General Meeting
Wednesday 22 August 2012
Roma Administration Centre
Date: 17 August 2012
Mayor: Councillor R S Loughnan
Deputy Mayor: Councillor W S Wason
Councillors: Councillor J L Chambers
Councillor R J Denton
Councillor P J Flynn
Councillor W M Newman
Councillor C J O’Neil
Councillor M L Price
Councillor D J Schefe
Acting Chief Executive Officer: Mr Michael Parker
Senior Management: Mr Tony Klein (Director Community Services)
Mr Matthew McGoldrick (Director Corporate Services)
Mr Barry Omundson (Director Infrastructure)
Mr Rob Hayward (Director Planning & Environment)
Officers: Ms Jane Frith (Corporate Communications Officer)
Please find attached agenda for the General Meeting to be held at the Roma Administration Centre on August 22, 2012 at 9.00am.
Michael Parker
Acting Chief Executive Officer
Maranoa Regional Council
General Meeting - 22 August 2012
Item Subject
2 Present/Apologies
3 Confirmation of Minutes
General 8 August 2012
4 Business arising from Minutes
5 On the Table
6 Presentations/Petitions and Deputations
6.1 Combined Churches Flood Appeal Group 10.00am
Mayor, Robert Loughnan will recognise the efforts of Combined Churches Flood appeal via a presentation to attending representatives. |
6.2 Clearview Rise development update - Roma 11.00am
Peter Smith – Director, Residential Development and Franz van den Brink – Senior Development Manager, representing Urban Land Development Authority will provide an update on subsequent stages for the Clearview Rise development in Roma. |
7 Consideration of notices of business
8 Consideration of notices of motion
9 Reception of notices of motion for next meeting
10 Executive Services
10.1 Councillor Representation on Advisory Committees and Community Groups
Prepared by: Kelly Rogers, Coordinator Executive Services
11 Community Services
11.1 Information and Endorsement of Mitchell WORK Camp Progress Report 2011-2012
Prepared by: Jane Fenton, Community Development Coordinator - Mitchell
Attachment 1: Mitchell WORK Camp - Outcome Report 2011 2012
Attachment 2: Queensland Corrective Services - Mitchell Work Camp - 6/8/12
12 Corporate Services
12.1 Renewal of Surat Aquarium Agreement
Prepared by: Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities
12.2 Tenure Booringa Heritage Museum
Prepared by: Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities
12.3 Application for Permit to Occupy over Part of Lot 124 on EG247, Reserve for Camping and Water
Prepared by: Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities
Attachment : Map of location
12.4 Application for conversion to freehold of Term Lease 0/212711
Prepared by: Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities
Attachment : Map of location
12.5 Application for conversion to freehold of Term Lease 0/210022
Prepared by: Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities
Attachment : Map of location
12.6 2011/2012 Operational Plan Quarterly Review
Prepared by: Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities
Attachment : Operational Plan Quarterly Review
12.7 Interest in Purchasing Land Wallumbilla
Prepared by: Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities
Attachment : Map - Lot 703 on W4091
12.8 Trustee Lease Injune Fire and Rescue Station
Prepared by: Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities
Attachment : Map - Lot 10 on CPI7181
13 Infrastructure
13.1 Injune Race Track (Possum Park) Water Fees and Charges
Prepared by: Paraic Butler, Graduate Engineer
Attachment : Injune race track water fees complaint
14 Commercial Business
15 Planning & Environment
15.1 Removal, Relocation or Demolition of Buildings
Prepared by: Graham Tiffany, Manager Land Development
Attachment : Policy for the Removal, Relocation or Demolition of Buildings
Status Reports
16 Executive Services
17 Community Service
17.1 Community Services Report
Prepared by: Larissa Pears, Community Services Administration Assistant
Attachment : Community Services Performance Report
18 Corporate Services
19 Infrastructure
20 Commercial Business
21 Planning & Environment
Next General Meeting
Confidential Items
In accordance with the provisions of section 72 of the Local Government (Operations) Regulation 2010, a local government may resolve to close a meeting to the public and move ‘into Committee’ to discuss confidential items that it’s Councillors or members consider it necessary to close the meeting.
22 Confidential Items
22.1 Regional Arts Development Fund Applications from Round 1, 2012/13 Financial Year
Classification: Closed Access
Local Government (Operations) Regulation 2010 Section 72(h) other business for which a public discussion would be likely to prejudice the interests of the local government or someone else, or enable a person to gain a financial advantage.
Councillor Business
23 Councillor Business
Minutes of the General Meeting of maranoa Regional Council held at Roma Administration Centre on 8 August 2012 commencing at 9.00am
Mayor Cr. R S Loughnan chaired the meeting with, Deputy Mayor Cr. W S Wason, Cr. R J Denton, Cr. P J Flynn, Cr. W M Newman, Cr. C J O’Neil, Cr. M L Price, Cr. D J Schefe, Acting Chief Executive Officer – Michael Parker, Director Community Services – Tony Klein, Director Corporate Services – Matthew McGoldrick, Director Planning & Environment – Rob Hayward, Director Infrastructure – Barry Omundson, Manager Organisational Development – Ed Sims, Business Development Facilitator – Ryan Gittins, System & IT Coordinator – Grant Wedlake, Regional Sport & Recreation Coordinator – Fiona Vincent, Corporate Communications Officer – Jane Frith, and Kelly Rogers Minutes Officer in attendance.
Jason Cubit representing Horizon Housing Company.
Brad McCosker representing McCulloch Robertson Lawyers.
The Mayor welcomed all present and declared the meeting open at 9.09am.
Resolution No. GM.209.12 Moved Cr Newman Seconded Cr O'Neil
That apologies be received and leave of absence granted for Cr. Chambers for this meeting.
Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution No. GM.210.12 Moved Cr Schefe Seconded Cr Flynn
That the minutes of the General Meeting (14-25.07.12) held on 25 July 2012 be confirmed.
Business Arising FROM MiNUTES
There was no business arising from the minutes.
On the Table
Item Number: 5.1 |
File Number: D12/19115 |
Subject Heading: Material Change of Use - "Extractive Industry", "Industry" (Medium Impact Industry), ERA 8, ERA 16, ERA 21 and Reconfiguring a Lot (Lease with a term exceeding 10 years) Location: Swans Road, Wallumbilla Qld 4428 (Lot 2 on SP186195) Applicant: Ostwald Quarries Pty Ltd |
Author and Officer’s Title: Danielle Pearn, Planning & Development Officer |
Executive Summary: This application seeks a Development Permit for a Material Change of Use for “Extractive Industry” and “Industry” (Medium Impact Industry) and ERA 8(3a) Chemical Storage, ERA 16(2b)(3a) Extractive and Screening Activities and ERA 21 Motor Vehicle Workshop Operation and Reconfiguring a Lot (lease with a term exceeding 10 years) on land at Swans Road, Wallumbilla QLD 4428 and described as Lot 2 on SP186195.
The proposed development is consistent with the Bendemere Shire Planning Scheme 2006 including the DEOs, Rural Zone Code and Reconfiguring a Lot Code.
Discussion: Director Planning & Environment provided an overview of discussion outcomes with Department of Main Roads (DMR).
Council determined that the matter should lay on the table for further discussion at a later point during the meeting, to allow for a review of the initial officer’s report to accommodate discussion outcomes with DMR.
Delegated Officer |
Planning & Development Officer |
Consideration of notices of business
There were no notices of business for consideration.
Consideration of notices of motion
There were no notices of motion for consideration.
Reception of notices of motion for next meeting
No notices of motion were received for the next meeting.
Community Services
Item Number: 11.1 |
File Number: D12/21311 |
Subject Heading: Maranoa Retirement Village Decommissioning - Resident Intakes Location: Mitchell |
Author and Officer’s Title: Tony Klein, Director of Community Services |
Executive Summary: Consideration of the process of accepting new residents to the Mitchell Maranoa Retirement Village is requested considering the imminent decommissioning of the facility.
Resolution No. GM.211.12 Moved Cr Newman Seconded Cr Wason 1. That Council where possible, regulate new Maranoa Retirement Village resident intakes with the anticipated view of meeting the following indicative resident number targets for the facility leading up to decommissioning:
2. That Council continues to accept new respite residents where practical to the Maranoa Retirement Village leading up to decommissioning of the facility.
Delegated Officer |
Director of Community Services |
Corporate Services
Item Number: 12.1 |
File Number: D12/19350 |
Subject Heading: Renewal of Special Lease 36/52727, Special Lease 40/200167 Location: Over Lot 8 on Crown Plan KE18 and Lot 26 on Crown Plan FT965 |
Author and Officer’s Title: Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities |
Executive Summary: The Department of Environment and Resource Management seeks Council’s views on an Application for Renewal of Special Lease 36/52727 over Lot 8 on Crown Plan KE18, Parish of Cytherea, Reserve for Camping and Water Purposes known as R5 Kennedy and Renewal of Special Lease 40/200167 over Lot 26 on Crown Plan FT965, Parish of Woleebee Reserve for Camping known as R180 Fortescue.
Resolution No. GM.212.12 Moved Cr Price Seconded Cr O'Neil That Council advise the Department of Environment and Resource Management that the reserve is still required for its gazetted purpose and Council has no objection to the application for renewal of special lease 36/52727 over Lot 8 on Crown Plan KE18, Parish of Cytherea, Reserve for Camping and Water Purposes, R5 Kennedy and Special Lease 40/200167 over Lot 26 on Crown Plan FT965, Parish of Woleebee, Reserve for Camping on the following conditions:-
1. The leased area is to have a stock proof fence to eliminate domestic grazing stock from entering nearby road reserve/s. 2. The leased area is to be used for grazing purposes only, and in such a manner so as the land is not degraded as far as reasonably practical from this specified use. 3. The lessee has a duty of care, to take all reasonable and practicable measures to sustainably manage the permit area. 4. Any weeds identified in the Land (Pest and Stock Route) Management Act are to be controlled in such a manner that will not allow the spread of seed onto adjoining land or land further down any water course and or creek. 5. Should any weeds identified in the Land (Pest and Stock Route) Management Act be identified within the confines of the special lease land, the lessee is to notify the Department of Environment and Resource Management and the Local Government of the weed as soon as practicably possible. 6. Authorised Council officers must be allowed entry to carry out inspections in relation to weeds. 7. The landholder is to be responsible for any litigation that may result from the “Trustee Lease or Trustee Permit” use. 8. If this Camping and Water Reserve is required for its gazetted purpose, the applicant must allow entry and use for this purpose.
Delegated Officer |
Manager Risk and Facilities |
Item Number: 12.2 |
File Number: D12/21940 |
Subject Heading: Application for conversion to freehold of Grazing Homestead Perpetual Lease 36/7483 Location: Over Lot 13 on DL283, Parish of Waroonga |
Author and Officer’s Title: Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities |
Executive Summary: The Department of Environment and Resource Management seeks Council’s views on an Application for Conversion to Freehold of Grazing Homestead Perpetual Lease 36/7483 over Lot 13 on DL283, parish of Waroonga.
Resolution No. GM.213.12 Moved Cr Wason Seconded Cr Schefe That Council advise the Department of Environment and Resource Management that Council has no objection to the application for conversion to freehold of Grazing Homestead Perpetual Lease 36/7483 over Lot 13 on DL283, Parish of Waroonga and furthermore that Council is not aware of any local non-indigenous cultural heritage values that the Department should consider when assessing the application.
Delegated Officer |
Manager Risk and Facilities |
Item Number: 12.3 |
File Number: D12/21942 |
Subject Heading: Application for conversion to freehold of Grazing Homestead Perpetual Lease 36/7835 Location: Over Lot 12 on DL283, Parish of Waroonga |
Author and Officer’s Title: Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities |
Executive Summary: The Department of Environment and Resource Management seeks Council’s views on an Application for Conversion to Freehold of Grazing Homestead Perpetual Lease 36/7835 over Lot 12 on DL283, parish of Waroonga.
Discussion: Council determined that the matter should lay on the table for further discussion at a later point during the meeting following presentation of a map identifying the applicable parcel of land.
Item Number: 12.4 |
File Number: D12/21944 |
Subject Heading: Application for Replacement Permit to Occupy over Part of Lot 34 on WV1126 - Lot A on WV1422 and Lot B on WV1603 Location: Part of Lot 34 on WV1126 - Lot A on WV1422 and Lot B on WV1603 |
Author and Officer’s Title: Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities |
Executive Summary: The Department of Environment and Resource Management seeks Council’s views on an Application for Replacement Permit to Occupy over Part of Lot 34 on WV1126 – Lot A on WV1422 and Lot B on WV1603.
Discussion: Council determined that the matter should lay on the table for further discussion at a later point during the meeting following presentation of a map identifying the applicable parcel of land.
Item Number: 12.5 |
File Number: D12/22083 |
Subject Heading: Renewal of Term Lease 0/219657 Location: Over Lot 2 on WV975, Parish of Blythdale Reserve for Camping Purposes, R.68 Waldegrave |
Author and Officer’s Title: Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities |
Executive Summary: The Department of Environment and Resource Management seeks Council’s views on an Application for Renewal of Special Lease 0/219657 over Lot 2 on WV975, Parish of Blythdale, Reserve for Camping Purposes known as R.68 Waldegrave.
Resolution No. GM.214.12 Moved Cr Denton Seconded Cr Flynn That Council advise the Department of Environment and Resource Management that the reserve is still required for its gazetted purpose and Council has no objection to the application for renewal of special lease 0/219657 over Lot 2 on WV975, Parish of Blythdale, Reserve for Camping Purposes known as R.68 Waldegrave on the following conditions:-
1. The leased area is to have a stock proof fence to eliminate domestic grazing stock from entering nearby road reserve/s. 2. The leased area is to be used for grazing purposes only, and in such a manner so as the land is not degraded as far as reasonably practical from this specified use. 3. The lessee has a duty of care, to take all reasonable and practicable measures to sustainably manage the permit area. 4. Any weeds identified in the Land (Pest and Stock Route) Management Act are to be controlled in such a manner that will not allow the spread of seed onto adjoining land or land further down any water course and or creek. 5. Should any weeds identified in the Land (Pest and Stock Route) Management Act be identified within the confines of the special lease land, the lessee is to notify the Department of Environment and Resource Management and the Local Government of the weed as soon as practicably possible. 6. Authorised Council officers must be allowed entry to carry out inspections in relation to weeds. 7. The landholder is to be responsible for any litigation that may result from the “Trustee Lease or Trustee Permit” use. 8. If this Camping and Water Reserve is required for its gazetted purpose, the applicant must allow entry and use for this purpose.
Delegated Officer |
Manager Risk and Facilities |
Planning & Environment
Item Number: 15.1 |
File Number: D12/22324 |
Subject Heading: Application for Material Change of Use - "Accommodation units" (2 units) File Ref: 2011/17947 Location: 2 Russell Street, Roma Qld 4455 (Lot 32 on RP4449) Applicant: Martin Building Design |
Author and Officer’s Title: Danielle Pearn, Planning & Development Officer |
Executive Summary: Martin Building Design seek approval for a Material Change of Use to establish Accommodation Units at 2 Russell Street, Roma, on land described as Lot 32 on RP4449.
The application is subject to Impact Assessment against the relevant provisions of Roma Town Planning Scheme 2006. No submissions were received during the public notification period (02/03/2012 to 23/03/2012).
The proposed development is consistent with the Desired Environmental Outcomes (DEOs) and Urban Area Code contained in the Roma Town Planning Scheme 2006.
Resolution No. GM.215.12 Moved Cr Denton Seconded Cr O'Neil That Council approves the application for Material Change of Use – “Accommodation Units” (2 units) located at 2 Russell Street, Roma (Lot 32 RP4449) subject to the following conditions:-
Complete and Maintain
1. Complete and maintain the approved development as follows: (i) in accordance with development approval documents and (ii) strictly in accordance with those parts of the approved development which have been specified in detail by the Council or Referral Agency unless the Council or Referral Agency agrees in writing that those parts will be adequately complied with by amended specifications.
2. Complete and maintain all operational, building and plumbing and drainage work associated with this development approval, including work required by any of the development approval conditions.
3. Maintain the approved development being Material Change of Use (Accommodation Units) generally in accordance with the approved plans:
4. Services and infrastructure required in connection with the establishment of the approved development must be provided at no cost to Council.
5. Any conflicts associated with proposed and existing services shall be forwarded by the developer to the appropriate controlling authority for approval for any proposed changes.
Stormwater and Drainage
6. Stormwater must not be allowed to pond on the property being developed during the development process and after development has been completed unless the type and size of ponding has been agreed in writing by the Council or as a specific development approval condition.
7. Any increases in volume, concentration or velocity of stormwater from the property being developed must be channelled to lawful points of discharge or to other storage or dispersal arrangements which must all be agreed in writing by the Council.
8. There must be no increases in any silt loads or contaminants in any overland flow from the property being developed, during the development process and after development has been completed.
9. The stormwater disposal system must be designed to include appropriate pollution control devices or methods to ensure no contamination or silting of creeks or other waterways.
10. Soil erosion and sediment is controlled in accordance with Schedule 6: “Standards for Stormwater Drainage”.
Services Provisions
11. The development is to be connected to Council’s reticulated sewerage disposal system in accordance with the Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) publication WSA02-2002 Sewerage Code of Australia (version 2.3), at no cost to Council.
12. The existing sewer main is to be relocated adjacent to the southern boundary of the site in accordance with plan 00152/11 sheet 2 of 6 Rev C, as amended in red. A detailed design is to be submitted to Council for approval in the form of an Operational Works application.
13. A three metre wide easement is to be registered over the relocated sewer main within the allotment boundaries, to allow unimpeded access 1.5 metres either side of the main.
14. The development is to be connected to Council’s reticulated water supply system in accordance with the Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) publication WSA03-2002 Water Reticulation Code of Australia (version 2.3), at no cost to Council.
15. The development is to be connected to an electricity reticulation service in accordance with the relevant service provider’s requirements and specifications along with relevant building standards, requirements and specifications (as relevant).
16. If the development is connected to a telecommunications service, then such works shall be undertaken in accordance with the relevant service provider’s requirements and specifications along with relevant building standards requirements and specifications (as relevant).
17. All services installation, including sewer, water, gas, electricity and telecommunications connections to the respective networks, must comply with (i) the development approval conditions, (ii) any relevant provisions in the planning scheme for the area, (iii) Council’s standard designs for such work where such designs exist (iv) Capricorn Municipal Development Guidelines where it applies (v) any relevant Australian Standard that applies to that type of work and (vi) any alternative specifications that Council has agreed to in writing and which the developer must ensure do not conflict with any requirements imposed by any applicable laws and standards.
Rubbish Collection
18. At all times while the use continues, waste containers shall be maintained in a clean and tidy state and shall be emptied and the waste removed from the site on a regular basis.
19. All bins shall be shielded from the view of travelling public and neighbours.
Access, Car parking and Manoeuvring
20. The landowner shall be responsible for construction and maintenance of vehicle crossovers from the road carriageway to the property boundary and for obtaining any approvals that may be required and for complying with the applicable designs and s tandards.
21. Vehicle crossovers from Russell Street and Duke Street are to be constructed of concrete in accordance with drawing CMDG-R-041 Rev A - Residential Driveway Slab and Tracks.
22. Vehicle crossovers must be located a minimum distance of one metre from any street signage, power poles, street lights, manholes, stormwater gully pits or other Council assets.
23. Provide a total of four (4) car parking spaces onsite in accordance with the approved site plan 00152/11 sheet 2 of 6 Rev C, dated 14/11/11, as amended in red.
24. All carparking spaces and driveway areas are to be sealed with an approved impervious surface. Surfacing shall consist of either patterned, reinforced concrete, concrete pavers, segmental clay pavers, asphaltic hotmix or two coat (primerseal/seal) bitumen seal.
25. Any damage to roads and infrastructure that is attributable to the progress of works on the site or vehicles associated with the development of the site, must be repaired to Council’s satisfaction or the cost of repairs paid to Council.
26. All construction works on site are to be undertaken in accordance with the Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Engineering Guidelines for Queensland Construction sites (IE Aust, Queensland Division, Brisbane – or later versions).
27. The developer shall immediately clean up and satisfactorily remove any deposited construction material or silt runoff from the development site.
Landscaping and Fencing
28. Landscaping in the form of gardens and lawn areas, must be provided onsite in accordance with the approved plan 00152/11 sheet 2 of 6 Rev C dated 14/11/2011, as amended in red.
29. Ground covers should fully cover vegetated areas within one year of planting.
30. The mature height of vegetation established within a nine metre truncation at the north-east corner of the lot, must not exceed 1.5 metres.
31. Site landscaping must not interfere with electrical infrastructure nor restrict maintenance access to any onsite infrastructure, public utility or easement.
Avoiding Nuisance
32. Lighting of the site, including any security lighting, shall be such that the lighting intensity does not exceed 8.0 lux at a distance of 1.5 metres from the site at any property boundary.
33. All lighting shall be directed or shielded so as to ensure that no glare directly affects nearby properties.
34. Any air conditioning, generator, refrigeration, pump, exhaust, fans, processing or other equipment must be acoustically screened to ensure noise levels do not exceed 5dB above the background noise level.
35. During the establishment of the approved development, no nuisance is to be caused to adjoining properties and occupiers by the way of smoke, dust, rubbish, contaminant, stormwater discharge or siltation at any time, including non-working hours.
Infrastructure Contributions
36. An infrastructure contribution, in accordance with Council’s adopted Priority infrastructure Plan, of $21,000.00 is payable to the Council. The stated charge is to be paid prior to issue of a building works permit.
37. All development approval conditions related to the establishment of the approved development must be fulfilled prior to any approved use commencing.
38. The developer is to amend the design of proposed Unit 2 and submit a revised site plan demonstrating that the development achieves a minimum boundary setback of 6 metres from the Duke Street frontage of the site.
39. The residential outbuildings must be constructed with a gable roofline orientated towards their respective street frontage. All external sides of the outbuildings are to remain completely open and must not be enclosed in any way by walls or doors of any kind, at any time.
No Cost to Council
40. The developer is responsible for meeting all costs associated with the approved development unless there is specific agreement by other parties, including the Council, to meeting those costs.
41. All civil and related work shall be designed and supervised by a Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland (RPEQ) who are competent in the construction of the works.
42. All rates and charges of any description and all arrears of such rates and charges, together with interest outstanding thereon, on the land, due to Council, shall be paid to the Council prior to occupation of the units.
Delegated Officer |
Planning & Development Officer |
Item Number: 12.3 |
File Number: D12/21942 |
Subject Heading: Application for conversion to freehold of Grazing Homestead Perpetual Lease 36/7835 Location: Over Lot 12 on DL283, Parish of Waroonga |
Author and Officer’s Title: Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities |
Executive Summary: The Department of Environment and Resource Management seeks Council’s views on an Application for Conversion to Freehold of Grazing Homestead Perpetual Lease 36/7835 over Lot 12 on DL283, parish of Waroonga.
Discussion: Following review of the provided map identifying the location of the parcel of land, Council resumed discussion on the item.
Resolution No. GM.216.12 Moved Cr Newman Seconded Cr Wason That Council advise the Department of Environment and Resource Management that Council has no objection to the application for conversion to freehold of Grazing Homestead Perpetual Lease 36/7835 over Lot 12 on DL283, Parish of Waroonga and furthermore that Council is not aware of any local non-indigenous cultural heritage values that the Department should consider when assessing the application.
Delegated Officer |
Manager Risk and Facilities |
Item Number: L.1 |
File Number: D12/23160 |
Subject Heading: Councillor attendance at upcoming conferences Location: Various locations Applicant: Not applicable |
Author and Officer’s Title: Kelly Rogers, Coordinator Executive Services |
Executive Summary: The Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) advertises a number of events throughout the year across a range of topics relevant to local government. Councillors may wish consider attendance at a number of these conferences where considered to be of benefit.
Resolution No. GM.217.12 Moved Cr O'Neil Seconded Cr Newman That Council endorses the attendance of individual Councillors for upcoming conferences as follows:-
1. Cr. Denton and Cr. Flynn to attend the International Economic Development Conference on 17- 20 September 2012;
2. Cr. Price and Cr. Newman to attend the 2012 Community Well Being Symposium on 20-23 November;
3. Cr. Loughnan, Cr. Chambers, Cr. Peter Flynn and Cr O’Neil to attend the 2012 Annual LGAQ Conference on 22 - 25 October 2012.
Delegated Officer |
Coordinator Executive Services |
Item Number: 12.4 |
File Number: D12/21944 |
Subject Heading: Application for Replacement Permit to Occupy over Part of Lot 34 on WV1126 - Lot A on WV1422 and Lot B on WV1603 Location: Part of Lot 34 on WV1126 - Lot A on WV1422 and Lot B on WV1603 |
Author and Officer’s Title: Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities |
Executive Summary: The Department of Environment and Resource Management seeks Council’s views on an Application for Replacement Permit to Occupy over Part of Lot 34 on WV1126 – Lot A on WV1422 and Lot B on WV1603.
Discussion: Following review of the provided map identifying the location of the parcel of land, Council resumed discussion on the item.
Resolution No. GM.218.12 Moved Newman Seconded Cr Wason That Council advise the Department of Environment and Resource Management that Council has no objection to the application for replacement permit to occupy over Part of Lot 34 on WV1126 – Lot A on WV1422 and Lot B on WV1603 on the following conditions:-
1. The leased area is to have a stock proof fence to eliminate domestic grazing stock from entering nearby road reserve/s. 2. The leased area is to be used for grazing purposes only, and in such a manner so as the land is not degraded as far as reasonably practical from this specified use. 3. The lessee has a duty of care, to take all reasonable and practicable measures to sustainably manage the permit area. 4. Any weeds identified in the Land (Pest and Stock Route) Management Act are to be controlled in such a manner that will not allow the spread of seed onto adjoining land or land further down any water course and or creek. 5. Should any weeds identified in the Land (Pest and Stock Route) Management Act be identified within the confines of the special lease land, the lessee is to notify the Department of Environment and Resource Management and the Local Government of the weed as soon as practicably possible. 6. Authorised Council officers must be allowed entry to carry out inspections in relation to weeds. 7. The landholder is to be responsible for any litigation that may result from the “Trustee Lease or Trustee Permit” use.
Furthermore, Council is not aware of any local non-indigenous cultural heritage values that the Department should consider when assessing the application.
Delegated Officer |
Manager Risk and Facilities |
Subject Heading: suspension of standing orders
Council adjourned the meeting for morning tea at 9.45am
Subject Heading: resumption of standing orders
Council resumed the meeting at 10.34am
In accord with the provisions of section 72 of the Local Government (Operations) Regulation 2010, Council resolved to close the meeting to discuss items it has deemed to be of a confidential nature and specifically pertaining to the following sections:-
(e) contracts proposed to be made by it;
(h) other business for which a public discussion would be likely to prejudice the interests of the local government or someone else, or enable a person to gain a financial advantage;
(a) the appointment, dismissal or discipline of employees
Resolution No. GM.219.12 Moved Cr Newman Seconded Cr Denton
That Council close the meeting to the public at 10.35am.
Presentations/Petitions and Deputations
Jason Cubit representing Horizon Housing Company provided Council an overview of the organization and sought Council’s input into the operation of the Memorandum of Understanding between both parties. This presentation was delivered in closed access as part of Council’s confidential agenda segment.
Brad McCosker representing McCulloch Robertson Lawyers discussed the legalities of potential risks and opportunities for the proposed flood mitigation strategy.
This presentation was delivered in closed access as part of Council’s confidential agenda segment.
The Mayor left the Chambers at 11.28am.
The Mayor entered the Chambers at 11.32am.
Cr. Flynn left the Chambers at 11.55am
Cr. Flynn entered the Chambers at 11.59am.
The Mayor left the Chambers at 12.07pm with the Deputy Mayor, Cr. Wason taking the chair.
The Mayor entered the Chambers at 12.55pm.
The Mayor left the Chambers at 1.08pm.
The Mayor entered the Chambers at 1.14pm.
Subject Heading: suspension of standing orders
Council adjourned the meeting for lunch at 1.30pm
Subject Heading: resumption of standing orders
Council resumed the meeting at 2.00pm
Cr. Newman left the Chambers at 2.25pm.
Cr. Newman entered the Chambers at 2.58pm.
Cr. O’Neil left the Chambers at 2.35pm.
Cr. O’Neil entered the Chambers at 2.40pm.
The Mayor left the Chambers at 2.36pm.
The Mayor entered the Chambers at 2.38pm.
Cr. Flynn left the Chambers at 2.57pm.
Cr. Flynn entered the Chambers at 3.00pm.
Cr. Schefe declared an interest in Item L.3 – “Lease and Management of the Roma Recreation Centre - Tender for the Lease and Management,” due to his wife being contracted to deliver fitness classes with the current lessee, who is also an applicant for Lease and Management of the Centre, and left the Chambers at 3.14pm taking no further part in discussions on the matter.
At cessation on discussion of Item L.3 “Lease and Management of the Roma Recreation Centre - Tender for the Lease and Management,” Cr. Schefe entered the Chambers at 3.52pm.
Resolution No. GM.220.12 Moved Cr Price Seconded Cr Wason
That Council opens the meeting to the public at 3.53pm.
Item Number: 5.1 |
File Number: D12/19115 |
Subject Heading: Material Change of Use - "Extractive Industry", "Industry" (Medium Impact Industry), ERA 8, ERA 16, ERA 21 and Reconfiguring a Lot (Lease with a term exceeding 10 years) Location: Swans Road, Wallumbilla Qld 4428 (Lot 2 on SP186195) Applicant: Ostwald Quarries Pty Ltd |
Author and Officer’s Title: Danielle Pearn, Planning & Development Officer |
Executive Summary: This application seeks a Development Permit for a Material Change of Use for “Extractive Industry” and “Industry” (Medium Impact Industry) and ERA 8(3a) Chemical Storage, ERA 16(2b)(3a) Extractive and Screening Activities and ERA 21 Motor Vehicle Workshop Operation and Reconfiguring a Lot (lease with a term exceeding 10 years) on land at Swans Road, Wallumbilla QLD 4428 and described as Lot 2 on SP186195.
The proposed development is consistent with the Bendemere Shire Planning Scheme 2006 including the DEOs, Rural Zone Code and Reconfiguring a Lot Code.
Discussion: Following review of the initial officer’s report in support of discussions undertaken with Department of Main Roads, Council again resumed discussion on the item.
Resolution No. GM.221.12 Moved Cr Denton Seconded Cr Newman
That Council approves the application for a Material Change of Use for “Extractive Industry” and “Industry” (Medium Impact Industry) and ERA 8(3a) Chemical Storage, ERA 16(2b)(3a) Extractive and Screening Activities and ERA 21 Motor Vehicle Workshop Operation and Reconfiguring a Lot (lease with a term exceeding 10 years) at Swans Road, Wallumbilla QLD 4428 and described as Lot 2 on SP186195, for a period of 6 months. Council considers the development will not adversely impact the residents of Wallumbilla if limited to a six month period only. The development be approved subject to the following conditions:
Advisory Notes
a). the load must be contained so as to prevent the release of any contaminated/ reproductive material; or b). the vehicle must be cleaned so that all contaminated / reproductive material is removed.
Development Permit for Reconfiguring a Lot (lease with a term exceeding 10 years)
Complete and Maintain
1. Complete and maintain the approved development as follows: (i) in accordance with development approval documents and (ii) strictly in accordance with those parts of the approved development which have been specified in detail by the Council or Referral Agency unless the Council or Referral Agency agrees in writing that those parts will be adequately complied with by amended specifications.
2. Complete and maintain all operational, building and plumbing and drainage work associated with this development approval, including work required by any of the development approval conditions.
3. Maintain the approved development being Reconfiguring a Lot (lease with a term exceeding 10 years) in accordance with the following approved plans:
Stormwater and Drainage
4. Stormwater must not be allowed to pond on the property being developed during the development process and after development has been completed unless the type and size of ponding has been agreed in writing by the Council or as a specific development approval condition.
5. Any increases in volume, concentration or velocity of stormwater from the property being developed must be channelled to lawful points of discharge or to other storage or dispersal arrangements which must all be agreed in writing by the Council.
6. There must be no increases in any silt loads or contaminants in any overland flow from the property being developed during the development process and after the development has been completed.
7. The stormwater disposal system must be designed to include appropriate pollution control devices or methods to ensure no contamination or silting of creeks or other waterways.
Erosion Control
8. If there is a possibility of erosion or silt or other materials being washed off the property being developed during the development process, the developer must document and implement a management plan that prevents this from occurring.
Avoiding Nuisance
9. During the establishment of the approved development, no nuisance is to be caused to adjoining properties and occupiers by the way of smoke, dust, rubbish, contaminant, stormwater discharge or siltation at any time, including non-working hours.
Access, Roads, Landscaping and Lighting
10. The landowner shall be responsible for construction and maintenance of vehicle crossovers from the road carriageway to the property boundary and for obtaining any approvals that may be required and for complying with the applicable designs and standards.
11. Any damage to roads and infrastructure that is attributable to the progress of works on the site or vehicles associated with the development of the site, must be repaired to Council’s satisfaction or the cost of repairs paid to Council.
Before Plans are Sealed
12. All rates and charges of any description and all arrears of such rates and charges, together with interest outstanding thereon, on the land, due to Council, shall be paid prior to the Council sealing the Plan of Survey.
13. All development approval conditions related to the establishment of the approved development must be fulfilled prior to any Plans of Survey being sealed.
No Cost to Council
14. The developer is responsible for meeting all costs associated with the approved development unless there is specific agreement by other parties, including the Council, to meeting those costs.
15. Services and infrastructure required in connection with the establishment of the approved development must be provided at no cost to Council.
16. All costs associated with the approved development to be met by the developer include all costs of survey, easement preparation, document lodgement, plan sealing and land transfers.
17. Any conflicts associated with proposed and existing services shall be forwarded by the developer to the appropriate controlling authority for approval for any proposed changes.
18. All civil and related work shall be designed and supervised by RPEQ Registered Professional Engineers of Queensland (RPEQ) who are competent in the construction of the works.
Development Permit for a Material Change of Use – “Extractive Industry” & “Industry” (Medium Impact Industry) and ERA 8(3a) Chemical Storage, ERA16 (2b)(3a) Extractive and Screening Activities and ERA 21 Motor Vehicle
Complete and Maintain
19. Complete and maintain the approved development as follows: (i) in accordance with development approval documents and (ii) strictly in accordance with those parts of t he approved development which have been specified in detail by the Council or Referral Agency unless the Council or Referral Agency agrees in writing that those parts will be adequately complied with by amended specifications.
20. Complete and maintain all operational, building and plumbing and drainage work associated with this development approval, including work required by any of the development approval conditions.
21. Maintain the approved development being Material Change of Use – “Extractive Industry” & “Industry” (Medium Impact Industry) and ERA 8(3a) Chemical Storage, ERA16 (2b)(3a) Extractive and Screening Activities and ERA 21 Motor Vehicle in accordance with the approved plans:
Operations of Approved Use
Stormwater and Drainage
Erosion Control
Services Provisions
Rubbish Collection
Access, Roads, Landscaping and Lighting
Avoiding Nuisance
Signage and linemarking
No Cost to Council
Delegated Officer |
Planning & Development Officer |
Item Number: 22.1 |
File Number: D12/21869 |
Subject Heading: Business Continuity Plan - Tender for the Installation of a Fibre Network - Tender No. 12/28 |
Author and Officer’s Title: Grant Wedlake, Systems & IT Coordinator |
Executive Summary: As part of a strategy to enable the implementation of a Business Continuity Plan for Maranoa Regional Council tenders were called for the laying of a fibre optic cable between the Bungil Street office and the Cartwright Street Office.
Resolution No. GM.222.12 Moved Cr Schefe Seconded Cr Newman That Council awards the contract for the Installation of a Fibre Network to Nexon Asia Pacific for the amount of $297,427.26; subject to any variation agreed should parts of the contract, such as the Neighbourhood Centre, not be required and subject to approval of this project as part of the 2012-2013 budget.
Delegated Officer |
Systems & IT Coordinator |
Item Number: 22.2 |
File Number: D12/21873 |
Subject Heading: Business Continuity Plan - Tender for the Provisioning of a Data Centre & a Data Recovery Solution |
Author and Officer’s Title: Grant Wedlake, Systems & IT Coordinator |
Executive Summary: As part of a strategy to enable the implementation of a Business Continuity Plan for Maranoa Regional Council tenders were called for the provisioning of a Data Centre to be located at the Bungil Street office and a Data Recovery Centre to be located at the Cartwright Street Office.
Resolution No. GM.223.12 Moved Cr O'Neil Seconded Cr Price That Council does not award the contract for the provisioning of a Data Centre at this time due to budget constraints for the 2012/13 financial year period;
That Council again call tenders in preparation for 2013/14 budget deliberations.
Delegated Officer |
Systems & IT Coordinator |
Item Number: 22.3 |
File Number: D12/22611 |
Subject Heading: Big Rig Management Rights |
Author and Officer’s Title: Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities |
Executive Summary: In June 2011 Council considered two tenders for the management rights to the Big Rig Tourism Facility. This report provides background information on this matter and also seeks Council direction in moving forward and finalising a management agreement in respect to the Big Rig.
Resolution No. GM.224.12 Moved Cr Denton Seconded Cr Wason That Council accepts the tender from G.T and K.C Alexander for management rights to the Big Rig Complex at the tendered price of $73,458 for a two year period with the option to renew for a further two years with the commencement date for the management agreement being 8 June 2011 and furthermore that if the agreement is not finalised by 30 September 2012 that this matter be tabled again at Council with the view to recalling Tenders for the management rights.
Delegated Officer |
Manager Risk and Facilities |
Item Number: L.2 |
File Number: D12/22580 |
Subject Heading: Roma Urban Development Area - ULDA |
Author and Officer’s Title: Edward Sims, Manager Organisational Performance |
Executive Summary: This report provides information to Council about:
1. ULDA’s progress with their urban development area in Roma. 2. Aspects of the UDA that are incompatible with Council’s planning scheme in Roma and 3. A basis under which Council might advocate that the UDA be ceded to Council for completion. 4. Indicative development costs of UDA site for council consideration
Resolution No. GM.225.12 Moved Cr O'Neil Seconded Cr Newman
That Council make representations to the Premier and Deputy Premier of Queensland with the goal of transfer of the Roma UDA to Council.
Delegated Officer |
Manager Organisational Performance |
Cr. Schefe declared an interest the following item due to his wife being contracted to deliver fitness classes with the current lessee, who is also an applicant for Lease and Management of the Centre, and left the Chambers at 4.06pm taking no further part in discussions or debate on the matter.
Item Number: L.3 |
File Number: D12/22589 |
Subject Heading: Lease and Management of the Roma Recreation Centre - Tender for the Lease and Management Location: George Street, Roma |
Author and Officer’s Title: Matthew McGoldrick, Director of Corporate Services |
Executive Summary: Expressions of Interest were called in April 2012. Due to the election, consideration by Council could not occur until early June 2012. This report will provide Council with information about the assessment of Tenders and the awarding of the Tender for the Lease and Management of the Roma Recreation Centre.
Resolution No. GM.226.12 Moved Cr Flynn Seconded Cr Newman
That based on the assessment of the Expressions of Interest and Tenders for the Lease and Management of the Roma Recreation Centre Council award the contract for the Lease and Management to Queensland Police Citizens Youth Welfare Association (PCYC Roma) for a period of 10 years for a peppercorn rental of $1 per annum and Council accept PCYC’s tender that Council pay PCYC $15,000 pa for the first year of the lease and that this subsidy be reviewed annually and that Council negotiate the other terms and conditions of the Lease and Management agreement subject to the information supplied in the EOI and Tender submitted by PCYC Roma and what outcomes would be most advantageous to Council.
Delegated Officer |
Director of Corporate Services |
At cessation on discussion and debate on the abovementioned item, Cr. Schefe entered the Chambers at 4.08pm.
Item Number: L.4 |
File Number: D12/22589 |
Subject Heading: appointment of chief executive officer Location: Maranoa Regional Council |
Councillor Title: Cr. Robert Loughnan, Mayor |
Executive Summary: Applications for the position of Chief Executive Officer for Maranoa Regional Council closed on 23 July, 2012. Shortlisted candidates were then interviewed by designated Councillor panel members on 6 August, 2012.
Resolution No. GM.227.12 Moved Cr O'Neil Seconded Cr Schefe
That Council progress negotiations with the preferred applicant as recommended by panel members for the position of Chief Executive Officer of Maranoa Regional Council.
Delegated Officer |
Mayor |
There being no further business, the Mayor thanked Council for their attendance and declared the meeting closed at 4.10pm.
These Minutes are to be confirmed at the next General Meeting of Council to be held on 22 August 2012, at Roma Administration Centre.
...............………................. ..................................
Mayor. Date.
Officer Report
Meeting: General 22 August 2012 |
Date: 13 August 2012 |
Item Number: 10.1 |
File Number: D12/24201 |
Subject Heading: Councillor Representation on Advisory Committees and Community Groups
Classification: Open Access
Name of Applicant: Not Applicable
Location: Not Applicable
Author & Officer’s Title: Kelly Rogers, Coordinator Executive Services
Executive Summary: Understanding the needs and aspirations of the community enhances decision making processes of Council. As such participation on relevant advisory committees and community group meetings are important forums that support community engagement.
That Council endorses Councillor representation as follows:-
Body of Report:
Due to commencement of a new term of Council, appointments and representation endorsed during the 2004 – 2008 term of Council require review.
Council has previously discussed appointments at a former workshop, in line with the introduced portfolio governance structure; therefore a majority of the recommended appointments align with the relevant portfolio.
It should be noted that advisory committees provide advice to Council and have no delegated powers of authority. Meetings are open to the public unless the meeting is declared closed and these types of committees are not required to keep minutes.
Sections 61and 62 of the Local Government (Operations) Regulation 2010 discusses the appointment of committees and states:-
Section 61
(1) (b) A local government may appoint advisory committees, furthermore-
Section 62
(1) An advisory committee-
(a) Must not be appointed as a standing committee; and
(b) May include in its members persons who are not councillors.
(2) A member of an advisory committee (whether or not they are a councillor) may vote on business before the committee.
As the term progresses revisions will be necessary to update changes and additions to representation on advisory committees and community group participation from time to time.
Consultation (internal/external):
Councillors of Maranoa Regional Council
Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):
Councillor membership on advisory committees and participation as part of community group meetings is viewed favourably from a political standpoint and from a governance aspect in conducting the business of Council.
Policy Implications:
Aligns with requirements of the-
Local Government Act 2009
Local Government (Operations) Regulation 2010
Councillor Expenses & Provision of Facilities Policy
Financial Resource Implications:
Associated travel and accommodation costs where required.
Link to Corporate Plan:
Corporate Plan 2009-2013 — 8.1.1(b) To structure Council’s governance functions in a manner so as to allow effective and efficient utilisation of elected members time and resources to the benefit of the constituents which Council serves.
Supporting Documentation:
Officer Report
Meeting: General 22 August 2012 |
Date: 10 August 2012 |
Item Number: 11.1 |
File Number: D12/23921 |
Subject Heading: Information and Endorsement of MItchell WORK Camp Progress Report 2011-2012
Classification: Open Access
Name of Applicant:
Author & Officer’s Title: Jane Fenton, Community Development Coordinator - Mitchell
Executive Summary: Progress Report for Mitchell WORK Camp be received and noted for the assistance provided to the communities of Mitchell, Amby, Mungallala and Dunkeld during the period of July 2011 – July 2012.
That Council receive and note Officers Report as presented.
Body of Report:
Mitchell WORK Camp offer ongoing assistance and support to many of the events, days of celebration, activities we host in this Community and ongoing maintenance of facilities including Tourism destinations would be often extremely difficult to deliver without the assistance of the Mitchell WORK Camp.
During 2011-2012 the Mitchell WORK Program delivered 4654 hours of assistance to various Community & Council projects and activities. These projects included capital works projects, maintenance programs and community events as highlighted below. This included WORK Camp heavily assisting with the Mitchell Community flood clean-up, which could not have been undertaken without their valued assistance throughout February and March 2012. The total number for projects undertaken this financial year were twenty-three (23).
The year in review highlighted the following top three (3) project achievements obtained by the Mitchell WORK Camp;
· Maranoa Retirement Village – Maintenance Program and Garden Project – 954 hours
· Mitchell Showgrounds – Maintenance Program and assistance with 2010 Annual Show – 637 hours
· Mitchell Town Entry Maintenance and River Walk Maintenance – 596.5 hours
Commissioner Ms Marlene Morison has advised Maranoa Regional Council in writing that despite the recent closure of the Darling Downs Correctional Facility, Mitchell WORK Camp will still continue to exist with the relocation of the management being issued to Palen Creek Correctional Centre.
The Community Advisory Committee (CAC) currently has eleven (11) representatives from both Community and Council with Councillor Cameron O’Neil recently endorsed to replace former Councillor Tom Hartley to represent Council.
Consultation (internal/external):
Tony Klein - Director Community Services
Samantha Thrupp – Manager Community Development
Peter Shaddock – General Manager Darling Downs Correctional Services
Marlene Morison – Commissioner Queensland Government
Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):
Policy Implications:
Financial Resource Implications:
$15,000.00 as per the 2011 – 2012 Mitchell WORK Camp Budget.
Link to Corporate Plan:
Corporate Plan 2009-2013 — 8.4.3(a) To develop community capacity and encourage community engagement so as to address identified needs and opportunities to enhance the quality of life and wellbeing for residents of our region
Supporting Documentation:
1View |
Mitchell WORK Camp - Outcome Report 2011 2012 |
D12/23920 |
2View |
Queensland Corrective Services - Mitchell Work Camp - 6/8/12 |
S12/11564 |
Report authorised by:
Tony Klein, Director of Community Services
Mitchell WORK Camp - Outcome Report 2011 2012 |
1.0 Year In Review 2011-2012 – Summary
The Mitchell WORK Camp Community Advisory Committee’s membership has been maintained with a strong representation of the Mitchell and district community, however with the current change of Council, we wish to elect a new committee to replace former Councillor Tom Hartley.
Without the ongoing support and assistance provided by the Mitchell WORK Camp many of the events, days of celebration, activities we host in this Community and ongoing maintenance of facilities including Tourism destinations would be often extremely difficult to deliver without the assistance of the Mitchell WORK Camp.
During 2011-2012 the Mitchell WORK Program delivered 4654 hours of assistance to various Community & Council projects and activities. These projects included capital works projects, maintenance programs and community events as outlined below. This includes WORK Camp heavily assisting with the Mitchell Community flood clean-up which could not have been undertaken without their valued assistance throughout February & March 2012.
Project /Activity |
Hours |
Maranoa Retirement Village - Maintenance Program / Garden Project / Storage Facility |
954 |
Mitchell Show Grounds – Maintenance Program and 2010 Annual Show |
637 |
Mitchell Town Maintenance and River Walk Maintenance |
596.5 |
Mitchell Community Flood Assistance to the town |
440 |
Nalingu Aboriginal Corporation – Yumba Settlement Maintenance |
298 |
Cemetery Maintenance – Mitchell / Amby & Dulbydilla |
298 |
Dunkeld Pony Club – Maintenance and Event Assistance |
273 |
A-Maze-In Gates Project |
233.5 |
Maranoa Diggers Races – Grounds preparation |
166.5 |
Catholic Church – Maintenance Program / Charity Shop / Parish Fete |
142 |
Amby Churchgrounds – Grounds Maintenance |
138.5 |
Fishermans Rest – Maintenance Program |
135 |
Anglican Church – Maintenance Program |
89 |
Major Mitchell Campsite - Maintenance |
56 |
Amby Rural Fire Service Grounds Maintenance |
49 |
Mitchell War Memorials – Project Maintenance |
26 |
Booringa Heritage Museum – Assistance with museum repairs (flood damage) |
24 |
Mungallala Streetscape – Maintenance |
24 |
Anduna Kindergarten Mitchell – Grounds Maintenance |
23 |
Masonic Lodge Grounds Maintenance |
19 |
Craft Cottage - Grounds Maintenance |
13.5 |
Mitchell Fire Station – Grounds Maintenance |
11.5 |
Booringa Action Group Craft Cottage – Grounds Maintenance |
7 |
2.0 Advisory Committee
It is the goal of the Committee to not only develop a program of projects and activities which will enhance our communities’ liveability and wellbeing, but also provide positive and meaningful learning and skills development opportunities for program participants.
2.5 Membership
The Mitchell Work Camp Community Advisory Committee comprises of representatives of various local community stakeholder groups. Community representatives include –
Mr Peter Shaddock WORK Program Coordinator – Darling Downs Correctional Centre
Ms Annette Wockner Program Coordinator – Darling Downs Correctional Centre
Mr Phil Somerville &
Mr Don Marsh Mitchell WORK Camp Supervisor/s – Darling Downs Correctional Centre
Mr Scott Reid Queensland Police Service – Mitchell
Councillor Tom Hartley Maranoa Regional Council
Ms Noela Ward Maranoa Regional Council – Chairperson
Miss Jane Fenton Community Development Coordinator – Mitchell – Acting Chairperson
Mr Ritchie Hamilton Maranoa Regional Council
Mrs Debbie Tully Mitchell RSL & Combined Sports Club - Secretary
Mrs Madonna Connolly Community Representative (Business Owner / Operator)
Mr Gary Birkett Community Representative (Business owner / Operator)
Ms Kate Field Community Representative (Health Services)
Ms Sylvia Wilson-Kuhnbauer Probations and Parole
3.0 Program Objectives
The primary objectives of the Mitchell Work Program over the past twelve months include –
§ Development and implementation of projects and activities which provide real and meaningful learning experiences and skill development opportunities for WORK Program participants;
§ Extensive assistance with the Mitchell flood clean-up; February and March 2012. This included cleaning and removal of debris for Council owned facilities, Community groups and organisations and private households where elderly people were unable to undertake the works themselves.
§ Contribution to the Maranoa’s Tourism season by maintaining clean amenities, gardens, parks & other visitor destinations to a high standard all year round;
§ Identification and program of projects and activities which enhance resident wellbeing and liveability of the Mitchell and surrounding communities;
§ Accessing opportunities to promote and highlight the success and positive contribution that the program makes to the communities of Mitchell, Muckadilla, Amby, Mungallala and Dunkeld;
§ Assisting community groups to bring to fruition projects which otherwise would be difficult to achieve without WORK Program support;
§ Delivery of projects which benefit special need groups or the broader community.
Project Maranoa Retirement Village Grounds Maintenance |
Offender Hours: 954 |
Project Scope Continuous support is offered to the Maranoa Retirement Village to assist with upkeep and maintenance of their grounds, gardens and pathways. The assistance from WORK Camp for this project is highly beneficial and without their assistance may be impossible to keep on top of.
The need for constant grounds maintenance of this facility has been a necessity. The assistance from the Mitchell WORK Camp has been exceptionally valuable for the Maranoa Regional Council and Maranoa Retirement Village Auxiliary as a combined partnership.
Grounds maintenance and repairs have been undertaken throughout the past 12 months.
Project Benefits / Outcomes
The benefits which have been achieved through the completion this project include –
ü Provides opportunities for residents to participate in low impact physical activity within a safe and suitable environment; ü Raised garden beds provide residents with restricted or limited ability e.g. wheelchair confined with an opportunity to continue to with personal interest activities such as gardening; ü Residents from a rural background appreciate the outdoor space which is provided in a safe yet informal setting; ü Residents have an area where they can social and entertain their visitors which provides a level of privacy and independent;
Project: Project: Mitchell Flood Assistance – Feb/March 2012 |
Offender Hours: 440 |
Project Scope The eve of February 2, 2012 Mitchell residence faced the possibility of something that was believed would never occur in this community and that was to inundate the township with flood waters. The river continued to rise and the township was evacuated to higher ground at the Evacuation Centre (Maranoa Regional Council Depot). On February 3, 2012 80% of the community of Mitchell was heavily under water and people were asked not to return to their homes until February 5.
The need for assistance to clean up this disaster zone was a necessity. The assistance from the Mitchell WORK Camp has been exceptionally valuable for the Maranoa Regional Council and Community members of Mitchell. WORK Camp Coordinators from Darling Downs Correctional Services were straight on the phone to offer assistance from February 2.
WORK Camp assisted with removal of debris, street cleans, rubbish runs and numerous projects to ensure the town could get back to normal as soon as possible.
Project Benefits / Outcomes
The benefits which have been achieved through the completion this project include –
ü Provides residents with a positive outcome after such devastation struck their community; ü Debris removal and clean streets throughout the community were obtained in a short period of time;
Project: A-Maze-In Gates Project |
Offender Hours: 233.5 |
Project Scope Provision of labour to assist with the installation of the Musical Cattle Grid and A-Maze-In Gates Project. The Maze will consist of local gates donated by property owners from Mitchell & District which will have a unique latch to open each gate in the maze. These gates represent sheep & cattle properties as well as local Tourism Farm Stays which will be a replica to their property entrance gate. At the end of the maze (welded by Mitchell WORK Camp) the person ends up at a Musical Cattle Grid representing the Marimba Instrument. This instrument is fun for youth, and people of all ages to play with.
Without the assistance of the Mitchell WORK Camp this project would not be able to be completed. Extensive hours and time have been given by WORK Camp to the development of this project inclusive of but not limited to;
ü Surface preparation; ü welding skills ü cutting of metal materials ü measurements taken of site and plans designed ü installation of posts for the maze ü utilisation of appropriate equipment and machinery to dig holes to install the posts ü liaising with Community Development Coordinator to ensure design is appropriate
Project Benefits / Outcomes
ü Popular for local youth / adults to utilize and discover the local history / stories from properties who have supplied gates for the development of this Maze; ü Enjoyment is given for everyone who uses the Marimba instrument, which is a Musical Cattle Grid ü Enhanced presentation to the Mitchell River Reserve; ü Encourages musical development;
Project: Mitchell Town Maintenance & River Walk Maintenance |
Offender Hours: 596.5 hrs |
Grounds maintenance to the Mitchell Town Entrance and River walk which both locals and visitors utilize all year round; this includes the River walk which starts at the Mitchell Caravan Park and concludes at Fishermans Rest by the Mitchell WORK Camp including –
ü Mowing and weed management controls undertaken ü Constant maintenance to the – Maranoa River Walk (which is now unfortunately severely flood damaged); Neil Turn Weir Camping Reserve; Fisherman’s Rest Precinct; Town entrance garden beds (eastern and western town entrances).
Project: Cemetery Maintenance – Mitchell / Amby & Dulbydilla |
Offender Hours: 298 hours |
The ongoing maintenance assistance provided to the Maintenance of Cemeteries in the Mitchell & District area include; Amby, Mitchell & recently Dulbydilla which is situated on the Warrego Highway towards Mungallala. These sites are maintained by the Mitchell WORK Camp Program and include –
ü Weed management control; ü Mowing and Whipper Snipping; ü General grounds maintenance;
Project: Nalingu Aboriginal Corporation |
Offender Hours: 298hrs |
The ongoing maintenance assistance provided to Nalingu Aboriginal Corporation by the Mitchell WORK Camp Program includes – ü Grounds maintenance Tourism trail “Bush tukka trail”; ü Grounds maintenance to Yumba Settelment Grounds; ü Grounds maintenance provided to old school house area; ü Provision of assistance leading up to Yumba Event;
Project: Catholic Church Grounds Maintenance & Charity Shop / Parish Fete |
Offender Hours: 142hrs |
The ongoing maintenance assistance provided to the Mitchell St Columba’s Catholic Church by the Mitchell WORK Camp Program includes –
ü Grounds maintenance of St Columba’s Catholic Church and Presbytery; ü Exterior and interior cleaning of Mitchell Catholic Church; ü Basic building maintenance to the Church and Presbytery; ü Provision of assistance to Parish Fete including set up of event set up and removal of rubbish bins; ü Set up of stalls for Parish Fete;
Project: Anglican Church Building & Grounds Maintenance |
Offender Hours: 89 hrs |
The ongoing maintenance assistance provided to the Mitchell All Saints Anglican Church by the Mitchell WORK Camp Program includes –
ü Grounds maintenance of All Saints Anglican Church (Mitchell), Rectory and St Barnabas Anglican Church (Amby); ü Exterior cleaning of All Saints Church, Rectory and St Barnabas Church ü Basic building maintenance to the Churches and Rectory.
Project: Major Mitchell Campsite |
Offender Hours: 46 hrs |
The ongoing provision of assistance provided to the tourism attraction; Major Mitchell Campsite by the Mitchell WORK Camp Program includes –
ü Grounds maintenance to this tourism destination located approximately 40km North East of Mitchell; ü Ensure that the campsite is kept neat and tidy to attract local tourism; ü Basic building maintenance to the slab hut at the campsite.
Project: Amby Rural Fire Service Grounds Maintenance |
Offender Hours: 49 hrs |
The Mitchell WORK Camp undertakes general grounds maintenance at the Amby Rural Fire Service which is located at Amby.
ü Slashing and mowing of grounds; ü Weed management; ü Building maintenance; ü Management of overgrown tree;
Project: Mitchell War Memorials Maintenance |
Offender Hours: 26hrs |
The Mitchell WORK Camp has undertaken general maintenance of the Mitchell Garden of Remembrance and War Memorials located at the entrance of the Mitchell War Memorial Swimming Pool.
ü Slashing and mowing of grounds; ü Weed management; ü Installation of mosaic tables and chairs for tourists and locals to utilise;
Project: Booringa Heritage Museum flood damage repairs |
Offender Hours: 24 hrs |
General grounds maintenance and flood repair to the Booringa Heritage Museum.
Project: Mungallala Streetscape – Maintenance |
Offender Hours: 24 hrs |
General grounds maintenance and weed control to the Mungallala Main Street.
Project: Anduna Kindergarten - Maintenance |
Offender Hours: 23 hrs |
General grounds maintenance of the Anduna Kindergarten.
Project: Masonic Lodge Grounds Maintenance |
Offender Hours: 19hrs |
General grounds maintenance and weed control of the Masonic Lodge precinct.
Project: Mitchell Fire Station Grounds Maintenance |
Offender Hours: 11.5hrs |
General grounds maintenance of the Fire Station.
Project: Booringa Action Group Craft Cottage Maintenance |
Offender Hours: 7 hrs |
General grounds maintenance of the Craft Cottage yard.
6.0 Community Events Assistance |
Offender Hours: 1076.5 |
Event: 2012 Maranoa Diggers Races |
Offender Hours: 166.5 |
Grounds preparation in months leading up to the hosting of the 2012 Maranoa Diggers Races Race Meet was undertaken. Assistance with the delivery and set up of tables, chairs and marquees etc.
ü Grounds maintenance of Race Track; ü Provision of assistance with event-set up for annual race meet held in June 2012 including removal of rubbish bins and general tidy up after race meet; ü Basic building maintenance to the grandstand & track railings;
Event: 2012 Annual Mitchell Show |
Offender Hours: 637 |
Preparation of the grounds and buildings in the months leading up to the 2010 Mitchell Show. Assistance was provided with event set up (e.g. pavilions, marquees, tables and chairs) and take down. The Mitchell WORK Camp also assisted throughout the event with rubbish removal, cleaning of amenities and general labouring tasks.
Event: 2012 Dunkeld Pony Club – Easter Carnival |
Offender Hours: 273 |
Assistance was provided with the setup of the Dunkeld Pony Club Easter Carnival inclusive of General grounds maintenance and assistance with set up of jumps, stalls etc.
Thank you for assisting with the delivery of our Community Events and Activities at the Yumba Settlement in Mitchell during 2011 – 2012
7.0 Summary
In summary the Maranoa Regional Council and the communities of Mitchell, Amby, Dunkeld, Muckadilla and Mungallala look forward to the continuation of this very successful community partnership with the Department of Community Safety.
The Mitchell WORK Camp Community Advisory Committee will continue to develop projects and activities which strive to achieve the goals and objectives of the WORK Program with positive outcomes for both program participants and the local community.
The community of Mitchell & District look forward to many more positive outcomes in the 2012 – 2013 Financial Year. Thank you so much for your assistance in 2011-2012 to assist us with so many community initiatives and positive successes and outcomes for this community.
Officer Report
Meeting: General 22 August 2012 |
Date: 19 June 2012 |
Item Number: 12.1 |
File Number: D12/17989 |
Subject Heading: Renewal of Surat Aquarium Agreement
Classification: Open Access
Name of Applicant: Surat Fishing and Restocking Club
Location: Cobb and Co Changing Station, Burrows Street Surat
Author & Officer’s Title: Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities
Executive Summary: The Cobb and Co Changing Station in Surat has among other attractions, a 25,000 litre freshwater aquarium containing fish species native to the local waterways. The Surat Fishing and Restocking Club has been engaged over the past eight (8) years to attend to the maintenance and operation of the aquarium for a monthly fee. There was an historic agreement with Warroo Shire Council and the group is now seeking to enter a new agreement with Maranoa Regional Council.
Officer’s Recommendation: That Council enter into an agreement with the Surat Fishing and Restocking Club for a period of three years for maintenance of the aquarium in the Surat Cobb and Co Changing Station at the amount of $150 per week.
Body of Report:
The Surat Fishing and Restocking Club is seeking to enter a new agreement with Council in regard to the maintenance and operation of the aquarium at the Cobb and Co Changing Station in Surat.
The Surat Fishing and Restocking Club have historically provided this specialised service to Council and have been operating under a now expired agreement between the club and Warroo Shire Council.
The group has provided Council with a good level of service and the aquarium is a tourist attraction within the region.
Consultation (internal/external):
Joanna Weinhart, Cultural Services Officer Surat
Deborah Richardson, Surat Fishing and Restocking Club
Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):
This agreement will be a continuation of an existing agreement.
Policy Implications:
Council’s Purchasing Policy generally requires the securing of three quotes for a purchase of this amount. Council’s Facilities area is however not aware of other suppliers who could provide this service in the Surat region. The Fishing and Restocking Club uses funds from this service to undertake restocking activities in the Balonne River.
Financial Resource Implications:
For the eight years that the arrangement has been in place with the Surat Fish and Restocking Club, the fee has been $100 per week. The group are requesting an increase to $150 per week. Total cost for the three year agreement will be $23,400.
Link to Corporate Plan:
Corporate Plan 2009-2013 — 8.2.3(a) To implement Council’s governance policies and procedures in an evolving organisational environment whilst ensuring legislative relevance, consistency and fairness in application.
Supporting Documentation:
Report authorised by:
Officer Report
Meeting: General 22 August 2012 |
Date: 25 July 2012 |
Item Number: 12.2 |
File Number: D12/22148 |
Subject Heading: Tenure Booringa Heritage Museum
Classification: Open Access
Name of Applicant: Booringa Heritage Group Inc
Location: Part of Lot 1 on M15129 Reserve 85
Author & Officer’s Title: Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities
Executive Summary: The Booringa Heritage Group Inc. has written to Council seeking security of tenure over part of Lot 1 on M15129. This land houses the Booringa Heritage Museum which has been constructed in the former Booringa Shire Council Works Depot. Currently the group has a five year tenancy agreement expiring in August 2015 but would like a longer term arrangement.
Council enter into negotiations with the Booringa Heritage Group with the view to entering into a lease over part of the Reserve for Local Government Purposes known as Lot 1 on Crown Plan M15129, on which the Booringa Heritage Museum is located. |
Body of Report:
The Booringa Heritage Group have a five year tenancy arrangement with Council in respect to the former Booringa Shire Council Works Depot in Elizabeth Street Mitchell with this agreement expiring in 2015. The Booringa Heritage Group are a very active group with in excess of 50 members.
The group have developed a museum within what was a very dirty and dilapidated building. Works to date have included cleaning, painting and developing display modules displaying the region’s history with many volunteer hours spent restoring the building and contents.
The group were successful in gaining financial assistance from Epic Energy to seal and paint the building’s roof which has assisted in waterproofing the building. The group would like to continue developing the building and grounds however feel that to achieve this, they require security of tenure. The Booringa Heritage Group is seeking a tenure of 15 to 20 years.
As this building is located on a Reserve for Local Government Purposes, a trustee lease would be the appropriate method to provide the group with a longer tenure.
Consultation (internal/external):
Booringa Heritage Group
Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):
A trustee lease will assist in managing Council’s risk. The agreement will detail the responsibilities of both parties being Council and the Booringa Heritage Group.
Policy Implications:
Granting of an extended agreement may set a precedent for future requests of this type from community organisations. Council does have a number of long term lease arrangements with community groups in respect of Council buildings.
Financial Resource Implications:
Cost of drafting trustee lease.
Link to Corporate Plan:
Corporate Plan 2009-2013 — 8.2.3(a) To implement Council’s governance policies and procedures in an evolving organisational environment whilst ensuring legislative relevance, consistency and fairness in application.
Supporting Documentation:
Report authorised by:
Officer Report
Meeting: General 22 August 2012 |
Date: 10 August 2012 |
Item Number: 12.3 |
File Number: D12/23893 |
Subject Heading: Application for Permit to Occupy over Part of Lot 124 on EG247, Reserve for Camping and Water
Classification: Open Access
Name of Applicant:
Location: Over Lot 124 on EG247, Reserve for Camping and Water
Author & Officer’s Title: Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities
Executive Summary: The Department of Natural Resources and Mines seeks Council’s views on an Application for a Permit to Occupy over Part of Lot 124 on EG247, Reserve for Camping and Water. The proposed use of the land is grazing. |
That Council advise the Department of Natural Resources and Mines that Council has no objection to the granting of an permit to occupy over part of Lot 124 on EG247, Reserve for Camping and Water on the following conditions:- conditions:- 1. The leased area is to have a stock proof fence to eliminate domestic grazing stock from entering nearby road reserve/s. 2. The leased area is to be used for grazing purposes only, and in such a manner so as the land is not degraded as far as reasonably practical from this specified use. 3. The lessee has a duty of care, to take all reasonable and practicable measures to sustainably manage the permit area. 4. Any weeds identified in the Land (Pest and Stock Route) Management Act are to be controlled in such a manner that will not allow the spread of seed onto adjoining land or land further down any water course and or creek. 5. Should any weeds identified in the Land (Pest and Stock Route) Management Act be identified within the confines of the special lease land, the lessee is to notify the Department of Environment and Resource Management and the Local Government of the weed as soon as practicably possible. 6. Authorised Council officers must be allowed entry to carry out inspections in relation to weeds. 7. The landholder is to be responsible for any litigation that may result from the “Trustee Lease or Trustee Permit” use. |
Body of Report:
The Department of Natural Resources and Mines seeks Council’s views on an Application for a Permit to Occupy over Part of Lot 124 on EG247, Reserve for Camping and Water. The proposed use of the land is grazing.
In accordance with usual practice, the Department of Natural Resources and Mines is seeking Council’s views or requirements that may affect the future use of the land including information on any local non-indigenous cultural heritage values that the Department should consider when assessing this application.
Council has no record of non-indigenous cultural heritage values associated with this land.
In matters of this type, Council has general conditions which it places on applicants. It is recommended that the following conditions be placed on this application for a permit to occupy over part of Lot 124 on EG247, Reserve for Camping and Water:-
1. The leased area is to have a stock proof fence to eliminate domestic grazing stock from entering nearby road reserve/s.
2. The leased area is to be used for grazing purposes only, and in such a manner so as the land is not degraded as far as reasonably practical from this specified use.
3. The lessee has a duty of care, to take all reasonable and practicable measures to sustainably manage the permit area.
4. Any weeds identified in the Land (Pest and Stock Route) Management Act are to be controlled in such a manner that will not allow the spread of seed onto adjoining land or land further down any water course and or creek.
5. Should any weeds identified in the Land (Pest and Stock Route) Management Act be identified within the confines of the special lease land, the lessee is to notify the Department of Environment and Resource Management and the Local Government of the weed as soon as practicably possible.
6. Authorised Council officers must be allowed entry to carry out inspections in relation to weeds.
7. The landholder is to be responsible for any litigation that may result from the “Trustee Lease or Trustee Permit” use.
Discussions have been held with the Department of Natural Resources and Mines Toowoomba Office who have confirmed that if this land was required for another purpose for example if Council wished to acquire the land for a possible future expansion of the Surat Industrial Estate, this Permit to Occupy would not prevent this acquisition from happening.
Consultation (internal/external):
Department of Natural Resources and Mines
Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):
Nil financial risk to Council.
Policy Implications:
Financial Resource Implications:
Link to Corporate Plan:
Corporate Plan 2009-2013 — 8.2.3(a) To implement Council’s governance policies and procedures in an evolving organisational environment whilst ensuring legislative relevance, consistency and fairness in application.
Supporting Documentation:
1View |
Map of location |
D12/23926 |
Report authorised by:
Officer Report
Meeting: General 22 August 2012 |
Date: 10 August 2012 |
Item Number: 12.4 |
File Number: D12/23902 |
Subject Heading: Application for conversion to freehold of Term Lease 0/212711
Classification: Open Access
Name of Applicant:
Location: Over Lots 2001-2010, 2101-2110 on H1493, Lot 2111 on H1498 and Lot 2112 on H14910
Author & Officer’s Title: Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities
Executive Summary: The Department of Natural Resources and Mines seeks Council’s views on an Application for Conversion to Freehold of Term Lease 0/212711 of Lots 2001-2010, 2101-2110 on H1493, Lot 2111 on H1498 and Lot 2112 on H14910. The proposed use of the land is grazing. |
That Council advise the Department of Natural Resources and Mines that Council has no objection to the application for conversion to freehold of Term Lease 0/212711 of Lots 2001-2010, 2101-2110 on H1493, Lot 2111 on H1498 and Lot 2112 on H14910 and furthermore that Council is not aware of any local non-indigenous cultural heritage values that the Department should consider when assessing the application. |
Body of Report:
The Department of Natural Resources and Mines has received an application for conversion to freehold of Term Lease 0/212711 of Lots 2001-2010, 2101-2110 on H1493, Lot 2111 on H1498 and Lot 2112 on H14910. The proposed use of the land is grazing.
In accordance with usual practice, the Department of Natural Resources and Mines is seeking Council’s views or requirements that may affect the future use of the land including information on any local non-indigenous cultural heritage values that the Department should consider when assessing this application.
Council has no record of non-indigenous cultural heritage values associated with this land.
Consultation (internal/external):
Department of Natural Resources and Mines.
Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):
Nil financial risk to Council.
Policy Implications:
Financial Resource Implications:
Link to Corporate Plan:
Corporate Plan 2009-2013 — 8.2.3(a) To implement Council’s governance policies and procedures in an evolving organisational environment whilst ensuring legislative relevance, consistency and fairness in application.
Supporting Documentation:
1View |
Map of location |
D12/23925 |
Report authorised by:
Officer Report
Meeting: General 22 August 2012 |
Date: 10 August 2012 |
Item Number: 12.5 |
File Number: D12/23904 |
Subject Heading: Application for conversion to freehold of Term Lease 0/210022
Classification: Open Access
Name of Applicant:
Location: Lot 24 on WV1122
Author & Officer’s Title: Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities
Executive Summary: The Department of Natural Resources and Mines seeks Council’s views on an Application for Conversion to Freehold of Term Lease 0/210022 being Lot 24 on WV1122. |
That Council advise the Department of Natural Resources and Mines that Council has no objection to the application for conversion to freehold of Term Lease 0/210022 over Lot 24 on WV1122 and furthermore that Council is not aware of any local non-indigenous cultural heritage values that the Department should consider when assessing the application. |
Body of Report:
The Department of Natural Resources and Mines has received an application for conversion to freehold of Term Lease 0/210022 over Lot 24 on WV1122.
In accordance with usual practice, the Department of Environment and Resource Management is seeking Council’s views or requirements that may affect the future use of the land including information on any local non-indigenous cultural heritage values that the Department should consider when assessing this application.
Council has no record of non-indigenous cultural heritage values associated with this land.
Consultation (internal/external):
Department of Natural Resources and Mines
Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):
Nil financial risk to Council.
Policy Implications:
Financial Resource Implications:
Link to Corporate Plan:
Corporate Plan 2009-2013 — 8.2.3(a) To implement Council’s governance policies and procedures in an evolving organisational environment whilst ensuring legislative relevance, consistency and fairness in application.
Supporting Documentation:
1View |
Map of location |
D12/23924 |
Report authorised by:
Officer Report
Meeting: General 22 August 2012 |
Date: 10 August 2012 |
Item Number: 12.6 |
File Number: D12/23906 |
Subject Heading: 2011/2012 Operational Plan Quarterly Review
Classification: Open Access
Name of Applicant:
Author & Officer’s Title: Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities
Executive Summary: The 2011/12 Operational Plan sets out the most significant projects and initiatives that Council decided to pursue this financial year towards achieving the long term objectives in the Corporate Plan 2009-2013.
Regular monitoring of progress against this Operational Plan is an important element of Council’s governance process and is also a requirement of the Local Government Act 2009.
The attached report on progress to 30th June 2012 is presented for Council’s consideration. An update on activities identified in the Operational Plan has been undertaken and explanations provided. |
That the final quarterly report on the activities to achieve the goals and strategies outlined in the 2011/12 Operational Plan be received.
Body of Report:
The 2011/12 Operational Plan review for the final quarter is presented for Council’s consideration. An update on activities identified in the Operational Plan to address the strategies outlined in the Corporate Plan has been undertaken and explanations provided where appropriate.
Quarterly reports on the implementation of Corporate and Operational Plans must be submitted to Council. The intention of the quarterly report is to describe the activities undertaken in the preceding period in support of the activities in the Operational Plan and to explain the extent to which the activities have advanced a strategy in the Corporate Plan.
It is recommended that the quarterly report on the activities to achieve the goals and strategies outlined in the 2011/12 Operational Plan for the final quarter be received in accordance with the Local Government Act.
Consultation (internal/external):
Council Managers and Directors have reviewed and approved sections of the report relevant to their areas of responsibility.
Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):
Statutory requirement of the Local Government Act 2009.
Policy Implications:
The recommendation supports Council’s strategic priority to provide effective organisational leadership and a framework of policies, plans and strategies that are responsive to the community’s needs and which promote accountable and ethical standards of practice.
Financial Resource Implications:
Activities were included in Council’s budget 2011/12.
Link to Corporate Plan:
Corporate Plan 2009-2013 — 8.2.3(a) To implement Council’s governance policies and procedures in an evolving organisational environment whilst ensuring legislative relevance, consistency and fairness in application.
Supporting Documentation:
1View |
Operational Plan Quarterly Review |
D12/24277 |
Report authorised by:
Officer Report
Meeting: General 22 August 2012 |
Date: 10 August 2012 |
Item Number: 12.7 |
File Number: D12/23915 |
Subject Heading: Interest in Purchasing Land Wallumbilla
Classification: Open Access
Name of Applicant:
Location: Lot 703 on W4091, 6 May Street Wallumbilla
Author & Officer’s Title: Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities
Executive Summary: Council has received contact from two parties interested in purchasing Lot 703 on W4091 located at 6 May Street Wallumbilla. Council’s direction is sought as to the disposal of this land. If sold the land would be subject to normal building and planning requirements.
That Council offer for sale by tender Lot 703 on W4091 located at 6 May Street Wallumbilla. |
Body of Report:
Two parties have separately contacted Council expressing interest in purchasing Lot 703 on W4091, located at 6 May Street Wallumbilla. This land is located on the southern side of Wallumbilla adjacent to the railway.
The lot has an area of 2,023m2 and fronts the railway line.
The Local Government (Finance, Plans and Reporting) Regulation 2010 provides for a process that Council must follow before it can enter a contract of sale. Under the definitions of the regulation, land is classified as a valuable non-current asset.
In accordance with section 176 of the regulation, a local government cannot enter into a valuable non-current asset contract unless it first-
Invites written tenders for the contract under section 177; or
Offers the non-current asset for sale by auction.
Consultation (internal/external):
Bob Dean, Infrastructure Overseer Wallumbilla Yuleba
Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):
Council will need to consider its future land requirements.
Policy Implications:
Direction is sought on Council’s future plans for this land.
Financial Resource Implications:
Vacant land in Wallumbilla listed for sale on online real estate websites includes:-
10 May Street – 2,023m2 (corner block) - $75,000;
2 Chadford Street – 673m2 - $60,000
Sale of this land will also result in Council receiving rates payable on the land.
Link to Corporate Plan:
Corporate Plan 2009-2013 — 8.2.3(a) To implement Council’s governance policies and procedures in an evolving organisational environment whilst ensuring legislative relevance, consistency and fairness in application.
Supporting Documentation:
1View |
Map - Lot 703 on W4091 |
D12/23923 |
Report authorised by:
Officer Report
Meeting: General 22 August 2012 |
Date: 10 August 2012 |
Item Number: 12.8 |
File Number: D12/23929 |
Subject Heading: Trustee Lease Injune Fire and Rescue Station
Classification: Open Access
Name of Applicant: Department of Community Safety
Location: Part of Lot 10 on Crown Plan I7181, Corner of Annandale and Ronald Streets Injune
Author & Officer’s Title: Tanya Mansfield, Manager Risk and Facilities
Executive Summary: The State of Queensland (represented by the Department of Community Safety) is interested in securing a trustee lease arrangement for the Injune Fire and Rescue Station which is located on part of Lot 10 on Crown Plan I7181 located on the corner of Annandale and Ronald Streets Injune. As this land is a reserve with Council as the trustee, to formalise this arrangement it will be necessary to negotiate a trustee lease with the Department of Community Safety.
Council enter into negotiations with the Department of Community Safety with the view to entering into a trustee lease over the Reserve for Local Government and Water Purposes known as Lot 10 on Crown Plan I718l, on which the Injune Fire and Rescue Station is located. |
Body of Report:
The Injune Fire and Rescue Station is located on a reserve for Local Government and Water Purposes on the corner of Annandale and Ronald Streets Injune. Council are the trustees of the reserve. The Department of Community Safety has expressed interest in entering a formal agreement with Council in respect of the land.
The Department of Community Safety have used part of the Local Government and Water Purposes Reserve in Injune for many years. The area of land is approximately 1,800m2 and is improved with an auxiliary fire station. The Department of Community Safety is seeking a trustee lease for a term of twenty (20) years at a peppercorn rental.
As the trustee of the land it will be necessary for Council to make application to the Department of Natural Resources and Mines. As a trustee lease must be approved by the Department Natural Resources and Mines, the department has mandatory terms that must be included in each lease. These terms guide the content of all trustee leases.
Consultation (internal/external):
Department of Community Safety
Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):
A trustee lease will assist in managing Council’s risk. The agreement will detail the responsibilities of both parties being Council and the Department of Community Safety.
Policy Implications:
A trustee lease is the appropriate legal instrument by which to enter a formal agreement with an occupant over a reserve for which Council is trustee. It is anticipated that other sporting and community organisations that occupy Council land will also seek to enter formal arrangements with Council to provide security of tenure.
Financial Resource Implications:
Council may incur legal costs for advice on entering an agreement.
Link to Corporate Plan:
Corporate Plan 2009-2013 — 8.2.4(a) To maintain and present Council’s community facilities in a manner appropriate to the standard expected by users for each respective facility within budgetary constraints whilst considering organisational sustainability.
Supporting Documentation:
1View |
Map - Lot 10 on CPI7181 |
D12/23930 |
Report authorised by:
Officer Report
Meeting: General 22 August 2012 |
Date: 15 June 2012 |
Item Number: 13.1 |
File Number: D12/17672 |
Subject Heading: Injune Race Track (Possum Park) Water Fees and Charges
Classification: Open Access
Name of Applicant: Keith Chandler on behalf of Injune Racecourse Tenants
Location: Injune
Author & Officer’s Title: Paraic Butler, Graduate Engineer
Executive Summary: Keith Chandler, President of the Injune Race Club, has requested a reduction in water access charges and a review of the clubs recent excess water consumption charge.
That Council
1. Advises Mr Chandler that Council will not waive the water access fee and consumption charge for Possum Park.
2. Also advises Mr Chandler that he is welcome to lodge an application through Council’s Grants Program should the Possum Park tenants decide to reduce the metered connection to 25mm and install a tank and pump system. |
Body of Report:
A letter (attached) has been received from Keith Chandler, President of the Injune Race Club. The letter is written on behalf of the Injune Race Club, the Injune Campdraft, the Injune Pony Club and the Injune Community Development Association as these organisations jointly lease the facilities at the Injune Race Track, also known as Possum Park. The letter is requesting a reduced fee for the water access charge and the waiving of the water consumption charge.
Possum Park is located on a Reserve for Racecourse purposes and the understanding is that the interested parties have a lease with the State Government.
In the first issue that is raised in the letter, Mr Chandler requests a reduction in the fee for the 50mm water meter access; as per Councils fees and charges the current fee is $2257.50 for 2011/12. Mr Chandler has stated that the track could survive with a much smaller connection except for one period each year when the Campdraft event is taking place. The track at this time requires the high volume for watering up to 2000 head of cattle.
If the 50mm connection is going to be replaced by a smaller connection to reduce the access fee then a study investigating the feasibility of a storage tank, pump and new pipeline needs to be carried out.
The next smallest connection Council offers is a 25mm service and Table 1 below shows the differences in costs between a 25mm and a 50mm service for the next three years and the potential savings to be gained by choosing the smaller service. The saving with a 25mm access charge over the next three years is $5707.15.
Years |
25mm |
50mm |
12/13 |
$591.60 |
$2,370.30 |
13/14 |
$521.20 |
$2,488.75 |
14/15 |
$652.20 |
$2,613.10 |
Total |
$1765 |
$7472.15 |
Pot. Saving |
$5707.15 |
Table 1: Comparison of Access Fee Charges
For Possum Park to change to a 25mm meter, a pump, storage tank and new access pipeline would need to be installed. The stored water will need to be chlorinated and maintained to a drinking water quality standard. The smaller access service will need to satisfy fire safety standards because any change within a water system must comply with current standards. The storage tank must be installed with emergency fire access readily available. The size of the storage tank required would depend on the building floor area at Possum Park. The new system plans must also be inspected by the Queensland Fire Service, who must be consulted if a changeover occurs. A fee of $568.40 (75% of the 20mm water connection fee plus disconnection fee) applies in the case of a change over to a different access service.
Council’s Policy for Non-Financial Community Assistance states in section 7.3 (i) that non-financial assistance will not be provided for requests for the waiver of fees and charges for Council rates, service charges, and building and development application fees.
Council does have a Grants Program in place with two grant types for which the Possum Park tenants would be eligible if they wish to downsize their connection. The two grant types are seen in the Table 2 below
Grant Types |
Round Opens |
Round Closes |
Funding Supplied |
Major Grant ($15,001.00 - $50,000.00) |
3 September 2012 |
31 October 2012 |
25% |
Community Grants ($101.00 - $15,000.00) |
3 September 2012 |
31 October 2012 |
50% |
Table 2: Maranoa Regional Council Grants Program Summary
The second issue which arises in Mr Chandler’s letter is a request that Council waive the previous 6 month water consumption charge and replace the water meter. For the period from the 01/01/2011 to the 30/06/2011, the meter adjudged the Injune Race Track to have used 3242 kilolitres (kl) of water. Previous year’s consumption figures can be seen in the Figure 1. In fact the figure of 3242 kl of water is considerably lower than previous water meter records. It should be noted in Figure 1 that a new meter was installed in mid 2005 because the previous meter was reading incorrectly, the old meter was determined to be reading incorrectly from 1999 to mid 2005 and therefore these years have been discarded from the figure.
Figure 1: Possum Park Annual Consumption
Mr Chandler maintains the elevated water consumption was not consumed by the tracks’ facilities or lost through leaks. A new pipeline project to rectify leaks was completed in July of 2010, according to Mr Chandler, shortly after water charges were applicable to Possum Park. Mr Chandler further states that leaks would have been observed in Injune creek if a leak was the problem. Mr Chandler further states that the clubs do not feel the water was accessed by someone outside of the club’s authority as trucks (or tracks of trucks) were never observed accessing water facilities and also there are no high volume water outlets on site.
Council officers investigated the meter on the 21/6/2012 and established that 694 kl had been used in the period starting on the 01/07/2011 to that date. It should be noted that Injune Campdraft event was cancelled in 2012. The officers established that the meter appeared to be operating satisfactorily and there was no obvious damage to the meter.
The fee to test the meter is $61 and if the testing result is outside 10% of the meter reading this fee is reimbursed to the applicant.
It should be noted that since water consumption charges have been introduced, a reduction of approximately 33% of water usage has been noted across the region.
This matter was discussed with Cr David Schefe as part of his portfolio responsibilities.
Consultation (internal/external):
Stephen Mow, Manager of Utilities and Waste
Steve Murray, Injune Water Foreman
Mark Westbrook, Building Technician
Troy Pettiford, Services, Demand and Resources Coordinator
Cr David Schefe
Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):
Policy Implications:
Financial Resource Implications:
Link to Corporate Plan:
Corporate Plan 2009-2013 — 8.5.6(a) To promote community awareness in relation to responsible and efficient water use.
Supporting Documentation:
1View |
Injune race track water fees complaint |
D12/17274 |
Stephen Mow, Manager Utilities & Waste
Officer Report
Meeting: General 22 August 2012 |
Date: 13 August 2012 |
Item Number: 15.1 |
File Number: D12/24060 |
Subject Heading: Removal, Relocation or Demolition of Buildings
Classification: Open Access
Name of Applicant:
Author & Officer’s Title: Graham Tiffany, Manager Land Development
Executive Summary: In view of the increase in enquiries in relation to proposals for existing dwellings to be moved into various locations within the Maranoa Regional Council area, and in view of a recent proposal which, has led to my advice to the applicant that if they proceed with their application, it is likely that the application would be refused due to the condition of the proposed dwelling, it is thought necessary that Council have a clear and concise policy listing the requirements for the Removal or Relocation of Buildings and also to add the requirement for the demolition of buildings, which can be available to prospective applicants.
I recommend that the policy for the Removal, Relocation, or Demolition of Buildings be adopted.
Body of Report:
Refer to Attachment 1
Consultation (internal/external):
Risk Assessment (Legal, Financial, Political etc.):
Policy Implications:
This policy will provide for better regulatory control of buildings being relocated to the Maranoa Regional Council area.
Financial Resource Implications:
This policy will provide for more stringent bonds being applied where older buildings are proposed to be relocated into the area.
Link to Corporate Plan:
Corporate Plan 2009-2013 — 8.3.2(a) To undertake Council’s regulatory function in relation to the administration of Building Certification Codes and legislation in a consistent and responsible manner in the interests of maintaining community standards and wellbeing.
Supporting Documentation:
1View |
Policy for the Removal, Relocation or Demolition of Buildings |
D12/24666 |
Report authorised by:
Status Report
Meeting: General 22 August 2012 |
Date: 1 August 2012 |
Item Number: 17.1 |
File Number: D12/22744 |
SUBJECT HEADING: Community Services Report
Classification: Open Access
Report compiled by: Larissa Pears, Community Services Administration Assistant
Month & Year of Report: August 2012
Name of Department: Community Services Department
Executive Summary: This quarterly status report is presented to Council to provide a statistical summary of the organisation’s performance in delivering Community Development and Social Development services.
That Council receive and note the Officer’s report as presented.
This performance report provides information and statistics on Community Development and Social Development services provided in the first second quarter of 2012.
Supporting Documentation:
1View |
Community Services Performance Report |
D12/22724 |
Report authorised by:
Melissa Wathen, Manager Social Development
Tony Klein, Director of Community Services
Community Services Performance Report |
1. Library Services
Graph 1: Comparison of Circulation Transactions
(Total number of circulation transactions).
Comments (if any):
Community Services Performance Report |
2. Art Galleries
Graph 2: Comparison of Art Galleries Patronage
(Total number of patrons to visit art galleries).
Comments (if any): The disparity between the gallery statistics will very much depend on the popularity of the exhibition on display at any one time.
Community Services Performance Report |
3. QGAP Services
Graph 3: Comparison of QGAP services usage
(Total number of QGAP service users).
Comments (if any): It is important to note that many QGAP transactions are seasonal and dependant on local industry, such as permits to move machinery heavy machinery such as harvesters.
Community Services Performance Report |
4. Non-Financial Assistance
Non-Financial Community Assistance – April 2012 to June 2012
Organisation |
Nature of Request |
Assistance $ Value |
Approval Status |
Comments |
Injune Hospital Auxiliary |
Fee waiver for hire of Injune Hall to host annual Hospital Auxiliary fundraiser – Injune Flower Show (28-29 September 2012). |
$267.20 |
Approved |
Injune Tourism Association |
Waiver of fees for hire of 30 chairs for use at Injune Where Country Is weekend. |
$162.00 |
Approved |
Roma Highland Dancers |
Fee Waiver for Annual Dinner & Concert at Roma Cultural Centre |
$187.00 |
Approved |
Fee Waiver for NAIDOC Celebrations at Roma Cultural Centre |
$462.00 |
Approved |
Total Approved |
$1,078.20 |
Not Approved |
Total Approved YTD |
$12,393.05 |
Total Not Approved YTD |
$5,148.95 |
Comments (if any):
5. Maranoa Housing
Rural Housing Service Centre, Specialised Housing Services, Santos Rental Relief, Tenant Advice and Advocacy Service (TAASQ), and Council Housing
Graph 4: Maranoa Housing comparison of client assistance contacts
(Total number of client contacts (including telephone, email, written) where assistance was provided by Officers).
Comments (if any):
Community Services Performance Report |
6. Employability
Graph 5: Employability comparison of client assistance contacts
(Total number of client contacts (including telephone, email, written) where assistance was provided by Officers).
Comments (if any): Please note that in Apr to June 2011 Charleville and Dalby figures are included in Other.
7. Maruma-Li Mari Outreach Service
Graph 6: Maruma-Li Mari Outreach Service comparison of client assistance contacts
(Total number of client contacts (including telephone, email, written) where assistance was provided by Officers).
Comments (if any): Please note that in Apr to Jun 2011 St George, Goondiwindi and Cunnamulla figures are included in Other.
Community Services Performance Report |
8. Community Support Service
Community Support and Emergency Relief
Graph 7: Community Support Service comparison of client assistance contacts
(Total number of client contacts (including telephone, email, written) where assistance was provided by Officers).
Comments (if any):
Community Services Performance Report |
9. Family Support Service
Graph 8: Family Support Service comparison of client assistance contacts
(Total number of client contacts (including telephone, email, written) where assistance was provided by Officers).
Comments (if any):
Community Services Performance Report |
10. Community Care
Wallumbilla Community Care, Surat Community Care, Roma Home Maintenance and Transport, and Maranoa Retirement Village
Graph 9: Community Care Summary of Client Assistance Contacts
(Total number of client contacts (including telephone, email, written) where assistance was provided by Officers).
Comments (if any):
Community Services Performance Report |
11. Maranoa Early Learning
Graph 10: Maranoa Early Learning Summary of Children Contacts
(Total number of client contacts (including telephone, email, written) where assistance was provided by Officers).
Comments (if any): Please note that Maranoa Early Learning started reporting separately to Community Care in June 2011