Description: Maranoa Logo Process




General Meeting


Wednesday 14 December 2011


Roma Administration Centre




Date: 10 December 2011



Mayor:                                                    Councillor R S Loughnan


Deputy Mayor:                                        Councillor T G Hartley

Councillors:                                             Councillor J P Bartels

                                                              Councillor J L Chambers

                                                              Councillor R J Denton

                                                              Councillor W M Newman

                                                              Councillor M L Price

                                                              Councillor W S Wason

                                                              Councillor J S Watson


Chief Executive Officer:                            Mr Paul Bawden


Senior Management:                                Mr Tony Klein (Director Community Services)

                                                              Mr Matthew McGoldrick (Director Corporate Services)

                                                              Mr Stephen Mow (Acting Director Operations)

                                                              Mr Rob Hayward (Director Planning & Environment)


Officers:                                                  Ms Jane Frith (Corporate Communications Officer)


Please find attached agenda for the General Meeting to be held at the Roma Administration Centre on December 14, 2011 at 9.00AM.

Paul Bawden

Chief Executive Officer



Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  14 December 2011


Item       Subject


1            Welcome


2            Present/Apologies


3            Confirmation of Minutes

              General  23 November 2011


4            Business arising from Minutes


5            On the Table

5.1         Employee Attraction & Retention

Prepared by:      Donald  Wells, Manager Human Resources

Attachment :       Employee Attraction & Retention Action Plan  


6            Presentations/Petitions and Deputations


7            Consideration of notices of business


8            Consideration of notices of motion  


9            Reception of notices of motion for next meeting




10          Executive Services


11          Community Services


12          Corporate Services

12.1      Cemetery Policy

Prepared by:      Debbie Tully, Administration Manager

Attachment 1:     Policy - Burials in Council Controlled Cemeteries

Attachment 2:     Procedure - Burials in Council Controlled Cemeteries

Attachment 3:     Form - Application for Burial

12.2      Regional Cemeteries - Fees and Charges Revision

Prepared by:      Dale Waldron, Acting Governance & Administration Coordinator

12.3      Making Local and Subordinate Local Laws

Prepared by:      Debbie Tully, Administration Manager


13          Infrastructure


14          Commercial Business


15          Planning & Environment

15.1      Application for Assessable Building Works - Oversized Outbuilding

Prepared by:      Danielle Pearn, Planning & Development Officer

Attachment :       Proposal Plans

15.2      Non-Resident Workforce Accommodation

Prepared by:      Robert Hayward, Director Planning & Environment


Status Reports


16          Executive Services

16.1      Project Performance Report

Prepared by:      Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities

Attachment :       Project Report  


17          Community Service

17.1      Social Development Report

Prepared by:      Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities

Attachment :       Social Development Report

17.2      Community Development Report

Prepared by:      Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities

Attachment :       Community Development Performance Data


18          Corporate Services

18.1      Corporate Governance Report

Prepared by:      Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities

Attachment :       Corporate Governance Report


19          Infrastructure


20          Commercial Business


21          Planning & Environment

21.1      Planning, Building and Environment Report

Prepared by:      Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities

Attachment :       Building, Planning and Environment  


Next General Meeting



Confidential Items


In accordance with the provisions of section 72 of the Local Government (Operations) Regulation 2010, a local government may resolve to close a meeting to the public and move ‘into Committee’ to discuss confidential items that it’s Councillors or members consider it necessary to close the meeting.


22          Confidential Items


Councillor Business


23          Councillor Business





Minutes of the General Meeting of maranoa Regional Council held at Injune Administration Centre on 23 November 2011 commencing at 9.22AM




Mayor Cr. R S Loughnan chaired the meeting with, Deputy Mayor Cr. T G Hartley, Cr. J P Bartels, Cr. J L Chambers, Cr. R J Denton, Cr. W M Newman, Cr. M L Price, Cr. W S Wason, Cr. J S Watson,  Chief Executive Officer – Paul Bawden, Director Community Services – Tony Klein, Director Corporate Services – Matthew McGoldrick, Director Planning & Environment – Rob Hayward, Director Infrastructure – Barry Omundson, Corporate Communications Officer – Jane Frith, and Kelly Rogers Minutes Officer in attendance.




There were no guests in attendance at the meeting.




The Mayor welcomed all present and declared the meeting open at 9.22am.




There were no apologies for the meeting.


Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution No. GM.399.11

Moved Cr Chambers                                                     Seconded Cr Denton  


That the minutes of the General Meeting (20-9.11.11) held on 9 November 2011 be confirmed as amended below:-


It was requested that the town of Injune be included in the “Subject Heading” of Item 12.1.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0



Business Arising FROM MiNUTES


There was no business arising from the minutes.


On the Table


There were no items for discussion on the table.


Presentations/Petitions and Deputations


There were no presentations/petitions or deputations at the meeting.


Consideration of notices of business


There were no notices of business for consideration.


Consideration of notices of motion


There were no notices of motion for consideration.




Reception of notices of motion for next meeting


No notices of motion were received for the next meeting.




Executive Services


Item Number:                                   10.1

File Number: D11/30380

Subject Heading:                          2011/2012 Operational Plan Quarterly Review

Author and Officer’s Title:                Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities


Executive Summary: 

The 2011/12 Operational Plan sets out the most significant projects and initiatives that Council decided to pursue this financial year towards achieving the long term objectives in the Corporate Plan 2009-2013.


Regular monitoring of progress against this Operational Plan is an important element of Council’s governance process and is also a requirement of the Local Government Act 2009. 



Councillors enquired on the progress of a number of items contained within the report.


Resolution No. GM.400.11

Moved Cr Newman                                                       Seconded Cr Hartley  

That the first quarterly report on the activities to achieve the goals and strategies outlined in the 2011/12 Operational Plan be received.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Delegated Officer

Manager Risk and Facilities



Item Number:                                   10.2

File Number: D11/31313

Subject Heading:                          Council Meeting Dates 2012

Author and Officer’s Title:                Kerry Dean, Executive Support Assistant


Executive Summary: 

Council holds General Meetings on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month with the first monthly meeting held in Roma and the second at Council offices across the region on a rotational basis.  Exceptions due to public holidays are considered as part of rostering arrangements.


Resolution No. GM.401.11

Moved Cr Wason                                                          Seconded Cr Watson  

1.         That Council continues to hold General Meetings on the 2nd and 4th   Wednesday in line with current arrangements;


2.         That Council adopts the attached meeting Schedule from January to June 2012.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Delegated Officer

Executive Support Assistant


Item Number:                                   10.3

File Number: D11/33248

Subject Heading:                          Employee Attraction & Retention

Author and Officer’s Title:                Donald  Wells, Manager Human Resources


Executive Summary: 

Attraction and retention of employees is one of the big challenges currently facing Maranoa Regional Council. Council’s ability to retain and attract employees ensures the delivery of excellent customer satisfaction, essential services and community projects. Traditional approaches to attraction and retention are not as effective in today’s environment due in part to generational and cultural diversity in the workplace and a more multi-dimensional strategic approach is required.




That the matter lay on the table for further consideration at a later point during the meeting subsequent to receipt of the Employee Attraction & Retention Policy.




Community Services


Item Number:                                   11.1

File Number: D11/33305

Subject Heading:                          Economic Development & Tourism Monthly         Statistical Report

Author and Officer’s Title:                Edward Sims, Manager Organisational Performance


Executive Summary: 

This report provides council with a summary of the performance of the Economic Development and Tourism Unit against key performance indicators for October 2011 compared with September 2011.


Resolution No. GM.402.11

Moved Cr Price                                                             Seconded Cr Bartels  

That Council receive and note the Officer’s report as presented.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Delegated Officer

Manager Organisational Performance


Corporate Services


Item Number:                                   12.1

File Number: D11/33242

Subject Heading:                          Rate Recovery Policy

Author and Officer’s Title:                Karen Searle, Financial Services & Rates Coordinator

Executive Summary: 

The Rate Recovery Policy is presented for Council’s consideration.



That the matter lay on the table for further consideration at a later point during the meeting to review policy wording  with respect to “Small Deb Write-offs.”




Item Number:                                   12.2

File Number: D11/33407

Subject Heading:                          Relinquishing of the Trusteeship of the Parks             Reserves in McDowall Street across from the       Hospital - Lot 19 WV1912 and Lot 20 SP178377

Location:                                          Upper McDowall Street across from the Hospital

Applicant:                                         Urban Land Development Authority

Author and Officer’s Title:                Matthew McGoldrick, Director of Corporate Services


Executive Summary: 

The Urban Land Development Authority (ULDA) have requested that Council consider and approve relinquishing the Trusteeship over the two Reserves across from the Hospital in order that the ULDA can reconfigure these two lots to better utilise the available land within the ULDA area and retain the existing park facilities in a smaller Park Reserve. The ULDA would then arrange for the redesignation of the Park Reserves in a reconfigured form and rededication of the Reserves with Council as the Trustee.



Council raised concerns with respect to available parking at the Roma Hospital.


Resolution No. GM.403.11

Moved Cr Hartley                                                          Seconded Cr Bartels  


That the matter lay on the table pending further investigation into potential impacts of car park availability in the vicinity of Roma Hospital.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Delegated Officer

Director of Corporate Services



Status Reports


Corporate Services


Item Number:                                   17.1

File Number: D11/33236

Subject Heading:                          Financial Sustainability Report September 2011

Author and Officer’s Title:                Karen Searle, Financial Services & Rates Coordinator



Executive Summary: 

The Financial Sustainability Report for the period ending 30 September 2011 is presented for Council’s consideration.  Each month, year to date financial statements are prepared in order to monitor actual performance against the latest adopted budget.



Resolution No. GM.404.11

Moved Cr Wason                                                          Seconded Cr Chambers  

That the Progressive Financial Statements of Account for the period ending 30 September 2011 as included in the Financial Sustainability Report be received subject to audit.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Delegated Officer

Financial Services & Rates Coordinator



Item Number:                                   17.2

File Number: D11/33237

Subject Heading:                          Financial Sustainability Report October 2011

Author and Officer’s Title:                Karen Searle, Financial Services & Rates Coordinator

Month & Year of Report:                   October 2011

Name of Department:                       Corporate Services


Executive Summary: 

The Financial Sustainability Report for the period ending 31 October  2011 is presented for Council’s consideration.  Each month, year to date financial statements are prepared in order to monitor actual performance against the latest adopted budget.


Resolution No. GM.405.11

Moved Cr Bartels                                                          Seconded Cr Newman  

That the Progressive Financial Statements of Account for the period ending 31 October 2011 as included in the Financial Sustainability Report be received subject to audit.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Delegated Officer

Financial Services & Rates Coordinator



Subject Heading:          suspension of standing orders

Council adjourned the meeting for morning tea at 10.09am


Subject Heading:          resumption of standing orders

Council resumed the meeting at 10.42am





Mark Springer, representing the Department of Families for the region provided Council information on the Child Safety Service. The Service manages care of children under child protection orders.  Mark highlighted the shortage of Foster carers in the town of Roma and welcomed any support Council could provide in promoting the Foster Care system.




Heather Gardner, representing FKG, provided Council an update of the company’s functions and approach the management of work camps.



Item Number:                                   10.3

File Number: D11/33248

Subject Heading:                          Employee Attraction & Retention

Author and Officer’s Title:                Donald  Wells, Manager Human Resources


Executive Summary: 

Attraction and retention of employees is one of the big challenges currently facing Maranoa Regional Council. Council’s ability to retain and attract employees ensures the delivery of excellent customer satisfaction, essential services and community projects. Traditional approaches to attraction and retention are not as effective in today’s environment due in part to generational and cultural diversity in the workplace and a more multi-dimensional strategic approach is required.




That the matter lay on the table, including the draft Policy,  for further consideration at the General Meeting of Council on 14th December 2011.



Delegated Officer

Manager Human Resources



Item Number:                                   12.1

File Number: D11/33242

Subject Heading:                          Rate Recovery Policy

Author and Officer’s Title:                Karen Searle, Financial Services & Rates Coordinator

Executive Summary: 

The Rate Recovery Policy is presented for Council’s consideration.


Resolution No. GM.406.11

Moved Cr Wason                                                          Seconded Cr Chambers  

That the Rate Recovery Policy be adopted, subject to the following amendment:-


Small Debt Write-offs


“If a ratepayer has short paid their rates by $10.00 or less and as a consequence would have missed their discount, Council will allow the outstanding amount to be carried forward to the next rating period without penalty.”


This reference is found on page 162 of the Agenda.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      8/1


Delegated Officer

Financial Services & Rates Coordinator





In accord with the provisions of section 72 of the Local Government (Operations) Regulation 2010, Council resolved to close the meeting to discuss items it has deemed to be of a confidential nature and specifically pertaining to the following sections:-

          (h)      other business for which a public discussion would be likely to prejudice the interests of the local government or someone else, or enable a person to gain a financial advantage;


Resolution No. GM.407.11

Moved Cr Hartley                                                          Seconded Cr Chambers


That Council close the meeting to the public at 11.51am.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0



Cr. Price declared a conflict of interest in the Item “Round One Community Grants 2011/12,” due to one of the received applications being submitted by  Wallumbilla Town Development Group, for which she is a member. Cr. Price left the chambers at 11.52am , removing herself from further  discussion on the topic.


Following discussions on “Round One Community Grants 2011/12” Cr. Price entered the chambers at 12.02pm.


Resolution No. GM.408.11

Moved Cr Hartley                                                          Seconded Cr Newman

That Council open the meeting to the public at  12.45pm.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0



Subject Heading:          suspension of standing orders

Council adjourned the meeting for lunch at 12.46pm


Subject Heading:          resumption of standing orders

Council resumed the meeting at 1.51pm


Cr. Price again declared an interest in the following item due to one of the received applications being submitted by  Wallumbilla Town Development Group, for which she is a member, and left the chambers at 1.52pm.


Item Number:                                   20.1

File Number: D11/31392

Subject Heading:                          Round One Community Grants 2011/2012

Applicant:                                         Multiple Applicants

Author and Officer’s Title:                Mark McDevitt, Community Development Coordinator -             Roma


Executive Summary

Round One of Council’s Grants Program 2011/2012 opened on 1 September 2011 and closed 31 October 2011.  Applications were invited under categories of Major and Community Grants as set out in Maranoa Regional Council’s 2011/2012 Grants Program Guide.


A total of 11 applications were received by Council for Round One with a total potential financial cost implication for Council of $80,848.00.


Resolution No. GM.409.11

Moved Cr Watson                                                         Seconded Cr Hartley  

That Council endorse the Grants Advisory Committee’s grant assessment recommendations specified below;  and approve the grants  level of funding which is in accordance with Council’s Grants Policy and 2011/2012 budgetary allocation.




Approval Amount

Pinaroo Ladies Auxiliary Committee

Shading of outdoor activity areas


Surat Cricket Club

Relocation of Surat Cricket Practice Nets                   

$ 2,750

Surat Golf Club Inc     

Surat Golf Club Amenities Upgrade

$ 5,000

Australian Red Cross

Establishment of Surat Men’s Group

$ 4,450

Wallumbilla Town Development Group

Wallumbilla Cemetery Maintenance

$ 5,000

Easter in the Country Inc

Easter in the Country 2012 Marketing Campaign


Wallumbilla Surat Red Bulls RLFC

Purchase of Catering Equipment & Line Marker

$     369


CARRIED                                                                                                                      8/0


Delegated Officer

Community Development Coordinator - Roma


Cr. Price entered the Chambers at 1.53pm.


Item Number:                                   20.2

File Number: D11/33240

Subject Heading:                          Financial Sustainability - Debtors and    Creditors for September & October 2011

Author and Officer’s Title:                Karen Searle, Financial Services & Rates Coordinator

Month & Year of Report:                   September & October 2011

Name of Department:                       Corporate Services


Executive Summary: 

The Financial Sustainability Debtor and Creditor Report for the months of September and October 2011 is presented for Council’s consideration.  Each month, details of major 90 day accounts and payment register is prepared in order to monitor possible financial risks.

Resolution No. GM.410.11

Moved Cr Chambers                                                     Seconded Cr Bartels  

That the Financial Sustainability Debtor and Creditor Report for the months of September & October 2011 be received subject to audit.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Delegated Officer

Financial Services & Rates Coordinator



Item Number:                                   20.3

File Number: D11/33296

Subject Heading:                          Regional Community Newsletter

Author and Officer’s Title:                Kelly Rogers, Coordinator Executive Services

Executive Summary: 

At the General Meeting on 10 August 2011, Council resolved that officer’s request quotations for the production and distribution of a 16, 20 and 24 page publication containing Council and community information.


Resolution No. GM.411.11

Moved Cr Bartels                                                          Seconded Cr Price  

1.         That Council approves the production and distribution of a 20 page newsletter;


2.         That the quotation received from Booringa Action Group for the sum of $128,040                  (GST inclusive) is approved.  This approval is based on the issue of 12 newsletters       distributed on a monthly basis, commencing January 2012.  


3.         That Officer’s investigate  additional communication opportunities to further            distribute Council focused information.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      5/4


Delegated Officer

Coordinator Executive Services




Item Number:                                   11.2


Subject Heading:                          Regional Development Australia Fund- Round 2

Officer’s Name & Title:                     Tony Klein, Director Community Services

Executive Summary:

Council’s direction sought on Maranoa Regional Council submitting an application under the Federal Government’s Regional Development Australia Fund (RDAF) Round 2, for the development of a new community hub located in Roma.

Resolution No. GM.412.11

Moved Cr Price                                                             Seconded Cr Wason


That Council approves the submission of an Expression of Interest under the Federal Government’s  Regional Development Australia Fund – Round 2; based on the development of a new community hub, in Roma.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Delegated Officer

Director Community Services




There being no further business, the Mayor thanked Council for their attendance and declared the meeting closed at 1.58pm.



These Minutes are to be confirmed at the next General Meeting of Council to be held on 14 December 2011, at Roma Administration Centre.





...............……….................                                                      ..................................

Mayor.                                                                          Date.




Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  14 December 2011

Officer Report

Meeting: General  14 December 2011

Date: 14 November 2011

Item Number: 5.1

File Number: D11/33248


Subject Heading:                     Employee Attraction & Retention

Classification:                                  Open Access   

Name of Applicant:                        


Author & Officer’s Title:                 Donald  Wells, Manager Human Resources



Executive Summary: 

Attraction and retention of employees is one of the big challenges currently facing Maranoa Regional Council. Council’s ability to retain and attract employees ensures the delivery of excellent customer satisfaction, essential services and community projects. Traditional approaches to attraction and retention are not as effective in today’s environment due in part to generational and cultural diversity in the workplace and a more multi-dimensional strategic approach is required.



Officer’s Recommendation:  

Council adopts the Employee Attraction & Retention Policy as presented and endorse the Employee Attraction & Retention Plan.



Body of Report:

Attraction and retention of employees, in particular “key employees”, is one of the big challenges currently facing Maranoa Regional Council. In the Financial Year 2010/11 Council’s voluntary employee turnover rate was 20.0%, an increase of 4.5% on the previous twelve months.


Only through Council’s ability to retain and attract employees ensure can Council deliver excellent customer satisfaction on services and projects to the community.  Failing to retain performing employees is costly because, apart from the cost to recruit and select new employees, issues such as training, lost knowledge, mourning, and possibly insecure co-workers will all have an impact.


Traditional approaches to attraction and retention are not as effective in today’s environment, due in part to generational and cultural diversity in the workplace, and there is a need to take a more multi-dimensional approach. The attached Retention & Attraction Policy proposes a number of integrated factors that need to be successfully combined to provide the most attractive combination to employees.


Key factors proposed for use in a multi-dimensional are:

Ø Competitive Remuneration

Ø Development & Career Opportunities

Ø Social Conscience

Ø Cultural Diversity      

Ø Work-Life Balance

Ø Performance Recognition

Ø Workforce Planning

Ø Other Tangible Benefits


The attached Retention & Attraction Policy and subsequent Plan outlines 14 Key Strategies, with Supporting Strategies, the overall objective of  is keep employees within the Organisation for as long as possible. By keeping our performing employees then our ability to attract talented people will occur as a matter of course

Consultation (internal/external):



A discussion paper, created by Human Resources, was circulated and discussed at the Executive Level; the discussion paper was next circulated and discussed at the Senior Management Level with Senior Managers consulting with their reporting staff to gain feedback and ideas to assist in retention.


From the discussion paper and taking into consideration the feedback received, a draft policy was subsequently developed with consultation reoccurring. The final aspect of internal consultation was the development of the attached Retention & Attraction Plan with Directors and Senior Managers.

Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):

Legal – Nil

Financial – Dependant on the initiative different financial implementations apply.

Political – The policy and subsequent plan has a positive political risk.

Operational – Nil

Competitive – Nil

Social – Nil

Cultural – Nil

Policy Implications:

The adoption of the Retention & Attraction Policy will have implications requiring updating of other Human Resource policies.

Financial Resource Implications:

Most initiatives will be undertaken within existing resources. Some initiatives will require additional funding this should be off set by a reduction in recruitment expenditure and higher productivity.


Link to Corporate Plan:

Corporate Plan 2009-2013 8.1.2(a) To provide and develop contemporary and professional human resource practices and functions in an environment that promotes Equal Employment Opportunity principles and recognises all employees in a fair and respectful manner.

Supporting Documentation:


Employee Attraction & Retention Policy (Enclosure)



Employee Attraction & Retention Action Plan





Attachment 2

Employee Attraction & Retention Action Plan





This Employee Attraction & Retention Action Plan sets the twelve months initiatives for the attraction of new employees and retention of existing employees working at Maranoa Regional Council.



This Plan identifies the initiatives to be achieved over the 2012 calendar year and specifies the performance targets against which success and progress will be measured.


The Chief Executive Officer through the Directors and their respective Senior Managers have overall responsibility for the execution of the initiatives outlined in this Plan.


Retention Interventions and Priorities

There are a substantial number of proposed initiatives listed below which will affect the factors impacting on attraction and retention of employees. Each initiatives is influenced by one or more of the Key Strategies identified in the Employee Attraction & Retention Policy.   


Whilst acknowledging that there are a number of important initiatives bought forward through communication with management and staff not listed, there are however a number of initiatives that are likely to impact quickly and significantly on the attraction of new employees and retention of existing.  


The following list identifies the initiatives that will have the greatest impact and therefore the highest priority for implementation in 2012.


Major Initiative


By When

Attraction initiatives to ensure we attract talent people into vacant positions.

Build a partnership with the Local Government Association and/or Private Industry for engaging workers on supported programs.

30 July 2012

Review Council’s relocation assistance package for new starters.

30 July 2012

Communicate to potential new starters the benefits of working for Maranoa Regional Council.

Commencing 01 May 2012

Develop a School Leavers training program for hard to recruit for positions by the offering of Certificate Traineeships or Apprenticeships.

30 October 2012

Communication improved across the Council, Directorates, Departments, Sections and Teams.


Commence ‘State of Play’ meetings across the organisation.

01 March 2012

Ensure that formal team meetings occur across the organisation on a regular basis.


The formation of a Staff Consultative Committee.

01 February 2012

Introduce and distribute a formal staff newsletter

01 March 2012

Flexible work arrangements to enable a work-life balance whilst meeting operational and service delivery requirements.

As part of the 2012 EBA discussions explore initiatives for greater (RDO/TOIL) flexibility for part time workers.


31 October 2012

Develop family friendly incentives, i.e., work from home, phased in retirement, job-share, flexible part-time positions.

30 July 2012

Housing particularly with the current regional rental costs and purchasing values.

Release an Expression of Interest for an Accommodation Village adjoining the Airport (Roma).


Release an Expression of Interest for a housing company to work with Council on the development of low cost accommodation.


Succession planning for short and long term personnel replacement and career progression.

Review current professional development and succession planning practices.

30 September 2012

Develop and implement leadership identification and development programs.

30 December 2012

Training in skills to enable us to undertake our work tasks and improve.

Implement individual personal training plans for all employees.


30 June 2012

Other benefits particularly non-financial tangible items that improve recognition and the workplace.

Review current recognition practices and introduce further measures to recognise employees for good practices and customer service.

30 September 2012

Evaluate and implement initiatives for staff that support a healthier work/life balance.

30 November 2012

As part of the 2012 enterprise bargaining discussions investigate assistance for employee's whom require day care and/or after school care placements.

30 October 2012










Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  14 December 2011

Officer Report

Meeting: General  14 December 2011

Date: 22 November 2011

Item Number: 12.1

File Number: D11/34381


Subject Heading:                     Cemetery Policy

Classification:                                  Open Access  

Name of Applicant:                         N/A

Location:                                           N/A

Author & Officer’s Title:                 Debbie Tully, Administration Manager



Executive Summary: 

The purpose of the Policy sets forth the management framework for the Cemeteries under the care and control of Maranoa Regional Council.



Officer’s Recommendation: 

That Council adopt the Cemetery Policy as presented for implementation across the region.



Body of Report:

Maranoa Regional Council has fifteen (15) cemeteries located within its boundaries that have been operating on differing procedures and with no formal policy in place.  An incident at the Roma Cemetery in July highlighted that a major review of our procedures needed to be undertaken and subsequently a Policy has been developed.  This policy sets forth the management framework for the cemeteries under the care and control of Maranoa Regional Council and covers the management of the cemeteries, offences, monuments, conservation and heritage and closed cemeteries.


The implementation of this policy will ensure that the fifteen (15) cemeteries within the region of Maranoa Regional Council are all managed and maintained to the same standard and will guarantee that the burial practices within each town are standardised.  The implementation of this policy has also afforded Council the opportunity to strengthen its procedures in relation to processing an Application for Burial from the initial receipt of same to the interment of the body.


The policy also makes reference to the closure of the Injune and Roma Monumental Cemeteries.  Injune Monumental Cemetery has not accepted Application for Burials for the past thirty (30) years as there were no further available burial sites.  The Roma Monumental Cemetery is also reaching its full capacity and the policy recommends its closure for new Application for Burials once the remaining sites are allocated.  All reservations will be honoured.


Council will also be presented with report recommending a revision of burial fees in the Fees and Charges Register so that the fees include some additional services and will be uniform throughout the region.  A second report recommending the endorsement of a policy controlling burials on private property will be provided to Council early in 2012.

Consultation (internal/external):

Paul Bawden, Chief Executive Officer

Matthew McGoldrick, Director of Corporate Services

Tony Klein, Director of Community Development

Barry Omundson, Director of Infrastructure

Dale Waldron, Customer Service Coordinator

Mark Worland, Overseer

Julian McEwan, Overseer

Bob Dean, Town Foreman

Andrew Hughes, Maintenance Foreman

John Alcock, Town Foreman

Steve Murray, Town Foreman,

Kym Witt, Customer Service Officer

Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):

Legal, Financial

Policy Implications:

Financial Resource Implications:



Link to Corporate Plan:

Corporate Plan 2009-2013 8.2.3(a) To implement Council’s governance policies and procedures in an evolving organisational environment whilst ensuring legislative relevance, consistency and fairness in application.

Supporting Documentation:


Policy - Burials in Council Controlled Cemeteries



Procedure - Burials in Council Controlled Cemeteries



Form - Application for Burial



Report authorised by:

Matthew McGoldrick, Director of Corporate Services

Attachment 1

Policy - Burials in Council Controlled Cemeteries


Attachment 2

Procedure - Burials in Council Controlled Cemeteries


Attachment 3

Form - Application for Burial


Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  14 December 2011

Officer Report

Meeting: General  14 December 2011

Date: 24 November 2011

Item Number: 12.2

File Number: D11/34582


Subject Heading:                     Regional Cemeteries - Fees and Charges Revision

Classification:                                  Open Access  

Name of Applicant:                        


Author & Officer’s Title:                 Dale Waldron, Customer Service Coordinator



Executive Summary: 

A Cemetery Policy has recently been developed to manage the regions cemeteries.  In line with the policy implementation it is considered necessary to revise the Fees and Charges.



Officer’s Recommendation: 

That Council approve the following schedule of fees and charges for Regional Cemeteries.








Burial Fees

 $      1,025.00

Weekend & Public Holidays


 $      1,599.00


Children – 5 years & under

 $          216.00

Children  - 5 years & under - Weekend & Public Holidays


 $          284.00


Ashes Interment

 $          177.00



 $          177.00

per plot

Re-Opening Vault of Grave

 $          348.00

Application to Erect a Headstone


 $            97.00











(Includes 559mm x 305mm plaque)

Burial Fees - First Interment - Weekdays


 $      2,068.00


Burial Fees - Second Interment - Weekdays


 $      1,020.00


Weekend & Public Holidays


 $      2,629.00


Children – 5 years & under - Weekdays


 $          828.00


Children – 5 years & under - Weekend & Public Holidays


 $          894.00


Ashes Interment


 $          177.00




 $          177.00


Pre-Paid Packages - Lawn Cemeteries




Option 1:  Double Interment


 $      2,994.00


(Includes Grave Reservation; Exemption from any further cemetery fees associated with the first and second grave interments; a commemorative bronze plaque including an additional detachable plate or single leaf page)





Option 2:  Single Interment


 $      1,908.00


(Includes Grave Reservation; Exemption from any further cemetery fees and a commemorative bronze plaque)









(includes plaque - 170mm x 140mm for Roma and 200 mm x 175 mm for Surat)




Fees - Weekdays


 $          560.00


Fees - Weekends & Public Holidays

 $          701.00

Pre-Paid Package - Ash Walls


 $          585.00


Includes single niche reservation, Exemption from any further cemetery fees and a commemorative bronze plaque.


Body of Report:

A Cemetery Policy has recently been developed to manage the regions cemeteries and therefore in line with the policy implementation it was necessary to revise the Fees and Charges.  The revision of Fees and Charges will standardise the fees across the region and include some additional services with all cemeteries charged at the same rate.


Consultation (internal/external):

Director Corporate Services – Matthew McGoldrick

Manager Administration – Debbie Tully

Customer Service Officers

Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):

The Regulatory & Commercial Fees and Charges for 2011 / 2012 will ensure Council’s compliance with Section 520A of the Local Government Act 1993 and Section 8A(1) of the Local Government Finance Standards 2005.

Policy Implications:


Financial Resource Implications:



Link to Corporate Plan:

Corporate Plan 2009-2013 8.5.11(a) To develop and implement appropriate routine and preventative maintenance programs for all cemetery assets and property with a view to extending the overall life of all physical assets and providing an aesthetically pleasing environment for the benefit of visitors.

Supporting Documentation:


Report authorised by:

Debbie Tully, Administration Manager

Matthew McGoldrick, Director of Corporate Services

Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  14 December 2011

Officer Report

Meeting: General  14 December 2011

Date: 25 November 2011

Item Number: 12.3

File Number: D11/34803


Subject Heading:                     Making Local and Subordinate Local Laws

Classification:                                  Open Access  

Name of Applicant:                         N/A


Author & Officer’s Title:                 Debbie Tully, Administration Manager



Executive Summary: 

Since February 2011 Council has been working through the process of making each proposed local and subordinate local law and adopting each proposed model local law according to the Local Law Making Process that Council adopted in July 2011.  Council is now in a position to commence the final stage of the process so that the laws will be effective from the 1 January 2012. 



Officer’s Recommendation: 

That Council:

(a)       satisfy the conditions imposed by the Minister about each proposed “other” local law of Council under section 29A(4) of the Local Government Act 2009; and

(b)       make each proposed local law listed in Schedule 1 as advertised; and

(c)        adopt each proposed model local law listed in Schedule 2; and

(d)       make each proposed subordinate local law listed in Schedule 3 as advertised; and

(e)       make each proposed local law listed in Schedule 4 with amendments as particularised in Schedule 4; and

(f)         not proceed with the making of Local Law (Repealing) Local Law (No. 1) 2011.


1.         Local Law No. 1 (Administration) 2011;

2.         Local Law No. 3 (Community and Environmental Management) 2011;

3.         Local Law No. 7. (Aerodromes) 2011.


1.         Model Local Law No. 2 (Animal Management) 2010, to be known as Local Law No. 2 (Animal Management) 2011;

2.         Model Local Law No. 5 (Parking) 2010, to be known as Local Law No. 5 (Parking) 2011.


1.         Subordinate Local Law No. 1.1 (Alteration or Improvement to Local Government Controlled Areas and Roads) 2011;

2.         Subordinate Local Law No. 1.2 (Commercial Use of Local Government Controlled Areas and Roads) 2011;

3.         Subordinate Local Law No. 1.3 (Establishment or Occupation of a Temporary Home) 2011;

4.         Subordinate Local Law No.1.4 (Installation of Advertising Devices) 2011;

5.         Subordinate Local Law No. 1.5 (Keeping of Animals) 2011;

6.         Subordinate Local Law No. 1.6 (Operation of Camping Grounds) 2011;

7.         Subordinate Local Law No. 1.7 (Operation of Cane Railways) 2011;

8.         Subordinate Local Law No. 1.8 (Operation of Caravan Parks) 2011;

9.         Subordinate Local Law No. 1.9 (Operation of Cemeteries) 2011;

10.      Subordinate Local Law No. 1.10 (Operation of Public Swimming Pools) 2011;

11.      Subordinate Local Law No. 1.11 (Operation of Shared Facility Accommodation) 2011;

12.      Subordinate Local Law No. 1.12 (Operation of Temporary Entertainment Events) 2011;

13.      Subordinate Local Law No. 1.13 (Undertaking Regulated Activities regarding Human Remains) 2011;

14.      Subordinate Local Law No. 1.14 (Undertaking Regulated Activities on Local Government Controlled Areas and Roads) 2011;

15.      Subordinate Local Law No. 1.15 (Carrying out Works on a Road or Interfering with a Road or its Operation) 2011;

16.      Subordinate Local Law No. 1.16 (Gates and Grids) 2011;

17.      Subordinate Local Law No. 1.17 (Sale or Consignment of Stock at a Saleyard) 2011;

18.      Subordinate local Law No. 1.18 (Use of a Vehicle on an Airside Area) 2011;

19.      Subordinate Local Law No. 2 (Animal Management) 2011;

20.      Subordinate Local Law No. 3 (Community and Environmental Management) 2011;

21.      Subordinate Local Law No. 4 (Local Government Controlled Areas, Facilities and Roads) 2011;

22.      Subordinate Local Law No. 5 (Parking) 2011.


1.         Local Law No. 4 (Local Government Controlled Areas, Facilities and Roads) 2011;

2.         Local Law No. 6 (Operation of Saleyards) 2011.

Local Law No. 4 (Local Government Controlled Areas, Facilities and Roads) 2011

(1)        section 11 —

omit, insert—

11          Compliance notice about a road or footpath crossing

(1)     The local government may give a compliance notice to a person who is the owner or occupier of land adjoining or adjacent to a road to do 1 or more of the following—

(a)     perform work on the land or the road;

(b)     construct a vehicle crossing to provide vehicular access between the land and the road to a standard specified by the local government in the compliance notice;

(c)     maintain or repair a vehicle crossing which provides vehicular access between the land and the road to a standard specified by the local government in the compliance notice if, in the opinion of an authorised person, the vehicle crossing—

(i)      is not effective for its intended purpose; or

(ii)     is causing a nuisance or poses a risk of a nuisance; or

(iii)    constitutes an actual or potential safety hazard;

(d)     alter a vehicle crossing, or construct a new or modified vehicle crossing between the land and the road to a standard specified by the local government in the compliance notice if, in the opinion of an authorised person, the vehicle crossing is no longer adequate having regard to—

(i)      the volume or nature of traffic using the vehicle crossing; or

(ii)     the manner in which the vehicle crossing is used by traffic; or

(iii)    changes in the use of the land to which the vehicle crossing provides access; or

(iv)    changes in the usual or expected standard of vehicle crossing provision in the relevant locality.

(2)     However, a compliance notice may only be given under subsection (1), if the work to be carried out is required as a direct result of the intentional act or negligence of the person and, in the reasonable opinion of an authorised person, the work should be performed to—

(a)     protect public health, safety or amenity; or

(b)     prevent environmental harm or environmental nuisance; or

(c)     prevent interference with the safe movement of traffic or the safe use of a road.

Local Law No. 6 (Operation of Saleyards) 2011

(1)       section 28 —

omit, insert—

28          Limitation of liability

(1)         The local government is not civilly liable for an act done, or omission made, honestly and without negligence, under this local law.

(2)         In particular, the local government—

(a)     does not have legal possession or control of any stock brought onto the saleyard by a person other than the local government[1]; and

(b)     owes no duty of care to any person in respect of, and is not otherwise responsible for, the safety, management, or control of any stock within the saleyard.

(3)         For the avoidance of doubt, if there is any inconsistency between this section and a law made by the State, the law made by the State prevails to the extent of the inconsistency.



Body of Report:

Council’s current set of local and subordinate local laws, legacies of the five previous Shire Councils, will expire on 31 December 2011 therefore if our new local and subordinate local laws are not adopted prior to this date we will be operating without any laws.  Since February 2011 Council has been working through the process of making each proposed local and subordinate local law and adopting each proposed model local law according to the Local Law Making Process that Council adopted in July 2011.  Council is now in a position to commence the final stage of the process so that the laws will be effective from the 1 January 2012. 


During this process Council has also been working towards resolving to make Local Law (Repealing) Local Law (No. 1) however as all the current laws will end on 31 December 2011 it will not be necessary to repeal them and therefore part of the resolution above states that Council resolves not to proceed with the making of this law.


Council has received official notification from Director General, Jack Noy, Department of Local Government and Planning that the Minister is satisfied the local laws sufficiently deal with the overall State interest and has granted approval for Maranoa Regional Council to adopt the proposed laws.

Consultation (internal/external):

James Neilsen, King & Company Solicitors

Matthew McGoldrick, Director of Corporate Services

Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):

Legal, Political          

Policy Implications:

Local Government Act 2009

Financial Resource Implications:




Link to Corporate Plan:

Corporate Plan 2009-2013 8.2.3(a) To implement Council’s governance policies and procedures in an evolving organisational environment whilst ensuring legislative relevance, consistency and fairness in application.

Supporting Documentation:


Report authorised by:

Matthew McGoldrick, Director of Corporate Services    

Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  14 December 2011

Officer Report

Meeting: General  14 December 2011

Date: 25 November 2011

Item Number: 15.1

File Number: D11/34794


Subject Heading:                     Application for Assessable Building Works - Oversized Outbuilding

Classification:                                  Open Access   

Name of Applicant:                         RA & KJ Pollock Building Contractors

Location:                                           25 Edwardes Street, Roma Qld 4455 (Lot 2 on RP189817)

Author & Officer’s Title:                 Danielle Pearn, Planning & Development Officer


Executive Summary:  RA & KJ Pollock Building Contractors seek approval for the establishment of an oversized outbuilding within the Rural Residential Zone of the Roma Town Planning Scheme.



Officer’s Recommendation:  

The application for Assessable building works (oversized outbuilding) at 25 Edwardes Street, Roma (described as Lot 2 on RP189817), be approved subject to the following conditions:


Advisory Notes:


1.         Council approves the outbuilding with the intention that it be used for the purposes indicated in the development application.   Any increase in scale or intensity of the storage activities at the premises may be considered a material change of use and require further development permits from Council.


Conditions of Approval:


1.         Complete and maintain all works associated with this development approval, including work required by any of the development approval conditions.


2.         The applicant shall obtain a development permit for building works prior to construction of the building commencing.


3.         The outbuilding shall be sited in accordance with the amended site plan.


4.         Landscaping is to be established with a minimum width of two (2) metres adjacent to the northern site boundary for the length of the outbuilding. 


5.         Vegetation shall have a mature height of at least three (3) metres within five years of planning, unless planted under electricity lines where the mature height must not exceed three (3) metres. 


6.         Any damage to roads and infrastructure that is attributable to the progress of works on the site or vehicles associated with the development of the site, must be repaired to Council’s satisfaction or the cost of repairs paid to Council.


7.         Stormwater must not be allowed to pond on the property being developed during the development process and after development has been completed unless the type and size of ponding has been agreed in writing by the Council or as a specific development approval condition.


8.         Any increases in volume, concentration or velocity of stormwater from the property being developed must be channelled to lawful points of discharge or to other storage or dispersal arrangements which must all be agreed in writing by the Council.


9.         There must be no increases in any silt loads or contaminants in any overland flow from the property being developed during the development process and after development have been completed.


10.       Lighting of the site, including any security lighting, shall be such that the lighting intensity does not exceed 8.0 lux at a distance of 1.5 metres from the site at any property boundary.


11.       All lighting shall be directed or shielded so as to ensure that no glare directly affects nearby properties.


12.       During the establishment of the approved development, no nuisance is to be caused to adjoining properties and occupiers by the way of smoke, dust, rubbish, contaminant, stormwater discharge or siltation at any time, including non-working hours.


13.       The developer is responsible for meeting all costs associated with the approved development unless there is specific agreement by other parties, including the Council, to meeting those costs.


14.       The area and its surrounds shall be kept in an orderly fashion, free of rubbish and clear of weeds and long grasses.  The approved development and the premises are to be maintained in a clean and tidy condition and not to pose any health and safety risks to the community.



Body of Report:

On behalf of Chris York, RA & KJ Pollock Building Contractors seek Council approval to establish an oversized outbuilding at 25 Edwardes Street, Roma.  The property comprises an area of 1.246 hectares and is situated within the Rural Residential Zone. 

Figure 1 – Locality Plan



Figure 2 – View of property from Edwardes Street               Figure 3 – View of property from Edwardes Street

The proposed outbuilding will have a gross floor area of 216m2 and will be enclosed on three sides.  The outbuilding will be situated behind the existing residence, a distance of 63.5 metres from the front property boundary.  It is proposed the building be setback 3.5 metres from the northern side boundary, 37.5 metres from the southern side boundary and 153.5 metres from the rear property boundary.   

The proposed outbuilding will be utilised primarily for the storage of vehicles and equipment associated with Mr York’s business “Yorky’s Haulage and Crop Spraying”.  The outbuilding is intended to house a prime mover with trailers equivalent to a road train, and crop spraying equipment including a landcruiser utility with booms/tanks fitted on the tray.   Mr York also intends to store a tractor and slasher for personal use and restore antique farm equipment inside the premises. 

Mr York has stored vehicles and equipment associated with his business on the property for several years. The prime mover and trailers regularly remain on work sites and are generally only stored at the property during periods of inclement weather and holidays.  The proposed outbuilding will allow these articles to be stored out of the weather and will not result in any changes to the existing use of the property.  At present, the use of the property is considered an existing lawful non-conforming use, however if the activity is to change or increase in scale or intensity in the future, a development approval will be required.  In this instance the activity would be subject to assessment against the provisions of the planning scheme in effect at the time.

The Roma Town Area Code seeks to ensure that outbuildings do not compromise the residential amenity of the town. The Acceptable Solution of the code therefore restricts the size of outbuildings to structures 8.5 metres in height and 110m2 in floor area.  The code also nominates minimum setbacks of 15 metres from any boundary fronting a public road and 5 metres from all other boundaries.

The development proposal achieves compliance with the height restrictions and required boundary setbacks from the front, rear and southern side boundaries.  The proposal does not achieve a 5 metre setback from the northern side boundary; however there is sufficient area within the site to meet this requirement.  Although the proposed outbuilding is 106m2 in excess of the allowable floor area, the footprint of the building will equate to only 1.7% site coverage.  Council has previously approved larger outbuildings within the Rural Residential Zone of Roma. 

The proposed outbuilding is setback a considerable distance from the frontage of the site and will be partly screened from the road frontage by existing landscaping on the site.  The development can be conditioned to comply with the minimum side boundary setbacks and incorporate appropriate screening in order to mitigate any potential adverse impacts on the amenity of the locality. 

Consultation (internal/external):


Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):

The applicant has appeal rights under SPA against any decision of Council.

Policy Implications:

There is potential for the existing storage activity to expand.  Storage activities are inconsistent with the intent of the Rural Residential zone and may adversely impact on residential amenity, particularly if the use expands beyond a sole operator.  Any increase in scale or intensity of the existing use will require a further development application and be subject to consideration by Council. 

Financial Resource Implications:

Any conditions imposed will be at the cost of the developer.


Link to Corporate Plan:

Corporate Plan 2009-2013 8.3.1(a) Regulate and control development in a consistent and responsible manner that enhances the lifestyle of our community whilst promoting sustainable development.

Supporting Documentation:


Proposal Plans



Report authorised by:

Robert Hayward, Director Planning & Environment

Attachment 1

Proposal Plans


Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  14 December 2011

Officer Report

Meeting: General  14 December 2011

Date: 29 November 2011

Item Number: 15.2

File Number: D11/35046


Subject Heading:                     Non-Resident Workforce Accommodation

Classification:                                  Open Access  

Name of Applicant:                        


Author & Officer’s Title:                 Robert Hayward, Director Planning & Environment



Executive Summary: 

Due to the growth in the energy sector in the western part of the Surat Basin, the exploration and wining of gas requires a large work force for both the energy companies and support industries.


The level of accommodation, for what may be short term stays is not sufficient in the region to cater for current and growing demand.  As a result energy companies and private third parties are looking to establish Non-Resident Workforce Accommodation to allow for short term accommodation.


As part of the proposed Maranoa Regional Council Planning Scheme, specific codes have been developed for Non-resident Workforces in both the Rural and Industrial areas. The purpose of these codes is to:


1.   Provide advice for potential developers of non-resident workforce accommodation (NRWA) for the mining, construction and other industries.


2.   Ensure that operators and developers are aware of the requirements in providing, managing and removal of the camps.


3.   Establish guidelines to be used in considering any applications proposed for the development of these camps.


4.   Specify a time period for approval of NRWA.


Officer’s Recommendation: 

Council endorse the Non-Residential Workforce Accommodation Code as part of the draft Maranoa Regional Planning Scheme.



Body of Report:

The Council recognises that the energy boom, built around gas exploration, will peak with the move to production and distribution and possibly leading to a reduction in the workforce. 


The level of accommodation, for what may be short term stays is not sufficient in the region to cater for current and growing demand.  As a result energy companies and private third parties are looking to establish NRWAs to allow for short term accommodation of non-resident workers.


These camps will be catered for in a number of locations within Mineral Leases (not covered by the proposed code), Industrial and Rural Zones. Within Industrial areas NRWAs need to be located so that they do not sterilise the balance of the lots in the area over a long period of time.  Uses such as NRWAs may be acceptable, in certain circumstances for periods up to ten (10) years where that demand and supply of industrial land is not unduly affected.  Based on current take up rates and approvals issued prior to this planning scheme, the industrial land identified by the Maranoa Regional Council is sufficient to meet the needs of the expanding energy sector.  This includes the requirement for large lay-down areas and non-resident workforce accommodation. 


There may be a need to locate some short term uses in the Rural Zone that are designed to support the energy sector.  Uses such as non-resident workforce accommodation may be acceptable, in certain circumstances for periods up to ten (10) years where rehabilitation is able to be achieved.


This strategy is designed to accommodate workers associated with the higher intensity exploration and construction phase of the energy sector, while ensuring such uses are not located in residential areas.


A Non-resident Workforce Accommodation Code has been developed as part of the Draft Maranoa Regional Council Planning Scheme which aims:


1.   To provide advice for potential developers of non-resident workforce accommodation (NRWA) for the mining, construction and other industries.


2.   To ensure that operators and developers are aware of the requirements in providing, managing and removal of the camps.


3.   To establish guidelines to be used in considering any applications proposed for the development of these camps.


4.   Specify a time period for approval of NRWA. 


This code must be read in conjunction with either the Urban or Rural code depending on the zone where the development is proposed. 


The following is an exert of the Rural and NRWA codes.



Rural Zone Code

Performance Outcomes


Acceptable Outcomes


For All Rural Zone


PO 1 Electricity

Premises are provided with a supply of electricity adequate for the activity.


AO 1.1 Premises have a supply of reticulated electricity.

PO 2 Water supply

Premises are provided with an adequate volume and supply of water for the activity.


AO 2.1 Dwellings have, in addition to the requirements under the Queensland Development Code, a rainwater tank connected to the premises with a minimum capacity of 45,000 litres for fire fighting purposes.


PO 3 Effluent disposal

To ensure that public health and environmental values are preserved, all premises provide for the treatment and disposal of effluent and other waste water.

AO 3.1 The premises are connected to the Council’s reticulated sewerage system; or


AO 3.2 Premises have on - site effluent disposal systems designed in accordance with Schedule 5


PO 4 Stormwater/Inter-allotment Drainage

Stormwater is collected and discharged so as to:

(a) protect the stability of buildings or the use of adjacent land;

(b) prevent the water-logging of nearby land; and

(c) protect and maintain environmental values.


AO 4.1 Stormwater/inter-allotment drainage is collected and discharged in accordance with Schedule 5

PO 5 Vehicle Access

Vehicle access is provided to a standard appropriate for the use.


AO 5.1 Access roads to allotments below the minimum allotment size in the Rural Zone are to be sealed and are to connect into the existing road network. Access is to be designed and constructed in accordance with Schedule 5



AO 5.1  No solution specified for allotments equal to or greater than minimum allotment size.


PO 6 Parking and manoeuvring

Vehicle parking and service vehicle provision is adequate for the use whilst ensuring both safe and functional operation for motorists and pedestrians.


AO 6.1 All uses provide vehicle parking in accordance with Schedules 5 and 7.


AOS 6.2 All service vehicle manoeuvring is in accordance with Schedule 5.


PO  7 Roads

All weather road access is provided between the premises and the existing road network.


AO 7.1 Roads are designed and constructed in accordance with Schedule 5

PO 8 Location

Development must be located where there is convenient access.


AO 8.1 The site is accessed by an all weather road.

PO 9 Highways

All Highways are maintained and enhanced as a link between centres.


AO 9.1 No solution specified.


PO 10.1 Protection of State Controlled Road

Development adjacent to State Controlled Roads is located to ensure safe and efficient use of the highway and maintain the integrity of the highway as a commuter link.


AO 10.2 No development is established within a 100 metre buffer either side of a State Controlled Road.


PO 10.2

Noise sensitive developments (residential, educational and community) must ensure that road traffic noise levels are appropriately managed to achieve acceptable levels of amenity.


AO 10.1 No solution specified.

PO 11 Gas and Oil Pipelines

Buildings are located at an appropriate distance from pipelines to ensure community safety and operation of the use is not compromised.


AO 11.1 No habitable structure is constructed within the buffer established 100 metres either side of the gas and oil pipeline corridors.

PO 12 Refuse Tips and Effluent Treatment Plants

Buildings are located at an appropriate distance from refuse tips or effluent treatment plants to ensure community safety and operation of the use is not compromised.


AO 12.1  No premise is constructed within 500 metres from the boundary of a refuse tip or effluent treatment plant.

PO 13.1 Rail Corridors

Development is at an appropriate distance from the rail corridor so as not to prejudice safety, speed or intended role of the existing and proposed rail corridors.


AO 13.1 The minimum buffer for residential, business, commercial and community facility uses are 100 metres from an existing or proposed rail corridors

PO 13.2

Development adjoining the rail corridor is protected from the impact of noise.           


AO 13.2 No solution specified.

PO 14 Electricity Transmission Line Easement – Vegetation

Transmission lines within an Electricity transmission line easement are protected from vegetation.

AO 14.1 Planted vegetation within an Electricity transmission line easement shall have a mature height not exceeding 2.5 metres as shown in Schedule 6.


AO 14.2 No part of planted vegetation at its mature size, is located closer than 2.5 metres to an electricity transmission line as shown in Schedule 6”.


PO 15 Electricity Transmission Line Easement – Separation Distance

Habitable buildings and community orientated uses are located a minimum distance from lines to ensure community safety.

AO 15.1 Habitable Buildings and Community orientated uses maintain a minimum separation distance from the most proximate boundary of an Electricity transmission line easement in accordance with Schedule 6.


PO 16 Watercourses

Development ensures the maintenance of riparian areas and water quality including protection from off-site transfer of sediment.


AO 16.1 A minimum 10 metre wide buffer area is provided extending from the high bank of any watercourse.  Buffer areas include a cover of vegetation, including grasses.


PO 17 Flooding

Premises are designed and located so as:

(a). not to be adversely impacted upon by flooding;

(b). to protect life and property; and

(c). not to have an undesirable impact of the extent and magnitude of flooding.


AO 17.1 No solution specified.

PO 18 Air Emissions

Air emissions, including odour, from premises do not cause environmental harm or nuisance to adjoining properties or sensitive land uses.


AO 18.1 No solution specified.

PO 19 Noise Emissions

Noise emissions from premises do not cause environmental harm or nuisance to adjoining properties or sensitive land uses.


AO 19.1 No solution specified.

PO 20 Water Quality

The standard of effluent and/or stormwater runoff from premises ensures the quality of surface water is suitable for:

(a). the biological integrity of aquatic ecosystems;

(b). recreational use;

(c). supply as drinking water after minimal treatment;

(d). agricultural use; or

(e). industrial use.


AO 20.1 No solution specified.


PO 21 Excavation and Filling

Excavation and filling of land  for non-agricultural uses ensures:

(a). that both the amenity and safety of users of the site and adjacent land holdings; and

(b). soil erosion is kept to a minimum with remedial works.

AO 21.1 Batters have a minimum slope of 25% , are terraced at every rise of 1.5 metres and each terrace has a minimum depth of 750mm; and


AO 21.2 Excavation and filling within 1.5 metres of any site boundary is battered or retained by a wall that does not exceed one (1) metre in height; and


AO 21.3 Excavation and filling is undertaken in accordance with Schedule 5.


PO 22 Construction Activities

Both erosion control and silt collection measures are undertaken so as to ensure protection of environmental values during construction.


AO 22.1 During construction, soil erosion and sediment is managed in accordance with Schedule 5.

PO 23 Separation of Incompatible land uses

Separation distances are provided to ensure:

(a). the future viability of surrounding uses;

(b). infrastructure items are protected from incompatible development;

(c). an appropriate standard of amenity and public safety; and

(d). conflict arising from incompatible uses is minimised.


AO 23.1 For sensitive land uses and rural activities, other than intensive animal industries:  The minimum separation distance between sensitive land uses and rural activities comply with the Buffer Design Criteria as contained Schedule 9


AO 23.2 For sensitive land uses and intensive animal industries:

The minimum separation distance to Intensive Animal Industries are as stated in Schedule 9.


AO 23.3 For all other uses in relation to Extractive Industries:

Buildings, Structures and Outdoor Activity Areas maintain a minimum separation distance to Extractive Industries as stated in Schedule 9


PO 24.1 Development in the Vicinity of airports:

Development in the vicinity of Airports:

(a). does not adversely affect the operation of the airport;

(b). is designed and located to achieve a suitable standard of amenity for the proposed activity; and

(c). does not restrict future operational demands of the airport.

AO 24.1 Buildings and structures within 100 metres of the boundary of an airport are less than 7.5 metres in height at any point above natural ground level (except where establishing in an existing building and no Building Works are being undertaken for the existing building).


PO 24.2 Airport Protection

The development of premises does not cause an obstruction or other potential hazard to aircraft movement associated with the airport by way of:

-     the physical intrusion of buildings or other structures into the Obstacle Limitation Surfaces;

-     attracting birds and or bats to the area which could cause or contribute to bird strike hazard;

-     providing very bright lighting or lighting similar to aerodrome lighting, which can distract or confuse aircraft pilots;

-     interfering with navigation or communication facilities;

-     emissions that may affect pilot visibility or aircraft operations; or

-     transient intrusions into the airport’s operational space.


AO 24.2 No solution specified.

PO 25 Good Quality Agricultural Land

Good Quality Agricultural Land areas as identified in Regulatory Map 1 – Good Quality Agricultural Land are conserved and managed for the longer term and protected from development that may lead to its alienation or diminished productivity.


AO 25.1 No solution specified.

PO 26 Vegetation Retention

Development retains vegetation not administered by the Vegetation Management Act for the:

(a). protection of scenic quality;

(b). protection of water quality

(c). protection of general habitat;

(d). protection of soil quality; and

(e). establishment of open space corridors and networks


AO 26.1 No solution specified.

PO 27 Sloping Land

Development is undertaken to ensure:


(a). vulnerability to landslip erosion and land degradation is minimised; and

(b). safety of persons and property is not compromised.


AO 27.1 Development is not undertaken on slopes greater than 15%.

PO 28 Bushfire Hazard Area

Development maintains the safety of people and property by avoiding areas of High Bushfire hazard or mitigating the risk through:

(a). the siting of buildings ensuring setbacks from hazardous vegetation are maximised and elements least susceptible to fire are sited closest to the bushfire hazard; and

(b). the provision of firebreaks to ensure adequate setbacks between buildings, structures and hazardous vegetation.

AO 28.1 Development is not undertaken in bushfire hazard areas as identified as High hazard on Regulatory May 2– High Risk Bushfire Areas; or


AO 28.2 For development in areas of High bushfire hazard as identified on Regulatory May 2– High Risk Bushfire Areas Areas and on lots greater than 2,500m2 buildings and structures:

(a). are sited within the lowest bushfire hazard area;

(b). achieve minimum setback distances from hazardous vegetation of 1.5 times the predominant mature canopy tree height or 10 metres, whichever is the greater; and

(c). achieve a setback distance from any retained vegetation strips or small areas of vegetation of 10 metres.


AO 28.3 For development in areas of High bushfire hazard as identified on Regulatory May 2– High Risk Bushfire Areas, and on lots less than or equal to 2,500m2: No solution specified.


AO 28.4 For development in areas of High bushfire hazard as identified on Regulatory May 2– High Risk Bushfire Areas, firebreaks or fire maintenance trails are provided in accordance with  “Standards for Roads in Bushfire Hazard Areas. Firebreaks and Fire Maintenance Trails”.

PO 29 Cultural Heritage

The significance of known places of indigenous and/or cultural heritage value is retained.


AO 29.1 A minimum separation distance of 20 metres is provided to known indigenous and/or cultural heritage sites.


PO 30 Character Buildings

Development adjacent to buildings identified as heritage or character buildings in the planning scheme incorporates design features, materials and details that blend with the existing character.


AO 30.1 No solution specified.

PO 31 Residential Outbuildings


Rural amenity is to be maintained.


AO 31.1 Residential outbuildings are to be located a minimum of 15 metres from the boundary fronting the public road and a minimum of five (5) metres from any other boundary; and



For lots equal to or greater than 1000ha:

AO 31.2 No size limitations are required.


For Lots equal to or greater than 10ha and less than 1000ha:

AO 31.3 The size of residential outbuildings is to be restricted to structures 8.5 metres in height and 150 square metres in floor area; or



For lots less than 10ha

AO 31.4 The size of residential outbuildings is to be restricted to structures 8.5 metres in height and 80 square metres in floor area.


PO 32 Buffers

Adequate buffers are provided to protect rural residential uses from agricultural, transport and industrial activities whilst also ensuring the integrity and viability of such uses.



AO 32.1 No solution specified.

Specific Land Uses in the Rural Zone


Animal Keeping




Business activities




Community use, and major sport, recreation and entertainment facility, and outdoor sport and recreation




Dwelling House




Home Based Business




For Home based business uses that include “Bed and Breakfast” or “Farm Stay” type accommodation.





Industry (Low/ Medium)




Telecommunication Facility






Non-resident workforce accommodation (NRWA)


PO 66 Road Access

Council road network is not unduly affected by the establishment of the camp.


AO 66.1 The site is accessed by an all weather road.

PO 67 Separation Distance and boundary clearances

The establishment of the camp does not unduly affect existing residential premises.


AO 67.1 All dwelling units, ancillary buildings and car parking areas will be setback:

(a).            200 metres of existing residential premises; and

(b).            9 metres from all boundaries


PO 68 Amenity

The camp buildings, layout and construction do not substantially detract from the amenity of the neighbourhood.


The use of non-reflective cladding materials on the buildings is encouraged. 


The building materials should predominately be of the earth brown, vegetation green or local landscape colours range to blend with the surroundings. 


Note: MRC may consider approval to use second hand materials and/or buildings, and all applications must be accompanied by the following information:

•      photographs clearly showing four separate elevations of the used buildings;

•      an inspection report from an approved Building Certifier; and

•      the standard building and site plans as would be required for such an application.


AO 68.1 All materials used and construction of accommodation and ancillary buildings shall be in accordance with the Building Code of Australia 1996.


AO 68.2 The buildings are to be placed and articulated to provide a village character.


AO 68.3 Construction shall not be comprised of second hand materials.


AO 68.4 All building’s external cladding is not damaged; and


AO 68.5 The layout of the buildings is:

-     located at least three (3) metres apart;

-     are sited in clusters with no more than six (6) buildings per cluster;

-     space between cluster is no less than 10 metres; and

-     buildings occupy no more than 30% of the site area.


AO 68.6 Car parking is provided:

- on site;

-     at one (1) parking space for each bed provided in the camp, unless private transport is provided by the camp manager; and


AO 68.5  The development shall incorporate  footpaths which are a minimum of 1.2 metres wide between all accommodation units, outdoor areas, ancillary buildings, car parks and bus bays.


PO 69 Locational Density

Character and amenity of communities will not be compromised by high density of separate NRWA uses.


AO 69 Any proposed NRWA premises must be located at least 1 kilometre from any approved NRWA.


PO 70.1  Site Density and site coverage

Premises have an open feel and enhance the character of the area through a reduced residential density.




AO 70.1 Maximum site coverage shall not exceed 40%.


AO 70.2 The minimum allotment size for the establishment of a NRWA use shall be 20ha.


AO 70.3 The NRW shall include areas of usable open space for benefit of residents.


Note for Council meeting only: All these provisions are the same for the Industrial area with the exception of the lot size which will be 16ha.



PO 70.2 The development incorporates “feature” perimeter fencing in lieu of chain-mesh, particularly where the development has frontage to or is highly visible from major roads, recognised tourist routes, or recreation or conservation areas.


AO 70.3 No solution specified for fencing.



PO 71  Landscaping and fencing

The development shall be landscaped in a manner that enhances the amenity of the area or the approaches to the nearest town.



AO 71.1 Landscaping is accordance with the development manual; and


AO 71.2 Landscaping shall be mature and established prior the commencement of the use.


PO 72 Water Supply

Premises are provided with an adequate volume and supply of water for the activity.

AO 72.1 NRWAs are to have a connection to the water distribution network where available; or


AO 72.2 In the event that no reticulated water supply can be provided to the premises, an approved water supply of potable water is to be established


AO 72.3 All tanks and vessels used for the storage of drinking water shall be so constructed and covered as to prevent water stored therein from becoming polluted or contaminated.


PO 73 Stormwater Drainage

Stormwater is collected and discharged so as to:

(a). protect the stability of buildings or the use adjacent land;

(b). prevent the waterlogging of nearby land; and

(c).  protect and maintain environmental values

AO 73.1 All stormwater from roofed and paved areas shall be collected and disposed on site in accordance with the Schedule 5.


AO 73.2 Any increases in volume, concentration or velocity of stormwater from the property being developed must be channelled to lawful points of discharge.

PO 74 Effluent Disposal

To ensure that public health and environmental values are preserved, all premises provide for the treatment and disposal of effluent and other waste water.


AO 74.1 All ablution facilities shall be connected to an appropriate approved effluent disposal system, in accordance with the Schedule 5.  

PO 75 Laundry Facilities

The Laundry facilities are not to impose an undue load on the town’s infrastructure.

AO 75.1 Minimum laundry facilities shall be provided to the following scale:

(a).            Up to 100 persons 1 washing machine to 10 persons

(b).            Over 100 up to 200 persons 1 washing machine to 12 persons

(c). Over 200 up to 300 persons 1 washing machine to 15 persons


PO  76 Rubbish Disposal

The site is to remain sanitary and free from waste.

AO 76.1 The developer/manager of the facility shall establish rubbish disposal services, to the satisfaction of the Council.


AO 76.2 The developer/manager is to provide at least 1 common area for rubbish collection, which may be easily accessed. This area is to contain bin wash down areas and be screened from adjoining buildings by 1.8m solid screen fence.


PO 77 Emergency Services, Fire, First Aid

NRWA camps will be required to provide emergency fire services, including fire breaks, fire fighting equipment and water supplies in accordance with the relevant legislation.


The proponent will be required to make suitable provisions for first aid facilities in accordance with Health Department regulations.


All emergency services shall be adequately marked and located to ensure emergency vehicle access.


AO 77.1 No solution specified


PO 78 Lighting

(a).            Lighting is designed in a manner to ensure ongoing amenity and safety in the area whilst ensuring surrounding areas and roads are protected from undue glare or lighting overspill.


(b).            All lighting shall be required to adopt shading measures and be directed to minimise any unnecessary light spill and impacts on the surrounding locality.


AO 78.1 Lighting of the site, including any security lighting, shall be such that the lighting intensity does not exceed 8.0 lux at a distance of 1.5 metres from the site at any property boundary.



PO 79 Access, Internal Roads and Parking


Internal movement of vehicles must be undertaken in a safe and efficient manner that allows for all vehicles to enter and exit in a forward gear and have no impact upon on street parking spaces.

AO 79.1 Vehicle manoeuvring areas must be provided on-site so that all vehicles can enter and leave the site in forward direction.


AO 79.2 All dimensions for accesses, internal roads and parking must comply with Schedule 5 and any relevant Australian Standard that applies to that type of work.


AO 79.3 Number of parking spaces are to accord with the requirements of Schedule 7.


PO 80 Signage

Signage is to be sufficient to allow relevant information to be displayed in case of emergency, while not impacting upon the visual amenity of the site.


AO 80.1  A 1800mm x 1800mm information sign shall be provided at the entrance to the development site to indicate such information as:

• Owner of the site

• Manager of the site

• Specific Rules for the Camp Area

• Map of the Camp Area

• Emergency Contact Phone Number(s)


PO  81 Period of Operation

The use shall not sterilise the premises or surrounding allotments from their intended use under the planning scheme for an extend period of time.


Note: NRWAs are not considered to be required as part of the permanent infrastructure of the Maranoa Region but necessary components to facilitate development in the short term.


AO 81.1 Approval will only be given, for suitable NRWA’s for up to a 10 year period.


PO 82 Removal of Structures and Rehabilitation of Site


All temporary structures, waste disposal facilities, roads, parking areas and drainage facilities are permanently removed from the site at the cessation of the approval period (unless otherwise permitted as part of a future development).


AO 82.1 No solution specified.

PO 83 Management Plan


A management plan in the form of a deed of agreement will be required to address the following issues:


(a). Provision of a full-time on-site manager;

(b). The landlord tenant relationship with the employer of the NRWA, not with the workers themselves; 

(c). Control of resident transient worker behaviour;

(d). Establishment of appropriate emergency procedures;

(e). Decommissioning and restoration of the site.


AO 83.1 No solution specified.


Tourist Park





Consultation (internal/external):

Paul Bawden - CEO

George Martin - Department Infrastructure & Planning

Lou Scarpato – Furtureproof Planning

Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):

Applicants have appeal rights under SPA against any decision of Council.

Policy Implications:

This Development Code generally accords with the Policy position of Roma Town Planning Scheme.

Financial Resource Implications:



Link to Corporate Plan:

Corporate Plan 2009-2013 8.3.1(a) Regulate and control development in a consistent and responsible manner that enhances the lifestyle of our community whilst promoting sustainable development.

Supporting Documentation:


Report authorised by:

Paul Bawden, Chief Executive Officer  

Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  14 December 2011

Status Report

Meeting: General  14 December 2011

Date: 2 December 2011

Item Number: 16.1

File Number: D11/35584


SUBJECT HEADING:                     Project Performance Report

Classification:                                  Open Access 

Report compiled by:                       Tanya Mansfield, Manager Performance and Planning


Month & Year of Report:                October 2011

Name of Department:                     All Directorates of Council



Executive Summary: 

This monthly project performance report is presented to Council to provide a snapshot of the organisations performance in delivering projects identified in the Operational Plan, by Council resolution or through a continual improvement process.



Officer’s Recommendation:

That Council receive and note the Officer’s report as presented.



The Project Performance Report is delivered monthly and assesses the organisations cumulative progress towards delivering projects.


This report includes both ongoing projects, and projects that are planned to commence in the 2011/2012 financial year.  Each project includes a series of stages and the month each stage is expected to be completed is marked in blue.  If the deadline has been achieved, this will now be marked in green.  Deadlines not achieved will be marked in red.



Supporting Documentation:


Project Report



Report authorised by:

Paul Bawden, Chief Executive Officer


Attachment 1

Project Report



Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  14 December 2011

Status Report

Meeting: General  14 December 2011

Date: 13 October 2011

Item Number: 17.1

File Number: D11/30382


SUBJECT HEADING:                     Social Development Report

Classification:                                  Open Access 

Report compiled by:                       Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities


Month & Year of Report:                Performance Report October 2011

Name of Department:                     Community Services Department



Executive Summary: 

This monthly report is presented to Council to provide a statistical summary of the organisation’s performance in delivering social development services.



Officer’s Recommendation:

That Council receive and note the Officer’s report as presented.



This performance report provides information on client assistance contacts in six service areas being Regional Housing, Employability, Maruma-Li Mari, Community Support Service, Family Support Service and Community Care.



Supporting Documentation:


Social Development Report



Report authorised by:

Tony Klein, Director of Community Services

Paul Bawden, Chief Executive Officer


Attachment 1

Social Development Report


Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  14 December 2011

Status Report

Meeting: General  14 December 2011

Date: 13 October 2011

Item Number: 17.2

File Number: D11/30385


SUBJECT HEADING:                     Community Development Report

Classification:                                  Open Access 

Report compiled by:                       Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities


Month & Year of Report:                Performance Report for October 2011

Name of Department:                     Community Services Department



Executive Summary: 

This monthly report is presented to Council to provide a statistical summary of the organisation’s performance in delivering community development services.



Officer’s Recommendation:

That Council receive and note the Officer’s report as presented.



This performance report provides information and statistics on five key areas being library circulation, visitation to art galleries, Queensland Government Agent services, non-financial community assistance and community engagement activities.


Supporting Documentation:


Community Development Performance Data



Report authorised by:

Tony Klein, Director of Community Services

Paul Bawden, Chief Executive Officer


Attachment 1

Community Development Performance Data



Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  14 December 2011

Status Report

Meeting: General  14 December 2011

Date: 28 November 2011

Item Number: 18.1

File Number: D11/34990


SUBJECT HEADING:                     Corporate Governance Report

Classification:                                  Open Access 

Report compiled by:                       Tanya Mansfield, Manager Performance and Planning


Month & Year of Report:                Performance Report October 2011

Name of Department:                     Corporate Services and Human Resource Management



Executive Summary: 

This monthly report is presented to Council to provide a summary of the organisation’s performance in the Corporate Services and Human Resource Management areas.



Officer’s Recommendation:

That Council receive and note the Officer’s report as presented.



Corporate Governance is the set of processes, policies and laws affecting the way the organisation is administered.  Council has statutory obligations under the Local Government Act 2009 and other State and Federal Legislation which requires Council to report its performance in regards to certain matters.  Other administrative information has been included in this report for Council’s information.


Supporting Documentation:


Corporate Governance Report



Report authorised by:

Matthew McGoldrick, Director of Corporate Services

Paul Bawden, Chief Executive Officer


Attachment 1

Corporate Governance Report



Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  14 December 2011

Status Report

Meeting: General  14 December 2011

Date: 14 October 2011

Item Number: 21.1

File Number: D11/30466


SUBJECT HEADING:                     Planning, Building and Environment Report

Classification:                                  Open Access 

Report compiled by:                       Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities


Month & Year of Report:                October 2011

Name of Department:                     Planning and Environment


Executive Summary: 

This monthly report is presented to Council to provide a summary of the organisation’s performance in the Environment, Animal Management, Rural Services and Planning areas.



Officer’s Recommendation:

That Council receive and note the Officer’s report as presented.



Council has statutory obligations under the Local Government Act and other State and Federal legislation which requires Council to report its performance in regard to certain matters.  Other administrative information has been included in this report for Council’s information.


Supporting Documentation:


Building, Planning and Environment



Report authorised by:

Robert Hayward, Director Planning & Environment

Paul Bawden, Chief Executive Officer


Attachment 1

Building, Planning and Environment



[1] See sections 8(a) and 9(5).