Description: Maranoa Logo Process




General Meeting


Wednesday 27 June 2012


Surat Administration Centre




Date: 22 June 2012



Mayor:                                                    Councillor R S Loughnan


Deputy Mayor:                                        Councillor W S Wason

Councillors:                                             Councillor J L Chambers

                                                              Councillor R J Denton

                                                              Councillor P J Flynn

                                                              Councillor W M Newman

                                                              Councillor C J O’Neil

                                                              Councillor M L Price

                                                              Councillor D J Schefe


Chief Executive Officer:                            Mr Paul Bawden


Senior Management:                                Mr Tony Klein (Director Community Services)

                                                              Mr Matthew McGoldrick (Director Corporate Services)

                                                              Mr Barry Omundson (Director Infrastructure)



Officers:                                                  Ms Jane Frith (Corporate Communications Officer)


Please find attached agenda for the General Meeting to be held at the Roma Administration Centre on June 27, 2012 at 9.00am.



Robert Hayward

Acting Chief Executive Officer



Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  27 June 2012


Item       Subject


1            Welcome


2            Present/Apologies


3            Confirmation of Minutes

              General  13 June 2012


4            Business arising from Minutes


5            On the Table  


6            Presentations/Petitions and Deputations


7            Consideration of notices of business


8            Consideration of notices of motion  


9            Reception of notices of motion for next meeting




10          Executive Services

10.1      Councillor Expense & Provision of Facilities Policy

Prepared by:      Kelly Rogers, Coordinator Executive Services

Attachment :       Draft Councillor Expense & Provision of Facilities Policy


11          Community Services


12          Corporate Services

12.1      Transfer of Special Lease

Prepared by:      Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities

Attachment :       Map - Special Lease 36/48442


13          Infrastructure

13.1      Roma Refuse Tip Weighbridge

Prepared by:      Stephen Mow, Manager Utilities & Waste

Attachment :       Letter cancelling the Local Government Weighbridge and Ancillary Equipment Grant Program


14          Commercial Business

14.1      Roma Saleyards

Prepared by:      Paul Bawden, Special Projects Officer


15          Planning & Environment


Status Reports


16          Executive Services


17          Community Service


18          Corporate Services

18.1      Financial Sustainability Report period ending 31 March 2012

Prepared by:      Karen Searle, Financial Services & Rates Coordinator

Attachment 1:     Income Statement March 2012

Attachment 2:     Balance Sheet March 2012

Attachment 3:     Income Expense Statement - as at 31 March 2012

Attachment 4:     Expenditure and Revenue Graphs - 31 March 2012  


19          Infrastructure


20          Commercial Business


21          Planning & Environment


Next General Meeting



Confidential Items


In accordance with the provisions of section 72 of the Local Government (Operations) Regulation 2010, a local government may resolve to close a meeting to the public and move ‘into Committee’ to discuss confidential items that it’s Councillors or members consider it necessary to close the meeting.


22          Confidential Items

22.1      Relaxation of Lease Payment

              Classification:         Closed Access

Local Government (Operations) Regulation 2010 Section 72(h) other business for which a public discussion would be likely to prejudice the interests of the local government or someone else, or enable a person to gain a financial advantage.

22.2      Request to Transfer Refuse Collection Contract

              Classification:         Closed Access

Local Government (Operations) Regulation 2010 Section 72(e) contracts proposed to be made by it.

22.3      For sale by Tender 12/26 - Removal or Demolition of the House and shed located in Injune

              Classification:         Closed Access

Local Government (Operations) Regulation 2010 Section 72(e) contracts proposed to be made by it.


Councillor Business


23          Councillor Business





Minutes of the General Meeting of maranoa Regional Council held at Roma Administration Centre on 13 June 2012 commencing at 9.00am




Mayor Cr. R S Loughnan chaired the meeting with, Deputy Mayor Cr. W S Wason, Cr. J L Chambers, Cr. R J Denton, Cr. P J Flynn, Cr. W M Newman, Cr. C J O’Neil, Cr. M L Price, Cr. D J Schefe, Acting Chief Executive Officer – Rob Hayward, Director Community Services – Tony Klein, Director Corporate Services – Matthew McGoldrick, Director Infrastructure – Barry Omundson, Corporate Communications Officer – Jane Frith, and Kelly Rogers Minutes Officer in attendance.




There were no guests in attendance at the meeting.




The Mayor welcomed all present and declared the meeting open at 9.04am.




There were no apologies for the full meeting, however Cr. Denton left the Chambers just prior to commencement of the meeting.


Confirmation of Minutes



Resolution No. GM.138.12

Moved Cr Chambers                                                     Seconded Cr Schefe  


That the minutes of the General Meeting (10-23.05.12) held on 23 May 2012 as amended below be confirmed:-


Resolution GM122.12 - be updated to include the  statement– “That Council approves the application for Material Change of Use (Dual Occupancy) at 32 South Street, Roma, described as Lot 3 on RP207624, subject to the following conditions:” preceding the listed conditions;


Resolution GM123.12 be updated to include the statement – “That Council approves the application for Material Change of Use “Industry” (Low Impact Industry) at 23 East Street, Wallumbilla, described as Lot 1 on RP846105, subject to the following conditions:” preceding the listed conditions;


Item 22.3, Page 16 – Reference to the Director Community Services stated interest in the item be amended to state – “The Director Community Services declared an Interest in the following item due to one of the applicants  being a family member  and left the Chambers at 3.28pm.”


CARRIED                                                                                                                      8/0



Business Arising FROM MiNUTES


There was no business arising from the minutes.


On the Table


There were no items for discussion on the table.


Presentations/Petitions and Deputations


There were no presentations/petitions or deputations at the meeting.


Consideration of notices of business


There were no notices of business for consideration.


Consideration of notices of motion


There were no notices of motion for consideration.


Reception of notices of motion for next meeting


No notices of motion were received for the next meeting.




Community Services


Cr. Price declared a perviceved conflict of interest in the following item due to her being a member of the Wallumbilla Town Improvement Group and chose to remain in the Chamber for discussion and debate on the item.


Item Number:                                   11.1

File Number: D12/15875

Subject Heading:                          Wallumbilla Showgrounds Sports Precinct    Redevelopment Master Plan

Location:                                          Wallumbilla

Author and Officer’s Title:                Fiona Vincent, Regional Sport & Recreation Coordinator

Executive Summary: 

After extensive community engagement, the Wallumbilla Showgrounds Sports Precinct Redevelopment Master Plan has been finalised and Council endorsement of the Plan is now sought.



Resolution No. GM.139.12

Moved Cr Newman                                                       Seconded Cr Wason  

That Council endorses the Wallumbilla Showgrounds Sports Precinct Redevelopment Master Plan and give consideration to partly fund the project stages 1 and 2 of the Plan in its 2012/13 budget deliberations.


CARRIED (Cr. Price voted in favour of the motion)                                                             8/0


Delegated Officer

Regional Sport & Recreation Coordinator



Item Number:                                   11.2

File Number: D12/15920

Subject Heading:                          Queensland Music Festival 2013

Applicant:                                         Queensland Music Festival

Author and Officer’s Title:                Jacqueline Burns, Regional Arts & Culture Coordinator


Executive Summary: 

Representatives of the Queensland Music Festival recently outlined a proposal to a Council workshop regarding their plans for the event in July 2013 in Roma.  The Queensland Music Festival seeks Council’s support of their proposal.



Cr. O’Neil enquired as to whether the Queensland Music Festival had provided an estimated budget for the proposed project.  The Director Community Services in turn advised this information had not yet been received.


Resolution No. GM.140.12

Moved Cr Price                                                             Seconded Cr Chambers  

That Council provides in-principle support for the 2013 Queensland Music Festival proposal and consider the extent of any financial and/or in-kind contribution to the project during its 2012/13 budget deliberations and after project budget details are provided by Queensland Music Festival.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      8/0


Delegated Officer

Regional Arts & Culture Coordinator



Corporate Services


Item Number:                                   12.1

File Number: D12/9263

Subject Heading:                          Disposal of Muckadilla State School Site

Location:                                          Muckadilla State School, Lot 32 on N25273

Applicant:                                         Department of Environment and Resource Management

Author and Officer’s Title:                Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities


Executive Summary: 

Education Queensland has instructed the Department of Environment and Resource Management to dispose of Lot 32 on N25273, being the Muckadilla State School site.  This site is no longer being used as a school and the Department of Environment and Resource Management is seeking Council’s views on this matter.


Resolution No. GM.141.12

Moved Cr Chambers                                                     Seconded Cr Wason  

  1. That Maranoa Regional Council offers no objection to the disposal of the disused Muckadilla State School site being Lot 32 on N25273;


2.   That Council’s preferred option for opening a road is option 1, a road to be opened along the frontage of the Muckadilla School allotment.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      8/0


Delegated Officer

Manager Risk and Facilities



Item Number:                                   12.2

File Number: D12/13781

Subject Heading:                          Lease of Euthulla Reserve

Location:                                          Lot A on CPWV835101 on Carnarvon Highway near Roma

Applicant:                                         Roma and District Bowmen Inc.

Author and Officer’s Title:                Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities


Executive Summary: 

The Roma and District Bowmen Incorporated are seeking a trustee lease over Lot A on Crown Plan WV835101.  This land is known as the Euthulla Reserve and has been used since 1999 by the group under a shared arrangement with the Roma Scout Group.


Resolution No. GM.142.12

Moved Cr O'Neil                                                            Seconded Cr Schefe  

That Council enters into a trustee lease with the Roma and District Bowmen Incorporated over Lot A on Crown Plan WV835101 with Council to incur all costs associated with drafting of legal documents and lodgement costs.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      8/0


Delegated Officer

Manager Risk and Facilities



Item Number:                                   12.3

File Number: D12/14004

Subject Heading:                          Application for Lease Renewal Special Lease   36/52637 over Lot 1 on Plan CP839509

Location:                                          Lot 1 on Plan CP839509

Author and Officer’s Title:                Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities


Executive Summary: 

The Department of Environment and Resource Management seeks Council’s views on an Application for Renewal of Special Lease 36/52637 over Lot 1 on CP839509.    This land is located 16.476 kilometres south of Bymount. The proposed use of the land is electrical purposes.



Resolution No. GM.143.12

Moved Cr Wason                                                          Seconded Cr Flynn  

That Council advise the Department of Environment and Resource Management that it has no objection to the application for renewal of special lease 36/52637 over Lot 1 on CP839509 with the proposed use of the land being electrical works and furthermore that there are no known non-indigenous cultural heritage values associated with the land.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      8/0


Delegated Officer

Manager Risk and Facilities



Item Number:                                   12.4

File Number: D12/14042

Subject Heading:                          Renewal of Lease - Maranoa Kindergarten

Location:                                          Lot 13 on CP R8613 - 49 Bungil Street Roma

Applicant:                                         Maranoa Kindergarten Association Inc

Author and Officer’s Title:                Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities

Executive Summary: 

The Maranoa Kindergarten Association had a three year lease with Council for Lot 13 on R8613.  These land and buildings are located at 49 Bungil Street Roma and house the Maranoa Kindergarten facility.  The Maranoa Kindergarten Association has expressed interest in renewing their lease with Council.


Resolution No. GM.144.12

Moved Cr Price                                                             Seconded Cr Newman  

That Council commence negotiations with the Maranoa Kindergarten Association with the view to renewing the lease on Lot 13 on R8613. The a monthly rental payment to be negotiated to contribute towards maintenance and ongoing upgrade works at the facility and furthermore that the draft negotiated lease conditions be tabled at Council meeting for decision.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      8/0


Delegated Officer

Manager Risk and Facilities



Item Number:                                   12.5

File Number: D12/14631

Subject Heading:                          Acquisition of Native Title Rights for Land       Development

Location:                                          Land described as Lot 1 on SP154291, Title Reference         40039606 - Cnr. Surat Tara Road and Thomby Road, Surat

Author and Officer’s Title:                Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities


Executive Summary: 

The purpose of this Report is to seek Council's approval to continue with the compulsory acquisition of native title rights and interests over land described as Lot 1 on SP154291, Title Reference 40039606  - Corner Surat Tara Road and Thomby Road, Surat ("the Land")


Resolution No. GM.145.12

Moved Cr Newman                                                       Seconded Cr Chambers  

That Council, having served a Notice of Intention to Acquire Native Title Rights and Interests ("the Notice") over Lot 1 on SP154291, Title Reference 40039606 - Corner Surat Tara Road and Thomby Road, Surat ("the Land"), on the Applicants for the Mandandanji People as the registered claimants;

(a)        Council did not receive any objection to the Notice;

(b)        Council will make an application to the Minister administering the Acquisition of Land Act 1967 that any native title rights and interests in and over the land be acquired for the purpose of acquiring freehold title in the land."

CARRIED                                                                                                                      8/0


Delegated Officer

Manager Risk and Facilities




Item Number:                                   12.6

File Number: D12/15363

Subject Heading:                          Relocation of Building to Roma History Lodge

Location:                                          17 McDowall Street Roma

Applicant:                                         Roma and District Family History Society Inc

Author and Officer’s Title:                Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities


Executive Summary: 

The Roma and District Family History Society Inc are seeking Council’s permission to position a building from the Romavilla Winery onto Council land at 17 McDowall Street Roma. This land is currently used by the Roma and District Family History Society and the group proposes to place the building adjacent to the current Family History Building.  It is recommended that Council provide its in-principle support to the proposal subject to conditions.



Resolution No. GM.146.12

Moved Cr O'Neil                                                            Seconded Cr Schefe  

That Council, in-principle supports the Roma and District Family History Society’s proposal to relocate the building from the Romavilla Winery to the land adjacent to the Family History Lodge, 17 McDowall Street Roma subject to all building and planning application requirements being met and approved by Council and all costs associated with the relocation, refurbishment and on-going maintenance of the building being met by the Roma and District Family History Society.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      8/0


Delegated Officer

Manager Risk and Facilities



Item Number:                                   12.7

File Number: D12/15591

Subject Heading:                          Application for Permit to Occupy

Location:                                          Lot 55 on Plan E531 being Camping and Water Reserve R16            Elgin

Author and Officer’s Title:                Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities


Executive Summary: 

The Department of Environment and Resource Management seeks Council’s views on an Application for Permit to Occupy over Lot 55 on Plan E531 being Camping and Water Reserve R16 Elgin.  The proposed use of the land is grazing.


Resolution No. GM.147.12

Moved Cr Wason                                                          Seconded Cr Newman  

That Council advise the Department of Environment and Resource Management that it has no record of  non-indigenous cultural heritage being present on the site and furthermore that it offers no objection to a Permit to Occupy being issued for Lot 55 on E531 subject to the following conditions:-


1.   The leased area is to have a stock proof fence to eliminate domestic grazing stock from entering nearby road reserve/s.

2.   The leased area is to be used for grazing purposes only, and in such a manner so as the land is not degraded as far as reasonably practical from this specified use.

3.   The lessee has a duty of care, to take all reasonable and practicable measures to sustainably manage the permit area.

4.   Any weeds identified in the Land (Pest and Stock Route) Management Act are to be controlled in such a manner that will not allow the spread of seed onto adjoining land or land further down any water course and or creek.

5.   Should any weeds  identified in the Land (Pest and Stock Route) Management Act be identified within the confines of the special lease land, the lessee is to notify the Department of Environment and Resource Management and the Local Government of the weed as soon as practicably possible.

6.   Authorised Council officers must be allowed entry to carry out inspections in relation to weeds. 

7.   The landholder is to be responsible for any litigation that may result from the “Trustee Lease or Trustee Permit” use.

8.   If this Camping and Water Reserve is required for its gazetted purpose, the applicant must allow entry and use for this purpose.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      8/0


Delegated Officer

Manager Risk and Facilities



Item Number:                                   12.8

File Number: D12/16341

Subject Heading:                          Council Land and Council Owned Freehold        Land

Location:                                          All Locations within Maranoa Regional

Author and Officer’s Title:                Matthew McGoldrick, Director of Corporate Services


Executive Summary: 

A Report listing Council Land and Council owned land was requested by Councillors. The attachments to this report list the parcels of land in Council’s name and the Freehold land owned by Council.


Resolution No. GM.148.12

Moved Cr Flynn                                                            Seconded Cr Price  

That Council receives and notes the report as presented.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      8/0


Delegated Officer

Director of Corporate Services



Planning & Environment


Item Number:                                   15.1

File Number: D12/15156

Subject Heading:                          Material Change of Use - "Accommodation         Units" (4 units) (File ref: 2011/17940)

Location:                                          73 Gregory Street, Roma Qld 4455 (Lot 2 on RP4440)

Applicant:                                         Fraser Developments Roman Court Pty Ltd

Author and Officer’s Title:                Danielle Pearn, Planning & Development Officer


Executive Summary:

Fraser Developments Roman Court Pty Ltd seek approval for a Material Change of Use to establish Accommodation Units at 73 Gregory Street, Roma, on land described as Lot 2 on RP4440.


The application is subject to Impact Assessment against the relevant provisions of Roma Town Planning Scheme 2006.  No submissions were received during the public notification period (20/01/2012 – 13/02/2012).


The proposed development is consistent with the Desired Environmental Outcomes (DEOs) and Urban Area Code contained in the Roma Town Planning Scheme 2006.



Cr. Denton entered the Chambers at 9.34am.


Resolution No. GM.149.12

Moved Cr Schefe                                                          Seconded Cr Price  

That Council approves the application for Material Change of Use (Accommodation Units – 4 units) at 73 Gregory Street, Roma, described as Lot 2 on RP4440, subject to the following conditions:


Complete and Maintain


1.       Complete and maintain the approved development as follows: (i) generally in accordance with development approval documents and (ii) strictly in accordance with those parts of the approved development which have been specified in detail by the Council or Referral Agency unless the Council or Referral Agency agrees in writing that those parts will be adequately complied with by amended specifications.


2.       Complete and maintain all operational, building and plumbing and drainage work associated with this development approval, including work required by any of the development approval conditions.


3.       Maintain the approved development being Material Change of Use (Accommodation Units) in accordance with the approved plans:



Plan/Document Number

Plan/Document Name


W10316 Sheet 8 of 11

Site Plan


W10316 Sheet 2 of 11

Lower Floor Plan – Units 1-4


W10316 Sheet 3 of 11

Upper Floor Plan – Units 1-4


W10316 Sheet  4 of 11



W10316 Sheet 4a of 11



CMDG – R-041

Residential Driveway Slab  and Tracks



4.       Services and infrastructure required in connection with the establishment of the approved development must be provided at no cost to Council.


5.       Any conflicts associated with proposed and existing services shall be forwarded by the developer to the appropriate controlling authority for approval for any proposed changes.


6.       This development permit is subject to approval of an Operational Works application for earthworks and stormwater management.


Stormwater and Drainage


6.       Stormwater must not be allowed to pond on the property being developed during the development process and after development has been completed unless the type and size of ponding has been agreed in writing by the Council or as a specific development approval condition.


7.       Post-development stormwater runoff flows from the development site are not to exceed pre-development stormwater runoff flows to adjoining properties.


8.       Any increases in volume, concentration or velocity of stormwater from the property being developed must be channelled to lawful points of discharge or to other storage or dispersal arrangements which must all be agreed in writing by the Council.


9.       There must be no increases in any silt loads or contaminants in any overland flow from the property being developed, during the development process and after development has been completed.


10.     The stormwater disposal system must be designed to include appropriate pollution control devices or methods to ensure no contamination or silting of creeks or other waterways.


11.     Soil erosion and sediment is controlled in accordance with Schedule 6: “Standards for Stormwater Drainage”.




Services Provisions


12.     The development to be connected to Council’s reticulated sewerage disposal system in accordance with the Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) publication WSA02-2002 Sewerage Code of Australia (version 2.3), at no cost to Council.


13.     The development is to be provided with a water connection, up to and including a path cock, to Council’s reticulated water supply system in accordance with the Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) publication WSA03-2002 Water Reticulation Code of Australia (version 2.3), at no cost to Council.


14.     The development must be connected to an electricity reticulation service in accordance with the relevant service provider’s requirements and specifications along with relevant building standards, requirements and specifications (as relevant).


15.     If the development is connected to a telecommunications service, then such works shall be undertaken in accordance with the relevant service provider’s requirements and specifications along with relevant building standards requirements and specifications (as relevant).


16.     All services installation, including sewer, water, gas, electricity and telecommunications connections to the respective networks, must comply with (i) the development approval conditions, (ii) any relevant provisions in the planning scheme for the area, (iii) Council’s standard designs for such work where such designs exist  (iv) the EDROC Standards Manual where it applies (v) any relevant Australian Standard that applies to that type of work and (vi) any alternative specifications that Council has agreed to in writing and which the developer must ensure do not conflict with any requirements imposed by any applicable laws and standards.


Rubbish Collection


17.     At all times while the use continues, waste containers shall be maintained in a clean and tidy state and shall be emptied and the waste removed from the site on a regular basis.


18.     All bins shall be shielded from the view of travelling public and neighbours.


Access, Car parking and Manoeuvring


19.     The landowner shall be responsible for construction and maintenance of vehicle crossovers from the road carriageway to the property boundary and for obtaining any approvals that may be required and for complying with the applicable designs and standards.


20.     Vehicle crossover from Gregory Street to the development site is to be constructed of concrete in accordance with drawing CMDG-R-041 Rev A - Residential Driveway Slab and Tracks.  The existing crossover to the development site is to be removed and the kerbing and channelling reinstated to match the existing profile.


21.     The vehicle crossover must be located a minimum distance of one metre from any street signage, power poles, street lights, manholes, stormwater gully pits or other Council assets.


22.     Vehicle manoeuvring areas must be provided on-site to allow vehicles to exit the site in a forward direction.


23.     Provide a total of seven car parking spaces on the site in accordance with the approved plans. 


24.     All carparking spaces and driveway areas are to be sealed with an approved impervious surface.  Surfacing shall consist of either patterned, reinforced concrete, concrete pavers, segmental clay pavers, asphaltic hotmix or two coat (primerseal/seal) bitumen seal. 


25.     Any damage to roads and infrastructure that is attributable to the progress of works on the site or vehicles associated with the development of the site, must be repaired to Council’s satisfaction or the cost of repairs paid to Council.




26.     All construction works on site are to be undertaken in accordance with the Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Engineering Guidelines for Queensland Construction sites (IE Aust, Queensland Division, Brisbane – or later versions).


27.     The developer shall immediately clean up and satisfactorily remove any deposited construction material or silt runoff from the development site.


Landscaping and Fencing


28.     Landscaping in the form of gardens and grassed areas, is to be provided onsite in accordance with the approved drawing W10316 Sheet 8 of 11 dated 06/12/2011.


29.     Ground covers should fully cover vegetated areas within 1 year of planting.


30.     Site landscaping must not interfere with electrical infrastructure nor restrict maintenance access to any onsite infrastructure, public utility or easement.


31.     A two metre high solid screen fence is to be provided along the northern, southern and western boundaries of the development site.


Avoiding Nuisance


33.     Lighting of the site, including any security lighting, shall be such that the lighting intensity does not exceed 8.0 lux at a distance of 1.5 metres from the site at any property boundary.


34.     All lighting shall be directed or shielded so as to ensure that no glare directly affects nearby properties.


35.     Any air conditioning, generator, refrigeration, pump, exhaust, fans, processing or other equipment must be acoustically screened to ensure noise levels do not exceed 5dB  above the background noise level.


36.     During the establishment of the approved development, no nuisance is to be caused to adjoining properties and occupiers by the way of smoke, dust, rubbish, contaminant, stormwater discharge or siltation at any time, including non-working hours.


Advertising Signs


37.     Any proposed advertising devices shall be subject to a further development application and planning approval unless the advertising devices are in accordance with the exempt or self assessable requirements of the relevant Council planning scheme.


Infrastructure Contributions


38.     An infrastructure contribution, in accordance with Council’s adopted Priority infrastructure Plan, of $63,000.00 is payable to the Council. The stated charge is to be paid prior to commencement of construction.




39.     All development approval conditions related to the establishment of the approved development must be fulfilled prior to any approved use commencing.


No Cost to Council


40.     The developer is responsible for meeting all costs associated with the approved development unless there is specific agreement by other parties, including the Council, to meeting those costs.


41.     All civil and related work shall be designed and supervised by a Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland (RPEQ) who are competent in the construction of the works.


42.     All rates and charges of any description and all arrears of such rates and charges, together with interest outstanding thereon, on the land, due to Council, shall be paid to the Council prior to occupation of the units.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Delegated Officer

Planning & Development Officer



Item Number:                                   15.2

File Number: D12/15160

Subject Heading:                          Material Change of Use - "Dual Occupancy"       (File Ref: 2011/17899)

Location:                                          18 Bassett Court, Roma (Lot 22 on SP240420)

Applicant:                                         Forde Builders Pty Ltd C/- Precinct Urban Planning Pty Ltd

Author and Officer’s Title:                Danielle Pearn, Planning & Development Officer


Executive Summary:

Forde Builders Pty Ltd seek approval for a Material Change of Use to establish a Dual Occupancy at 18 Bassett Court, Roma, on land described as Lot 22 SP240420.


The application is subject to Impact Assessment against the relevant provisions of Roma Town Planning Scheme 2006.  No submissions were received during the public notification period (16/01/2012 – 08/02/2012).


The proposed development is consistent with the Desired Environmental Outcomes (DEOs) and Urban Area Code contained in the Roma Town Planning Scheme 2006.  The provisions of State Planning Policy (SPP) 1/03 - Mitigating the Adverse Impacts of Flood, Bushfire and Landslide, are addressed through the imposition of development conditions.


Resolution No. GM.150.12

Moved Cr Newman                                                       Seconded Cr O'Neil  

That Council approves the application for Material Change of Use “Dual Occupancy” at 18 Bassett Court, Roma, described as Lot 22 on SP240420, subject to the following conditions:


Complete and Maintain


1.       Complete and maintain the approved development as follows: (i) generally in accordance with development approval documents and (ii) strictly in accordance with those parts of the approved development which have been specified in detail by the Council or Referral Agency unless the Council or Referral Agency agrees in writing that those parts will be adequately complied with by amended specifications.


2.       Complete and maintain all operational, building and plumbing and drainage work associated with this development approval, including work required by any of the development approval conditions.


3.       Maintain the approved development being Material Change of Use (Dual Occupancy) generally in accordance with the approved plans:


Plan/Document Number

Plan/Document Name


101113.01 AMDT 5 as amended in red.

Site Plan


101113.02 AMDT 5

Floor Plan


101113.03 AMDT 5



CMDG – R-041

Residential Driveway Slab  and Tracks



4.       Services and infrastructure required in connection with the establishment of the approved development must be provided at no cost to Council.


5.       Any conflicts associated with proposed and existing services shall be forwarded by the developer to the appropriate controlling authority for approval for any proposed changes.


6.       The proposed development must not exceed 8.5 metres in height above natural ground level.


Stormwater and Drainage


7.       Stormwater must not be allowed to pond on the property being developed during the development process and after development has been completed unless the type and size of ponding has been agreed in writing by the Council or as a specific development approval condition.


8.       Any increases in volume, concentration or velocity of stormwater from the property being developed must be channelled to lawful points of discharge or to other storage or dispersal arrangements which must all be agreed in writing by the Council.


9.       There must be no increases in any silt loads or contaminants in any overland flow from the property being developed, during the development process and after development has been completed.


10.     The stormwater disposal system must be designed to include appropriate pollution control devices or methods to ensure no contamination or silting of creeks or other waterways.


11.     Soil erosion and sediment is controlled in accordance with Schedule 6: “Standards for Stormwater Drainage”.


Services Provisions


12.     The development to be connected to Council’s reticulated sewerage disposal system in accordance with the Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) publication WSA02-2002 Sewerage Code of Australia (version 2.3), at no cost to Council.


13.     The development is to be provided with a water connection, up to and including a path cock, to Council’s reticulated water supply system in accordance with the Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) publication WSA03-2002 Water Reticulation Code of Australia (version 2.3), at no cost to Council.


14.     The development must be connected to an electricity reticulation service in accordance with the relevant service provider’s requirements and specifications along with relevant building standards, requirements and specifications (as relevant).


15.     The development is to be connected to reticulated gas supply at no cost to Council.


16.     If the development is connected to a telecommunications service, then such works shall be undertaken in accordance with the relevant service provider’s requirements and specifications along with relevant building standards requirements and specifications (as relevant).


17.     All services installation, including sewer, water, gas, electricity and telecommunications connections to the respective networks, must comply with (i) the development approval conditions, (ii) any relevant provisions in the planning scheme for the area, (iii) Council’s standard designs for such work where such designs exist  (iv) the EDROC Standards Manual where it applies (v) any relevant Australian Standard that applies to that type of work and (vi) any alternative specifications that Council has agreed to in writing and which the developer must ensure do not conflict with any requirements imposed by any applicable laws and standards.


Rubbish Collection


18.     At all times while the use continues, waste containers shall be maintained in a clean and tidy state and shall be emptied and the waste removed from the site on a regular basis.


19.     All bins shall be shielded from the view of travelling public and neighbours.


Access, Car parking and Manoeuvring


20.     The landowner shall be responsible for construction and maintenance of vehicle crossovers from the road carriageway to the property boundary and for obtaining any approvals that may be required and for complying with the applicable designs and standards.


21.     Vehicle crossover from Bassett Court is to be constructed of concrete in accordance with drawing CMDG-R-041 Rev A - Residential Driveway Slab and Tracks.


22.     Vehicle crossover must be located a minimum distance of one metre from any street signage, power poles, street lights, manholes, stormwater gully pits or other Council assets.


23.     Provide a total of five (5) car parking spaces on the site in accordance with the approved plans. 


24.     All carparking spaces and driveway areas are to be sealed with an approved impervious surface.  Surfacing shall consist of either patterned, reinforced concrete, concrete pavers, segmental clay pavers, asphaltic hotmix or two coat (primerseal/seal) bitumen seal. 


25.     Any damage to roads and infrastructure that is attributable to the progress of works on the site or vehicles associated with the development of the site, must be repaired to Council’s satisfaction or the cost of repairs paid to Council.




26.     All construction works on site are to be undertaken in accordance with the Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Engineering Guidelines for Queensland Construction sites (IE Aust, Queensland Division, Brisbane – or later versions).


27.     The developer shall immediately clean up and satisfactorily remove any deposited construction material or silt runoff from the development site.


Landscaping and Fencing


28.     Landscaping in the form of gardens and turfed areas, is to be provided in accordance with the approved drawing 101113.01 AMDT 5 dated 27/03/2012.


29.     Ground covers should fully cover vegetated areas within 1 year of planting.


30.     Site landscaping must not interfere with electrical infrastructure nor restrict maintenance access to any onsite infrastructure, public utility or easement.


31.     Site landscaping must not impede the free flow of flood waters nor result in a change of natural ground level.  


32.     All fencing must allow for free drainage and flow of flood waters.




33.     Filling of the development site is prohibited.


Avoiding Nuisance


34.     Lighting of the site, including any security lighting, shall be such that the lighting intensity does not exceed 8.0 lux at a distance of 1.5 metres from the site at any property boundary.


35.     All lighting shall be directed or shielded so as to ensure that no glare directly affects nearby properties.


36.     Any air conditioning, generator, refrigeration, pump, exhaust, fans, processing or other equipment must be acoustically screened to ensure noise levels do not exceed 5dB  above the background noise level.


37.     During the establishment of the approved development, no nuisance is to be caused to adjoining properties and occupiers by the way of smoke, dust, rubbish, contaminant, stormwater discharge or siltation at any time, including non-working hours.


Advertising Signs


38.     Any proposed advertising devices shall be subject to a further development application and planning approval unless the advertising devices are in accordance with the exempt or self assessable requirements of the relevant Council planning scheme.


Infrastructure Contributions


39.     An infrastructure contribution, in accordance with Council’s adopted Priority infrastructure Plan, of $21,000.00 is payable to the Council. The stated charge is to be paid prior to commencement of construction.


Flood Mitigation


40.     The natural ground level of the site must be maintained to allow free flow and drainage of flood waters across the site and avoid increasing flood water levels and velocity on adjoining properties.


41.     The premises is to be constructed on stumps and must achieve a finished floor height to the base of the bearers of at least 300mm above the 2012 flood height.  The underfloor area of the building must allow free flow of flood waters.




42.     All development approval conditions related to the establishment of the approved use must be fulfilled prior to occupation of the dwelling units.


No Cost to Council


43.     The developer is responsible for meeting all costs associated with the approved development unless there is specific agreement by other parties, including the Council, to meeting those costs.


44.     All civil and related work shall be designed and supervised by a Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland (RPEQ) who are competent in the construction of the works.


45.     All rates and charges of any description and all arrears of such rates and charges, together with interest outstanding thereon, on the land, due to Council, shall be paid to the Council prior to occupation of the units.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Delegated Officer

Planning & Development Officer



Item Number:                                   15.3

File Number: D12/15170

Subject Heading:                          Material Change of Use - "Accommodation         Units" (2 units) (File Ref: 2011/17900)

Location:                                          16 Bassett Court, Roma Qld 4455 (Lot 23 on SP240420)

Applicant:                                         Forde Builders Pty Ltd C/- Precinct Urban Planning Pty Ltd

Author and Officer’s Title:                Danielle Pearn, Planning & Development Officer


Executive Summary: 

Forde Builders Pty Ltd seek approval for a Material Change of Use to establish Accommodation Units at 16 Bassett Court, Roma, on land described as Lot 23 SP240420.


The application is subject to Impact Assessment against the relevant provisions of Roma Town Planning Scheme 2006.  No submissions were received during the public notification period (23/01/2012 – 15/02/2012).


The proposed development is consistent with the Desired Environmental Outcomes (DEOs) and Urban Area Code contained in the Roma Town Planning Scheme 2006.  The provisions of State Planning Policy (SPP) 1/03 - Mitigating the Adverse Impacts of Flood, Bushfire and Landslide, are addressed through the imposition of development conditions.


Resolution No. GM.151.12

Moved Cr Denton                                                          Seconded Cr Wason  

That Council approves the application for Material Change of Use “Accommodation Units” (2 units) at 16 Bassett Court, Roma, described as Lot 23 on SP240420, subject to the following conditions:


Complete and Maintain


1.       Complete and maintain the approved development as follows: (i) generally in accordance with development approval documents and (ii) strictly in accordance with those parts of the approved development which have been specified in detail by the Council or Referral Agency unless the Council or Referral Agency agrees in writing that those parts will be adequately complied with by amended specifications.


2.       Complete and maintain all operational, building and plumbing and drainage work associated with this development approval, including work required by any of the development approval conditions.


3.       Maintain the approved development being Material Change of Use (Accommodation Units) generally in accordance with the approved plans:


Plan/Document Number

Plan/Document Name


110712.01 AMDT 5 as amended in red.

Site Plan


110712.02 AMDT 5

Floor Plan – Unit 1


110712.03 AMDT 5

Floor Plan – Unit 2


110712.04 AMDT 5

Elevations – Unit 1


110712.05 AMDT 5

Elevations – Unit 2


CMDG – R-041

Residential Driveway Slab  and Tracks



4.       Services and infrastructure required in connection with the establishment of the approved development must be provided at no cost to Council.


5.       Any conflicts associated with proposed and existing services shall be forwarded by the developer to the appropriate controlling authority for approval for any proposed changes.


6.       The proposed development must not exceed 8.5 metres in height above natural ground level.


Stormwater and Drainage


7.       Stormwater must not be allowed to pond on the property being developed during the development process and after development has been completed unless the type and size of ponding has been agreed in writing by the Council or as a specific development approval condition.


8.       Any increases in volume, concentration or velocity of stormwater from the property being developed must be channelled to lawful points of discharge or to other storage or dispersal arrangements which must all be agreed in writing by the Council.


9.       There must be no increases in any silt loads or contaminants in any overland flow from the property being developed, during the development process and after development has been completed.


10.     The stormwater disposal system must be designed to include appropriate pollution control devices or methods to ensure no contamination or silting of creeks or other waterways.


11.     Soil erosion and sediment is controlled in accordance with Schedule 6: “Standards for Stormwater Drainage”.


Services Provisions


12.     The development to be connected to Council’s reticulated sewerage disposal system in accordance with the Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) publication WSA02-2002 Sewerage Code of Australia (version 2.3), at no cost to Council.


13.     The development is to be provided with a water connection, up to and including a path cock, to Council’s reticulated water supply system in accordance with the Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) publication WSA03-2002 Water Reticulation Code of Australia (version 2.3), at no cost to Council.


14.     The development must be connected to an electricity reticulation service in accordance with the relevant service provider’s requirements and specifications along with relevant building standards, requirements and specifications (as relevant).


15.     The development is to be connected to reticulated gas supply at no cost to Council.


16.     If the development is connected to a telecommunications service, then such works shall be undertaken in accordance with the relevant service provider’s requirements and specifications along with relevant building standards requirements and specifications (as relevant).


17.     All services installation, including sewer, water, gas, electricity and telecommunications connections to the respective networks, must comply with (i) the development approval conditions, (ii) any relevant provisions in the planning scheme for the area, (iii) Council’s standard designs for such work where such designs exist  (iv) the EDROC Standards Manual where it applies (v) any relevant Australian Standard that applies to that type of work and (vi) any alternative specifications that Council has agreed to in writing and which the developer must ensure do not conflict with any requirements imposed by any applicable laws and standards.


Rubbish Collection


18.     At all times while the use continues, waste containers shall be maintained in a clean and tidy state and shall be emptied and the waste removed from the site on a regular basis.


19.     All bins shall be shielded from the view of travelling public and neighbours.


Access, Car parking and Manoeuvring


20.     The landowner shall be responsible for construction and maintenance of vehicle crossovers from the road carriageway to the property boundary and for obtaining any approvals that may be required and for complying with the applicable designs and standards.


21.     Vehicle crossover from Bassett Court is to be constructed of concrete in accordance with drawing CMDG-R-041 Rev A - Residential Driveway Slab and Tracks.


22.     Vehicle crossover must be located a minimum distance of one metre from any street signage, power poles, street lights, manholes, stormwater gully pits or other Council assets.


23.  Vehicle manoeuvring areas must be provided on-site to allow vehicles to exit designated car parking spaces and leave the site in a forward direction.


24.     Provide a total of five (5) car parking spaces on the site in accordance with the approved plans. 


25.     All carparking spaces and driveway areas are to be sealed with an approved impervious surface.  Surfacing shall consist of either patterned, reinforced concrete, concrete pavers, segmental clay pavers, asphaltic hotmix or two coat (primerseal/seal) bitumen seal. 


26.     Any damage to roads and infrastructure that is attributable to the progress of works on the site or vehicles associated with the development of the site, must be repaired to Council’s satisfaction or the cost of repairs paid to Council.




27.     All construction works on site are to be undertaken in accordance with the Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Engineering Guidelines for Queensland Construction sites (IE Aust, Queensland Division, Brisbane – or later versions).


28.     The developer shall immediately clean up and satisfactorily remove any deposited construction material or silt runoff from the development site.


Landscaping and Fencing


29.     Landscaping in the form of gardens and turfed areas, is to be provided in accordance with the approved drawing 110712.01 AMDT 5 dated 05/04/2012.


30.     Ground covers should fully cover vegetated areas within 1 year of planting.


31.     Site landscaping must not interfere with electrical infrastructure nor restrict maintenance access to any onsite infrastructure, public utility or easement.


32.     Site landscaping must not impede the free flow of flood waters nor result in a change of natural ground level.  


33.     All fencing must allow for free drainage and flow of flood waters.




34.     Filling of the development site is prohibited.


Avoiding Nuisance


35.     Lighting of the site, including any security lighting, shall be such that the lighting intensity does not exceed 8.0 lux at a distance of 1.5 metres from the site at any property boundary.


36.     All lighting shall be directed or shielded so as to ensure that no glare directly affects nearby properties.


37.     Any air conditioning, generator, refrigeration, pump, exhaust, fans, processing or other equipment must be acoustically screened to ensure noise levels do not exceed 5dB  above the background noise level.


38.     During the establishment of the approved development, no nuisance is to be caused to adjoining properties and occupiers by the way of smoke, dust, rubbish, contaminant, stormwater discharge or siltation at any time, including non-working hours.


Advertising Signs


39.     Any proposed advertising devices shall be subject to a further development application and planning approval unless the advertising devices are in accordance with the exempt or self assessable requirements of the relevant Council planning scheme.


Infrastructure Contributions


40.     An infrastructure contribution, in accordance with Council’s adopted Priority infrastructure Plan, of $21,000.00 is payable to the Council. The stated charge is to be paid prior to commencement of construction.


Flood Mitigation


41.     The natural ground level of the site must be maintained to allow free flow and drainage of flood waters across the site and avoid increasing flood water levels and velocity on adjoining properties.


42.     The premises is to be constructed on stumps and must achieve a finished floor height to the base of the bearers of at least 300mm above the 2012 flood height.  The underfloor area of the building must allow free flow of flood waters.




43.     All development approval conditions related to the establishment of the approved development must be fulfilled prior to any approved use commencing.


No Cost to Council


44.     The developer is responsible for meeting all costs associated with the approved development unless there is specific agreement by other parties, including the Council, to meeting those costs.


45.     All civil and related work shall be designed and supervised by a Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland (RPEQ) who are competent in the construction of the works.


46.     All rates and charges of any description and all arrears of such rates and charges, together with interest outstanding thereon, on the land, due to Council, shall be paid to the Council prior to occupation of the units.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Delegated Officer

Planning & Development Officer



Item Number:                                   15.4

File Number: D12/15171

Subject Heading:                          Material Change of Use - "Dual Occupancy"       (File Ref: 2011/17901)

Location:                                          14 Bassett Court, Roma Qld 4455 (Lot 24 on SP24020)

Applicant:                                         Forde Builders Pty Ltd C/- Precinct Urban Planning Pty Ltd

Author and Officer’s Title:                Danielle Pearn, Planning & Development Officer


Executive Summary:

Forde Builders Pty Ltd seek approval for a Material Change of Use to establish a Dual Occupancy at 14 Bassett Court, Roma, on land described as Lot 24 on SP240420.


The application is subject to Impact Assessment against the relevant provisions of Roma Town Planning Scheme 2006.  No submissions were received during the public notification period (23/01/2012 – 15/02/2012).


The proposed development is consistent with the Desired Environmental Outcomes (DEOs) and Urban Area Code contained in the Roma Town Planning Scheme 2006.  The provisions of State Planning Policy (SPP) 1/03 - Mitigating the Adverse Impacts of Flood, Bushfire and Landslide, are addressed through the imposition of development conditions.


Resolution No. GM.152.12

Moved Cr Chambers                                                     Seconded Cr Flynn  

That Council approves the application for Material Change of Use “Dual Occupancy” at 14 Bassett Court, Roma, described as Lot 24 on SP240420, subject to the following conditions:


Complete and Maintain


1.       Complete and maintain the approved development as follows: (i) generally in accordance with development approval documents and (ii) strictly in accordance with those parts of the approved development which have been specified in detail by the Council or Referral Agency unless the Council or Referral Agency agrees in writing that those parts will be adequately complied with by amended specifications.


2.       Complete and maintain all operational, building and plumbing and drainage work associated with this development approval, including work required by any of the development approval conditions.


3.       Maintain the approved development being Material Change of Use (Dual Occupancy) generally in accordance with the approved plans:


Plan/Document Number

Plan/Document Name


110713.01 AMDT 5 as amended in red.

Site Plan


110713.02 AMDT 5

Floor Plan


110713.03 AMDT 5



CMDG – R-041

Residential Driveway Slab  and Tracks



4.       Services and infrastructure required in connection with the establishment of the approved development must be provided at no cost to Council.


5.       Any conflicts associated with proposed and existing services shall be forwarded by the developer to the appropriate controlling authority for approval for any proposed changes.


6.       The proposed development must not exceed 8.5 metres in height above natural ground level.


Stormwater and Drainage


7.       Stormwater must not be allowed to pond on the property being developed during the development process and after development has been completed unless the type and size of ponding has been agreed in writing by the Council or as a specific development approval condition.


8.       Any increases in volume, concentration or velocity of stormwater from the property being developed must be channelled to lawful points of discharge or to other storage or dispersal arrangements which must all be agreed in writing by the Council.


9.       There must be no increases in any silt loads or contaminants in any overland flow from the property being developed, during the development process and after development has been completed.


10.     The stormwater disposal system must be designed to include appropriate pollution control devices or methods to ensure no contamination or silting of creeks or other waterways.


11.     Soil erosion and sediment is controlled in accordance with Schedule 6: “Standards for Stormwater Drainage”.


Services Provisions


12.     The development to be connected to Council’s reticulated sewerage disposal system in accordance with the Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) publication WSA02-2002 Sewerage Code of Australia (version 2.3), at no cost to Council.


13.     The development is to be provided with a water connection, up to and including a path cock, to Council’s reticulated water supply system in accordance with the Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) publication WSA03-2002 Water Reticulation Code of Australia (version 2.3), at no cost to Council.


14.     The development must be connected to an electricity reticulation service in accordance with the relevant service provider’s requirements and specifications along with relevant building standards, requirements and specifications (as relevant).


15.     The development is to be connected to reticulated gas supply at no cost to Council.


16.     If the development is connected to a telecommunications service, then such works shall be undertaken in accordance with the relevant service provider’s requirements and specifications along with relevant building standards requirements and specifications (as relevant).


17.     All services installation, including sewer, water, gas, electricity and telecommunications connections to the respective networks, must comply with (i) the development approval conditions, (ii) any relevant provisions in the planning scheme for the area, (iii) Council’s standard designs for such work where such designs exist  (iv) the EDROC Standards Manual where it applies (v) any relevant Australian Standard that applies to that type of work and (vi) any alternative specifications that Council has agreed to in writing and which the developer must ensure do not conflict with any requirements imposed by any applicable laws and standards.


Rubbish Collection


18.     At all times while the use continues, waste containers shall be maintained in a clean and tidy state and shall be emptied and the waste removed from the site on a regular basis.


19.     All bins shall be shielded from the view of travelling public and neighbours.


Access, Car parking and Manoeuvring


20.     The landowner shall be responsible for construction and maintenance of vehicle crossovers from the road carriageway to the property boundary and for obtaining any approvals that may be required and for complying with the applicable designs and standards.


21.     Vehicle crossover from Bassett Court is to be constructed of concrete in accordance with drawing CMDG-R-041 Rev A - Residential Driveway Slab and Tracks.


22.     Vehicle crossover must be located a minimum distance of one metre from any street signage, power poles, street lights, manholes, stormwater gully pits or other Council assets.


23.     Provide a total of five (5) car parking spaces on the site in accordance with the approved plans. 


24.     All carparking spaces and driveway areas are to be sealed with an approved impervious surface.  Surfacing shall consist of either patterned, reinforced concrete, concrete pavers, segmental clay pavers, asphaltic hotmix or two coat (primerseal/seal) bitumen seal. 


25.     Any damage to roads and infrastructure that is attributable to the progress of works on the site or vehicles associated with the development of the site, must be repaired to Council’s satisfaction or the cost of repairs paid to Council.




26.     All construction works on site are to be undertaken in accordance with the Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Engineering Guidelines for Queensland Construction sites (IE Aust, Queensland Division, Brisbane – or later versions).


27.     The developer shall immediately clean up and satisfactorily remove any deposited construction material or silt runoff from the development site.


Landscaping and Fencing


28.     Landscaping in the form of gardens and turfed areas, is to be provided in accordance with the approved drawing 110713.01 AMDT 5 dated 05/04/2012.


29.     Ground covers should fully cover vegetated areas within 1 year of planting.


30.     Site landscaping must not interfere with electrical infrastructure nor restrict maintenance access to any onsite infrastructure, public utility or easement.


31.     Site landscaping must not impede the free flow of flood waters nor result in a change of natural ground level.  


32.     All fencing must allow for free drainage and flow of flood waters.




33.     Filling of the development site is prohibited.


Avoiding Nuisance


34.     Lighting of the site, including any security lighting, shall be such that the lighting intensity does not exceed 8.0 lux at a distance of 1.5 metres from the site at any property boundary.


35.     All lighting shall be directed or shielded so as to ensure that no glare directly affects nearby properties.


36.     Any air conditioning, generator, refrigeration, pump, exhaust, fans, processing or other equipment must be acoustically screened to ensure noise levels do not exceed 5dB  above the background noise level.


37.     During the establishment of the approved development, no nuisance is to be caused to adjoining properties and occupiers by the way of smoke, dust, rubbish, contaminant, stormwater discharge or siltation at any time, including non-working hours.


Advertising Signs


38.     Any proposed advertising devices shall be subject to a further development application and planning approval unless the advertising devices are in accordance with the exempt or self assessable requirements of the relevant Council planning scheme.


Infrastructure Contributions


39.     An infrastructure contribution, in accordance with Council’s adopted Priority infrastructure Plan, of $21,000.00 is payable to the Council. The stated charge is to be paid prior to commencement of construction.


Flood Mitigation


40.     The natural ground level of the site must be maintained to allow free flow and drainage of flood waters across the site and avoid increasing flood water levels and velocity on adjoining properties.


41.     The premises is to be constructed on stumps and must achieve a finished floor height to the base of the bearers of at least 300mm above the 2012 flood height.  The underfloor area of the building must allow free flow of flood waters.




42.     All development approval conditions related to the establishment of the approved  development must be fulfilled prior to any approved use commencing.


No Cost to Council


43.     The developer is responsible for meeting all costs associated with the approved development unless there is specific agreement by other parties, including the Council, to meeting those costs.


44.     All civil and related work shall be designed and supervised by a Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland (RPEQ) who are competent in the construction of the works.


45.     All rates and charges of any description and all arrears of such rates and charges, together with interest outstanding thereon, on the land, due to Council, shall be paid to the Council prior to occupation of the units.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Delegated Officer

Planning & Development Officer



Item Number:                                   15.5

File Number: D12/15172

Subject Heading:                          Material Change of Use - "Dual Occupancy"       (File Ref: 2011/17898)

Location:                                          13 Bassett Court, Roma Qld 4455 (Lot 9 on SP240420)

Applicant:                                         Forde Builders Pty Ltd C/- Precinct Urban Planning Pty Ltd

Author and Officer’s Title:                Danielle Pearn, Planning & Development Officer


Executive Summary

Forde Builders Pty Ltd seek approval for a Material Change of Use to establish a Dual Occupancy at 13 Bassett Court, Roma, on land described as Lot 9 SP240420.


The application is subject to Impact Assessment against the relevant provisions of Roma Town Planning Scheme 2006.  No submissions were received during the public notification period (16/01/2012 – 08/02/2012).


The proposed development is consistent with the Desired Environmental Outcomes (DEOs) and Urban Area Code contained in the Roma Town Planning Scheme 2006.  The provisions of State Planning Policy (SPP) 1/03 - Mitigating the Adverse Impacts of Flood, Bushfire and Landslide, are addressed through the imposition of development conditions.


Resolution No. GM.153.12

Moved Cr Wason                                                          Seconded Cr O'Neil  

That Council approves the application for Material Change of Use “Dual Occupancy” at 13 Bassett Court, Roma, described as Lot 9 on SP240420, subject to the following conditions:


Complete and Maintain


1.       Complete and maintain the approved development as follows: (i) generally in accordance with development approval documents and (ii) strictly in accordance with those parts of the approved development which have been specified in detail by the Council or Referral Agency unless the Council or Referral Agency agrees in writing that those parts will be adequately complied with by amended specifications.


2.       Complete and maintain all operational, building and plumbing and drainage work associated with this development approval, including work required by any of the development approval conditions.


3.       Maintain the approved development being Material Change of Use (Dual Occupancy) generally in accordance with the approved plans:


Plan/Document Number

Plan/Document Name


101208.01 AMDT 4 as amended in red.

Site Plan


101208.02 AMDT 4

Floor Plan


101208.03 AMDT 4



CMDG – R-041

Residential Driveway Slab  and Tracks



4.       Services and infrastructure required in connection with the establishment of the approved development must be provided at no cost to Council.


5.       Any conflicts associated with proposed and existing services shall be forwarded by the developer to the appropriate controlling authority for approval for any proposed changes.


6.       The proposed development must not exceed 8.5 metres in height above natural ground level.


Stormwater and Drainage


7.       Stormwater must not be allowed to pond on the property being developed during the development process and after development has been completed unless the type and size of ponding has been agreed in writing by the Council or as a specific development approval condition.


8.       Any increases in volume, concentration or velocity of stormwater from the property being developed must be channelled to lawful points of discharge or to other storage or dispersal arrangements which must all be agreed in writing by the Council.


9.       There must be no increases in any silt loads or contaminants in any overland flow from the property being developed, during the development process and after development has been completed.


10.     The stormwater disposal system must be designed to include appropriate pollution control devices or methods to ensure no contamination or silting of creeks or other waterways.


11.     Soil erosion and sediment is controlled in accordance with Schedule 6: “Standards for Stormwater Drainage”.


Services Provisions


12.     The development to be connected to Council’s reticulated sewerage disposal system in accordance with the Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) publication WSA02-2002 Sewerage Code of Australia (version 2.3), at no cost to Council.


13.     The development is to be provided with a water connection, up to and including a path cock, to Council’s reticulated water supply system in accordance with the Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) publication WSA03-2002 Water Reticulation Code of Australia (version 2.3), at no cost to Council.


14.     The development must be connected to an electricity reticulation service in accordance with the relevant service provider’s requirements and specifications along with relevant building standards, requirements and specifications (as relevant).


15.     The development is to be connected to reticulated gas supply at no cost to Council.


16.     If the development is connected to a telecommunications service, then such works shall be undertaken in accordance with the relevant service provider’s requirements and specifications along with relevant building standards requirements and specifications (as relevant).


17.     All services installation, including sewer, water, gas, electricity and telecommunications connections to the respective networks, must comply with (i) the development approval conditions, (ii) any relevant provisions in the planning scheme for the area, (iii) Council’s standard designs for such work where such designs exist  (iv) the EDROC Standards Manual where it applies (v) any relevant Australian Standard that applies to that type of work and (vi) any alternative specifications that Council has agreed to in writing and which the developer must ensure do not conflict with any requirements imposed by any applicable laws and standards.


Rubbish Collection


18.     At all times while the use continues, waste containers shall be maintained in a clean and tidy state and shall be emptied and the waste removed from the site on a regular basis.


19.     All bins shall be shielded from the view of travelling public and neighbours.


Access, Car parking and Manoeuvring


20.     The landowner shall be responsible for construction and maintenance of vehicle crossovers from the road carriageway to the property boundary and for obtaining any approvals that may be required and for complying with the applicable designs and standards.


21.     Vehicle crossover from Bassett Court is to be constructed of concrete in accordance with drawing CMDG-R-041 Rev A - Residential Driveway Slab and Tracks.


22.     Vehicle crossover must be located a minimum distance of one metre from any street signage, power poles, street lights, manholes, stormwater gully pits or other Council assets.


23.     Provide a total of five (5) car parking spaces on the site in accordance with the approved plans. 


24.     All carparking spaces and driveway areas are to be sealed with an approved impervious surface.  Surfacing shall consist of either patterned, reinforced concrete, concrete pavers, segmental clay pavers, asphaltic hotmix or two coat (primerseal/seal) bitumen seal. 


25.     Any damage to roads and infrastructure that is attributable to the progress of works on the site or vehicles associated with the development of the site, must be repaired to Council’s satisfaction or the cost of repairs paid to Council.




26.     All construction works on site are to be undertaken in accordance with the Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Engineering Guidelines for Queensland Construction sites (IE Aust, Queensland Division, Brisbane – or later versions).


27.     The developer shall immediately clean up and satisfactorily remove any deposited construction material or silt runoff from the development site.


Landscaping and Fencing


28.     Landscaping in the form of gardens and turfed areas, is to be provided in accordance with the approved drawing 101208.01 AMDT 4 dated 10/04/2012.


29.     Ground covers should fully cover vegetated areas within 1 year of planting.


30.     Site landscaping must not interfere with electrical infrastructure nor restrict maintenance access to any onsite infrastructure, public utility or easement.


31.     Site landscaping must not impede the free flow of flood waters nor result in a change of natural ground level.  


32.     All fencing must allow for free drainage and flow of flood waters.




33.     Filling of the development site is prohibited.


Avoiding Nuisance


34.     Lighting of the site, including any security lighting, shall be such that the lighting intensity does not exceed 8.0 lux at a distance of 1.5 metres from the site at any property boundary.


35.     All lighting shall be directed or shielded so as to ensure that no glare directly affects nearby properties.


36.     Any air conditioning, generator, refrigeration, pump, exhaust, fans, processing or other equipment must be acoustically screened to ensure noise levels do not exceed 5dB  above the background noise level.


37.     During the establishment of the approved development, no nuisance is to be caused to adjoining properties and occupiers by the way of smoke, dust, rubbish, contaminant, stormwater discharge or siltation at any time, including non-working hours.


Advertising Signs


38.     Any proposed advertising devices shall be subject to a further development application and planning approval unless the advertising devices are in accordance with the exempt or self assessable requirements of the relevant Council planning scheme.


Infrastructure Contributions


39.     An infrastructure contribution, in accordance with Council’s adopted Priority infrastructure Plan, of $21,000.00 is payable to the Council. The stated charge is to be paid prior to commencement of construction.


Flood Mitigation


40.     The natural ground level of the site must be maintained to allow free flow and drainage of flood waters across the site and avoid increasing flood water levels and velocity on adjoining properties.


41.     The premises is to be constructed on stumps and must achieve a finished floor height to the base of the bearers of at least 300mm above the 2012 flood height.  The underfloor area of the building must allow free flow of flood waters.




42.     All development approval conditions related to the establishment of the approved     development must be fulfilled prior to any approved use commencing.


No Cost to Council


43.     The developer is responsible for meeting all costs associated with the approved development unless there is specific agreement by other parties, including the Council, to meeting those costs.


44.     All civil and related work shall be designed and supervised by a Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland (RPEQ) who are competent in the construction of the works.


45.     All rates and charges of any description and all arrears of such rates and charges, together with interest outstanding thereon, on the land, due to Council, shall be paid to the Council prior to occupation of the units.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Delegated Officer

Planning & Development Officer



Late Items


Item Number:                                   L.1

File Number: D12/16485

Subject Heading:                          Carbon Tax Impact on Council Gas Business

Author and Officer’s Title:                Matthew McGoldrick, Director of Corporate Services


Executive Summary: 

This report is produced to update Council on some of the issues relating to the Carbon Tax and it’s impact on Council’s Gas Business.



Director Corporate Services delivered Council an overview on the Clean Energy Regulator’s responses to questions raised in relation to Carbon Tax impacts to Council’s gas business.


Resolution No. GM.154.12

Moved Cr Wason                                                          Seconded Cr O'Neil  

That Council receive and note the report as presented.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Delegated Officer

Director of Corporate Services



Subject Heading:          suspension of standing orders

Council adjourned the meeting for morning tea at 10.04am


Subject Heading:          resumption of standing orders

Council returned from morning tea at 10.55am





In accord with the provisions of section 72 of the Local Government (Operations) Regulation 2010, Council resolved to close the meeting to discuss items it has deemed to be of a confidential nature and specifically pertaining to the following sections:-

          (d)      rating concessions;

          (h)      other business for which a public discussion would be likely to prejudice the interests of the local government or someone else, or enable a person to gain a financial advantage;

          (e)      contracts proposed to be made by it;



Resolution No. GM.155.12

Moved Cr Wason                                                          Seconded Cr Newman


That Council close the meeting to the public at 10.56am.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0



Cr. Chambers declared a perceived ‘Conflict of Interest’ in item 22.5 “Roma Recreation Centre – Expression of interest 12/11 – Lease and Management”  due to a family member being the partner of one of the applicants.  Cr. Chambers remained in the Chamber for discussion on the item.


Cr. Schefe declared a ‘Conflict of Interest’ in item 22.5 “Roma Recreation Centre – Expression of interest 12/11 – Lease and Management”  due to his wife being contracted to deliver fitness classes with the current lessee, who is also an applicant  for Lease and Management of the Centre and left the Chambers at 1.04pm taking no further part in discussions on the item.


Cr. Schefe entered the Chamber upon cessation of discussion on the above mentioned item at 1.07pm.


Cr. Loughnan declared a perceived ‘Conflict of Interest’ in item 22.2 “Regional Arts Development Fund – Round 4” due to his involvement with the Bymount Community  Recreation Association, one of the applications submitted for  assessment under the fund.  Cr. Loughnan remained in the Chamber for discussion on the item.



Resolution No. GM.156.12

Moved Cr O’Neil                                                           Seconded Cr Newman


That Council open the meeting to the public at 1.11pm.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0



Subject Heading:          suspension of standing orders

Council adjourned the meeting for lunch at 1.12pm


Subject Heading:          resumption of standing orders

Council returned from lunch at 1.43pm



Item Number:                                   22.1

File Number: D12/7039

Subject Heading:                          Request for refund of water connection          charge

Location:                                          Roma

Author and Officer’s Title:                Karen Searle, Financial Services & Rates Coordinator


Executive Summary: 

Ratepayer requesting refund of water access charge in relation to Assessment Number 14010011.


Resolution No. GM.157.12

Moved Cr Wason                                                          Seconded Cr Newman  

That Council approves the applicant’s request to refund the  2010/11 and 2011/12 financial year 50mm Water Access Charge.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Delegated Officer

Financial Services & Rates Coordinator


Cr. Loughnan declared a perceived ‘Conflict of Interest’ in the following item due to his involvement with the Bymount Community  Recreation Association, one of the applications submitted for  assessment under the fund.  Cr. Loughnan remained in the Chamber for discussion and debate on the item.


Item Number:                                   22.2

File Number: D12/12850

Subject Heading:                          Regional Arts Development Fund - Round 4

Author and Officer’s Title:                Susan Sands, Grants Coordinator


Executive Summary: 

The Maranoa Regional Council Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) Committee has assessed funding applications for arts and cultural projects and activities submitted under the May 2012 funding round.


Resolution No. GM.158.12

Moved Cr Price                                                             Seconded Cr O'Neil  

That Council endorses the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) Committee’s grant assessment recommendation to not approve any applications of the May 2012 round of RADF as all applications were assessed as noncompliant with the RADF Guidelines.


CARRIED (Cr. Loughnan voted in favour of the motion)                                                       9/0


Delegated Officer

Grants Coordinator



Item Number:                                   22.3

File Number: D12/16061

Subject Heading:                          Tender 12/18 - Great Artesian Spa Management   Contract

Location:                                          The Great Artesian Spa, Cambridge Street Mitchell

Author and Officer’s Title:                Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities


Executive Summary: 

Council is asked to consider the tenders received for the management of the Great Artesian Spa Complex in Cambridge Street Mitchell. 


Resolution No. GM.159.12

Moved Cr Chambers                                                     Seconded Cr Flynn  

That Council accepts the tender from Adam Ross Rush trading as H20 Rush for the tendered price of $126,500 including GST per annum for the management of the Great Artesian Spa Complex.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Delegated Officer

Manager Risk and Facilities



Item Number:                                   22.4

File Number: D12/16421

Subject Heading:                          Repositioning of the Corporate Services          Directorate and contracting the Rates              function

Author and Officer’s Title:                Matthew McGoldrick, Director of Corporate Services


Executive Summary: 

This report is presented to inform Council of the proposed changes to the Corporate Services Directorate.  The two significant changes to the Directorate are the repositioning of all the Finance functions to Roma and the proposal to contract out the Rates function.


Resolution No. GM.160.12

Moved Cr Newman                                                       Seconded Cr Chambers  

That Council endorses the proposed changes to the Corporate Services  Directorate Structure.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Delegated Officer

Director of Corporate Services



Resolution No. GM.161.12

Moved Cr Chambers                                                     Seconded Cr O'Neil


That Council call tenders for the management of Council’s Rates function for a period of two years with the option for both parties to give consideration to extending the contract for a further 2 years.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Delegated Officer

Director Corporate Services



Item Number:                                   22.5

File Number: D12/16422

Subject Heading:                          Tender 12/17 - Managment of the Mitchell Pool

Location:                                          Cambridge Street Mitchell

Author and Officer’s Title:                Matthew McGoldrick, Director of Corporate Services


Executive Summary: 

Tenders for the Management of the Mitchell Pool were advertised with the closure of submissions being the 23rd March 2012. There were three Tenderers with one of the Tenderers also submitting a Tender for the management of the Spa. 


Resolution No. GM.162.12

Moved Cr Newman                                                       Seconded Cr Denton  

That Council awards the Tender for the management of the Mitchell pool to Katrina Mansfield for a period of three years for an amount of $55,000 per annum inclusive of GST plus Public Liability Insurance costs.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Delegated Officer

Director of Corporate Services



Item Number:                                   22.6

File Number: D12/16399

Subject Heading:                          Tender for the Sale of Land

Location:                                          29A Bowen Street Roma. Roma Neighbourhood Centre

Author and Officer’s Title:                Matthew McGoldrick, Director of Corporate Services


Executive Summary: 

Tender 12/20 for the Sale of 29A Bowen Street was let on the 12th April, 2012. This was a Tender that was let after an Expression of Interest was called.


Resolution No. GM.163.12

Moved Cr Chambers                                                     Seconded Cr Schefe  

That Council rejects the Tender from ABFAB Pty Ltd for a deferred sale for either Option 1 $695,000 (Ex GST) buildings retained or Option 2 $725,000 (Ex GST) buildings removed but continue to negotiate with the Tenderer and/or consider other options for the site.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Delegated Officer

Director of Corporate Services







Item Number:                                   22.7

File Number: D12/16700

Subject Heading:                          Surat Basin Corporation - Toowoomba   Regional Enterprise

Author and Officer’s Title:                Edward Sims, Manager Organisational Performance


Executive Summary: 

The members of Surat Basin Corporation and Toowoomba Region Enterprise have agreed to merge the two organisations to form a single body to represent the business community in the Surat Basin.  This report provides background information which will guide Council in its decisions about its future involvement in the new organisation.


Resolution No. GM.164.12

Moved Cr Price                                                             Seconded Cr Newman  

That Council  in principle supports becoming a member of the new Regional Economic Development Organisation which will be formed from the merger of Surat Basin Corporation and Toowoomba Regional Enterprise.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Delegated Officer

Manager Organisational Performance


Cr. Chambers declared a perceived ‘Conflict of Interest’ in the following item due to a family member being the partner of one of the applicants.  Cr. Chambers remained in the Chamber for discussion and debate  on the item.


Cr. Schefe declared a ‘Conflict of Interest’ in the following item  due to his wife being contracted to deliver fitness classes with the current lessee, who is also an applicant  for Lease and Management of the Centre,  and left the Chambers at 1.50pm taking no further part in discussions or debate on the item.



Item Number:                                   L.1

File Number: D12/16899

Subject Heading:                          Roma Recreation Centre - Expression of             Interest 12/11 - Lease and Managment

Location:                                          George Street Roma

Author and Officer’s Title:                Matthew McGoldrick, Director of Corporate Services


Executive Summary: 

Expressions of Interest were advertised for the Lease and Management of the Roma Recreation Centre and this closed on the 2nd April, 2012. Due to the caretaker period, election, staff leave and statutory meeting the consideration of this matter by Council has been delayed. The evaluation of the Expressions of Interest is complete.


Resolution No. GM.165.12

Moved Cr Price                                                             Seconded Cr O'Neil  

That the Expressions of Interest received from T & S Franks, Vital Health and PCYC be placed on the short list for a Tender and be invited to Tender for the Lease and Management of the Roma Recreation Centre in accordance with Section 177(6) of the Local Government (Finance, Plans and Reporting) Regulation 2010.


Tender specification are to be let and assessed based on cost to Council, Term and annual lease amount from the Tenderer, if any; and,


Tenderers be advised that the combination of the EOI ranking and the most advantageous Tender will form the basis for the decision of Council to award the Tender.


CARRIED (Cr Chambers voted in favour of the motion)                                                       8/0


Delegated Officer

Director of Corporate Services


At cessation of discussion and debate on the abovementioned item Cr. Schefe returned to the Chamber at 1.52pm.


Item Number:                                   L.2

File Number: D12/16486

Subject Heading:                          Water Meter Reading

Author and Officer’s Title:                Matthew McGoldrick, Director of Corporate Services


Executive Summary: 

This report is seeking Council’s support for the introduction of meter reading across Council by Contract rather than by day labour staff.


Resolution No. GM.166.12

Moved Cr Newman                                                       Seconded Cr Wason  

That Council give in-principle support to Tender for the reading of meters (water and gas) across the Maranoa Region.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Delegated Officer

Director of Corporate Services






There being no further business, the Mayor thanked Council for their attendance and declared the meeting closed at 1.54pm.



These Minutes are to be confirmed at the next General Meeting of Council to be held on 27 June 2012, at Roma Administration Centre.





...............……….................                                                      ..................................

Mayor.                                                                          Date.





Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  27 June 2012

Officer Report

Meeting: General  27 June 2012

Date: 19 June 2012

Item Number: 10.1

File Number: D12/17985


Subject Heading:                     Councillor Expense & Provision of Facilities Policy

Classification:                                  Open Access  

Name of Applicant:                         Not Applicable

Location:                                           Not Applicable

Author & Officer’s Title:                 Kelly Rogers, Coordinator Executive Services



Executive Summary: 

The Local Government Act 2009 requires that Council must adopt, by resolution, an Expenses reimbursement policy which is consistent with the local government principles and the financial sustainability criteria under section 102 of the Act.



Officer’s Recommendation: 

That Council adopts the revised Councillor Expense & Provision of Facilities Policy as presented.



Body of Report:

The 2012 Quadrennial Local Government Election and introduction of the Local Government Act 2009 gives rise to the need for Council to review the existing Councillor Expense & Provision of Facilities Policy.  To this end a draft revision was presented to Council at a Workshop on 5 June 2012 for comment. 


The attached revised policy is now presented to Council for adoption.


Consultation (internal/external):


Rob Hayward - Acting Chief Executive Officer

Donald Wells – Human Resources Manager

Damon Meadows – Department of Local Government

Mark Leyland – Local Government Association of Queensland

Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):

Legal - It is a requirement under the Local Government Act 2009 that Council adopts a Councillor Expense & provision of Facilities Policy.

Policy Implications:


Financial Resource Implications:

Associated costs for Councillor Expenses and provision of equipment to be included as part of the 2012/13 budget deliberations.


Link to Corporate Plan:

Corporate Plan 2009-2013 8.1.1(a) To undertake all governance functions and activities in a professional manner promoting corporate ethics and integrity and informed decision making practices so as foster an operating environment advocating fairness, equity and consistency.

Supporting Documentation:


Draft Councillor Expense & Provision of Facilities Policy



Report authorised by:

Robert Hayward, Acting Chief Executive Officer

Attachment 1

Draft Councillor Expense & Provision of Facilities Policy






TITLE:   Councillor Expense & Provision of Facilities Policy



Category:                                 (Statutory)

Endorsed by Council on:    27 June 2012

Responsible Department:   OFFICE OF THE CEO

Reference No.:                                              SY.7.2





This policy will ensure accountability and transparency in the reimbursement of expenses incurred by the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Councillors in line with statutory requirements and community expectations while Councillors carry out their duties and responsibilities as elected representatives of Maranoa Regional Council.


This policy will also ensure that elected members are provided with reasonable facilities and other support necessary to assist them in carrying out their civic duties.




This policy applies to the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Councillors of Maranoa Regional Council.




Council Business


Means official business conducted on behalf of, and approved by, Council where a Councillor is required to undertake certain tasks to satisfy legislative requirements or achieve business continuity for the Council. Council Business should result in a benefit being achieved either for the local government and/or the local government area.


The definition of Council Business is critical to determining when Council resources and costs can be attributed. Council Business is defined through Schedule A of this policy.




Means the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Councillors.




Expenses are payments made by Council to reimburse Councillors for their reasonable expenses incurred or to be incurred when discharging their duties as councillors. These payments are not regarded as remuneration. The expenses may be either reimbursed to Councillors or paid direct by Council for something that is deemed a necessary cost or charge when performing their roles.




Facilities provided by Council to Councillors are the ‘tools of trade’ required to enable them to perform their duties with relative ease and at a standard appropriate to fulfil their professional role for the community.


Community Consultation


Means Council Business as outlined in schedule A and generally refers to Councillor Consultation with community members, business, State and Federal Government departments and other stakeholders to keep informed of policy, business and community sentiment.   


Civic Duties


Means Council Business as outlined in schedule A and generally refers to Councillor attendance at an event or function to perform official duties or as an official Council representative.




Councillors must make sound judgements and consider what is prudent, responsible and acceptable to their communities when determining reasonable levels of facilities and expenditure. The community expects limits and does not want to see excessive use or abuse of public funds.





1.   Private Use of Council Owned Vehicles and Facilities


Based on the principle that ‘no private benefit is to be gained’ the following policy ensures that any Council owned motor vehicles and/or facilities provided to Councillors by the Council are to be used only for Council business and the policy sets out the terms under which a Councillor will reimburse Council for any private use.

2.   Choose To Accept or Reject


A Councillor may choose to accept or reject payment for all or any of the below expenses.

3.   Review


5.1  All allowances (other than Mileage Allowance) herein are to be reviewed as considered appropriate by Council.


5.2  Mileage Allowance is to be reviewed as part of budget deliberations.

6    Approved Meetings


The Schedule of Authorised Meetings and functions describes approved meetings for the purposes of this policy which are defined as Council Business.  The Schedule of Authorised Meetings and functions is to be amended as required.

7    Payment of Expenses


Expenses will be paid to a Councillor through administrative processes approved by the Chief Executive Officer subject to the limits outlined in the Policy and Council endorsement by resolution.

7.1 External Meetings, Conferences, Seminars, Professional Development etc


7.1.1    Mandatory Training

Where Council resolves that all Councillors are to attend a specific training course/s conference, workshop/s or external meeting for skills development related to a Councillor’s role, the Council will reimburse the total costs of the course. Some examples of this training are Councillor Induction, Code of Conduct, Meeting Procedures, and Legislative Obligations.


7.1.2    Discretionary Capacity Development

Each Councillor has an annual capacity development allocation of $6000 that can be used where a Councillor identifies a need to attend a conference, workshop or training to improve skills relevant to their role as a Councillor or in their allocated portfolio. Council may, by resolution, approve expenses above the annual allocation. So that there is no misunderstanding, the allocation for capacity development shall cover all costs associated with the training or conference, including registration fees, travel (other than by motor vehicle), meals, daily allowance and accommodation.


Where the cost of an individual training opportunity exceeds $1500, Council approval is required prior to commitment.


Unspent annual allocations cannot be transferred to another Councillor or across financial years.




7.2 Meals


7.2.1    Councillors may incur meal costs when attending Council meetings, travelling to conferences, training or workshops. In some cases this may involve interstate and overseas travel.


7.2.2    For approved meetings (where the meal is not provided within the registration costs), and with the presentation of an official tax invoice, a meal allowance will be paid.


7.2.3    Claimable meal allowance means the cost of the meal and non-alcoholic beverages.

7.3 Accommodation


Council will undertake every endeavour to pre-book and pay for accommodation if a Councillor is required to overnight when attending to Council business. Booking and subsequent payment for such accommodation will be through normal administrative processes approved by the Chief Executive Officer.


When attending conferences, Councillors must take advantage of any package provided by the conference organisers and therefore stay in the recommended accommodation unless prior approval has been granted by Council. In all other cases Council will pay legitimate accommodation costs.

7.4 Incidental Daily Allowance


On the presentation of appropriate tax invoice/s Council will reimburse up to $20.00 per day to cover additional incidental costs incurred while Councillors are attending to Council business and travelling and staying away from home overnight.

7.5 Motor Vehicle


7.5.1    Councillors Vehicles


Council will provide fully serviced motor vehicles, including the provision of a break down service, for the Councillors to use in undertaking official duties.


All fuel used in a Council owned vehicle on official Council business will be provided or paid for by Council.


Any private use of the Council supplied vehicle is to be reimbursed to Council at the rate of 88c/km (subject to annual review) 


7.5.2    Private Use


Councillors may prefer to use their private vehicles and claim an allowance per km for all council business use.

For the purposes of this policy Council has determined that the allowance for use of a motor vehicle will be 88c/km (subject to annual review).  Any claim is to be based on log book details to substantiate the relevance of the travel to council business.

Details of the private use should be recorded on the Councillor Expense Claim and Private Use Reimbursement form as per Appendix A.


7.5.3    Number and Type of Vehicles


The type and number of vehicles provided for Councillor use is as described in Schedule B.


7.5.4    Peer Review


It is recognised that the use of Council motor vehicles is a matter that must be appropriately controlled. To ensure ongoing integrity of this policy and to provide for consistent application of the principles, Councillors will undertake periodic peer reviews of log book entries.


7.6 Travel Bookings Expenses


All Councillor travel on official Council Business approved by Council will be booked and paid for by Council. Economy class is to be used where possible although Council may approve business class in certain circumstances. Airline tickets are not transferable and can only be procured for the Councillor’s travel on Council business.

7.7 Hospitality Expenses


Councillors may have occasion to incur hospitality expenses while conducting Council business apart from official civic receptions organised by Council. The Mayor, in particular, may require additional reimbursement when entertaining dignitaries outside of official events.  All hospitality expenditure must be:


1. Reasonable and appropriate to Council’s business.


2. For official Council purposes only and incurred in providing a service in the public interest.


3. Properly documented and available for internal and external scrutiny, including the provision of detailed tax invoices and receipts.


4. In accordance with all other related policies, procedures and practices.


5. Provided for in a budget and be authorised in accordance with Council’s normal accounting procedures.


As a guide the following limits apply:-


7.7.1    The maximum amount of hospitality expenses that may be reimbursed for Councillors is $500 per annum.


7.7.2    The maximum amount of hospitality expenses that may be reimbursed to the Mayor (as categorised by the Tribunal for local governments’ category 3) is $4,000 per annum.

7.8 Expenses Reimbursement Claim


All expense claims must be submitted for approval by the Chief Executive Officer on the appropriate form (see Appendix A) prior to any reimbursement being made.

8    Facilities

Facilities provided for Councillors must be deemed necessary and required to assist Councillors in their official capacity. In accordance with statutory provisions, Council may only provide Councillors with the facilities listed below.


All facilities provided remain the property of council and must be returned to Council when a Councillor’s term expires.  The facilities provided by Council to Councillors are to be used only for Council business unless prior approval has been granted by resolution of council.


8.1 Administrative tools and council office amenities


8.1.1    Office space and access to meeting rooms

Council provides occasional office accommodation and access to meeting rooms for Councillors. The standard of Councillor office accommodation is as approved by the Chief Executive Officer, but will generally consist of a desk and chairs. In general, rooms provided for Councillor use will be located at council owned or controlled premises such as libraries or branch offices. These rooms are provided for the purpose of conducting Council Business.


Whilst conducting Council business from a council owned or controlled premises Councillors will be provided access to or use of –


·     Council landline telephone

·     Telephone or video conference facilities (when available)

·     Fax, photocopier/scanner, and paper shredder


8.1.2    Secretarial/Administrative support

Secretarial support will be provided for the purposes of conducting Council Business. In particular, support will be provided for the purposes of arranging attendance at Council Business and the processing and submission of reports for consideration as part of Council Business. (Refer to schedule A for description of Council Business)

8.2 Mobile Telephone


Councillors may incur telecommunication costs while undertaking Council business.  Councillors have three options;


Option 1

The Councillors will be provided with a mobile telephone or PDA for Council business use. Any personal calls made by the Councillors must be reimbursed to Council.


Council will only pay for the purchase of Software Applications or “Apps” that are required to conduct official council business. 


Option 2

If a Councillor chooses to use their personally owned mobile device, Council will reimburse, for all Council business calls, the call costs incurred. Any calls made from the personally owned mobile device will only be reimbursed if appropriate evidence is provided by the Councillor that the call was related to Council business.


Option 3

Where a Councillor chooses not to be provided a Council owned mobile telephone and chooses not use a personally owned mobile device, and the Councillor has an existing home landline at the Councillor’s residence, Council will reimburse the monthly rental and call costs, for all Council business calls, made from the home telephone. The Councillor will only be reimbursed if appropriate evidence is provided by the Councillor that the call was related to Council business.


8.3 Computer for business use


To allow access to Council meeting material Council will provide Councillors a laptop computer or IPAD with all associated access costs to be met by Council.


Council will only pay for the purchase of Software Applications or “Apps” that are required to conduct official council business. 


8.4 Corporate Uniform


On an ‘as needed’ basis Council will provide Councillors with the following corporate uniform as supplied by Council’s preferred supplier arrangement;


·      Name badge and Business Cards;

·      Corporate branded shirts;

·      Corporate branded jacket.


Councillors will be provided with any personal protective equipment (PPE) as required in the discharge of official duties.

8.5 Insurance Cover (Personal Injury while discharging their duties)


Council will insure Councillors in the event of injury sustained while discharging their duties. Council will pay the excess for injury claims made by a Councillor resulting from conducting official Council business.



Schedule A Council Business - Schedule of Authorised Meetings and Functions


This Schedule of Meetings and Functions defines the approved meetings for the purposes of this policy and is defined as Council Business. The Schedule of Authorised Meetings and Functions is to be amended by Council as required.


General Meetings ………….……………… 2nd and 4th Wednesdays Monthly


Special Meetings …………..……………… When Required


Workshops ……….………..……………… When Required


Community Development Group meetings (eg Voice of Warroo, Advance Injune)


Occasions as delegated by the Mayor


Occasions as resolved by Council


Community Consultation activities


Civic Duties (eg ceremonial openings of buildings or facilities, annual or presentation dinners, fetes and carnivals); where delegated by the Mayor


Advisory Committee appointments (eg Saleyards Committee, RADF)


Councillor Portfolio activities


Other occasions as deemed necessary by the Councillor to undertake their role as a Councillor in accord with the provisions of the Local Government Act 2009, namely;


·     A Councillor must represent the current and future interests of the residents of the local government area

·     Ensure the local government discharges its responsibilities under the Act; and achieves its Corporate and Community Plans

·     Provide high quality leadership to local government and community

·     Participate in Council Meetings, Policy development and decision making for the benefit of the local government area

·     Be accountable for the performance of the local government area

·     Comply with the Queensland Contact with Lobbyist Policy




Attachment 1

Draft Councillor Expense & Provision of Facilities Policy


Schedule B - Schedule of Councillor Vehicle Fleet


This Schedule of Councillor Vehicle Fleet defines the types and quantity of vehicles that comprise of the fleet vehicles for the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and other Councillors to utilise for Council business purposes.


This Schedule may be adjusted from time to time by the CEO to meet the needs of the Council.




Toyota Prado or equivalent vehicle.


Small 4WD/AWD such as Toyota Kluger, Ford Territory or equivalent vehicle.






The Holden Calais or equivalent vehicle will be kept in the fleet for use with visiting dignitaries or for travel to events outside of the Local Government area.





Schedule to be discussed



Councillor Expense Claim and Private Use Reimbursement















Meeting Type, Training or Workshop

Meal Claim


Incidental Daily Allowance

Motor Vehicle Use

Telephone Expenses

Hospitality Expenses







Note 1


Note 2
































































































































Signature of Councillor:


Dated: _____ / _____ / _____

Office Use Only











Cost Centre Number: ______ - ______ - _____













Approved by CEO:


Dated: _____ / _____ / _____

Finance Officer:















Note 1 – Use this column for claims when using own vehicle for Council business

Note 2 – Use this column when reimbursing Council for private use of Council vehicle.

Please ensure all receipts and other documentation is attached to substantiate expenses and mileage allowance claims.


Dated: _____ / _____ / _____





Attachment 1

Draft Councillor Expense & Provision of Facilities Policy







Local Government Act 2009

Local Government (Operations) Regulation 2010

Local Government (Finance, Plans & Reporting)

Entertainment and Hospitality Expenditure Policy

Purchasing Policy

Light Fleet Vehicle Policy







Chief Executive Officer                                                                 Mayor




Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  27 June 2012

Officer Report

Meeting: General  27 June 2012

Date: 18 June 2012

Item Number: 12.1

File Number: D12/17811


Subject Heading:                     Transfer of Special Lease

Classification:                                  Open Access  

Name of Applicant:                         Joffrey Roy and Kylie Janet Douglas

Location:                                           Special Lease 36/48442 - Forestvale Road Mitchell

Author & Officer’s Title:                 Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities



Executive Summary: 

The Department of Environment and Resource Management is seeking Council’s views on the proposed transfer of Special Lease 36/48442, described as Lot A on DL486 (shown in orange on the attached map).  This lease is currently in the name of Christine Joan Douglas and an application is being processed to transfer the lease to Joffrey Roy & Kylie Janet Douglas (mother to daughter and son-in-law).



Officer’s Recommendation: 

That Council advise the Department of Environment and Resource Management that it has no objection to the transfer of special lease 36/48442 from Christine Joan Douglas to Joffrey Roy and Kylie Janet Douglas.



Body of Report:

As per standard practice, the Department of Environment and Resource Management is seeking Council’s views on the proposed transfer of Special Lease 36/48442 from Christine Joan Douglas to Joffrey Roy and Kylie Janet Douglas (mother to daughter and son-in-law).


This lease is over part of Reserve 124 described as Lot 13 on DL445, which the Maranoa Regional Council is trustee for.


It is recommended that Council offer no objection to the transfer of special lease 36/48442 from Christine Joan Douglas to Joffrey Roy and Kylie Janet Douglas on the same terms and conditions as the lease held by Christine Joan Douglas.

Consultation (internal/external):

Department of Environment and Resource Management – Toowoomba Office

Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):


Policy Implications:


Financial Resource Implications:



Link to Corporate Plan:

Corporate Plan 2009-2013 8.2.3(a) To implement Council’s governance policies and procedures in an evolving organisational environment whilst ensuring legislative relevance, consistency and fairness in application.

Supporting Documentation:


Map - Special Lease 36/48442



Report authorised by:

Matthew McGoldrick, Director of Corporate Services

Attachment 1

Map - Special Lease 36/48442



Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  27 June 2012

Officer Report

Meeting: General  27 June 2012

Date: 18 May 2012

Item Number: 13.1

File Number: D12/13969


Subject Heading:                     Roma Refuse Tip Weighbridge

Classification:                                  Open Access  

Name of Applicant:                        


Author & Officer’s Title:                 Stephen Mow, Manager Utilities & Waste



Executive Summary: 

At the General meeting of 22 February 2012 Council resolved to accept a tender from Australian Weighing Equipment for the installation of a weighbridge at the Roma tip.


The tender was accepted on the condition that Council was successful in receiving the Local Government Weighbridge and Ancillary Equipment grant. This funding program has now been discontinued by the State Government and no grant funding agreement has been formally signed.


Australian Weighing Equipment has been advised of this outcome and has been thanked for its time and effort in this matter.



Officer’s Recommendation: 

Council receive this report



Body of Report:

The following is Council’s resolution GM.035.012 on 22 February 2012:


1)   Council accepts the tender from Australian Weighing Equipment for $191,759.80 for the provision of a weighbridge at the Roma refuse tip, on the basis that grant amount of $154,604 which is specified for funding the weighbridge is received from DERM.


2)   Council conditionally fund this project in the 2012/13 budget for a value of $200,000, reliant on payment of the grant by DERM.


Council has now been advised that this funding program has been discontinued (letter attached).


Australian Weighing Equipment has been advised of this decision of the State Government and that Council will not be proceeding with this project. They have also been thanked for their time and effort in this matter.

While this opportunity for funding has closed, Council may in the not too distant future have to consider funding a weighbridge at its Roma refuse tip. With the advent of the carbon tax and Council being required to significantly reduce its waste via a Waste Reduction and Recycling Management Plan a weighbridge may become an imperative.

Consultation (internal/external):



Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):


Policy Implications:


Financial Resource Implications:



Link to Corporate Plan:

Corporate Plan 2009-2013 8.5.9(a) To provide an efficient and reliable refuse collection and disposal service for all serviced areas in the region.

Supporting Documentation:


Letter cancelling the Local Government Weighbridge and Ancillary Equipment Grant Program



Report authorised by:

Barry Omundson, Director Infrastucture

Attachment 1

Letter cancelling the Local Government Weighbridge and Ancillary Equipment Grant Program



Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  27 June 2012

Officer Report

Meeting: General  27 June 2012

Date: 18 June 2012

Item Number: 14.1

File Number: D12/17795


Subject Heading:                     Roma Saleyards

Classification:                                  Open Access  

Name of Applicant:                         Not Applicable

Location:                                           Roma

Author & Officer’s Title:                 Paul Bawden, Special Projects Officer



Executive Summary: 

The Roma Saleyards occupies a substantial parcel of land adjoining the Warrego Highway and is proposed to be the subject of a Master Plan for its future development.



Officer’s Recommendation: 

That Council endorse the establishment of a steering committee to develop a Master Plan for the Roma Saleyards, comprising interested Councillors, Director Planning & Environment, Roma Saleyards Manager and representatives from Department of Main Roads, Livestock Transport, Resources Sector and Private Machinery Operators.



Body of Report:

At the Roma Saleyards Advisory Board Meeting of 31 May 2012, there was general discussion on future capital works expenditure and operation of the lands that additionally include a substantial truck wash facility, truck parking area and paddocks.

A constraint in the better utilization of the lands is the absence of an overall development plan.  It is the view of the Advisory Board that the support of Council is needed to establish a Steering Committee able to oversee the preparation of a Master Plan.  This is seen as capable of addressing such matters as:-


·    Redevelopment of Truck Wash facility

·    Extension of Primaries Road

·    Capability of site to accommodate additional development


The major stakeholders proposed for the Steering Committee are:-


·    Elected Councillors

·    Roma Saleyards, Director Planning & Environment and other sections of Council


·    Department of Transport & Main Roads

·    Livestock Transporters, Resources Sector and Private Machinery Operators


It is considered that the Steering Group in dialogue with a range of interest groups will be able to oversee the development of a Plan capable of guiding investment in future infrastructure and facilities.

Consultation (internal/external):

Roma Saleyards Advisory Board


Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):


Policy Implications:


Financial Resource Implications:

Limited costs to prepare Master Plan


Link to Corporate Plan:

Corporate Plan 2009-2013 8.5.2(a) To undertake all commercial operations of Council to a preferable minimum breakeven standard based on the application of full cost pricing principles with a view to minimising any community service obligation that may eventuate.

Supporting Documentation:


Report authorised by:

Robert Hayward, Acting Chief Executive Officer     

Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  27 June 2012

Status Report

Meeting: General  27 June 2012

Date: 19 June 2012

Item Number: 18.1

File Number: D12/17992


SUBJECT HEADING:                     Financial Sustainability Report for the period ending 31 March 2012

Classification:                                  Open Access 

Report compiled by:                       Karen Searle, Financial Services & Rates Coordinator


Month & Year of Report:                Period ending 31 March 2012

Name of Department:                     Corporate Services



Executive Summary: 

The Financial Sustainability Report for the period ending 31 March  2012  is presented for Council’s consideration.  Each month, year to date financial statements are prepared in order to monitor actual performance against the latest adopted budget.




Officer’s Recommendation:

That the Progressive Financial Statements of Account for the period ending 31 March 2012  as included in the Financial Sustainability Report be received subject to audit.



Summary of Financial Position

Overall Council has experienced a net loss of $27,141,303 (including depreciation of $8,498,231)  for the period ending 31 March 2012. 

Income                                                          Expenses

Total Revenue $63,394,881            Total expenses of $90,536,184 (which includes  depreciation expense of $8,498,231)

Operating Revenue $61,918,746  

Capital Revenue      $1,476,135

Borrowings per Assessment

Value of borrowings per assessable property in the Council area is $1,546.


YTD vs Full Year Capital Expenditure 

Capital works program $17,593,688 of $20,992,873.


Cash at Bank

Balance of Cash at Bank as at 31 March 2012 is $21,932,832.




In accordance with the Local Government (Finance, Plans and Reporting) Regulation 2010, performance against the Department of Infrastructure and Planning sustainability financial ratios has been provided.


These ratios are designed to provide an indication of the performance of Council

against key financial sustainability criteria which must be met to ensure the prudent

management of financial risks.  This information must also be reported in Council’s Annual Report.


Department Infrastructure and Planning Sustainability Ratios













Financial Capital Indicators

Working capital ratio


Measures the extent to which

Council has liquid assets

available to meet short term

financial obligations Current Liabilities

Current Assets


Current Liabilities





Operating Surplus



This is an indicator of the extent

to which revenues raised cover

operational expenses only or are available for capital funding


Net Operating Surplus


Total Operating






Net Financial

Liabilities ratio


This is an indicator of the extent to which the net financial

liabilities of Council can be

serviced by its operating


A ratio < 60% indicates Council

has the capacity to increase its

loan borrowings.

Total Liabilities less

Current Assets


Total Operating






Interest coverage ratio


This ratio indicates the extent to which Council's operating

revenues are committed to

interest expenses


Net interest expense on debt service


Total Operating








Comment on Ratios

All ratios, excluding Operating Surplus ratio are within the acceptable range.  The operating surplus ratio result is well below the benchmark due to large expenditure for Contracts which is 245% of the budget in particular Flood Damage Works ($23,369,386).  In addition to this, the overall revenue is 49% of the budget, which is 26% below the pro-rata budget of 75%.

Comment on Financial Reports


Income Statement

Council’s operating position at the end of March 2012 is an operating loss of $27,141,303  (including depreciation expense of $8,498,231) compared to a yearly amended budgeted operating surplus of $591,374.  


Loan Borrowings

The QTC Loan balance at the end of the period is $11,377,883, based on the latest number of assessments issued - 7383, the borrowing per assessment is $1,546.


Rates Information




This category examines the level of rates arrears owing to Council.  


Total Rates Outstanding as Percentage of Issues



Rates Outstanding - Timeframes




Overdue (1/7 – 31/12/11)




Current (1/1 – 30/06/12)
















Unalloc Rec












Total rates outstanding as at 29 February 2012 is $2,039,072.57.  The rate levy for the period 1 July 2011 to 31 December 2011 was issued on 26 October 2011.  A batch of supplementary levies will be issued mid March and the rate levy for the period 1 January 2012 to 30 June, 2012 will be issued late April 2012.




RATES - Transactions Processed


This category examines the rates queries processed by Rates staff. 


Transactions Processed


Change of




Change of




TOTAL 2010/11









































































The average monthly change of address is 21, March  is above average with 27

The average monthly rate searches is 32, with February  being above  average with 53.

The average monthly change of ownership is 42, with February being above average with 43 .

The average monthly supplementary levies is 7, with February  being above average with 313.  With the Authority Software, there are restrictions with regards to dates for close of discount and interest commencement date.  Due to these restrictions, supplementary levies will only be issued once or twice within each half year period.




RATES – Queries Process


This category examines the number and type of queries received about rates and charges levied by Council 


Rating Queries




















































General Rate Charges













Wild Dog Charges






































Excess Water













Fire Levy













Owner Details












Trade Waste


























Missed Discount

























Water Meter Investigations































































 Due to rates being issued on 25 October, 2011 there will be a large increase in the number of queries within the rate area.



Incorrect Services charged.  Relevant Changes made



Ratepayers requiring transfer of credit levies from their cancelled assessment to the current assessment that has been amalgamated.


Owner Details

Ratepayers that have not received notices because the current owner not correct.  Title Searches have been performed and relevant changes made 



The current  90 day balances stands at $2,331,207.83 for 31 March 2012.  

90-Day Debtors Accounts




As at 31 Mar 12






Under $500.00


$5,000.00 - $50,000.00

Over $50,000.00


























Bassett Park





































Supporting Documentation:


Income Statement March 2012



Balance Sheet March 2012



Income Expense Statement - as at 31 March 2012



Expenditure and Revenue Graphs - 31 March 2012



Report authorised by:

Belinda Hayward, Financial Accountant

Matthew McGoldrick, Director of Corporate Services


Attachment 1

Income Statement March 2012


Attachment 2

Balance Sheet March 2012


Attachment 3

Income Expense Statement - as at 31 March 2012


Attachment 4

Expenditure and Revenue Graphs - 31 March 2012