open and the club intends to apply for funding.


As part of the application, the Rugby Club will need to provide:-

·    Certificate of Title;

·    Lease or Permit/Right to Occupy – for a minimum of 3 years;

·    Land owners or controllers permission to undertake the project – this will need to be written permission from Council to proceed with the project.


Council has been in communication with the Deputy Premier, Hon. Jeff Seeney, Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning who fully supports the process of a land swap of this Reserve to Freehold.  As the Roma Rugby Union Club are seeking a three year agreement, the planned land swap should be considered in the decision making process.

Consultation (internal/external):

Roma Rugby Union Club

Councillor Workshop – 12 August 2014

Rob Hayward – Director Development, Facilities and Environmental Services

Tanya Mansfield – Manager Facilities

Fiona Vincent – Coordinator Regional Sport and Recreation

Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):

Risk that Council may wish to progress with relocation of this club from this site within the next three years, and may meet resistance.

Policy Implications:


Financial Resource Implications:

Nil.  Council has not been asked to financially contribute to this project.


Link to Corporate Plan:

Corporate Plan 2009-2013 8.2.3(a) To implement Council’s governance policies and procedures in an evolving organisational environment whilst ensuring legislative relevance, consistency and fairness in application.

Supporting Documentation:


Roma Rugby Union Club - Email Request



Report authorised by:

Robert Hayward, Director - Development, Facilities & Environmental Services

Attachment 1

Roma Rugby Union Club - Email Request



Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  27 August 2014

Councillor Report

Meeting: General  27 August 2014

Date: 20 August 2014

Item Number: 22.1

File Number: D14/60912


SUBJECT HEADING:                     Wild Dog Advisory Committee Recommendations

Classification:                                   Open Access 

Author & Councillor’s Title:          Cr Jan Chambers


Councillor’s Recommendation:


That Council:

·    Approve the proposed Drought Assistance Program and endorse the committee recommendations for inclusion in the program, and the dates recommended for the first round of the program;


·    Endorse the committee’s recommendation that the current Wild Dog Bonus Scheme payments in place remain;


·    Endorse the committee’s recommendation to write to the appropriate state government department to thank them for committing funds for the exclusion fencing program, and that South West NRM furnish Council with a map of where the proposed exclusion fence projects will be erected;


·    Seek information from landholders regarding those that have privately done predator fencing across the region;


·    Endorse the committee’s recommendation to approve for committee members John Hartley and Kent Morris to be authorised scalp collection persons on behalf of Council, with appropriate information provided in line with current Council’s processes.


·    Endorse the committee’s recommendation that Council provide the remaining stock of factory baits on hand to landholders upon request at no cost, until their expiry date.




The Wild Dog Advisory Committee met for their quarterly meeting on 18 August 2014 and put forward a number of recommendations for Council’s consideration.  A summary of information surrounding these recommendations is provided below and the supporting unconfirmed meeting minutes are attached to this report.


The committee meets on a quarterly basis.




Drought Assistance Program Funding Project

The Australian Government has provided Queensland with $5.6 million in drought assistance funding to support improved pest animal management in drought-affected areas for the 2013/14 and 2014/15 financial years.


This funding has been made available to organisations such as resource management groups, local governments and organisations directly involved in the delivery of pest animal management.


Maranoa Regional Council has received $80,000 in funding to conduct an additional baiting program, and QMDC has received $70,000 to fund a targeted pig control program. Both programs will run in conjunction with each other.


The committee recommends that Council approve the proposed Drought Assistance Funding Project.  A copy of the draft proposal is attached to the report for Council’s review.  The committee has included a few additional recommendations to complement the proposal.  The full committee recommendation is provided below, and a copy of the minutes is attached to the report.


Approval of the six (6) proposed Feral Animal Forum locations of:


- Eumamurrin Hall and Campdraft grounds

- Yuleba Creek School

- Teelba Gun Club

- Dunkeld Hall

- Mungallala Recreational Centre

- Tooloombilla Rodeo grounds


Approval of distribution of an information pack

Option 2 approved for the provision of baits (both Doggone & De-K9)

Option 2 approved for the lucky door prize (with removal of the DVD proposed to be replaced with CRC version)

Baits also be provided at and to be collected from the Roma and Mitchell depots (licensed operators) for a six week period from start of forums

Sausage sizzle proposal – approved

Advertising proposal - approved


Proposed education topics approved, with additional topics of – include meat order forms, include QMDC attendance, and education on how the wild dog levy funds are allocated.


The dates and locations recommended for the first additional program are:


·    9 September – Tooloombilla

·    11 September – Dunkeld

·    16 September – Yuleba Creek

·    18 September – Teelba

·    23 September – Eumamurrin/ Bymount

·    25 September – Mungallala

Wild Dog Bonus Scheme Payments

Committee member Don Noon requested that members discuss the possible implementation of an incentive to pay a higher bounty for presentation of mature bitch scalps.  Don Noon was an apology for the meeting.


Members discussed this request, raising concerns about the difficulty in identifying presented scalps as those of mature bitches, and were concerned that in implementing an incentive, the program would be vulnerable to manipulation.


The committee was not in favour of adjusting the current incentive payment scheme.


Exclusion Fencing Program

Council has become aware that the state government has funded cluster fencing installations throughout sections of the south west section of our region, this being within the catchment of South West NRN based in Charleville.


Members discussed the importance of seeking an understanding of where cluster fencing is currently located throughout the region, to ascertain if such fencing makes a difference in wild dog numbers in that section of the region.  This can be monitored through presentation of scalps off properties in that area.


To gain this understanding, Council could seek information from landholders regarding those that have privately done predator fencing, and in addition the,  committee recommends that Council write to the appropriate state government department to thank them for committing funds to the exclusion fencing program, and South West NRM for working in collaboration with such landholders to implement the fencing.  The committee requests that Council ask South West NRM to furnish Council with a map of proposed exclusion fence projects.


Authorised Scalp Collectors

It was recommended that  committee members John Hartley and Kent Morris be authorised scalp collection persons on behalf of Council, with appropriate information to be provided in line with Council’s current procedures.


This recommendation is made on the basis that the two members requested they be included as authorised persons, given their experience on the land as landholders, their understanding of wild dogs and their impact on the land, and their membership on the Wild Dog Advisory Committee.


Old Stock Factory Baits

Council’s last baiting campaign was held in April 2014.  Following the campaign there are approximately 1,008 factory baits left in stock as a result of landholders having indicated their participation in the campaign not collecting their baits during, or following the campaign.  The factory baits have a shelf life of approximately six months and the current stock is nearing the end of its shelf life. 


The committee recommends that remaining baits be provided to landholders free of charge upon request, until such time as they expire.  Following expiry the factory baits will be disposed of by Council in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.


Wild Dog Advisory Committee members

Manager – Environmental Health, Compliance & Waste

Coordinator – Environmental Health & Compliance

Policy Implications:


Financial Resource Implications:

Drought Assistance Funding Program – Council has received $80,000 in funding for this program (this funding covers the cost of the proposal in full)



Supporting Documentation:


Unconfirmed Minutes - Wild Dog Advisory Committee - 18/08/14



Draft Proposal - Drought Assistance Funding Project




Attachment 1

Unconfirmed Minutes - Wild Dog Advisory Committee - 18/08/14


Meeting:                                 Wild Dog Advisory Committee Meeting


Date:                                       Monday 18 August 2014


Chair:                                     Cr. Jan Chambers  


Attendees:                             Cr. Jan Chambers,  Peter Maunder,  Kay Crosby (MRC), Damian Bougoure (MRC), Kymlee Seiler (MRC), Maree Winter (MRC),  Kent Morris, John Cuskelly, Tom Garrett (QMDC), Melissa Nobbs (AgForce).


Apologies:                             Don Noon,  Merv Phillips, Kym Handley, Bill Crook-King, Dan Sutton, John Hartley, Michael Stanford, Vince Packer, Ian Tutt, Gareth Graham.

Minutes:                                 Kelly Rogers


Meeting Opened:                                                                                                                      10:00am

Meeting Closed:                   12:44pm


Next Meeting Details


Date:                       1 December 2014  

Time:                      10.00am 

Location:               TBC        

Meeting Actions

Meeting Date




Action by




Net Aerial Baiting Campaign

Cr. Chambers to confirm for members next aerial baiting campaign date.(South Mungallala)


Cr. Chambers advised this will be  7 November 2014

Cr. Jan Chambers


Additional contacts

Ian Tutt to obtain email contacts in the Begonia locality and provide to Damian Bougoure in preparation for November baiting campaign.

Ian Tutt


Wild Dog Barrier Fence Maintenance

Damian Bougoure & Dan Sutton to discuss process for collection of photo’s identifying maintenance requirements for the dingo fence.


Agreed tour be undertaken, fence was repaired prior to the tour.  Inspection undertaken recently and fence fixed. Random visit on as needs basis into the future.

Damian Bougoure/Dan Sutton

As required



Feral Animal Drought Funding

That the committee’s recommendation be put forward formally to Council at the General Meeting on 27 August 2014

Cr. Chambers/Kelly Rogers


Kent Morris suggested that meat bait order forms be available at the forums and contact lists recorded for attendees

Damian Bougoure



Higher Bounty Payment

That the committee’s recommendation be put forward formally to Council at the General Meeting on 27 August 2014

(Resolutions WD/02.2014/08 & 9)

Cr. Chambers/Kelly Rogers

27 /08/14


Authorised Scalp Collectors

That the committee’s recommendation be put forward formally to Council at the General Meeting on 27 August 2014

(Resolutions WD/02.2014/08 & 9)

Cr. Chambers/Kelly Rogers

27 /08/14


Last Program Factory Baits

That the committee’s recommendation be put forward formally to Council at the General Meeting on 27 August 2014

(Resolutions WD/02.2014/08 & 9)

Cr. Chambers/Kelly Rogers

27 /08/14










Discussion Notes:



Cr. Chambers welcomed all present and declared the meeting open at 10.05am.


Item 1                     Apologies

The following apologies were noted at the commencement of the meeting;

·      Don Noon,  Merv Phillips, Kym Handley, Bill Crook-King, Dan Sutton, John Hartley, Michael Stanford, Vince Packer, Ian Tutt, Gareth Graham.


Item 2                     Confirmation of Minutes and Business Arising

Resolution:           WD/02.2014/06

Moved:   Kay Crosby           

Seconded: Peter Maunder

That the Wild Dog Advisory Committee Meeting minutes of 12 May 2014 be confirmed.                                      















Kent Morris requested his opposition to the motion put forward by the committee -  “The committee recommends that Council offer a ‘one off’ incentive payment of $500 for individuals that present 50, scalps, and a further payment of $500 for each 50 increment thereafter.  (This bonus would be paid in increments of 50 scalps presented – i.e. for 50 scalps presented an incentive payment of $500 would apply, for 100 scalps presented another payment of $500 would apply,” be recorded.  This recommendation was approved by Council at the General Meeting 28 May 2014. 


Kay Crosby advised that the progress of payments would be monitored during the financial year. 


Item 3                     Outcomes of Formal Reporting to Council – General Meeting 25/08/14

All recommendations put forward by the committee at the meeting on 12 May 2014, were considered and approved by Council at the General Meeting on 28 May 2014.  Copies of the Resolutions were provided to members, and Cr. Chambers provided an overview of the outcomes.

Cr. Chambers also advised members that the last baiting campaign saw the best participation rates to date, as a result of officer’s contacting landholders directly by phone and by email.  This approach has proven more successful than mail-outs to landholders.  Members also highlighted the importance of advising agents, and associated land care groups as part of email communications, to ensure all networks are notified.


Item 5                     Feral Animal Drought Funding

The Australian Government has provided Queensland with $5.6 million in drought assistance funding to support improved pest animal management in drought-affected areas for the 2013/14 and 2014/15 financial years.


Maranoa Regional Council has received an allocation of $80,000 in funding to conduct 2 additional baiting programs.  QMDC has also received $70,000 to fund a targeted pig control program.  Factory baits would be used for the purpose of the additional wild dog campaign.   It was also proposed to members that an additional six locations around the Maranoa be selected to host Feral Animal Forums, and that these locations will also collect scalps presented on site.  The session would also include an educational aspect, with guest speakers and relevant material provided regarding feral animal management.


Members were asked to provide approval for a range of recommendations, recorded below:


Resolution:           WD/02.2014/07


Moved:                   Peter Maunder

Seconder:              Kent Morris


The committee recommends that Council approve the proposed Drought Assistance Funding Project as presented including:


Approval of the six (6) proposed Feral Animal Forum locations of-


-Eumamurrin Hall and Campdraft grounds

-Yuleba Creek School

-Teelba Gun Club

-Dunkeld Hall

-Mungallala Recreational centre

-Tooloombilla Rodeo grounds


Approval of distribution of an information pack

Option 2 approved for the provision of baits (both Doggone & De-K9)

Option 2 approved for the lucky door prize (with removal of the DVD proposed to be replaced with CRC version)

Baits also be provided at and to be collected from the Roma and Mitchell depots (licensed operators) for a six week period from start of forums

Sausage sizzle proposal – approved

Advertising proposal - approved


Proposed education topics approved, with additional topics of – include meat order forms, include QMDC attendance, and education on how the wild dog levy funds are allocated.




Damian Bougoure advised the campaigns success would be monitored, with reported outcomes, and it was intended that another 6 locations be selected for roll out of the forums in early 2015.  Date setting for the forums still had to be undertaken.


The committee recommendations will be put forward to Council at the General Meeting on 27 August 2014.


Kent Morris suggested that meat bait order forms be available at the forums and contact lists recorded for attendees.


Tom Garrett provided an overview of the intended pig control program.  Qualifying guidelines are in the process of being developed, and it is intended that application be made by landholders to participate.  Between 6 – 8 landholders will be selected on merit from submissions received.  Those selected will be provided authorised resources and equipment to participate in an aerial shooting program.  Those approved must also participate by way of undertaking grain baiting to complement the shoot.  It is intended the program be rolled out around, or prior to December 2014.


Item 4                     Update from Wild Dog Forum

Cr. Chambers advised that a compliance trial was underway in the Murweh, Paroo and Sommerset Shires.  The trial is being undertaken to test current State legislation in place for the control of pests.  Further forums will be rolled out every 6 weeks across the state.


Selling of the bait 10 80 through retail outlets is also being trialled in the Murweh Shire.


Item 6                     Compliance

Discussed as part of Item 5.


Item 8                     Update on control concerns raised by a landholder in the Region

Cr. Chambers provided an update on landholder concerns about the lack of wild dog control being undertaken by neighbouring property owners.  Cr. Chambers advised that a meeting was going to be called in September 2014 with applicable landholders encouraging active participation in the control of wild dogs.


Item 9                     Higher Bounty Payment (matter raised member by Don Noon)

Committee Member, Don Noon requested that members discuss the possible implementation of an incentive to pay a higher bounty for mature bitches.  Don Noon was an apology for the meeting.


Members discussed this request, raising concerns about the difficulty in identifying presented scalps as those of mature bitches, and were concerned that in implementing an incentive, the program would be vulnerable to manipulation of scalps presented.


Members discussed that bounty payments should be consistent state wide, and that further consideration of fencing programs as a control mechanism is required.


Resolution:           WD/02.2014/08


Moved:                   Ken Morris

Seconder:              Peter Maunder


The committee recommends that the current bonus scheme payments in place remain.




Members discussed the importance of seeking an understanding of where cluster fencing is currently located throughout the Region. 

Council could seek information from landholders regarding those that have privately done predator fencing.


Resolution:           WD/02.2014/09


Moved:                   Ken Morris

Seconder:              Jan Chambers


The committee recommends that Council write to the appropriate State Government department to thank them for committing funds to the exclusion fencing program, and that South West NRM furnish Council with a map of proposed exclusion fence projects.





Item 10                   General Business


Authorised Scalp Collectors

Members discussed the approval of additional authorised officer’s for scalp collection.


Resolution:           WD/02.2014/10


Moved:                   Ken Morris

Seconder:              Jan Chambers


The committee recommends that Council approve for committee members, John Hartley and Kent Morris to be authorised scalp collection persons, with appropriate training provided in line with current Council’s current requirements.




Last program – factory baits

Kymlee Seiler advised that some factory bait stock remained on hand from the previous program, it was suggested that the remaining stock on hand be provided to landholders upon request at no cost.


Resolution:           WD/02.2014/11


Moved:                   Ken Morris

Seconder:              Melissa Nobbs


The committee recommends that Council provide that the remaining stock on hand be provided to landholders upon request at no cost.





Damian Bougoure advised members that they will be called upon to support communication distribution of the upcoming baiting program, and that baiting locations were in the process of being confirmed.  Feedback to date from those contacted has been positive.


Supply of meat for baiting program

Members were provided information on the quotations received in preparation for the supply of meat for the next  financial year, and requested to provide a recommendation on received quotations for presentation to Council at the General Meeting on 27 August 2014.


Resolution:           WD/02.2014/12


Moved:                   Peter Maunder

Seconder:              Jan Chambers


The committee recommends that Council proceed with Option 1 as presented, and that the successful tender/s supply meat  for a period of 2 years, rather than 1 year.





Item 11                   Next Meeting Date & Close

The Committee scheduled the next meeting for Monday 1 December 2014 commencing 10am, with location to be confirmed.

The meeting was closed at 12:44pm.     




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Chair                                                                                                                                               Date

Attachment 2

Draft Proposal - Drought Assistance Funding Project


Project: Drought Assistance Funding

Source of funding

The Australian Government has provided Queensland with $5.6 million in drought assistance funding to support improved pest animal management in drought-affected areas for the 2013/14 and 2014/15 financial years.

This funding has been made available to organisations such as resource management groups, local governments and organisations directly involved in the delivery of pest animal management.

Allocation to the Maranoa Region

Maranoa Regional Council has received $80,000 in funding to conduct additional baiting program.

QMDC has received $70,000 to fund a targeted pig control program.

See attachment 1

Project Aim (additional baiting program)

The project aims to increase; landholder participation in the already existing Maranoa Regional Council Baiting Campaigns, expand knowledge of feral animals, their behaviour and the control methods available to deal with them, increase understanding of the importance of working together to reduce pest populations throughout the region. 

Mile Stones (how the project will roll out)

Six locations around the Maranoa have been selected to host the Feral Animal Forums. These locations are;

·    Eumamurrin Hall and Campdraft grounds

·    Yuleba Creek School

·    Teelba Gun Club

·    Dunkeld Hall

·    Mungallala Recreational centre

·    Tooloombilla Rodeo grounds

Majority of locations have been confirmed with the president or secretary of the relevant syndicate. Mungallala is yet to be confirmed. Eumamurrin hall and grounds will be unavailable 1st – 10th September due to Campdraft commitments. At this stage there are no fees or charges associated with the hire of the facilities at each location.

A meeting will be held on Monday 18th August 2014 in conjunction with the Wild Dog Advisory Committee to ascertain dates and times for each location.


Information Pack:

Each landholder who attends will receive an information pack on the night. The packs will include brochures and other relevant information regarding feral animal management. 


Factory Bait Hand out:

Each landholder will be entitled to factory baits free of charge, these will be available on the night. For landholders unable to attend the forums there will be a 6 week period commencing from the date of the first forum to source baits from Roma and Mitchell Council Depots.

Listed below are three options for consideration, these options are calculated on the basis that an average of 30 landholders will attend each forum and an additional 20 will collect from Council depots. These prices are have been sourced from the suppliers price list effective from July 2013 and may be subject to some variation. Freight cost will also need to be considered.


1.   Council source a variety of factory baits, Doggone, Pigout and De-K9.

Note: Pigout baits are only available in a minimum quantity of 32 baits (1 pail/bucket) due to packaging requirements and standards these cannot be distributed separately.

Quantity per rates notice: Doggone – 24, Pigout – 32, De-K9 – 20.

Bait type

Price ex GST

Quantity required

Total ex GST


$105 per box (72)

2880 baits



$103 per bucket (32)

1920 baits



$28 per bucket (20)

2400 baits


                                                                                                            Total: $13,740.00

2.   Council source wild dog specific baits only (Doggone & De-K9).

Quantity per rates notice: Doggone – 24, De-K9 – 20

Bait type

Price per bait ex GST

Quantity required



$105 per box (72)

3600 baits



$28 per bucket (20)

3000 baits


                                                                                                      Total: $9,450.00



3.   Council source Doggone baits only.

Quantity per rates notice: Doggone - 24

Bait type

Price per bait ex GST

Quantity required



$105 per box (72)

7200 baits


                                                                                                Total: $10,500.00



Lucky door prize:

Council will be giving away Trapping kits as a lucky door prize at each forum. The Trapping kits will consist of 1 trap, 1 chain extension, 1 dirt sieve, 2 glad lures, 1 sod buster hammer, 1 DVD and 2 steel stakes. All items will be sourced from Western Trapping Supplies (attachment 2). This may be subject to change due to cost. Below are two options for deliberation.

1.   Four Trapping kits offered at each forum.

Lucky door prize

Cost per kit

Quantity required

Total Cost

Trapping kit


24 kits



2.   Two Trapping kits offered at each forum.

Lucky door prize

Cost per kit

Quantity required

Total Cost

Trapping kit


12 kits



Scalp collection:

Maranoa Regional Council Land Management Officers will be accepting scalps at each forum location.


Proposed topics for discussion:



Use of Factory baits




Working Dogs


Landholders experience

Allan Tite











Maranoa Regional Council will provide a sausage sizzle at each forum. Some locations may have facilities which offer other snacks and beverages.

Notice to landholders:

Once dates have been confirmed advertising for the forums will commence immediately via the follow proposed channels;

·    Newspaper – Western Star

·    Email – Baiting contact lists

·    Real estate and stock agents

·    Flyers

·    Agforce

·    Future farmers network

·    Syndicates

·    Community groups


Time frames – when funding finishes.

Funding is to be utilised before the end of financial year.


Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  27 August 2014

Councillor Report

Meeting: General  27 August 2014

Date: 21 August 2014

Item Number: 22.2

File Number: D14/61038


SUBJECT HEADING:                     Airport Advisory Committee Recommendations

Classification:                                   Open Access 

Author & Councillor’s Title:          Cr Joy Denton


Councillor’s Recommendation:

That Council endorse the following committee recommendations:


1.   That Council allow Businesses or Organisations (and their members) located along Hangar Drive to park at no cost in that vicinity, with some form of identification displayed on their vehicles.  (Identification be provided by Council);


2.   That Council identify the appropriate Local Law to enforce parking restrictions along Hangar Drive, Roma.





The Airport Advisory Committee met for their monthly meeting on 6 August 2014.  At that meeting the committee put forward a number of recommendations for Council’s formal consideration.  A copy of the full Unconfirmed Meeting Minutes is attached to the report for Council’s review.


Committee members discussed concerns about a number of vehicles using the Careflight parking area for long term parking, and the 8 car parks allocated to general aviation users.


It has been frequently reported that a company, known to Council officers, has employees using those spaces, rather than the allocated spaces in the paid car park at Roma Airport. 


Cars, buses and trucks parking around the maintenance sheds are blocking access, resulting in emergency flight staff being blocked either in or out of the car park and access.


On this basis, the committee recommended that Council consider allowing businesses or organisations (and their members) located on Hangar Drive to be able to park free of charge in the allocated area, with some form of identification displayed on their vehicles. 


Once regulated parking is implemented, this would enable officers to impose parking restrictions at Roma Airport, including Hangar Drive.


The second recommendation – “That Council identify the appropriate Local Law to enforce parking restrictions along Hangar Drive”, has been raised in support of the first committee recommendation. 


Council is currently in the process of reviewing and implementing delegations and authorised persons powers for Local Law No. 5 (Parking) and the State Penalties Enforcement Act, to support its implementation. 


Airport Advisory Committee Members

Manager – Airports (Roma, Injune, Surat & Mitchell)

Policy Implications:

Once endorsed by Council – Local Law No. 5 (Parking)

Financial Resource Implications:



Supporting Documentation:


Unconfirmed Minutes - Airport Advisory Committee - 06/08/14




Attachment 1

Unconfirmed Minutes - Airport Advisory Committee - 06/08/14



Meeting:                                 Airports Advisory Committee Meeting

Date:                                       Wednesday 6th August, 2014

Chair:                                     Cr. Joy Denton                       

Attendees:                             Cr. Joy Denton, Ben Jones MRC – Manager Airports (Roma, Injune & Surat), Barry McCabe – Roma Aero Club, Lyn Kajewski – Roma Tourism Association Inc,  Greg Shaw, Cr. Cameron O’Neil,  Bryce Duke – Care Flight Group QLD


Apologies:                             Ms Vicki Beitz, Mr Rob Lethbridge, Mr Jon Hamer,, Keith Chandler, Cr Schefe, Peter Flynn,

Minutes:                                 Julie Latcham


Meeting Opened:                                                                                                                       6.00pm

Meeting Closed:                   7.08pm


Next Meeting Details

Date:                       3 September 2014                                

Time:                      6.00pm   

Location:               Council Retreat



Note: Please enter building via  northern (back) entrance
Discussion Notes:



Cr. Denton welcomed all present and declared the meeting open at 6pm.


Item 1                     Apologies

The following apologies were noted at the commencement of the meeting;

Ms Vicki Beitz, Mr Jon Hamer, Mr Rob Lethbridge,  Mr Jon Hamer, Keith Chandler, Cr Schefe, Peter Flynn


Item 2                     Confirmation of Minutes and Business Arising


Resolution:  That the Airport Advisory Committee Meeting minutes of the 2 July 2014 be confirmed 

Moved:                   Lyn Kajewski                        

Seconded:             Bryce Duke







Action by



Item 2

Confirmation of Minutes and Business Arising

Installation of VASI lights at Roma Airport

Ben Jones


Item 5

FIDS Screens

Update to be sent to Cr Denton upon completion

Ben Jones


Item 5

Tourism Information

IT Dept to be contacted to ascertain what format is required for streaming of tourism info

Ben Jones



Item 5

ERSA Update

Confirmation of working and entry into the ERSA manual to include the prohibition of refuelling during Careflight Helicopter operations – Operational

Ben Jones


Taxi Service

Request Tony Partridge attend the next Airport Advisory Committee Meeting to provide information on alterations to Taxi Metering & Service Agreements

Ben Jones


Item 5

Airport Terminal

Resolution: The Committee recommends that Council investigates the installation of an outdoor gas heating system – urgently

Cr Denton/Kelly Rogers


Airport Terminal

Resolution: The Committee recommends that Council investigates the installation of a temporary shelter at the front of the Airport Terminal

Cr Denton/Kelly Rogers






GA Apron

Resolution: The Committee recommends that Council investigates the extension to the existing General Aviation Apron using a gravel hard stand area including tie down facilities.

Cr Denton/Kelly Rogers


02/07/14 cont.

Taxi Service Roma Airport

Resolution: The Committee recommends that Council consider implanting a service level agreement be set between Council & Main Roads for the provision of a taxi service at the Roma Airport

Cr Denton/Kelly Rogers



Item 9

Airport Redevelopment Media Release

Media Release to be emailed to Committee members once authorised by Council

Bianca Kocsis




Hangar Drive Parking

Resolution: That Council consider allowing Businesses or Organisation (and their members) located along Hangar Drive to be able to park free of charge in that area with some form of identification displayed on their vehicles (identification to be provided by Council

Cr Denton/Kelly Rogers

Before next meeting



Hangar Drive Parking

Resolution: That Council identify the appropriate Local Law to enforce parking restrictions along Hangar Drive

Cr Denton/Kelly Rogers

Before Next meeting



Business Arising from Previous Minutes/Action Items


Tourism Information

The tourism information USB had been received and checked for usage, however, the format was not working. A new format has now been received and Airport staff will be trialling this again soon.



Details have been submitted into the NOTAM office for addition to the ERSA detailing guidelines for refuelling General Aviation aircraft when the Careflight helicopter is preparing to leave.


If the wording submitted is approved by ERSA’s, it will be included in the next ERSA and well as it is noted as a NOTAM immediately.


Item 3 - VASI Lighting

Ben Jones reported that the trenching and cabling is completed – underground boring to be undertaken over the next few days.

Saturday 9th August – pads will be completed

Monday 29th August - Flight test to take place


Item 4 - Temporary Shelter & Heating Update

Heaters have been ordered and are awaiting arrival

The Shade shelter has been investigated with quotes supplied on both the fabric and colour bond roofing system.

Discussion took place over the pros/cons of fabric to colour bond


Item 5 - Wi-Fi Access update

Ben has been working with the IT Department, who have spoken to Telstra for a managed solution. Telstra has provided a price to attend site and discuss what solutions are available and relative costings.


Item 6 - Taxi Service – Service Level Agreement update

Tony Partridge attended the Work shop Council meeting earlier in the day and provided information in relation to this matter.

Ben provided an overview of that meeting – in the near future taxi’s will be metered in line with Qld wide changes.   The general taxi  fees are set to reduce next year and a regulated vehicle replacement schedule has already begun with the full fleet being replaced over the coming years.

Different booking/costings options will be available: eg: If you book the day before you can book for multi passengers;  if you book before 7pm for the next day;  if you book prior and set the route – it will be at a fixed rate/discounted.


Item 7 - FIDS Screen Update

The departure lounge screen had stopped working – trouble shooting was performed – unaware of what was the cause however a converter was reset and the screen has worked since.


Item 8 - Apron Extension Update

GA Apron – Ben reported that pavement specialists have been contacted with several options -


Basic – gravel hard stand

Engineered solution - Seal – chip or asphalt seal


Prices have been received with this information to be presented to Council for consideration and further instruction.

General discussion took place on whether a gravel hard stand apron would affect the RPT apron or runway with tracking of gravel onto the sealed area. Discussion  also took place over the pros and cons of gravel compared to sealed apron – including cost implications.


Item 9 - Airport Expansion Update

Bianca Provided a status report, which was provided to committee members. Council will be advised next week of further updates. Once Council has received this additional information and details confirmed, a media release will be issued. This media release can be sent via email to Committee members once Council has authorised the release.

Car Parking is at the estimation and planning activity stage.

The terminal is progressing quite well with some clear decision moving forward in the next couple of weeks.


ACTION – Bianca to send media release to all committee members once authorised



Item 10 - Car Parking at Airport – Requested by Bryce Duke – Careflight

Bryce Duke spoke about people utilising the Careflight parking as long term parking.  FIFO employees are parking around the maintenance shed in cars, buses and trucks making it only one lane resulting in emergency flight staff being blocked either in or out.


Ben Jones spoke about the notations being placed on vehicles in relation to parking illegally etc. Council is trying to work with the people and training is taking place for authorised persons.


Barry McCabe discussed whether more explicit signage would assist however discussion took place that existing clear signage is already being ignored.


Greg Shaw spoke about that Roma airport’s parking system is not in line with other airports. He requested that along Hangar Drive, angled parking be provided with a key pad between Hangar Drive and the main terminal to restrict access.


Ben Jones discussed that training is being done with authorised persons training & SPER training – to enable staff to receive delegation to enforce the local law stopping people from parking in restricted areas along Hangar Drive.


Given that we have the “no parking” signs and solid yellow lines the Police are able at their discretion give infringement notices as the vehicles are parked illegally.


At present Council staff are building a relationships with the relevant Gas companies to give them further information to improve their long term understanding of guidelines at the Airport.


Greg Shaw stated that as it is a gazetted public road; that it is irrelevant if parking restriction/timeslots are placed on particular areas and is it is not enforceable.


Cr O’Neill informed the meeting that if parking is given a 3 hour limit – it can be enforced – whether it is down the main street or on Hangar Drive.


Further discussion took place on views regarding car parking payment and entry to aircraft through the terminal or on General Aviation aircraft.


Greg Shaw recommended that Council open up the old car park and that the existing Hangar Drive car park be restricted to RFDS/careflight  and the area behind that be opened up and available for the public.


Local law officers will be enforcing the “put down” area in the Airport Car Park – with signage to come with disabled, aged and mobility impaired areas.


The committee recommends that Council consider allowing Businesses or Organisations (and their members) located along Hangar Drive to be able to park at no cost in that vicinity, with some form of identification displayed on their vehicles.  (Identification be provided by Council)


Moved: Barry McCabe

Seconded: Lyn Kajewski






The committee recommends that Council identify the appropriate Local Law to enforce parking restrictions along Hangar Drive

Moved:  Lyn Kajewski

Seconded: Barry McCabe




Item 11 - Regional Airports Meeting – Emerald

Cr Denton reported on the meeting held at Emerald but convened by Rockhampton.

This meeting will be held twice a year and is a wonderful opportunity for the sharing of information.

Towns included are Winton, Barcaldine, Longreach, Emerald, and Roma

Discussion took place on the insurance coverage of airports with the variation with premiums.


Other topics discussed at the meeting included: AAA; small regional airports; funding for overlays; flight routes; working together for charter packages for Commonwealth Games – tourism potential; where airports sit in relation to the QLD plan; overview of airports within Central Queensland Regional Council.

Next meeting – February 2015 in Emerald




Item 12 - General Business

Greg Shaw requested that consideration be made for an additional taxi way at the Roma Airport. He believes it is needed to allow for the smaller planes to slot in between the larger aircraft during peak periods to enable lower waiting times to depart from the GA area.

Cr O’Neill commented that there is nothing in the budget for an additional taxi way and that while the idea has merit, it is major works and something to be considered long term perhaps in the upgrade of the runway in the future.


General discussion took place on CASA’s recent visit to the Roma Airport.


Greg Shaw – commented about how happy he was that the pot hole that he reported at the entrance to the Roma Airport was fixed so quickly.



Item 13 -                 Next Meeting Date & Close

The Committee scheduled the next meeting for 3rd September, 2014 commencing 6pm, to be held at the Council Chambers. The meeting was closed at 7.08pm   




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Reminder – Entry via the Council Chamber entrance on the northern side