Description: Maranoa Logo Process




General Meeting


Wednesday 28 September 2011


Mitchell Administration Centre




Date: 23 September 2011



Mayor:                                                    Councillor R S Loughnan


Deputy Mayor:                                        Councillor T G Hartley

Councillors:                                             Councillor J P Bartels

                                                              Councillor J L Chambers

                                                              Councillor R J Denton

                                                              Councillor W M Newman

                                                              Councillor M L Price

                                                              Councillor W S Wason

                                                              Councillor J S Watson


Chief Executive Officer:                            Mr Paul Bawden


Senior Management:                                Mr Tony Klein (Director Community Services)

                                                              Mr Matthew McGoldrick (Director Corporate Services)

                                                              Mr Stephen Mow (Acting Director Operations)

                                                              Mr Rob Hayward (Director Planning & Environment)


Officers:                                                  Ms Jane Frith (Corporate Communications Officer)


Please find attached agenda for the General Meeting to be held at the Mitchell Administration Centre on September 28, 2011 at 9.00AM.

Paul Bawden

Chief Executive Officer



Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  28 September 2011


Item       Subject


1            Welcome


2            Present/Apologies


3            Confirmation of Minutes

              General  14 September 2011


4            Business arising from Minutes


5            On the Table  


6            Presentations/Petitions and Deputations

6.1         Healthy Headwaters Update                                                    10.30am

Joan Meecham, Director Strategic Water Programs & Projects – Strategic Water Initiatives will be in attendance to provide Council an update on the program.



7            Consideration of notices of business


8            Consideration of notices of motion  


9            Reception of notices of motion for next meeting




10          Executive Services


11          Community Services


12          Corporate Services


13          Operations

13.1      Hodgson Tip

Prepared by:      Ken Palmer, Acting Operations Manager

13.2      Future of Roads to Recovery Program

Prepared by:      Paul Bawden, Chief Executive Officer

13.3      Naming of Road

Prepared by:      Jodie Young, Administration Assistant

Attachment :       Unnamed Road Jackson


14          Planning & Environment

14.1      Disposal of Toyota 4x4 Utility

Prepared by:      Kay Crosby, Manager Environmental Health

Attachment :       Council Toyota Utility - images


Prepared by:      Danielle Pearn, Planning & Development Officer


Status Reports


15          Executive Services


16          Community Service

16.1      Statistical Report

Prepared by:      Edward Sims, Manager Organisational Performance

16.2      Community Development Report

Prepared by:      Tanya Mansfield, Manager Performance and Planning

Attachment :       Community Development Performance Data

16.3      Social Development Report

Prepared by:      Tanya Mansfield, Manager Performance and Planning

Attachment :       Social Services Performance Information


17          Corporate Services

17.1      Corporate Governance Report

Prepared by:      Tanya Mansfield, Manager Performance and Planning

Attachment :       Corporate Governance Report


18          Operations

18.1      Asset Management Report

Prepared by:      Tanya Mansfield, Manager Performance and Planning

Attachment :       Asset Management Report


19          Planning & Environment

19.1      Planning, Building and Environment Report

Prepared by:      Tanya Mansfield, Manager Performance and Planning

Attachment :       Building, Planning and Environment August 2011


Next General Meeting



Confidential Items


In accordance with the provisions of section 72 of the Local Government (Operations) Regulation 2010, a local government may resolve to close a meeting to the public and move ‘into Committee’ to discuss confidential items that it’s Councillors or members consider it necessary to close the meeting.


20          Confidential Items

20.1      Allow discount and write off Interest - Assessment 11009123 - Lot26/WV550.

              Classification:         Closed Access

Local Government (Operations) Regulation 2010 Section 72(d) rating concessions.

20.2      Business Activities Report

              Classification:         Closed Access

Local Government (Operations) Regulation 2010 Section 72(c) the local government budget.


Councillor Business


21          Councillor Business





Minutes of the General Meeting of maranoa Regional Council held at Roma Administration Centre on 14 September 2011 commencing at 9.00AM




Mayor Cr. R S Loughnan chaired the meeting with, Deputy Mayor Cr. T G Hartley, Cr. J P Bartels, Cr. J L Chambers, Cr. R J Denton, Cr. W M Newman, Cr. M L Price, Cr. W S Wason, Cr. J S Watson,  Chief Executive Officer – Paul Bawden, Director Community Services – Tony Klein, Director Corporate Services – Matthew McGoldrick, Director Planning & Environment – Rob Hayward, Acting Director Operations – Stephen Mow, Corporate Communications Officer – Jane Frith, and Kelly Rogers Minutes Officer in attendance.




There were no guests in attendance at the meeting.




The Mayor welcomed all present and declared the meeting open at 9.08am.




Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution No. GM.321.11

Moved Cr Hartley                                                          Seconded Cr Newman  


That the minutes of the General Meeting (15-24.08.11) held on 24 August 2011 be confirmed.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0



Business Arising FROM MiNUTES


There was no business arising from the minutes.


On the Table


There were no items for discussion on the table.


Presentations/Petitions and Deputations


There were no presentations/petitions or deputations at the meeting.


Consideration of notices of business


There were no notices of business for consideration.


Consideration of notices of motion


There were no notices of motion for consideration.


Reception of notices of motion for next meeting


No notices of motion were received for the next meeting.




Executive Services


Item Number:                                   10.1

File Number: D11/25809

Subject Heading:                          Confirmation of Minutes - 2011/12 Special            Budget Meeting - 24/08/11

Location:                                          Not Applicable

Applicant:                                         Not Applicable

Author and Officer’s Title:                Paul Bawden, Chief Executive Officer


Executive Summary: 

Confirmation of minutes for the 2011/2012 Budget of Maranoa Regional Council adopted at the Special Budget Meeting held on 24 August 2011 in Surat.



Resolution No. GM.322.11

Moved Cr Price                                                             Seconded Cr Watson  

That the minutes of the 2011/2012 Special Budget Meeting held on 24 August 2011 be confirmed.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Delegated Officer

Chief Executive Officer



Community Services


Item Number:                                   11.1

File Number: D11/24409

Subject Heading:                          Changes to HACC client co-payment for Home   Maintenance Services

Author and Officer’s Title:                Melissa Wathen, Manager Social Development


Executive Summary: 

The Home and Community Care Program is a subsidised service funded by State and Federal Government.  Providers are expected to source some funding to cover the total cost of services from other areas, in particular through Client Co-payment.


Funding provided by HACC is specific to each service type and the Agency providing those services is required to provide services to an agreed number of Clients for an agreed unit cost.  The unit cost covers both the administration of the service and direct provision of services to those Clients. The current rates charged to Clients for Home Maintenance services, in particular for lawn maintenance, are insufficient to cover total costs of services.



Resolution No. GM.323.11

Moved Cr Bartels                                                          Seconded Cr Wason  

That Council approves the changes/additions to Client contributions to more effectively offset funding available to assist these Clients as per the Schedule below:-






Service Type

Updated Charge

General Home Maintenance where Clients are paying for materials and all other charges excluding labour


Yard Maintenance

$10.00 per hour or part thereof

Other Home Maintenance


$10.00 per hour or part thereof


New contribution fees become effective from 1 October 2011, to allow time to notify our current Clients and amendments to Service documentation.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      8/1


Delegated Officer

Manager Social Development



Item Number:                                   11.2

File Number: D11/25132

Subject Heading:                          Proposed New Location for Wallumbilla          Youth Precinct

Author and Officer’s Title:                Fiona Vincent, Regional Sport & Recreation Coordinator


Executive Summary: 

In July 2010, Maranoa Regional Council successfully gained funding of $239 091 from Department of Communities (Sport and Recreation Services) to build three outdoor youth precincts at Injune, Wallumbilla and Yuleba. Sites have been selected based on information gathered via community consultation, Council staff consultation and recommendations from ROSS Planning consultants who were commissioned to compile a Master Plan for these new areas, in conjunction with future development of youth precincts within the region.



Resolution No. GM.324.11

Moved Cr Price                                                             Seconded Cr Chambers  

That Council approves the site located at the western side of Education Queensland’s netball courts on College Street, currently designated as a road reserve for the location of the Wallumbilla Youth Precinct;




That an application be submitted to Department of Environment and Resource Management and implement processes to facilitate the assignment of  Council as trustee for said site.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Delegated Officer

Regional Sport & Recreation Coordinator



Corporate Services


Item Number:                                   12.1

File Number: D11/23831

Subject Heading:                          Demolition of old Caretaker's Cottage

Location:                                          Mitchell Showgrounds, Alice Street, Mitchell

Author and Officer’s Title:                Tanya Mansfield, Manager Performance and Planning


Executive Summary: 

The former caretaker’s cottage at the Mitchell Showgrounds is unfit for habitation and Council’s approval is sought to demolish the building.  This site will then be used for the new SES facility that is to be constructed in Mitchell.



Resolution No. GM.325.11

Moved Cr Watson                                                         Seconded Cr Newman  

That Council approves the demolition of the caretaker’s cottage at the Mitchell Showgrounds;




That the cleared  site be used for construction of the new Mitchell SES facility.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Delegated Officer

Manager Performance and Planning



Planning & Environment


Item Number:                                   14.1

File Number: D11/25456

Subject Heading:                          Exploration and Urban Areas

Author and Officer’s Title:                Robert Hayward, Director Planning & Environment


Executive Summary: 

An exploration Restricted Area (RA 384) has been declared over regional centres and towns across the State with a population of 1000 people or more with a 2 km buffer.


This is a temporary measure until a permanent state wide solution can be developed in consultation with public, industry, local and State governments – with any legislative changes likely to take effect by March 2012.


Towns covered by the restriction are automatically included unless Council decides to opt out.  Councils that have towns with a population of less than 1000 people may also opt in.  Local governments have until 16th September to opt in or out of the Restricted Area 384 – and a majority vote of the Council is required. 



Resolution No. GM.326.11

Moved Cr Wason                                                          Seconded Cr Price  

That Council opt in for exploration Restricted Area (RA 384) for all towns as listed below within the Maranoa Region, including those with a population of less than 1000, to prevent exploration encroaching on populated areas:-



Reason for opting in for exploration Restricted Area 384



The Estimated Residential Population (ERP) determined by the State Government for Mitchell as at 30 June 2010 is 1,027 persons.  This should be considered as an automatic opt in for the exemption and is to be confirmed with the State Government.


Town water supply is ground water fed and risk of contamination should be reduced by maintaining rural only uses within two kilometers of the town.


Town water supply is ground water fed and risk of contamination should be reduced by maintaining rural only uses within two kilometers of the town.


Town water supply is ground water fed and risk of contamination should be reduced by maintaining rural only uses within two kilometers of the town.


ERP for Injune at 30 June 2010 is 374 persons.  The Town has substantial growth potential due to existing and proposed exploration activities.  This includes large work camps and approved subdivisions that are experiencing interest for permanent housing. It should not be restricted in growth in any direction due to potential coal seam gas activities.


ERP for Surat at 30 June 2010 is 462 persons.  The Town has substantial tourist potential and has some growth limitations due to the river and airport.  It should not be restricted in growth in any direction due to potential coal seam gas activities.


ERP for Wallumbilla at 30 June 2010 is 298 persons.  The Town has substantial growth potential due to existing and proposed exploration activities.  This includes large work camps and areas proposed in the new planning scheme for urban expansion. Town water supply is ground water fed and risk of contamination should be reduced by maintaining rural only uses within two kilometers of the town.


It should not be restricted in growth in any direction due to potential coal seam gas activities.


Town water supply is ground water fed and risk of contamination should be reduced by maintaining rural only uses within two kilometers of the town.


Town water supply is ground water fed and risk of contamination should be reduced by maintaining rural only uses within two kilometers of the town.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Delegated Officer

Director Planning & Environment



Status Reports




Item Number:                                   18.1

File Number: D11/25665

Subject Heading:                          Status Report

Author and Officer’s Title:                Stephen Mow, Acting Director, Operations

Month & Year of Report:                   August 2011

Name of Department:                       Operations



Executive Summary: 

This report provides an overview of the status of projects and issues currently facing the Operations Directorate.



Cr. Denton requested the temporary road closure signs leading out of Injune (towards Womblebank & Mt Moffatt & Injune-Taroom Roads) be replaced.  Cr. Chambers requested same for a temporary road closure sign leading out of Mitchell on Forrestvale Road.


Resolution No. GM.327.11

Moved Cr Bartels                                                          Seconded Cr Denton  

That Council receive and note the Officer’s report as presented.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Delegated Officer

Acting Director, Operations


Late Items


Item Number:                                   L.1

File Number: D11/25956

Subject Heading:                          Local Government Grants & Subsidies    Program 2011-12

Author and Officer’s Title:                Tony Klein, Director of Community Services


Executive Summary: 

The Department of Local Government & Planning is calling for submissions under the Local Government Grants & Subsidies Program 2011-12.  Approval is sought from Council to submit projects for possible part funding.



Resolution No. GM.328.11

Moved Cr Price                                                             Seconded Cr Denton  

That Council approves the following projects (in priority order) for submission under the Local Government Grants & Subsidies Program 2011-12 for part funding:-


1.         Regional Place Making Project

2.         Roma Saleyards Wash down Facility

3.         Surat Childcare Extension


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Delegated Officer

Director of Community Services



Item Number:                                   L.2

File Number: D11/25879

Subject Heading:                          Unaudited Financial Statements for the year   ended 30th June 2011

Author and Officer’s Title:                Dee Sullivan, Assets Management Accountant


Executive Summary: 

To provide Council with copies of the unaudited Financial Statements for the year ended 30th June 2011 for submission to the Department of Local Government and Planning for audit.





Resolution No. GM.329.11

Moved Cr Watson                                                         Seconded Cr Hartley  

That Council approve the submission of the Financial Statements as presented to the Department of Local Government and Planning for auditing.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Delegated Officer

Assets Management Accountant





In accord with the provisions of section 72 of the Local Government (Operations) Regulation 2010, Council resolved to close the meeting to discuss items it has deemed to be of a confidential nature and specifically pertaining to the following sections:-

          (h)      other business for which a public discussion would be likely to prejudice the interests of the local government or someone else, or enable a person to gain a financial advantage;

          (d)      rating concessions;


Resolution No. GM.330.11

Moved Cr Bartels                                                          Seconded Cr Denton


That Council close the meeting to the public.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0



Resolution No. GM.331.11

Moved Cr Hartley                                                          Seconded Cr Newman


That Council open the meeting to the public.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Delegated Officer




Item Number:                                   20.1

File Number: D11/22804

Subject Heading:                          Sale of Land for Overdue Rates

Location:                                          Various

Applicant:                                         Various

Author and Officer’s Title:                Katrina Mansfield, Governance & Administration Coordinator


Executive Summary: 

Under Section 74 of the Local Government (Finance, Plans and Reporting) Regulation 2010 Council resolved to implement sale proceedings where rates have been overdue for a period of more than three years.  The legislation states that Council must determine how the reserve price is set.


Resolution No. GM.332.11

Moved Cr Watson                                                         Seconded Cr Newman  

That Council sets the reserve price on auction day at the market value of the land for each property remaining in arrears on auction day.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      9/0


Delegated Officer

Governance & Administration Coordinator



Item Number:                                   20.2

File Number: D11/24107

Subject Heading:                          Extenstion for the payment of rates

Location:                                          Roma QLD 4455

Author and Officer’s Title:                Kirsty Grams, Rates Officer


Executive Summary: 

The owner of the property requests an extension on the payment of their rates as they have not received rates since 4 March 2009 due to an amalgamation of their property. 


Resolution No. GM.333.11

Moved Cr Wason                                                          Seconded Cr Bartels  

That Council approves an extension of 30 days to the owners of the specified property  to pay their rates;




That discount be allowed and no interest added for the extension period.


CARRIED                                                                                                                      7/2


Delegated Officer

Rates Officer





There being no further business, the Mayor thanked Council for their attendance and declared the meeting closed at 9.52am.



These Minutes are to be confirmed at the next General Meeting of Council to be held on 28 September 2011, at the Mitchell Administration Centre.





...............……….................                                                      ..................................

Mayor.                                                                          Date.





Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  28 September 2011

Officer Report

Meeting: General  28 September 2011

Date: 15 September 2011

Item Number: 13.1

File Number: D11/27046


Subject Heading:                     Hodgson Tip

Classification:                                  Open Access  

Name of Applicant:                        

Location:                                           Hodgson Lane, Hodgson

Author & Officer’s Title:                 Ken Palmer, Acting Operations Manager



Executive Summary: 

Council operates a small tip site for the residents of Hodgson.


The existing site is an on-going operations and maintenance problem due to the type of operations and the location of the site. This report addresses the options to continue to provide this service to the residents of Hodgson.


Officer’s Recommendation: 

That Council

1.   Closes the Hodgson tip site and remediate the area, within 4 months,

2.   Erect signs on the site advising of alternative landfill site, ie Roma, and penalties for illegal dumping,

3.   Install CCTV  to monitor illegal dumping and to take appropriate action against those caught dumping,

4.   Implement a wheelie bin service for the residents of Hodgson,

5.   Impose the Cleansing Utility Charge as from 1 July 2012,

6.   Undertake a public information program for the residents of Hodgson.


Body of Report:

Council provides an un-manned tip site on the northern outskirts of Hodgson for the residents of the town and surrounding areas. Rubbish is placed either in two 3m3 bins or on a cleared level pad within a partially fenced site. The bins are emptied weekly with the rubbish placed on the pad regularly removed by loader and truck to Roma Landfill.

Apart from domestic waste there is wire, posts and builder’s waste at the site

The overall site is in a very poor condition – broken fences [extensively vandalised] and wind blown litter. The site needs to be remediated and the operation reviewed in order to continue to provide a service to the residents.

Options to continue the service are:

·    Improved operations on the existing site

·    Construction of a new waste transfer station

·    The provision of wheelie bin based collection service to all residents, with residents delivering larger items to Roma or another landfill site.


The fourth option is for residents to deliver all their waste to Roma or another landfill site. This has not been pursued further due to the expectation of a locally based waste management service.

Improved operations on existing site

The operation of the existing site can be improved by excavating a dump pit and re-fencing the site. The site needs to have a DERM licence, on appropriately reserved land. There is currently no DERM licence.


The residents know the current location of the site

The service area is only determined by how far people are prepared to travel


Regular costs to backfill the tip site

Possibility of wind blown litter escaping the pit

The existing tip is in a flood plain

Used for the dumping of non-domestic waste

The designation of the land reserve does not sanction its use as a landfill site

Site continues to attract waste from other contractors as no charges applies that is beyond its capability

No current DERM licence

Waste Transfer Station

For Council to continue to provide a disposal facility, the best option for this size of community is a waste transfer station. A waste transfer station is a viable option due to the close proximity of the Roma landfill site.

Council owns a parcel of land on the western side of the access road to the Hodgson Cemetery that could be used for a waste transfer station, including current 3m3 bins.


The service area is only determined by how far people are prepared to travel

A cleaner operation than a dump pit

Low servicing costs


Would involve the lengthy process of applying for and obtaining a DERM licence,

Capital cost of a waste transfer station,

Wind blown litter, especially when bins are nearly full

The land is on a designated stock route. It is very doubtful whether DERM would accept such a proposal.

With the closure of the existing dump site signage will need to be erected, the site fenced and CCTV cameras installed to monitor illegal dumping. Cameras to be in place for up to six months or until such time as the illegal dumping ceases. This comment is also relevant for the introduction of a wheelie bin service.

The cost to supply and empty two 3 cubic metre bins at the Hodgson is $110 per week.

Wheelie bins

The provision of a regular wheelie bin service clearly defines the service area, with additional services added, as needed.


The service area is defined

CCTV at current site

Residents take large volumes directly to another waste disposal site

A cleaner operation than a dump pit or a waste transfer station

Removes a waste landfill site that is difficult to manage and expensive to operate and maintain in accordance with licence conditions

No DERM licence requirements


Cost of the service

Illegal dumping by people outside the wheelie bin collection area

Consultation (internal/external):



Stephen Mow, Acting Director Operations

Kay Crosby, Environmental Health Manager

Matthew McGoldrick, Director


Brett Gordon, Roma’s current garbage contractor.

Council had two meeting with the residents of the town

Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):

For the existing site Council is at risk as the current operations is not subject of a DERM licence.

Cultural Heritage may be an issue on the existing site and the proposed waste transfer station site.

A major cost component of all options is the cleaning up of illegal dumps.

The cost to operate and maintain the existing site to licence condition is high compared to the number of potential users of the site. Costs are dependent upon the volume of material, weather conditions and vandalism.

The financial risk for a new waster transfer station designed and constructed to minimise operating and maintenance costs, will be less.

The financial risk of a wheelie bin service is very low, although the level of illegal dumping may increase by people outside the service area and those in the area regarding bulky goods.


The replacement of the landfill with a wheelie bin service will have community impact, as Council is changing an accepted practice. The impact can be mitigated by consultation and communication with the residents.

Due to the on-going management issues and the lack of a formal licence from DERM, Council needs to take action in the short term.

Council has two short term options – cease providing any service to Hodgson and/or the implementation of a wheelie bin service.

Implement a wheelie bin service as soon as practical.

After implementation, close and remediate the existing tip site.

If the wheelie bin option is pursued, seek to impose a Cleansing Utility Charge as from 1 July 2012.

Policy Implications:


Financial Resource Implications:

Council has budgeted for the continual operation of the Hodgson site, although the actual expenditure will depend upon how much the site is “misused.” It costs just under $6,000 pa to provide and service once a week the two 3 cubic bins. This cost is met from general rates, this does not include waste from the general pad.


There are no dedicated funds for re-fencing and rehabilitating the site.


Council has allocated in 2011/12 $25,000 capital expenditure to relocate the Hodgson Tip. If the recommendation is adopted the funds can be used to remediate the existing tip site and purchase wheelie bins for residents and site CCTV, with the balance back in reserves.


The provision of a wheelie bin service can be covered by a Cleansing Utility Charge.


The 2011/12 Cleansing Utility Charge for 140/240 litre garbage service for both urban and rural areas is $194.20 per annum based on one service per week.


In order to implement the service promptly it is proposed that Council defer imposing the Cleansing Utility Charge for 140/240litre garbage service for service at Hodgson until the 1st July 2012. This will allow Council sufficient time to define the service area for charging purposes and advertise accordingly.



Link to Corporate Plan:

Corporate Plan 2009-2013 8.5.9(e) To undertake a review of all waste management processes and services with a view to identify improvements and efficiencies in the existing service provision and possible service expansion opportunities.

Supporting Documentation:



Stephen Mow, Acting Director, Operations

Paul Bawden, Chief Executive Officer

Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  28 September 2011

Officer Report

Meeting: General  28 September 2011

Date: 16 September 2011

Item Number: 13.2

File Number: D11/27172


Subject Heading:                     Future of Roads to Recovery Program

Classification:                                  Open Access  

Name of Applicant:                        


Author & Officer’s Title:                 Paul Bawden, Chief Executive Officer



Executive Summary: 

The Roads Recovery Program funded by the Federal Government since 2009 has provided important funding for Councils across Australia to manage local roads.


With the current program to end in 2014, Local Governments in many areas are beginning to address the scope for its continued availability.



Officer’s Recommendation: 

1.    That Council calls on the Federal Government to:

·    Recognise the successful delivery of the Roads to Recovery Program by local government since 2000;

·    Continue the Roads to Recovery Program on a permanent basis to assist local government meet its responsibilities of providing access for its communities;

·    Continue Roads to Recovery Program with the current administrative arrangements; and

·    Provide an increased level of funding under a future Roads to Recovery program that recognises the shortfall of funding on local roads of $1.2 billion annually.


2.    That correspondence advising of Councils position be forwarded to appropriate members of Parliament.



Body of Report:

The Roads to Recovery Program was achieved through strong campaigning by Local Government and has been the subject of two extensions.  By the time the current Program ends in 2014, more than $4.5 million in additional funding will have been provided for local roads.


The Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) is mounting a campaign for increased and ongoing Roads to Recovery Program funding.  Research commissioned by ALGA has shown a national shortfall is the level of funding for local roads amounting to about $1.2 billion annually.


Within the Maranoa Region roads that have recently benefited from this funding include:


Muckadilla-Ashmount Rd – bitumen seal 5.5km (fully funded by R2R)

Mt Moffat Rd – rehabilitate and widen approx. 4.7km (partly funded)

Dunkeld Rd – gravel resheet approx. 4km (partly funded)

Yuleba-Surat Rd – gravel resheet approx. 5km (partly funded)

Kangaroo Ck Rd – bitumen seal approx. 5km (partly funded)


It is proposed that Council support the ALGA in providing a unified campaign for the retention of the Program.  This is formalised in the recommendation proposing representations to Federal Government.

Consultation (internal/external):

Stephen Mow, Acting Director Operations

Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):

The provision of further funding can ensure Councils road network is maintained at a satisfactory level.

Policy Implications:
Supports work on Asset Planning.

Financial Resource Implications:

Can provide additional financial support in provision/maintenance of roads in the region.


Link to Corporate Plan:

Corporate Plan 2009-2013 8.5.3(a) To undertake any road works maintenance requirements in a planned, responsive and efficient manner for the benefit of all road users.

Supporting Documentation:




Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  28 September 2011

Officer Report

Meeting: General  28 September 2011

Date: 16 September 2011

Item Number: 13.3

File Number: D11/27173


Subject Heading:                     Naming of Road

Classification:                                  Open Access  

Name of Applicant:                        

Location:                                           Jackson

Author & Officer’s Title:                 Jodie Young, Administration Assistant



Executive Summary: 

A name is required for an unnamed Road/Lane located off Edward Street, Jackson so a rural addressing number can be provided.



Officer’s Recommendation: 

That Council name the road which is outlined in the attached map, ‘Harris Lane’.



Body of Report:

Council has received a request from Kay Taylor for a rural addressing number for her property at Jackson. However the road, located off Edwards St, is currently unnamed and is required to be named before a rural addressing number can be provided.


There is currently no adopted policy or set guidelines that outline the procedures which should take place when naming roads within the region.  In the past Council has named roads by taking into account their historical significance, for example, the original settlers, families that have been in the area for an extended period of time or families that now reside in the area.


Suggestions (from Ms Taylor’s partner) for the naming of the road include Harris Lane, Harris Vale Lane or Harris Road.  It is understood that these names originate from a previous owner of the surrounding parcels of land.


Discussions with Manager Technical Services, Kym Downey, indicate that the primary reason for this request is for rural addressing and emergency services purposes.


Feedback has been sought from the owners of the other properties in the unnamed road on the naming of the road and an update will be provided at the meeting.

Consultation (internal/external):


Kym Downey – Manager Technical Services & Special Projects

Stephen Mow – Acting Director of Operations



Kay Taylor

Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):


Policy Implications:

There is no current adopted policy.

Financial Resource Implications:

Road name sign will need to be installed.


Link to Corporate Plan:

Corporate Plan 2009-2013 8.5.3(c) To develop an asset replacement program for Council’s roads infrastructure assets so as to ensure sufficient funds are available to undertake any asset replacement and renewal when required without creating an unnecessary financial burden on other Council operations and in the interest of long term sustainability.

Supporting Documentation:


Unnamed Road Jackson



Report authorised by:

Stephen Mow, Acting Director, Operations

Attachment 1

Unnamed Road Jackson



Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  28 September 2011

Officer Report

Meeting: General  28 September 2011

Date: 19 September 2011

Item Number: 14.1

File Number: D11/27322


Subject Heading:                     Disposal of Toyota 4x4 Utility

Classification:                                  Open Access  

Name of Applicant:                        

Location:                                           Roma

Author & Officer’s Title:                 Kay Crosby, Manager Environmental Health



Executive Summary: 

Council remains the owner of a Toyota Landcruiser Utility HJ 45 (Plant No 654) that is kept at a property north west of Injune for the purpose of parthenium control by the Injune and District Parthenium project officer.  The parthenium project officer is no longer employed by this Group, and the vehicle is not used extensively by landholders in the control of parthenium, therefore should be sold.



Officer’s Recommendation: 

That Council provide an opportunity for the Injune and District Parthenium Action Group to make a market based offer to purchase the vehicle.  Should this group not make an offer approved by Council; the vehicle will be advertised formally for disposal.



Body of Report:

Council remains the owner of a Toyota Landcruiser Utility HJ 45 that is garaged at a property north west of Injune.  This vehicle was purchased by Bungil Shire Council on 3 March 1999 for the Land Protection Officer’s use and subsequently provided to the Injune and District Parthenium Group for use by a parthenium project officer. 


The parthenium project officer was employed for approximately three years ending maybe 2004-2005.  Since the winding down of the parthenium biological tunnels and this specific project, the vehicle and spray unit has remained at the property for intended use by landholders in the area for parthenium control. 


It is understood that landholders in the region do not utilise the vehicle, other than the landowner where the vehicle is garaged.  A Local Laws officer has advised two landholders that they may use this vehicle and the spray unit for chemical control of parthenium/pest plants on their own land; however both landholders were not prepared to arrange and or collect the vehicle from its current location. 


Parthenium growth is prolific in the northern section of Maranoa Regional Council, and the majority of landholders manage infestations of this pest plant through a number of alternate land management processes.


The spray unit may be removed off the vehicle and used through out the region by landholders that wish to deploy the equipment in control efforts of identified pest plants on privately owned land, or used in roadside chemical applications by Council employees, and or used by another Local Laws officer in the urban area.


The vehicle has recently been serviced by Council’s workshop located in Roma and it is believed that the vehicle is in good condition; however the vehicle remains a cost and possible liability to Council.

Consultation (internal/external):

Local Laws Officers - Roma

Mr David Chandler

Plant Co-ordinator

Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):

Public liability risk should an incident occur.

There is no formal agreement between Maranoa Regional Council and Injune and District Parthenium Action Group for the use of this vehicle by persons not employed by Council

Policy Implications:

Council may be viewed as giving provision to one landholder and not another.

Providing a vehicle to person/s not employed by Council

Financial Resource Implications:

Extra cost to Council for a vehicle not directly used by Council officers.


Link to Corporate Plan:

Corporate Plan 2009-2013 8.5.4(b) To undertake an ongoing review process of Council's plant fleet requirements so as to identify any plant surplus or needs to council operations and possible alternative plant operating options.

Supporting Documentation:


Council Toyota Utility - images



Report authorised by:

Paul Bawden, Chief Executive Officer

Attachment 1

Council Toyota Utility - images


Council owned Toyota Utility – provided to Injune and District Parthenium Action Group

Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  28 September 2011

Officer Report

Meeting: General  28 September 2011

Date: 19 September 2011

Item Number: 14.2

File Number: D11/27332



Classification:                                  Open Access  

Name of Applicant:                         GB Building & Concrete Constructions

Location:                                           367 Dargal Road, Roma (Lot 7 on SP194563)

Author & Officer’s Title:                 Danielle Pearn, Planning & Development Officer



Executive Summary: 

GB Building & Concrete Constructions, on behalf of Andrew & Anita Crawford, seek approval for a relaxation of the residential outbuilding maximum size.


Officer’s Recommendation: 

The application be refused due to non-compliance with the Rural Area Code contained in the Bungil Shire Planning Scheme.



Body of Report:

The application seeks Council approval to establish a residential outbuilding exceeding 120m2 floor area in the Rural Zone of the Bungil Planning Scheme.  The proposed shed is 360m2 in floor area (L30m x W12m x H6.566m) and consists of five bays.


The landowners have advised that it is their intent to utilise the shed for the storage of motor vehicles, a camper trailer and other recreational vehicles including a jet ski and motorbikes. 


The subject site is located at 367 Dargal Road, Roma, and comprises an area of 14.18 hectares.  The property is situated within the Rural Zone of the Bungil Planning Scheme.

Figure 1: Site Locality

It is proposed the outbuilding be positioned 133.2 metres from the front property boundary and 513.74 metres from the rear boundary.  The proposal achieves side boundary clearances of 18.5 metres and 166.62 metres from the eastern and western boundaries respectively. 


The Rural Area Code of the Bungil Planning Scheme seeks to ensure that residential outbuildings do not compromise the rural amenity of the zone.  The Acceptable Solution of the code therefore limits the size of residential outbuildings to structures 8.5 metres in height and 120m2 in floor area.


In 2009 Council refused an application for a residential outbuilding with a floor area of 360m2 in the Rural Residential Zone of Roma Town.  A subsequent application for a 315m2 outbuilding was later approved on the property.   This proposal was 205m2 in excess of the 110m2 floor area permitted within the Rural Residential Zone of the Roma Planning Scheme, and is the largest residential outbuilding approved by Council to date.  In this case the premises was subsequently utilised for business purposes without the consent of Council which resulted in enforcement action having to be undertaken.   Council has not received any applications for residential outbuildings of this scale within the Bungil Shire area.


Assessment Summary:


The proposed outbuilding significantly exceeds the maximum size limit nominated in the planning scheme for the Rural Zone and further, the applicant has failed to demonstrate how the rural amenity of the area is to be maintained.  It is therefore recommended the application be refused.


Figure 2: Site Plan

Figure 3: Elevations

Consultation (internal/external):


Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):

The applicant has appeal rights under SPA against any decision of Council.

Policy Implications:

There is potential for a premise of this size to be utilised for industrial and/or commercial business activities that would require a development approval.  Such activities are inconsistent with the intent of the Rural Zone under the Bungil Planning Scheme.

Financial Resource Implications:

If the applicant were to appeal the decision of Council, Council would be faced with the cost of defending the decision in court.


Link to Corporate Plan:

Corporate Plan 2009-2013 8.3.1(a) Regulate and control development in a consistent and responsible manner that enhances the lifestyle of our community whilst promoting sustainable development.

Supporting Documentation:


Report authorised by:

Robert Hayward, Director Planning & Environment

Paul Bawden, Chief Executive Officer   

Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  28 September 2011

Status Report

Meeting: General  28 September 2011

Date: 8 September 2011

Item Number: 16.1

File Number: D11/26135


SUBJECT HEADING:                     Statistical Report

Classification:                                  Open Access 

Report compiled by:                       Edward Sims, Manager Organisational Performance


Month & Year of Report:                August 2011

Name of Department:                     Economic Development



Executive Summary: 

This report provides council with a summary of the performance of the Economic Development and Tourism Unit against key performance indicators for September 2011 compared with August 2011.


Statistics contained in the report and which are illustrated graphically detail:


·    the level of engagement with businesses within the region,

·    the amount of enquiry generated about investment,

·    the effectiveness of our external marketing effort to the visitor market and


The activity is stimulated by the distribution of various marketing collateral, web based promotions, and direct contact by officers within the unit as a result of proactive effort.   Accordingly the report also reflects the effectiveness of this marketing effort.


The report also details the contact made by each officer in the ED unit. This report excludes broadcast email contacts made by the ED Coordinator who will be in contact with sometimes 100’s of regional stakeholders in any given month.


The broadcast contacts contain important regional economic development information, and correspondence concerning business assistance initiatives, therefore are considered an important indicator of the depth and frequency of contact with our local business community.



Officer’s Recommendation:

That the Economic and Tourism Development Report for the month of August 2011 be received and noted.



1.   Economic Development (Community Engagement)



2.   Investment inquiry




3.   Marketing indicators





Invest Maranoa site visits are primarily driven by our marketing effort.  The more we promote the more visits we experience.  The site was launched in September 2010 and evidence shows that hit rates were the lowest in January 2011, as  a result of our stakeholders wanting to familiarise themselves with the regional profile.  February onward is as a result of continued promotion of invest Maranoa collateral, or our relative success using key words for search engine optimisation. 


Key activity for the ED unit is to determine how to optimise our opportunities to exploit this media.   Research is being included in council multi-media strategy which is currently in progress.



Visit Maranoa site visits follow the seasonal cycle of tourism activity with most visits during the lead up to the season when travellers are deciding on their destinations and lower activity while travellers are actually travelling.


4.   Visitor information centres:



The number of visits to VICs is entirely consistent with seasonal cycles of the tourism industry.



Supporting Documentation:


Report authorised by:

Tony Klein, Director of Community Services

Paul Bawden, Chief Executive Officer


Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  28 September 2011

Status Report

Meeting: General  28 September 2011

Date: 16 September 2011

Item Number: 16.2

File Number: D11/27195


SUBJECT HEADING:                     Community Development Report

Classification:                                  Open Access 

Report compiled by:                       Tanya Mansfield, Manager Performance and Planning


Month & Year of Report:                Performance Report for August 2011

Name of Department:                     Community Services Department



Executive Summary: 

This monthly report is presented to Council to provide a statistical summary of the organisation’s performance in delivering community development services.



Officer’s Recommendation:

That Council receive and note the Officer’s report as presented.



This performance report provides information and statistics on five key areas being library circulation, visitation to art galleries, Queensland Government Agent services, non-financial community assistance and community engagement activities.


Supporting Documentation:


Community Development Performance Data



Report authorised by:

Tony Klein, Director of Community Services

Paul Bawden, Chief Executive Officer


Attachment 1

Community Development Performance Data


Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  28 September 2011

Status Report

Meeting: General  28 September 2011

Date: 16 September 2011

Item Number: 16.3

File Number: D11/27197


SUBJECT HEADING:                     Social Development Report

Classification:                                  Open Access 

Report compiled by:                       Tanya Mansfield, Manager Performance and Planning


Month & Year of Report:                Performance Report August 2011

Name of Department:                     Community Services Department



Executive Summary: 

This monthly report is presented to Council to provide a statistical summary of the organisation’s performance in delivering social development services.



Officer’s Recommendation:

That Council receive and note the Officer’s report as presented.



This performance report provides information on client assistance contacts in six service areas being Regional Housing, Employability, Maruma-Li Mari, Community Support Service, Family Support Service and Community Care.



Supporting Documentation:


Social Services Performance Information



Report authorised by:

Tony Klein, Director of Community Services

Paul Bawden, Chief Executive Officer


Attachment 1

Social Services Performance Information



Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  28 September 2011

Status Report

Meeting: General  28 September 2011

Date: 16 September 2011

Item Number: 17.1

File Number: D11/27194


SUBJECT HEADING:                     Corporate Governance Report

Classification:                                  Open Access 

Report compiled by:                       Tanya Mansfield, Manager Performance and Planning


Month & Year of Report:                Performance Report August 2011

Name of Department:                     Corporate Services and Human Resource Management



Executive Summary: 

This monthly report is presented to Council to provide a summary of the organisation’s performance in the Corporate Services and Human Resource Management areas.



Officer’s Recommendation:

That Council receive and note the Officer’s report as presented.



Corporate Governance is the set of processes, policies and laws affecting the way the organisation is administered.  Council has statutory obligations under the Local Government Act 2009 and other State and Federal Legislation which requires Council to report its performance in regards to certain matters.  Other administrative information has been included in this report for Council’s information.


Supporting Documentation:


Corporate Governance Report



Report authorised by:

Matthew McGoldrick, Director of Corporate Services

Paul Bawden, Chief Executive Officer


Attachment 1

Corporate Governance Report



Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  28 September 2011

Status Report

Meeting: General  28 September 2011

Date: 16 September 2011

Item Number: 18.1

File Number: D11/27196


SUBJECT HEADING:                     Asset Management Report

Classification:                                  Open Access 

Report compiled by:                       Tanya Mansfield, Manager Performance and Planning


Month & Year of Report:                August 2011

Name of Department:                     Operations



Executive Summary: 

Asset Management is a systematic process of effectively maintaining, upgrading and operating assets.  Council’s assets include its road network, water, sewerage infrastructure and parks and gardens.  This monthly report is presented to Council to provide a summary of the organisation’s performance in the Asset Management area.



Officer’s Recommendation:

That Council receive and note the Officer’s report as presented.



The Asset Management Report for the month of August 2011 is attached for Council’s information.  This month’s report only includes water and sewerage data as other information was not available at the time of compiling this report.


Supporting Documentation:


Asset Management Report



Report authorised by:

Stephen Mow, Acting Director, Operations

Paul Bawden, Chief Executive Officer


Attachment 1

Asset Management Report



Maranoa Regional Council


General Meeting -  28 September 2011

Status Report

Meeting: General  28 September 2011

Date: 16 September 2011

Item Number: 19.1

File Number: D11/27198


SUBJECT HEADING:                     Planning, Building and Environment Report

Classification:                                  Open Access 

Report compiled by:                       Tanya Mansfield, Manager Performance and Planning


Month & Year of Report:                August 2011

Name of Department:                     Planning and Environment



Executive Summary: 

This monthly report is presented to Council to provide a summary of the organisation’s performance in the Environment, Animal Management and Rural Services areas.



Officer’s Recommendation:

That Council receive and note the Officer’s report as presented.



Council has statutory obligations under the Local Government Act and other State and Federal legislation which requires Council to report its performance in regard to certain matters.  Other administrative information has been included in this report for Council’s information.


Supporting Documentation:


Building, Planning and Environment August 2011



Report authorised by:

Robert Hayward, Director Planning & Environment

Paul Bawden, Chief Executive Officer


Attachment 1

Building, Planning and Environment August 2011